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<br /> ., :�, IP l.cncicr rcquircd mnn�sge insurAnco a.+a candltion uP m�kin9lhe laan sccurcd by this Security Insteumcnt. � -�� --
<br /> - -�-�� --�� ti�rrc►wer shall pay Utic prcmiums rcqui�ed tu mainteln Iha ine�rancc ln cflcct unUl cuch tima o�thc requirciacnt for Iho __ ___ , _�
<br /> '� � ins►iranc�tcrntiinntes in nccordance�vith Barrower's and Lender's w�ltten ngrcen�ent nr appNcabla ta�v. �r - -
<br /> = :.�.
<br /> �� o, insp�:eiiun, L�:uJ�r ur its an�s�t m»y :s1���!t•`nrahln�tq�icv urxirt uud i�lst�eetioJt9 O�lhc Prap..�rty. Lciulct � '
<br /> _ � e�aii givc Bann�vcr nntiec ut t}ie titr�e ol'ar prior to sn ins�;.stion s�s:c�l�,'ins reasonable cn+�far thc insp--rtio��• L°_ - _.....__
<br /> 9. Coi�demn�Nnn, The procecds aPany awa�d or cluim fur dnmag�w,direct ar consequsndul,in canncction with _ ;
<br /> ` a�y candemnntion or otticr tuking of nny pn�l of thc P�operty. or fur co»veynace in Iteu oP condcmnotian,are hcreby .
<br /> �• � assigned ond shnll be p�id to Lender. ' ,.
<br /> � . In the evcnt M'n total taking of the Prope�ty, tho proceeds ahall be app'icd ta the eums securcd by this Secu�ity
<br /> � Instrument,whcthcr or nat thcn due,with nny cxccss pnid tu Elottowcr. In the cvcnt oP u partiAl takins of ehe Property�
<br /> unlcs�Borrawer and Lender athenvise ngree in w�iting,the sums securcd by this Securily lnstrument sho�l be reduc�i by
<br /> thc amount of the pracceds multiplied by the following Practian:(u)thc tatal omouni of'the sums sesured immcdiutelv ,
<br /> before tho taking,dividcd by(b)the fnir market value oi'the P�apcny immcdiately brPore thc takinE.Any balonce ehal)ba
<br /> pnid to Barrawer. � . �
<br /> 1P the Propeny is abanduned by Barrower,ar iP�afte�natico by l.cnder ta Horra�ver thut the�ondemnor at�crs to ��, `
<br /> mako an nword ar settle a clnim for dumegcs,Hor�o�ver fnils to respond to l.ender wlthin 30 dnys niter the dute thc natice is
<br /> given,Lende`is uuthorized ta callect and upply tho praceeds,at its aption.either ta restornNon or�epair af the Propeny or �
<br /> ' to thc Sums secured by this Sc�curiiy Instrum�nt,whethcr o�not thcn duc. �
<br /> ' Unless Lender and Rorrawer otherwise ngrec ia w�iting,any applicatian oPproc:eeds to principal ahall not extend or � �
<br /> •. � poseponc thc duc dute oPthe monthly pavmcnte�efcr�cd t�in purugrnphs 1 und 2 or change tha amount oPsuch paymente. �
<br /> � � 10, Eioroowco� Not Rcle�sed; Fordestronco By Lender Not a Waire�. Extension of the time far poyment or � .�.. �;� i
<br /> ' modificntion of amortixntion of the sums secured by this�ecurity lnstrument granted by l.ender to Any successor ia •� '�'
<br /> � interest oP Borrower shall nai operAte to release thc liabllity oPthc origi�al Barrowcr or Barrower's successors in interest. ;
<br /> �"r Lcnder sht►Il nat be requir�d ta cammence procecdings against any successor in interest or �ei'use ta extend time Por ` �
<br /> pnyment or otherwise maiitiy amoi�tizution of'the sums secured by this Security Inst�•ument by reasan af Aoy demand mude f _
<br /> by t he anginul dorrower or Barrower's successors in interest.Any i'orbearAnce by Leuder in exercisi�g nny ri�ht or remedy �
<br /> shull not be a�vaiver oPor preclude the exercise uf uny right or remedy. �
