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<br /> l7NiFt�AA!Gt9V6NAN7's. IDa�rmwar�nd d,cnder coven�nt and ay�to s.9 PolloWSt whcn dae
<br /> � 1. R�yn+ene c�!1Ftriect�!sNd IIuterea�1'rcA�t�ent and 1[,�te Gl�nr�ee. iiaeruwcr eh�ll proniptiY p�Y -----
<br /> • �' � � Iho princlpal uf and interest on ihc debt evidcnceA by tho nete and eny prc�yme��tt and latc chAegcs due und::r the Note.
<br /> 2, [�end�foa'fRxeo and lnturwnca. Subjcct to eppilcahla law or to a wrltter�waivcr by l.ender,purrowcr shell p�y _
<br /> � to Lcndcr o�ilic doy monthly paymcnts ere duo��ndoe ttio Notc,until thc Nntc is peld in(lrll.a sum("�unds")equ�l ta ����_
<br /> _'_.._ .�. �.. . . onc-twclfth of: (�) Ycorly taxc9 and asscssmcnts ��vhiYl�if'�uny�()Ye rl�h�ard i giuru�ce prcmlum4;na�d (ci)Y a�ly ----=_'�' ::.__ - ---
<br /> _ � te�ehotd paymM�t9 or grausd ran�s on the !'ro X - — _
<br /> _::-_ --.-..- -. martaagc lnsuranca premivans.if si�y 1'he�itema tue cnlled"escrow itams•"Lender maK estimnte tlic Funds dua un tho �
<br /> �� ( N?�ia of c�!r[sn4 date and reasone4le estim�tcs aifl►wre escrow items. ��_', -
<br /> 3b�^f-c{ -
<br /> 'f he Funds shnll bc held in nn institution thc deposits or accounts oi which uro insurrd uf guarantc:.� y.. . cral as _..y__-
<br /> • stutc ggency(inatuding I.cndor iP 1.e�dcr is such on Inatitutian). Lcndcr ahnll applY thc Funds to pny die escraw items. ���_-�- _ --
<br /> Lcndce mny nat chnrgc for holding nnd npplying thc�unds,analyzing thc nccaunl or veriijring�he cscraw itcros,unlcss • �,_,,H,� _ _
<br /> ' Lender pAys Aorrawer interest on tho Funds and o liceble Iw�v rmits 1..cnder to make such n chArge. eor�ower end = �;s�± � °
<br /> pp � `� ;;:h:.�rr�,.
<br /> Lcnder may ngrcc io wrltin�tf�nt interest shnll be paid on thc Funds. Unles9 an agreement is made or upplicnblc law ,F..;;��:
<br /> � rcquires interest to be ppid.I.cnder ehnll aal he rcyuired to��y Bor�awer eny interest ar eurnin�s on the Funds.Lcnder . ,.- ,.��».��-
<br /> shell give ta Rorrower,without chnrge,nn nnnual nccaun�in�of the Funda showing credits nnd debits to the l�unds and d�o .
<br /> purposa for whieh eACt�debit ta the Funds was made.The�unds ore plcdgcd ns udditionul security for the�ums secured by
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument. .
<br /> ' lf�he amount af thc Funds hctd by I.ender,together wlth the Nwrc momhly poyments of�'unds pAy+iblc prior to
<br /> the due dotes oP thc escrow items,shall cxcecd the amount required to pay the cscrow items when due,the excess shal)be, � ., . , -_
<br /> at Borrower's aptian,either promptly rcpAid to Borrower ar c�edited to 8arrowcr on manthly pAymenta af Funds. IP the ,','��
<br /> u►noun�of the Funds held by l.cnder�s not sufiicient to pay ehe escraw items when due,Horcawer shnll pAy to Lender nny �::,;t__
<br /> amount necessary to make up thc dcticiency in ane or more pnymcnts as requircd by l.ender, `" ' ;,:
<br /> Upan payment in f1�11 aP al)sums securcd by this Sccu�ity lnstrume��t,�.cnder shull promptly retlmd to Barrowcr � „ ' J
<br /> � any Funds held by Lendar.]f undcr purugraph 19 the Propeny is sold or acqt�ind by Lendcr.Lender shall Apply,no luter � • � r=_
<br /> thnn immediately prior to the sale of the Peopeny ar its ncqulsition by Lender,any Funds held by Lender At the timc oP �: . ' __.
<br /> applicudon as a credit AgAinst the sums secured by this Security tnstrument. i . -
<br /> 3. Application ot PAyn�onta. Unlec.�Applicablc law pravides other�vise,oll payments rccclved by Lc�der under !
<br /> purn8raphs 1 and 2 ahall be applied:flrst,ta late churges due under the Note;second,to prepuyment chntges due under the �
<br /> Notc;thtrd,to Amounts paynble under pare►graph�;fourth,to inter�wt due;and last,to princlpal due. : -
<br /> 0. Ch�rges;Liena. Borro�ver shaU pay all taaca,assessments,charges,flnes and impositions atiributuble to the :
<br /> Property which may c►ttoin priority over this Security lnstrument, and leasehold p:j}�eneots or ground rents,if any. �
<br /> • Borrower ahall puy these obligatians in the manner provided in ps►�Agraph 2,or if aat ppid in that mpmier.Ho�rawer shnll
<br /> ' puy them an timc directly to the person uwed payment.Horrower shall promptly fl�rnish ta I.ender al!notices of amounts
<br /> to be pnid under this paragraph. !P Borrower makcs these payme�ts directly,Horrawer snall pramptly Purnish to Le�der .
