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<br />-j 3�` -�� NON•lJ(vlfoRMCov�NAN7'9.Ctarruweeendl.enderfu�iheeeovenantancisg�eaasfatta�va: °� •--
<br /> 9�� ' 1D. Arret�rallohf Re�edieq. I.en3tr �tiaall�vo noiico ta Ctarrorrcr prtt�r to aecclrrnNon fallaKlnq �nv'rower`� � - _.-- _._
<br />- �` "i � ° ' hre�ch ot�ny coren�t�r e�ro�ement ta ehi�5ecur1ly fpat�t�ment(bu4 not prlo�co�cceler�tlon under parp�raph�1J�nd A7 �--
<br />` 'y , -':3,:. ,�,+�!`''.' � ����
<br /> ;='� .�� unlca��ppllcaele Ivw grovides olhnrwieal.'The npftce eh�ll�pEClf;vt(�) thr,detNOlt;Ib)tho�ctlon reQulrccl to cNr�r fho ,._._
<br /> ' �`�: ° Qct�uU;lcl�dat�.nat lca�Ah�n 30 d�ye(rom the�te tAo nottco!y gtven to Uor�awtr.Ay w61ch Ihe defautt muef bo cac¢d� -�--
<br /> _,_=hF�a�: em1(d)th�,t fi�lluee ta reve EAe dctaudt oa or bsfore lho dete eptclfled In tho notica mwy�esult in xccelar�tlop nt tha cum� � _ �-._ W.
<br /> �- . �ar�i Dy th69 Secur�ty In�trumcnt and e+ilo ut!ho i'�apertY•'��notice mlu�ll IaHAer lnfonn�toreawer of tho right to } _:�..-_
<br /> � �=.-.� reiast�tu�tter Rse�terptlan end IhQ Nght W 6ring�court acttan to�e�t ehr aumaxlstencA of a defautt or any o�er �' `� — _
<br /> M T,--- ..»- .r,..,, .., ._ _e.�.• .MI c.l. i1 tha�t�utt I4 nnt c.ured on or 6ePusa eho dato�Decified iH the�to4l��[.er�r �._
<br /> S::�..._c• _-•e..er!o_^s� .r _!en. � _ _-
<br /> ,�� � ;__`-�� at tte aptla�may��tqui��imrt�edipEo p�yi�ca�ia iidi oC�fi Ftir�6ecu��1 ty i.`•!S .°n"rLti3lj lti3t4i!l3:pAt tYlt�i�t!t [M.![th!'T �'�"'�' �
<br /> --- dcm�rtd rnd m*y invoko the power ot e�le and�ny olhcr rcmedica permltted by pppllc�Ele I��r.L�eader ehwil bo cnNtted to '�'', �`,, ��,
<br /> - - - c�llect all axpensea Incutred tn purouing the rcmedles provlded !n this pa��geaph 19, Including, but not Itmttcil eo, : ����`
<br /> .�t �' reasonabla�ttor�aeye'[ees�nd costs of Ntlq ovi�encr. ' � ` _ I
<br /> If the powe�af sAlo is invoked,TtaoSea sball reco��d e notico of defaolt in eACh caunty In wdlch poy pprt of tho - : ''
<br /> --=�°=._ • :, ,. �. .. �
<br /> ---- Ihoperty te lacoted�►nd shell mail cople�of sucb c�otice tn tha manner prescribed by opplicAQlA I�w to Darrower�nd ta the � °
<br /> .. •=.��_.. .
<br /> '`��; othc�6►crson9 prescribcd by applicoble larr.Aiter tho Hma requtrcd by ppppcublo law,Trastee ehall qivo pubUc notice of ; � � �
<br /> � salo ta tho persan9 aad in the manne�Drescribcd by a�pllc�bla IaW.Trustce,withou!demand on lior�c►wc�.shall rsell the
<br /> �"y � �'raparty nt pu6lio 4uction to tho 6ighest btdd�t nt tho tinio and plACe pnd under tho te�ms dcslgnwted In the notise af sale In `�` � ":�� _
<br /> ;�� one op moro parccls and in ony order T�usteo deternnlne9.Trusteo mAy pastpone salo of nll or ony p�rcel of the PropG�ty by ,. ��:�����,
<br /> '��:={=--�;a puGUc�nnouncecncnt at the ttme and place ot any previou9ly schcduled Ralo.Lender o�its designao mey purch�so the , ;E<<���--
<br /> P��perty at any sale. , t--�� .
<br /> '_�,� , :�;' , .
<br /> �.�. Upan recelpt ot p�ymen!ot tho prlce bid,Trusteu ehal! deUver to the purchaser T�astee's dced conveying the r -
<br /> ��'� !'roperty 79�o recltals in tlie T�ustce'e deccl shAll bo prin��fACio ovida�ce oi tho t�uth ot tho statemeats mado tharcifl. �`
<br /> '�a�� �ti ,`•,; � ' . ' .-,-
<br /> Trusteo ehall ppply tho proceeds ot tho sale in thc folloNing order.(a)to all expenses ot the snlc,Including,but not limited
<br /> � ���
<br /> .j-;,+ . to,Trustce'e fces os permttted by applicablo le�and reasonoblo attorr.eys•fces;(b)to QU sums securcd by thls Secueity • __
<br /> M � ':
<br /> �h-' . lnsteument;and<c)any axcess to tho persnn ar person9legAlly enttHed ta it. � . _
<br /> :��_
<br /> �r;. � ,. 20. Lender la�'ossessio�, Upan accelerntian undcr �angraph 14 ar ubandonment oP Ihe Araperty, Lender (in � _
<br /> � . person,by ngeot or by judicinlly appointed receivcr)shnll Cx.endtted to ente�upan,tuke possessio�of und mnnAge thc .