<br />' 11. �uccessors and Assigns Bourtd;Joint and Several Liability;Co•signere. The covenunts and agrcernents af �
<br /> . this Security lnsuument shaU bind and bencflt the successors and a�.�igns af'Lender und 8orrawer,subject to the provisions I
<br /> aPparugruph 1?.Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any�Barrawer who co-signs this Security ! ' �
<br /> Instrument but docs not execute thc Note:(a)is co•signing chis Security In�t�ument only ta mortgage,grant and canvey � •
<br /> thut Borro��er's iuterest in the Praperty under the terms ot'this Security lnstrument;(b)is not persenally obligated to pay � '
<br />_____ _ _ _ ' ��e cu�c secured hy this 5ecurity Instrunient:ond(c)n�rees thpt Lender And uny other Hor�a�ser may ugree to extend. , , , � '
<br /> �--- ---- . �
<br /> modiPy, Porbear or make Any accommodatians with rc6ard to the terms oP this Security Instrument or Ihe Note wnhout — ' --
<br /> thnt Horrawer's consrnt. ,
<br /> 12. Lostn Charges. lf the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a la�v which sets maximum loan ;
<br />._"---_"_ ____. .. �,� I � n ffPC l�A�IM} A �_ � _.
<br /> C�IA�geS, anq t(1:11 �aw i� nrtat�y inicipreicil Su itidi iii2 iii:ci��i .^.7 ..'.�CT .ts.SA .h�Tb�» �..._J.°_� ..! .^ be r�lleefed in : . . .. . ........._�._
<br /> connccdon with the la�n exceed the permitted Umits, then:(c+)nny such laan chargc tihatl l�reduced by the amount �
<br /> necessury to reduce the char�e ea the permitted limit;and(b)any sums alrestdy collected from Horrawer which exeeeded ,
<br /> permitted limits wiU be refunded ta Harrower. Lender muy chaase ta mAke thi,rePund by reducing the principt�t awed
<br /> under Ihe Note or by making a direct poyment to Bbrra��cr.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated As u
<br /> pArtinl prepayment without Any prepayment charge under the Nate,
<br /> 13. Legislation AfYeeli�� I.ender's Rlghts. If cnnctment or expi�atian uP applicuble laws hus the eflect of �
<br /> rendenns any pruvi,iui�uf the Note ar this Sccuritp lnstrumcnt uncnforceable according to us terms,Lender,at ita optian, °
<br /> may require immedinte payment in Pull of all cums secured by this Secunty lnstrumem And mAy imake any remedies �
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19. lf Lcnder exercises this option,Lendcr shu11 tnkc the steps specified in thc second paragrt►ph af.
<br /> paragrAph 17.
<br /> " 14. Notiees. Any natice to Borrower provided far in this 5ecurity Instrument shall be given by deliveriog it or by , �,
<br /> mailing it by first class mail ualess applicnble law requires use os anather methad. The notice shali be directed ta the ; �
<br /> Property Address ar any other address Harra�ver designAtes by notice to Lender.Any natice to Lender shall be given by ,
<br /> first clasti mail�a Lende�'s address stated hcrcin or any other address Lender designates by noticc Io H�rrower.Any notice
<br /> provided for in this Security Instrument chAU be deemed to have been given to Harrowcr ur Lender when given us pravided
<br /> � in this paragraph. '
<br /> 1S. Governing l.aw;Sevornbility. This Security lnstrument shall hc governed by federul IAw and th�law of th� !
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located,ln the event thut a+ny�rovisian or clause��f ihis Security Ins�rument or the .