<br /> . receipts evidencing the payments. :
<br /> Horrower shall promplly discfinrgo any lien which hAS priority over this Security instrument unless Borrower:(a) ; ,
<br /> - ��-'-` ngrees in wri�ing to the paymcni v;iAa obi�gatian;=cur�by she lien in a�nPr nrce��hlc to Lender:(b)cantests in good �__
<br /> Paith Ihc licn by,or defends against enfbrcemenl of'the lien io,lega!proceedings which�n the Lendar'S apinian operate to �
<br /> prevent the enforcement af'the lien or ParPeiture of any pan oP the Property;or(c)sccures Prom the holder of the lien an ;
<br /> _.___.. ... _.. nvreemeni saiisfactorv to Lcndcr subordinuting the lien ta this Security Instrument.If'Lendef determines thut uny pan of�
<br /> 5..� D � -
<br /> ! th2 Pro�^.rty is subject ta a!!en whish may attain prio�ity over this Securiiy i�scrumcni, i.caua�n�a7 K��� �nr���� : ----
<br /> notice idcntifying the lien. Barn�wer shall satisly the lisn or take one or mara af thc nctians sct forth above within 10 days �
<br /> of'the giving of noticc. '
<br /> 9. Haznrd Insu�ance, Har�oiver shall kcep the impravements no��existinA or hereafter c�ected on the Pro��crty �
<br /> inaured againsllass by flre,hazarda included within the term"extended coverage"and any ather haza�ds for which Lender ,
<br /> �equi�es insurance. This insuru�ce shall be maintained in the amounts and Por the periads that Lender requires. The ,
<br /> insurance carrier providing the insurnnce shall be chasen by B�rrower subJect to l.ender's approval which shall not be
<br /> unreasonobly withhcld.
<br /> All iasurunce palicie9 and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortga�e clause.
<br /> I.ender shall have the right to hald thc palicics and�enewals.lf Lender requires,Barrower shall promptly give to Lender
<br /> all receipts oP paid premiums and renewal notice�.In the event af lass,8orro�ver shall give prompt nolice to the insurance
<br /> carriet and Lender.Lender may make praof af'laSS if'tiat made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender und Borrower atherwise u6ree in wnting,�nsurance proceeds shall be applied to restaratian or repsir
<br /> af the Praperty damaged,ii the restoretion or repair is economically feASible and Lender's security is not lessened. ]f the
<br />- • ' . restoration or repair is nat econamicnlly feasible ar l.ender's security���ould be lesseuod,the insurance proceeds sh:�ll be
<br /> applied ta the sums secured by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Horrower. If
<br /> 9orro�ver abandans the Propeny,or does not answer within 30 days a notice f'ram Lender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> offered ta settle a claim,then l.ender may callect the insurance praceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> ; ihc Property ar to pay sums secured by this Sccurity Insirument,whcther or not then due, The 30-day period wiU bcgin
<br /> when the notice is given
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise a�ree in writing,any application of praceeds ta principal sha11 nat extend or
<br />- postpane ihe due date of the manthly payments referred ta in parAgraphs 1 und 2 ar change the amount ci'the payme�ts.If
<br /> undee paragraph ly the Proper�y is acquircu oy Lc��drr,Bvuowe�'a,�g1�1 fu�uy����uraacz pollcic.�ttd precceds reattlling
<br /> Pram dama�e to ihe Prapeny prio+r ta�he acquis�t�on shall�ss�a l.ender ta ihe sxtent aP the sums secured by this Security
<br /> lnatrument immediately priar to tha acquisition.
<br /> 6. Preservation o�d Muintenunce ot Property;l.easeholds. Horrower shall not destroy,damage or substantially
<br /> change the Fruperiy, allow the Pro}xriy ta det8riorase ar cammit wa�te. �f this Securiiy lnstrument is on A leaschold,
<br /> - aorrower shall camply with the provisions aP ihe lease,and if 8orrower acyuires fee titla to ihe Property,the leasehold and
<br /> Pee�itle shall not merge unless Lender ngrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property; M1fortgage Insura�ce, lf�orrower fails to perform the
<br /> covenants And agreements contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proc�eding ihat may signiflcantly aflect
<br /> Lender's rights in ihe Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation ar to enforce laws or
<br /> ` regulations),then Lendcr may do nnd pay for whutever is necessary to pru�ect the valuc af the Property and l.ender's righis
<br /> in Ihe Property. Lender's actians may include paying any sums sccured by a licn which has priority over this Security
<br /> lnstrument,nppearing in court,paying reasonable nttorneys'fees and enlering on ihe Praperty to make repairs.Although
<br /> l.ender may tnke action under this paragraph 7,Lcnder does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amuunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shuU became additianal debt��f 13arrower secured by this
<br /> Secunty Instrumcnt. Unlcss 8orrotiver and Lender agree to other terms of paymcn�,lhese umounts shall bcar interest from
<br /> Ihe date oP disbursemcnl at the Notc rate and shall be payable, with intcrest, upon nc�tice Pram Lcnder to Borrower
<br /> requesting paymen�.
<br /> f
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