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<br /> � � �aoa�aoeaton, ��a�.r� Anc� dc�m�r►c� wt�a��+oever, bo�h e� law and
<br /> _� . ,���� in e��a��X� o� Gra�ntar oP� �n Af1d �(� tho Px��mic��r� �nd
<br /> _._ .......:.. . ��1e �mgxev�+meze�o end every pr�rt erad pmroe�l xharoal, with
<br /> � ��e� �,�►puxtene�nae� �h���+�A= l. - -- - - -�-�
<br /> .,,� �: ' _... ._� �------•_ . _-
<br /> . . __ ,_
<br />:���°. (b) ail maahinory, c�quipmenC, �ix�ureo (inrslucift3r� ` : -. .
<br />` '�"�� but not li.mi��d �o �7.1 he��ing, nir anndi�i�ning, � :
<br /> � � piumbing, light.ing� aammunioeCians and elove�or Pix- �
<br /> � ture�) and ath�r prmper�y oP �very kind and nt+�uro
<br /> � ' whate�avor ownac� l�y Gran�arr i� eny, or i» whioh , '
<br /> Az�n�or h�a or ehall hnae en intoreeC, now or heroaPt�r .
<br /> � loaatsd upon the Premie�a ancl �he Improvomonl�o, or
<br /> � appurtenant thoreta, and ueable in aonnao�ion witk► th�a ; .
<br /> preaent or Puture operation and oaaupanay oP tiho
<br /> , Yromieea and the Tmpxovc�men�� and all bui].ding ; . ,, ,
<br /> eguipment, materiale anci gupplioe oP any nature �;
<br /> wha�sc�eve�r ownod by arantor, ar in whiah Grantor hao or ,
<br /> �hal1 have an �intermst, now or here�PCer looated upon .
<br /> the Premie�s and the Tmpravomen�s, or appurtenanC
<br /> thoreto� ox� aa�able in c�nnQCtion wi�h the �reaent or �; . , �� :.
<br /> � Futur� opt��a��on and nacu�aAncy of t�e Prem�lsee ana �P�e ; , � .•�';;;:�.::,
<br /> t� .,
<br /> I�uprvvem�n�� �heroinAfter colleat3vo�y oallecl the " �. '
<br /> �.. . ,..``;t,,,:�:.
<br /> , ' . �.:,',::, ��Ee�uipmex�t"1 , and tlho right, t�tlo ao�d intereet a� : . . .
<br /> � Qran�ar in and to any oS �he Ev�uipn��e�t which may lae , : -
<br /> � subjaa� t� an�� oacu�rity 3�n�ase��e� �a de�i.ned 1.n th� �
<br /> ,'.;1'; ,:�:• Un3form Comme�ccial GodR, na aolopted and enacted by �he
<br /> •� at�te c�r o�atea whexe any oP �ha Prem�.seg is loca�ed
<br /> . � � (�he "Uniform Couunercial Code��) , sL�pe�ior ir► lien to tho �;
<br /> lien of this De��d oP Truetf �
<br /> ; '
<br /> ___.__ . (c) all awarda or paym�nte to wlsich Grantar may �_ _ _
<br /> _ -
<br /> be ontitlad� inoluding intereat thoreon, which m�y , - - ;
<br /> heretofore and hereafter be mt►de with respect �a tho , !
<br /> Premieas, whe�hor �ram the exercioc� of �he right of
<br /> - - _ ,- �-_ •.
<br /> � �+m�n�n� c�omain {inaiuding �AU� �16L Zima4ai� �'v ai�jf -- --
<br /> i tran�Per made in lieu of or in anticipation cat tho
<br /> exeroiso oP said right) , or for a► aha»go ar gxadA, or
<br /> . Por Any othor in�uxy �o or dearease in �h� valuo of tho
<br /> Premiees;
<br /> (d) all leases, inaluding, bu� na� li�m�l�ed to
<br /> that aertain lease dated Janu4ry 29, 1�90 orig�nally
<br /> � between Grantor (ar Grantor's predecaasor in interest
<br /> ana] thereafter ae�igned to Gran�or) , as landlord, and
<br /> Wa1-Mart Stares, �no. (�'Tenant") , as tenant� as such
<br /> lease has been aseigned, amen8ed, mvdified or restated
<br /> (the ��Wal-Mart Lease'�) in�cluding, without limitar:ion,
<br /> � any and all pAyments �o which Grantor may be entiticd
<br /> undex the Wal-Mart Lease� and othox agreemente affec�ing
<br /> the use, en�oyment or oaoupancy of the Premiaes and tha
<br />, ! Improvements heretoPore or horea�ter entered into (�he
<br /> ( "Leases") and all oY Grantor'6 rights, if any� �o rents,
<br /> � -2-
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> l
<br />_ ,
<br /> 1
<br /> , y
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> ,. '
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