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�_ � • �.F ` i. F� <br /> �-�� t �,.�� s ���`..h� '� _fn-c ' L�T y -. -- <br /> '-�` . Q".:F �< . . . _ _ -� _.. —.". ... - ----- . <br /> �__<�' _i...� � a _. � `.�._.c .o . ..�_�..` 'c. `. . � ... .�.. � c-. . . �. . .. �_ . �. . _ ._ . --'. :� . .. c -' .'r, ' <br /> ' O . � • . . . .. `�.. . . _ . � .X.� `� ' _l,� _~ . <br /> , , .'j�•��1�IC�'�QMr Q�la�k!ttE�tEa OR ibG�O�t�1.� . � ` ` <br /> ,_� i1D7V Q�'a�[t Ot�1C p[�C[ly►. � tE�tOEI�S-iId �ldQt15 S�� �SO bE COM1�EtOd;�t i�8'�. . � � <br /> � c �(!lE��.N�Of�JC f�Ol�LS tO�!''!E�COl1!tblTi.S`EQ1I��i9 t�1E�p[bQiCRy." ' ' ' `` ' . <br /> . �(�,�v�A��. t��illO�l 19�f SCLSEf�OE��bE[C�COIIYG�C�9��S�fC If$jli E4$[�� •��� c <br /> ppllY�"Sf t�lG pYnQ�l]I�t�t t�C�[�QGI�iS WlE�L9ID�s�����Of fE00fd. HOI'�0�7VCt iPd[J�[KS�Wl�{ • <br /> . de�d�iy iL�tit�m tht Propaty�inst ail c1auB and damnds.subjc�t w anY�of recor¢< < . <br /> - �IIS�t�E#'f'Y�iSTA�oombe�es�nt�for��aod aott-�etif�m�osraaus�.+vith liarit+ed <- - : <br /> -� vati�by ju�dictioe W,OO1�C s unlfon�t ae�titY�mt co�ain$teal P�'P�Y- ` ° • _ . � <br /> LiNif�QR11�C�OVENANTS.�Bottnw��erooyeoa�twdsgieessflolloas: ' ' � <br /> � `i:�r,ay�c or.�r��a� �.r� a�a�.�oe c�.�.Bono�a St�n a�ar��y we�n a��e° <br /> priacipd bf!o�infe�eat oa t�edebt evidenced bY tba.l�otm md a�j'-�Ympd�aod laoe cl�es doc un8er d�e Nc�tc. . <br /> '� 2�ifi�sis far Tia�[s aM Lwn�e�Su6jact to applicable 1aw or tp a'wrilten waiwer dy Leader.8amower sh�A pry to ,. . <br /> � I.eader on the d►Y��Y PaY���e due auder die Noie,m�a7 tbe Notc 3s p�id in fuil.a sam('Fwds'?for:Ya)Y�Y� � . <br /> � aad�ssmaxa wlix�may aaain priority are�tbis Seaiitg Ia�nanait��lien pn the Fropecty:(b)�rrarlY�P�Y� , <br /> � or ground rents on the ProPertY,if any:(c)Y�9�b a P�Y°���(d}yearly t1oa1 it�uranre pr+�rniva�s, . <br /> �if aay:c�)re�y ma�age iasur.�qtoe pm�a�,if�ny;and(t��rtY s�m�ray�l�br aormwer to l.endecs ia aooin+aanae.riPo • <br /> . the pravisior�af paaaStaph$in iieu of tl�e payment of mortgage ir�uranoe pttmiems.l�iumc at+e plled"Esc►�wdte�s.' . � <br /> . . Laqder ataY, at airy time.onUect aqd fwW Funds in an araount mt to eucmed the m�imum amwnt A teirrkr for a federslty <br /> - �nluad mattgage loau may�eqaire for$arrowei s asanw�t urtder the federal ResF Fstau Sealertimt Prax�res Ad of <br /> = i9Ta as aenended fm�a thqe a time,t2 U.S.C.So,.tioa 2601 et aeq. {"RESPA"),unkss anot5er law fhac applies w the Fands . . <br /> - s�ts a lesser amwnt.Ii so, I.ender-may.�a,�y�m�;�n«x�a n�a�����no�nr noc r���a�ne resse��.�= <br /> - , I.ader�rwy�ae the�t of Fands due on�he bacis uf currrnt dats and�eagonable�of expeadituses of futun , . <br /> - . Egcmw Items a otf�enkise in aocnMadce with applicabte taw. - . <br /> . The Funds sh�l be held in an itstitotion who;e deposits an �nsured by'a federal agency, instnunemality. or auiry <br />_ ('mclwljeg Lender,if l.ender is such an�Stitution)or in atry Fedcral Hmne Loan Bank.I�ender shall apply the Fands w pay the <br />- - Fsccow Ttems:�.ender'maq t�a[cGarrge Bonuwer for�otding�rd�apptyring°d[e��!y amalyzing th�esctm�se�epuat,or - � <br /> -- .vecifying the Fscrow Items.unless L.eoder paYs Borrower interest on the Funds an�applicabfe Jaw permits I.ender to malce snch <br /> � A chacge.Hbweves,leQder mayr r�oquire Horrower w pay a one-time cfiarge for an indepcndera r�al estate tax reporting servia <br /> psed•by 4�nder in co�lnection with this Ioan. unles§applicable law provides otl�erwise. UNess an ageement is made or <br /> applicable latv requires imerest to be paid.Lender shall not be srqnirrd to pay Horrower any interest or ea=rungs an the f�mds. ` <br /> , Borrower and Lender may agnae L►writing. how�wer.that imerest shall be paid an the Fu�ris.