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-`7 a. -. _ ,c�. c c . �c -c-- <br /> __ 'O. .:� '�-`C .. _5 .. -...._ ; ._ . c_' _ .�... . <br /> - ,la _ < . " __` _ '_ '. _ __ . . — __-- .-_—_.- � <br /> __ _ _ _ .a._ .. . ..... _ . C . _.� . . < < _ ._' . _ _ . '. _ a c .�. _ . . . .. _ . ..i ... .._. �L`�. ._ _ _. <br /> �:;._..� s�.m:_�J '� . y. `.• ` _ . c`' , . c t• , c < 4� , � , < . . • • S �• ` - • -, _ , <br /> �.` <br /> ���! � 11fC � �Of���iiC`. . �Y` <br /> � 3 H�ii1i'�t l�e�t��ri�asor. �eep. ��J!-�6 <br /> pt�y i�ed i�rins�bss by.�;htz�cds imdode¢.vitfiia t�e tenn'extende,d�aa�"��Y��d�•�6 ' , <br /> . f#�wds or fk�od�ug,for�vhicb t�det�t�eq�uns,i�roet 7Uis ir�ui�tooe sh�fi be mai�rnod in tDe�ioadts iuod tcx tJ�e pExidls. <br /> taat I.c�der�eqains.�e inwranoe cu��a Pro����-��1 be chose� Bori�wer subjcct to I,enda's appiavat . • <br /> wbeY�.sd�il nac�sonrbly�vitldktd. U�c�rrower fs�7.c w m�ubrsin cqvaage doscdbed�ove.I,ade�m�Y«�t I,etider's. � . <br /> ' oQainn,c�b�tinno�Cr�e m-pciotmt Yrada`s rqt�s iatll�Pta�erty.in_�oocx!�ance w�p�h 7.:. _ � `. .. <br /> � .r All ia�rmc�e polkics�.�a�eanls shati be axeptable to.It�der smid sba11 includc s st�eda�d�r�tga�e t'ls¢�e.#rndex , <br /> shai)havedle ai8�ht to�oid tUapol'�ies�nt r�m�walfi.If LcodCt requitYS,Bcn'ra�rerst�alt promptty g�ve tp I.ender a1i t�eoeipts� , . <br /> , pald�aad:a�nval tfotioes.ln the Eve�[of 1oss.Bort�uwer shatl give�mmpt naice to�tbe inwranoe ca�ier and�.m�ler. ' <br /> 1.4�F[aK9:m�CC Pr'oof of fott if mtQ�P�Y b9�• . . . ` - ' .. <br /> - ' udas La�da aea BQ«+n�ver �roc in�n'im�g;in�r+a�cepe+�aeoas shal►be`ap�lioa to�nonor r�of tbe <br /> � �P�Y�•if t�e�or ce�is is�eooromically fess�`b1e sYd i��des�s seaaiRy is�ot�es.geeed:If d�ns�ti�n�r ` <br /> - repsir is mt ecpnolo�ilq fpt�k_or I.a�d�r's saxrrity wroald be Tes.4ened,the nsurai�ct p�nu�eds.shaU be�Ippliad�to the s�ns <br /> 'secunid by t�is�,Security I�etiut�t.wltetlier or not theo dve.�witl�a�r exca�s}�id�w Barno�wu. If Barrow��a6andc�t�s the <br /> � �npt�ty,or doea not amwer�itbin 30 dtys a noticr fram Lender tl�t the�nsaraoee c�rier fi�offaed to settk a claim.tbet� . <br /> �mty a�Ieet tha b�saAnoe proceeds.i.enda m�y nse tbe�rooaeds to t�ir ur nstou tlie PmQercy or w� sums <br /> aecured bS'tAis Securiry lrua'ameat,`wbet�ec'ot not tbta doe.The 30-day peciod ivi71�in wLett tbe natiue is given. <br /> `tJnkas Lsrder md Bornower�aht�wise�groe in.wriang, 9al+applia�n af p�oeods to Pri�Pd st�ti�aaY extend or . <br /> pos�p�sne�bt tbe`dstc af the mantTily F�9ments sefer�ed.w i�Prtags�s 1 and 2 or change th amo�a of dje psyaiaMS. �f <br /> mader p�n�ph sl tt�e rtr�ty is aequi�ca�by►Lenaet,8orrowar's rigbe to nay ia�ocanoe par�cies aoa pmceeds�sutp,�trnm �. <br /> � d#aoage w the Pnope�ty.priorw 1be soq�usa�on slWl p�ss an l.eeder to the cuent of the sums socatod by tbis�urity it�amd�t <br /> i(imed�tdy prior to_dfe soquisition. <br /> = ' i.Oasp�e¢y,Ptteaetwatioe,lltiiatasaweaad�A+atedio�dtie Ropaty;Bort+u�rei's l.oar App�ado�I�eatiei�eMls. <br /> Bot�rower shall ocatpy.esiabtish.ard nse ti�e Property as Borrowa's prtr�ripal c�sidenoe aritLin sixty days aflet tfie txopition of <br /> � - tbizSeearity Instcuaomt nad-s6a11-oamtiaoa m oaupy ihe.Pra�eriy as.Rac�lwet's�rincipal�nsi�rxe