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<br /> . � 1�ND Gran�or roprec�anre A�d warran�o ta �nd aovanet�t� ,'
<br /> �rc1 a�lxee� wi�h �mnePica�pry �� Pollowa: � �: . _ -�-
<br /> ._.._. . _
<br /> ... _ ... . ( � "'.�" _ .'—'�t�.
<br />. _ .____-._ _ _i _
<br /> ' `,
<br /> _. . �_ _, �ravi�x��� ar a�ner��i_��p1��4�+y �._.__��.--= °--. - ,.
<br /> 1 .
<br /> - 1. P�vmen� a� ,Q,�t and Tnaar�ora�ion of CQy��@,.
<br /> �ond,�.n . (�) Grantar will paX �h�a CDc�I�� at th� '
<br /> time and in �he manner provided in tiho No�te r�na in th3.o Aa:4d oR � .
<br /> ' Txu��. A11 �he aav�nants, aonditione and ag�e�+m�nte aor��sin�d in ,
<br /> (:l) tha Nate and (�ti) all and uny oP the doaum�+n�s o�hez� tha�i tlx� : �
<br /> Nate ar this Doed of Truet naw ox hereag�er exe�cu��d l�y Gro�a��or �
<br /> and/or othore and by or in Pavor of Hen�tRio�.r�xy, o��h�c� wholly ar
<br /> , partially seaure paa(ment o� ��� Note, anclucflin�, b�a� er.n� l.lmited ' �
<br /> to tha ass�grfinea�� of the Wal-fi�2�xt Lo��o p�aseo��e�� �a +��n�� ce:x��in :.;;:;':
<br /> aseignttio�t o� laaoes and xents (the "Aeei�a�m�aanfi07) o7atonl �la� ol�ta ...� :
<br /> � harenf mcqde by ara�a�to�r, a� aa�ignox, ta �a���ici�xy, �� ��sigsacaa . .,;;;;;��:;
<br /> ,., (coll�otively, t�n� ��ot�hos Security D��c-.um�n��") o axG �mxe�1 ��ala � , ., �,',.��,�;;�:..;;,
<br /> part of �hie Deed oF Trus� �o �2ao aame oxtiet��: max�7 �rith �hr� ��me ';.�;��;.,,,,
<br /> ,��.�,.', , 1 forae as i£ fu11y set fnrth Y�oxein. ` � � �
<br /> .;�.�,� �.;,_; . t
<br /> � (b) Upon payment in Full of the I2abt andl th� porfmr- t
<br /> manaa by Gran�or oP the terma, aovenanto anal cmndi�io�a contain�dl ;
<br /> hexein, Benafiaiary ehall exeau�e, without r�cauxse, a roloasQ,
<br /> dieoharga, ea�isPao�ian ar reaseignme+r►t aP th� Note� this Dodd oP -
<br /> Truet ar the other soaurity Ooouments if prepared by Grantor anrl � �
<br /> submi�ted to 8enafiaiary. No addi�ional feos or expenaes ahr�ll be ,
<br /> ahaxged by HenePiciary for i�e review dnd exeoution af euoh �
<br /> documente. All euah d�aum�+nte ahe�ll be in form, saope and ;
<br /> subetanee reaeonably aatis�aatory to BonePiaiary. ; �
<br /> —.----- : -� <- -- - -
<br /> 2. War antv oP T tie,. Gran�or war�ante thati Graato�r • ,
<br /> � haa good title to the Trust Pxaperty and hae the right to �
<br /> -_-=_ --____-_ ----�_ _ _.._ � ►.e_.. s�12, �33pn, aTPAf1QP; aonvay; :..
<br /> _ � mvi'Lydyo� yj.iio� yawil�.� w...��y:.33:� --
<br /> aanfirm, pledg4, assign and hypatheaate �he �am�a a�d �hat Granto� :
<br /> possassee an unencumborad fee eotate in tha Trus� Property and the
<br /> Improvemonts and that it owt�s �he Trust Property Pree anol alsar of
<br /> all liene, enoumbranaoe and charges whateoever except far those
<br /> exaeptions shown in the title insuranoe policy inauring the li�n
<br /> � oP thia Deed of Trust. Grantor shall £orevor warrant, defend and
<br /> � preserve euch title and the val�dity and priority of the lien aP
<br /> ' ' �hie Deed of Truat and shall Yorever warrant and defend the sama
<br /> . . � : � to Benoficiary against the olaims of all persons whomaoever.
<br /> �. � 3. 7�e_yrana�. (a) Crantor will koop or cauee to be
<br /> � . ` kept �he Truat Prope�rty insured against loae or damage by fire,
<br /> . flood and such othor 3nazarde, rieks and matters� inaludiag
<br /> wi�hout limitation, b�nsinese int�rrup�ion, ren�al loss�� publia . .
<br /> liability, and boiler damage and liability, as BenePiciary may ,.
<br /> from �ime to �ime raquire in amounte required by Benefiai�ry, and
<br /> shall pay or oause to be paid the premiums Por auch inaurance (tk�e
<br /> -4-
<br /> �
<br />'i
<br />' t -
<br /> � i
<br /> �
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