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<br /> n�nePioit�ry ehA�.�, havo �ho ap��.on, by wxittan �c��:��� c�� r�ot lsc�o ..
<br /> , �han �h�oa 1�undrad aixC,y^�fivu (365) ��y�, �c� dc�a�ar.�i GN� Aeb� � - .
<br /> --- _ . .- irva��ighe�y dua end paXabbe. A��ar �arinx w�s��.�aYt iteaG��a tca .,
<br /> ��+n���.al.�axy, arant;ox� e�� i�� a�an ex��ateA, mt�y aani:et»i°. by appxoW ' _ _�.
<br /> �. _._......�� �,raAV� l:�yax prac�pdi:�y► prompt2y i»3t��te�d en� r.+c��rl����ac� in qoad i^ .. : - _ :.
<br /> • •- �ai�h onc� walth due diliganoe, tria r��aaui�� ox valic��.i�� ox i
<br /> apP�iaa�ion oP Quoh al�ira, ax�di�t ar dnduc�timn �xp�r.dad tha� (i) F - - _
<br /> tirantor ie not in default undar th� Na�� ox tiM�r� br�ed o� Trusti, . � ,
<br /> � (ii) euah aonEeeC doee not in any mat�x��nl wa�► ac�v�r.�e�tY aPfc�at � �
<br /> the lien o� thi� Deod oP Trast or �t�� on�taxr.Pe�ul.11��.� o� tho Not�, � ,
<br /> �his Doad oF Txuet or the Othar Soaur.i�� Dat�a�c�n�e�P (iii) euah � �
<br /> �� proaeeding oha11 suopeyld tho appliaat�,cva� o� a��ld cr�d3ta on
<br /> • aaaount oY the D�bt from a�cantor and lxaw �@�� '��u�� Praperty, and
<br /> � there�ln�will bee�nrdanqer�of.�beingxa�►id,pfax�a�adp��exminated,�t � �
<br /> - oanaoal.ad or loet. � '
<br /> i
<br /> 12. �ocum��y s� •m;,g�. 1F at any time+ the Uni�ed `. � .
<br /> t 9tates og Amexiaa, an State thareox ut� any oubdivis�on ef any I
<br /> such Stato shall requ�r� r�vanue or v�thQx stamps to b� affixed �o � '�
<br /> ' the Note or this Deeci oP Truat, ar �.Y1.1ppDa any other tax or chArge ; �
<br /> � on the same, c�rantor wi�.l pay Sor the �ame, wi�h interest and
<br /> • penaltias thereon, iP any. �
<br /> 13. usu3k T�Aws. '�h:1s Dead Q� Trust and th� NotA ara , � ~
<br /> sub�evt to the exprese conc�i�ian tha� at no time ehald. G�antor loe
<br /> abligatQd ar requir�d to pay intesa�� on the De b t a t a x��e w�h ic h
<br /> oauld aubjeat the holdor of the Na�e to eith�r aivil oa cx�aanint�l ,
<br /> •� liability aa a result o� being in excess o� the maxi�►ta� inte�est �
<br /> raxo whiah Gxantor is permitted by appliaable ].aw �a c�r��txact or ! '
<br /> agxee to pay. If by the te�na af this Doed of Trust or the Noto, : �
<br /> Grantox ia a� any time requ�rad or obiigated to pay in�eregc on ` - - ---_
<br /> the Uebt at a rate in exoess mf suah maximum rate, the rata oP •
<br /> � �' intere�t undor the eame ehall be deemed �a b� immediately xEC�uaad �
<br /> .,.-,- :--__-_ - I _ �._ _.._,. .... .,..a�
<br /> � t0 aucn maximum TA�B AAQ Li38 ldlFei'eeb j�d�daaia aaaa+a k'io ..vli'�r►....�� `.3t �" �
<br /> :- • ---. _
<br /> suah maximum rate and all pri�� intoxes� payments in oxcess o� ' � ,
<br /> auoh maximum rate ahall be appl�ed and ehall �ae deemQd ta have
<br /> been payments in reduvtion oP the principal b��anoe of the Not�.
<br /> iq. �a�nd Reco�c,�,�. 2n �he event that �he Wal-Mart
<br /> � Lease shall oeaee to be in Pull Poroa and effoat, Grantar ehall �
<br /> • Purnish to Henefiaiaryt (a) an annual aartif ieal rent rall aignod
<br /> � ' and dated by Grantox detai.ling �he names of a►�l tenanta of the
<br /> Tmprovemente, the portion of the Tmpravements aoaup�ecl by each �
<br /> tenant, �he rent and any o�her ahargee payable undes each lease,
<br /> ' and the term of eaah lease; (b) an annual operating statement oP
<br /> � the Trust Property detailing tho tatal rovenues reoeived and �otal �
<br /> expenses inaurred to be prepared and cartified by Grantor; (c) an
<br /> , annual balance eheet and proP3t and loss statement of Grantor
<br /> prepared by Grantor and aertif ied as true, correc� anci comp�ete by
<br /> Grantor within ninety (90) daye aP�er the cloae o:f �aah fisaal
<br />' pear; and (d) suah annual balanae sheeta and pro�it and loss
<br /> � -ig-
<br />_ . � �
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> - _ - -
<br />