<br /> � ��" ' Property and to collect the rents of'the Property including t�ose past due,Any rents coUccted by Le�nder or the recewer
<br /> � ' shall be applicd 8rst to pnyment of the costs of management of the Pm�ny and collection of rcnts,including,but not . '�
<br /> limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on receivcr's bands an�rcasonnble attorneys'fces,and then ta the sums secured by . _.. ��
<br /> • ' � •- this Security Instrurtient. � � • �,•
<br /> - � Zl.Rcconveyartce.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security lnstrumen�.Lender shAU request Trustcc to • ;-
<br /> •• � ' reconvay the Yroperty und shnll aurrender this Security Instrument And all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security , ' �.
<br /> =;;:�; ` � Instrument to Trus.ze.Trustee shnll�econvey the Praperty without�varrAnty and without charge to the person ar persons , � .�
<br />- ' -�-. tegally cntided to ie.Such person or perso�s�hall pay nny recordc+tion ca`ts. �
<br />-" tZ.5ubs4�tu4e T►ustee.I.ender,at i�s c�piion,may Prom time to time remove Trustee nnd appois�c a successor trustec i
<br /> � ' -' to�ny-��rustee appainteci hereunderby an insirumeni recorcicci in t�ia wu�ty in wi�ich th�s�.-curity Ist°::u:nent i.s reccrd€d. � -
<br /> . , a -- -
<br />-- ,�' • �Yit�s�rut conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee s4��11 succeed to ull thatide,pawer und duties canferred upc�n E i-
<br /> � Trustea herein and by�pplicable law.
<br /> _-- �, �:r'.m���:NL`«�^r°�..°.�!!L`!'.'?!!°_.^�11P..415 thA���n�PC �t ehe notices of default and s��le be sent ta Aorrower�9
<br /> ' ;�< _ -- ,� `
<br /> --
<br /> - __ _ _
<br /> � add�ess which is the Property Address. � -
<br /> . 24.Ridere ta thia Securlty Instrument,lf one or marc riders are executed by Qorrawcr and recarded togcther with �
<br /> this Security lastrument,the covenants and agreements of euch such rider shall be incarporutcd into And shall amend and
<br />-= supplement the covenaats nnd ngreements of this Security lns�rument as if the rider(s) wcre n pun af'this Security � -
<br /> . , l�strument.(Check upplicAble box(es)]
<br />- „ [j AdJustable Rate Rider [] Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider �
<br /> - [] Cirudunted Payment Ride� (�� Planned Unit Development Aider {
<br /> " � (RJ Other(s) �specifyJ Acknowledgement of Power of Sale f
<br /> � ' 8Y SI�NINO A�6ow, Botrower accepts and agr o the terms nnd cove�u�ts contflined in this Security '
<br /> =k lastrument and in any ridcr(s)executed by Borrowcr and re•ord d with i
<br /> �' ` ...,.. ........... .......'`.A. . ....,,.,,�--..--.--�--". .'(Seal) . ��
<br /> - Ro ld L. AdRrna --9o�rowc. .
<br /> ..r���'c�' .�� .. ..
<br /> i
<br />„_. . . e�� ...�SCAI�
<br /> � ...,......;iF.rLC! /..,.. .. ... .. ......�. .
<br /> �'.
<br /> HSrbara A. Adame -ecnower
<br /> (Spau Below Tht� line ior Aehnowted4menlJ � ,
<br /> � �
<br /> - — — f
<br /> �
<br /> � 51'A�'B OP ...NEBRASKA ...... � .
<br /> —__:-�- --.-_= COUN'I'Y OF ...HALL....................... ��:
<br /> �
<br /> 5-t� �
<br /> 'ilie foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforo me this. '�` � �
<br /> .,.c�..........� .. ' ,,at:`s-;,,. ..�.�1.��.l........ ,
<br /> � b,► .11�1�...�,:..A.�°:^�`�.......�-r-�.....�G�.�!: . !�....���d� '
<br /> .. ��:. . ...............
<br /> � ............
<br /> (person(s)acknowledging) ����N�u�
<br /> .� f CIIWfi9 W.MICK6Y
<br /> My Commisslon explres:�� �� ���z_ ��'4�.� 199?
<br /> .��prr
<br /> ...4..�'^:�%..;�.�. . . ................css,�t.�
<br /> Notary bllc
<br /> � Thia lnatrument wus prepared by...�..Y��fi�A�Iil18(�CX'8�.��..��. �...����..��.������.��� ��.�������������������• �
<br />