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<br /> .. _ �;e�Co a� in�mxc�BC c�t �he Na�e, (iv) �he� data ina�allmon�r� oP �_ �
<br /> ' � �� �n�er�r�� �ncl/ar �ar�.na��a]. were laet paid, (v) ta tha bna� of •
<br />- ----- - . . C3x�fl�a�e�e knowtedgo� ai�y� o�fea�s or daf�n�og �o the► �a�ywen� o� � _ _
<br /> , . . 1 �ha pabt, if �nX, �nd (wi� ��ta� $hQ No�e �t�� Chi� UoQd c�� �YUe� - ,,-,.-;.---,_
<br /> - _ _ _ .... � c�s� va���:� 2ar�ax a:t� b�n�t:s�g vb23s�at�.asao �n� �a��� ne� �w� �..m:.�;.:_::-..�___�_..__:_- ::
<br /> �� moairiQa or iP modiPied� givi�ac� particulai�c� o� euch nodiPies��.cn. � - -
<br /> � (b) Grmn�or will uaa �eagonable e�Parte tv �urnieh � �
<br /> Denofiaiary with eetoppol aor�iPiaatos Prom any leaeecae undor the �
<br /> � LeaBOS a� xoqt�ired by �hair raepactivo Leasee witk�in PiEteen (15)
<br /> daya ��tor BanpPiaiary�o recYues� for eame. �
<br /> �. 10. � anqr�r� ,i t a . •� R� da Axa�ion. TY an
<br /> law ia enaatod or adapted or amended after the date o� �hie Deed
<br /> � � of Truet whiah daduotg the DebC Prom the value oY the Truet
<br /> Propprty Por tt�o purpoae oP �axation or whiah impoeee a tax, �
<br /> eithex diraatly or indirea�ly, on the Debt ar HenePiciary's :
<br /> �� ' intere�t in �hc� Trus� Property, Grantor w311 pay suoh t�x, with � , :
<br /> �:,;�.. , �:
<br /> � interaet and penaltiea thereon, if any. In thH event BeneYioiary I
<br /> � ie advised by aounsel choeen by it that the payinent of suoh tax or �. .
<br /> intereat and penal�ies lay Grantor would be unlawful or taxable to i .
<br /> Henefiaiar� or unen�c►raeable or provide the b�ais Yor a defonse of
<br /> usuxy, �han in any auch event, Honofiaiary shall have �ha op��.on, ,
<br /> by written notiae of nat less than threA hundred sixty-Pive (3�5) � , ,
<br /> days, to deolare the Debt iYamsdiately due and payable. A��er .
<br /> � prior wri�ten noti.oa to S�naPiaiary, Grantor, at its own axpense, � , �
<br /> may contest by appropriata lagal proaeedinc�, promptly initiated
<br /> � i and aonduatsd in good faith And with due diligence, the amount of �
<br /> euch taxes or the va].idity or appliaation a£ suoh 1aw pravided .
<br /> ; � I that (i) Grantor ia not in dePaul� under the Note or this peed oP i ,
<br /> 1 Trua�, (�i) suah oon�est doea not in any m�►torial way adversely �
<br /> __- ---- ----_. . affect the 1•len of thie Ueed of a�rus� or c�aa e3iit'az�t38aJ3323ty c� the --_.- -
<br /> Note, this Deed oP Trust or trie Other Secura.�y Doouments, (iii)
<br /> �� suah praaesding ehall suepend the calle,ctxcan of suoh taxes from
<br />. .___. _.. ..._. .. ..� �... a y e9 thnr t.hA Tru�st ,`
<br />- —- �� `-'- .. HenePiaiary and from cna -r,..�v.. r..��or..r, �3 ) r._____
<br /> Property nar any part thereof or intereet therein w311 �e in � �
<br /> danger of being sold, Porfeited, tarmina�ed, canae].led or lost, •
<br /> � (v) Grantor ehall have aet aaids adequate reserves Ror �he payment
<br /> oE auch �axea, together with all intereet and penalties thexeon,
<br /> and (vi) Grantor shall have furnished such eeaurity ae may be
<br /> required in the proceeding, or as may be reasonably requeated by
<br /> Henefiaiary, to insure the paymant oP any taxes being aonteated,
<br /> � taqother with all intereet and penaltiea theraon.
<br /> 11. Na �`�^'�+d�ts on Aaaoun�of the De�. Grantor will
<br /> no�t claim or demand or be enti�lc�d to any oredit or oradita on
<br /> acaount oP th� Debt for any part of the Taxes or Other Charges
<br /> � aasessed againet the Truat Property, or any part thereof, and no
<br /> ' deduction ahall otherwise ba made ar alaimed Prom the aesessed
<br /> value of the Truat Property� or any pa�t thereo�. Por real estate
<br /> tax purpoaes by raason oP tliis Daea3 oP Txust ar the Debt. In the
<br />- event euah alaim, oredi� or deduation shall bo required by law,
<br /> -13-
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