far at least ope year afier - <br />� the date of aaaiEmncy.nnless Lender ottxrwise��ees in writiqg,whtcli oo�ent stmil not:�§,arq�sorrabty wlthheld.or nnless <br /> �� .extepuati� arcumstaaces axist which are beyond Horraaer's control. �Borrowor sffall not dastmy."darna$c or impair ihe <br /> ProPerty,ullow the Piroperty w deteriarate.or aammit wa�te on the Propea�ty. Bornawec shall be in defauAt�f mN forfeique� <br />= action or procea�ing;wl�ettter civil ar began that in l�errder's gond faith judgment could result in forFeitare af the <br /> A+nperty or otheivvise materially impeur the lien created by this Securiry Instrumetrt or l,endcr's sxucity imeres�.Borrawer mAy . <br /> cure sach a clefanit and rein� provided m paragraph� c�using ttie accion ar prbceeding w be dismissed with a ruling <br /> that. in I.ender's good faiih deternrination, preclades forf�ktnre of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other.material <br /> - impairneeht�of i�e lien created Dy this Security lastn�or Iender's seruriry interest. 8orrower shall atsv bc in defaatt if <br /> - Borrawer.duting the loan applic�tion process.gave materially false or ir�curate infartnation or statements tc►Lender'(or f�lod <br /> ;y sx,_. to pmvide Lender witf�any material inforn�ati�ia�)in cannectian a+eth the loan evidenced by the Note.�including.but not limited <br />: ��;:` to,r�prese�ations conceraing Hatrower's occupancy nf.the Property as a principal r�idence.If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> s°� `' leasehold.Hornawer shap comply with all nc� pravisions of the leasc. If Bonower acquires fee title to the PropeRy, tlie <br /> ._�=�=' " . .�r` leasehold attd the feg ritle shall not merge unie�c Lender agrees w the merger in writing. �u— <br /> ?.Prnt�ctian ot Lende�'s RiaMs in the Borrower faits to perfarm the covenants and agreemerus coraainad in =_— <br /> "� this Security Insirument.�r there�is a lesal procee�ias that may sigrrificantly affecl I.ender's rigAu in the Property(such as a --_-- <br /> t� proceeding in bankcuptey,probate, for cartdem�tion or fo�feiture or ta enfarce laws or regulations). then L,ender may do,and =__° <br /> ' „,,..4 Y.,.�,„. pa}►for wbauwer is nacessary to pratect the value of the Praperty and l.ender's righ�s 3n'the Propeity. I.ender's actiom.�.may• `'--- <br /> :' .�•x.=-:': : it�clude payi� siry gutt�s securod hy a lien which hac priority avcr tfiis Secvrity lnstmme�tt. appeariag in coart. paYinB ��:--�- <br /> , .s�.�_� . � . _.;;-_ <br /> - ..;� '�� reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on thc Property ta make rc.p�ain:.Atthough Lender may take actian ander this p�ragraph ..:__-:_ <br /> �,.�;,"�� �' 7.`�.,entler dacs not havc to do so. . �;:y.`: <br /> "'�'��°�' •�-�f. Atry stmbun�v disbursed hy Lender under this paragraph 7 shall bccome additianal debt of Borrawer secured•by this .;;:�: <br /> ..,..,i..:•. <br />� ,,_:�,��- � ' Security lnstrumem. Uniess Borrawer and Lcrtdcr agr�ta oiher tcrnn af paymen�.these umoums sh�ll bear finterest fmm the ��``-- <br /> °�s,'� .-. : datc of d�bursement at the Note rate und stuitl be payable. wlth intcres�t. upvn naticc frrnn l.cnder ta Barrowcr reqaesting ��" <br /> .�..,..�;::.:..: �u <br /> r � ._. : ��� �;.._- <br />