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<br /> � . _. �mprovem�nto ��ho HR�ntm"a and all proaeed� !rc►r.► Et�� _ 1 =�
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<br /> .�. (d� el]. a� Gx�r►Gcar�e c�le�ime ane� r�ghto �a the _ . -' --
<br />� :'k� . � payment of drama�g�e arieing rrom the re�ec��ion o! enX a� . ..
<br /> -;=,� �ha L�e�es by �he loeBe� thereunder or by A trus�ee �or � �
<br /> -�_�� • tho les�eoa th�+reunder gureuant �o Titile 11 0� the . - ,
<br /> � Unitad S�atee Ccde� as now in eRPeat ox �g i� may be _.
<br /> ,,,:: amandad Prom time to �imQ (the ��esnkruptay Code��) ; ��
<br /> .�;... ;
<br /> t...., . : . . . .
<br /> - , . (P) al� o� Gra��or'g rights and be�n�iFi.te whiah ,
<br /> � � ase asaic�nabl� to Txuateo under any agreement oE
<br /> � purchaee and ea�� botween Wal-I�ast Propertiea, Ync., Aa .
<br /> � saller, and Grantor (or a��y a�Pili�te thoreoS as
<br /> . . � ` pxedaaoea�x in intoxeet �� Gr�tntor) , �s purchaser;
<br /> . . :`,;,;, .
<br /> . .,, ; i ,
<br /> ,,,���: � '� (g) all m� G�a�tor's s3ghte, iP anyP to �rrQCeede � �"'-
<br /> , ,', �:; ���`..";; off and any ua�ea�n�d prem�ums on �n� �ns�aran�o �oll�.roi�s f�.' �,.. . �.,
<br /> ,`';,''�,�� •�.�` , aovering the► P�em3:s�s� �ianolud�ng, witd�au� 13�m�ta��.aaa, ���:, • . � ,4, ;°:
<br /> ��;,�•�':. ,. :,;,:,�::;::,�..,.;.
<br /> • � :�,:��:.: Crantor�e ri�hta 3f �aa�, to xaceive and a�pl� the . .
<br /> ;•�'::: proaeede a� any �aes�uxaa�a�, �udgmon�s, or esttlaments ; ..
<br /> � made in lieu thcreaP, 8er dama�� �o �he Premia�sQ . _
<br /> . (h) all of Grantox�'s righ�s, if any, to appaar in I ' . �
<br /> � and deYend in the name and on behal� oY Grantor, any : ��.
<br /> aation or proaeeding brought with rea�eat �o the " �f
<br /> Premieos and to aommenae A»y r�otion or graoeeciing to
<br /> � � pxateat the intereat aP �3enef i.a�.e�ry in �he Premises;
<br /> -- --- _
<br /> -_ _ - -
<br /> � � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD �h�a above grentQcl And dcaecribed � • �{
<br /> Truet Proper�y unto �nd to the uee ar►d bene�it oP Truetee, a�nd �.
<br /> -- _. . . ..---------- �,
<br /> --
<br /> __ ��e auaaeeeore ann aesigne oi lruscae rvrovor� ,� � i:-
<br /> - � -. i:
<br /> , TN TRUST, WiTH POWER OF SALE, to seaure the payment to t
<br /> BonoPioiwry of tha Debt r�� the �ime and in the manner pravided Por E
<br /> ite payment in the Note and in thiB Deed oP Truett j
<br /> PROVIDED, HOWEVER, �h0fl0 presents are upon the expreas
<br /> condition that, i� Gxantor shall well and truly pay �o �
<br /> � " Ben�ticiary �he Dabt at the time and in th� manner provided in tho f
<br /> Note and thia Desd oE Trust and ehall well and �ruly abide by and s
<br /> aomply with each and every aov9nant ar�d oondition set forth �
<br /> herein and �.n the Nate, these presenta and the estate hereby ;
<br /> granted sha11 cease� terminate and be void; '
<br /> - �
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