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<br /> M. slicrll �o� ec��k Cha diaao�.utian or windin� up, i.n ' , �
<br /> wholca or �n part, of ita limi�ad pax�n4�c�l�ip; at�r.l �� ; . ,. ��
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<br /> __ . _ . G �
<br /> � N. eht��.]. n�� �emming�.ca thQ �Funci� af anc# r�n,y other � ;r-
<br /> _.: -_=-•----� ARR��R c�P 4:hA Ainc��� P�����r�a�+ F�ti�.� !�ra»a�'��ua wi�h � ,_ . . -.-°
<br /> _ Lho�e o� any a�fiaiata. ! :��. . . ._:=�:� _ .:. ..
<br /> . � � � �
<br /> . (b) Ben�,fi�iary eha11 no� b� raquired to domonAtrate i `,. ,
<br /> ' Qny aatuai impalrme�t oP its seauxi�y or a�y ir►axeaaed riok AP ;
<br /> derault horeund�r in order to daalAre the� Deb� immadiaColy c�uo ancl � . .
<br /> payab�e upon Gran�or�e eale, aonveyanao, allanation, mox�gage, ,
<br /> onoumbrance, plodge or trano��+r oP tihs Tru�t Property in (
<br /> viola�ior of the tearrns oP thle Aesd of Trust. Thie prQV�sion � � .
<br /> � shali Appiy to every eale, oonveya»oe, �lienatipn, moxtqaga,
<br /> � � encumbrance, pledge car �ranePex oP the Trust Property ragarcilees �
<br /> � of whether valuntary ar no�, ox whethax� or no� Henefi.o�ary ha� �
<br /> aonsented to any previoue sale� aonve�►ax►ae, alienatiAn, mox�gage, ` . ,
<br /> enaumbranve, p]�edge ox �ranefex oP the Tr.ust Pxoperty. An �
<br /> aesumptio� fee �cgual to one-ha�P oY one peraent oP the ouGetanding : �!
<br /> prino�pal balar�co o� tkna Note ati �he time of sueh eale� or tranePer � . .:
<br /> , � ehall ba due to the Hextefiaiary upon any pexmitted tranePer or , �. �
<br /> eale hareunder. �
<br /> (o) A sale, oonveyance, alie�a�ian, morCgage, !
<br /> anaumlbranc�, pledge or tranefer within the meaning oE �hi� i�
<br /> paragraph e ahall be d�emad �o include (i) an installmea�� eales � �
<br /> agreoment wherein Grantor agxees �o se1�. the Truet Propoxty ox An� � �
<br /> ��. par� thereoP Por a prioe to bo paid iy� in4ta11menta; (ii� an
<br /> agreamenZ by Grantor leasing all ar a eub�t�ntial pax� aP tho : ,
<br /> � . Trust Propoxty gor other than actual oaqupancy by a epace ten��� � �• :
<br /> � ----=-'.� -----------�--- �
<br /> zsanrc�unnc�r os� d dola-�� �sa3g;��na�t a; ti�iSvX 4�R;38�aX' O$i Ox' tY2E: • s
<br /> � grant oF a aeaurity interest in, Grantox's right, titla and ; • . :
<br /> intere�st in and �o any Leasea or any Renfie; and (iii) the eale, . �;
<br /> . --_.-_ - � ^.�n:'�i.:t2^.°� .°.?'�°!l��.�^i:, ri+nXtn�A70; Q11M1Mt1MATfAA_ L`']ZESf1U�A ol" trans�ar + . . .. .._.�
<br /> � o� the interest of any ge�neral p�rt�r►�x of�G����oz o� tha eale, - _ . , -
<br /> convsyanoe, alienation, mortgage, onau�mlbxanaa, pledg� or trana�e,r
<br /> of any intereat of a limited paztnex of Grantor to a genexal
<br /> partner of Grantor.
<br /> • (d) Notwiths�anding anythinq ta the aontrary con�ained
<br /> � herei�. a transPor of the Tru�t Propqxty by dev�lae or bequ��t
<br /> � resulting from the death oP the GranCor ahall not be deeme�d tu bo
<br /> an Evant of DoPault haxeunder provide�d th� tra»sfaree ie an
<br /> immediate Yamily member oP Grantor having a net woxth o� np loao
<br /> than $30,000,000.00.
<br /> 9. Es�onpel Cert�,��c�te,s. (ay Aftpx requcast by
<br /> BeneYioiaxy, Grantor, within ten (10� days, shall Purnieh
<br /> BenePioiary with a atatement, duly aaknowledgc�d arad aer�i�f�,ed,
<br /> eatting farth (i) �he amount of the or�.g�.nal px�.na�pal amouz�t oP
<br /> tbe Note, (ii) the unpaid prinaipal amount of the Na�e, (iii) the
<br /> -12-
<br /> 1
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<br /> �
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<br /> i
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