�.eader shall give to Borrower. <br />�`� without annual aoco�nting of the Funds..showing credits and debits w the Funds and the purpose for which c�cb <br /> .. debit to tt�e Funds was made.The Fnnds are pledgecl as additional security for ail sums seatred by this Securiry Instnunen� . <br />� . If ti�e Fands held by I.ender exceal the amounts permitted to be fieid bY BpPticable law,Lender shal!aocount W Bornnwcr <br /> . � . for t�a ezcess Funds ifl acco�ance.with the requircaaeats of applicabie law. If tbe amoum af ihe Puads heW 6y Lendcr at a�ry . <br /> ' - time is not sufficiem to pay the Hscrbw Items when due,I.ender may so,rtotify�orrower in writirtg,and.ia sucb case Borrawa , <br /> , �_ shall pay to Lender 1he amount neee.csary ta maice up the defieieney. 8orrawer shait make up'the deficiert4y ia no more than <br /> � �° twelve monthiy paymen� Lender's sote discretian. ' <br /> s . ;:�=;..-f.t'�=" <br /> , •; Upon payn�tt in fuA of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, l,ender shail promptly retund to Bonawer any <br />- Funds heM by Lender.lf.under•paragraph 21.I.ender shall acquire or sell the Prope�ty.l.ender.prior to ihe acqaisiuon or sale • <br /> of ttre Property,shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at�hc time ai acquisitian or sale as a c�edit against the sams securad by <br /> = this'Security Instrument. . <br /> " -_ 3.Appliatbn ot PAyments.Unles.c applicab{e law pravides otherwise.AII�1}�fiCQiy f2C81VC��jl L.CIIACf UIIfICf p3i8$f8�I19 <br /> • �;`;`� 1 and 2 shall be,to any prepayment charges due urxfer the�moun�5 payable nnder patagraph 2; _ <br /> � �' "- �-�•3°n�''��: interest due:faurth.ta principal due:and last,uy any late charges due under the Notc. . ' _ <br /> r. . �:.. � <br /> '��i'' 4.Cfwitges;l.ieag.Eescrower shai!pay ail taxcw,assessments,charges. ftnes tuid impasitiam attributabte ta the Praperty <br /> "�,�.:.;� . <br /> v'�' "''�t"° which may attain priority over this'Security Instrumem.and leasehold paymenta ar gromtd renu.if any. Borrower shali pay =. <br /> _.,T-�Y � <br /> � ����. these obiigations in the•manner providod in paragraph 2.�or if not paid in ihat manner.Bonower shall pay ihem an time directly = <br /> �.�a� <br /> n3,�� y�'. to the persan owed payment.Borrower shali promptty fumisl�to Lender u11 nntires of amnunts to bc paid undcr this paragraph. _ <br /> .����,: If Barrowee makr.►these payments directiy.Borrawer shall prampt{y furniwh ta l.ender rcccip�s evidencing the paymen�c. _ <br /> �•-�-• Bort'awer shall pramptty discharge any lien which has prioriry ovcr this Savrity InWroment unless Horrower: (a)a�rees in _ <br /> ` ' �` writin to ihe t af the obii tion�ccured b thc lien in a manner acce table to Lender.(b)cmttest.5 in oat faith the lien <br />