<br /> Nata conBict<<vith�pplict�ble law,such conflict shaU not aflect o�her pravisiuns nf this Securih• InSlrumenl or the Note
<br /> which can be gi�•en e�'ect without tho conflicting provisicm.Ta this end�he pm�i�ians o(this Security Instrument und the
<br /> • Nate are declared io b;scverabla.
<br /> !6. Borrower'c(:ony, Rorrower shal)be Qiven ane conformcd copy of the Note i�nd of this Seeurity Instrument.
<br /> 17. Trunster ot the Properry or n Denefleial Interest in Borrower. !t all c�r any part ui'li�c Fiupeiiy .�c any
<br /> interesl in it is sald or transferred(or iPa beneflcial interest in Botti���•er�s snld ar trnnsfrrrcd and Barrower is not a natural
<br /> persan)without Lender's prior writtrn ccm,cnt, Lcnder may,a� u+option, rcyu�re immrdiutr paymrnt in full uf all sums
<br />_ secured by this Security Instrumcnt. }��µ•evcr, this optum �h:iU not he�xercise� by Lcndcr iP exercitie i� prohibited by
<br /> federal law asaf'thedatec�f'this 5ecurity lnstrument.
<br /> IP Lend��r exrrcises thi�option,Lender shall gi��e Horma•er nc�uce��f accelerauon.The notice+hall provide u periad
<br /> ol'not Iess thun 30 day�fmm ihe date the nohce is deli�•errd��r mailad�vnhinµ•hich Harr��wcr mutit pay all�ums secured by
<br /> IhIS SCCUiIty IQSI�UtI1C01.�P{�OifO\Yl'f PAIIS 10�ltty 1}lttil`SUOIti r�lt��1��thl'l'Xpl�ation uf ihi.period.Lendet ma}mvnke uny
<br />• remedies permit�ed by this Security lnsirumen�wuhaut fur�her nunce ur demand un Horr��«•er.
<br /> 18.8orrower's Ri�ht to Reinstate, If C�orrrn�rr mcet� crrtain rcmdiuon.. Hi�rruwrr,h��ll hu�•c ihe righ�w havr
<br /> entor�ement oP�his Security Intitrumrnl ditirunt�nued at any urnc pnur ti��he rarlier oP:la)5 dayti(or tiu�h��Ihrr �xriod a�
<br /> appLcablr la« �nay �?,ec�fy for reimtalcmcnU hei'orc ti�ilc�,f the 1'ruprrly��ur.u:�nt 1�,:+ny p�nvrr nf�ale runt.�u�rd in ihiti
<br /> Sccurily Inslrumcnl: or fh)cntry�,f n Judgmcnt enforun�;ilm Srcuruy li��irum:ni '1'h�nc rundiu�u►, .ire ih,n Ai+rr�,wcr:
<br />_ (a) pays Lender all tiums whi.h then would bc due un.lcr �hi�tiecunty Imtrumrnt and ihc Nuic had n�� ,icrcicraUOn
<br />_ acurred; (h)cures any defuult of any other ce�venums ur agreemcnt., lc) pa>�all rxprnu� inturrrd m rn(��rcmF Ih�ti
<br /> Se:urity lnstrument, �ncludmg.but ncn limned to. rcair�nahlr auorne.�•s'fee,. ,�nd ld) �akc,,u.h acuun�+, l.aidcr muy
<br /> reatiunably require t�� nssure thut the lien of this Sccuruy In.trument, l.ender'r nghlr in the Prciperty and H��rrnwer's
<br /> obliguti�m �o puy �he �ums secured by this Secunly Imlrumem tihall contmue unchangcd. l�pun rem.rlatentenl by
<br /> Borrowet,this Securuy Imtrurnent und the abl�bations acaued hereby shall rema�n fully cflcctive as if nu acceleruuon had
<br /> , oeeurred.Hnwever,this right to reins�ate shnll nut apply in the case of acccleration undcr paragn�phs 13 cu 17.
<br /> �
<br /> � ' �
<br /> f �
<br />