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s. -`�-�`�.'. . . . - .;.�a ..'. .... .`.,�...c�a.: "�z _ .. -_' '_ <br /> ,• ,. � .. � . � <br /> r a - <br /> •� <br /> . , <br /> � _ ..,_ <.- _ _ � — <br /> . <br /> .-n _ � . .�+ . . . • ' � <br /> :..- c. . . c - .. .. . . . ` ._ . , . . <br /> .,-. 4 � . .. `< < ' . � - _ _ r} <br /> .� <br /> _' -' '- . ..._ _�j . i. .- -.' - . � . . ... ' - - � - - � �- - - ---- - - - - '-� '- �- <br /> ..--- ':r� _��_-.:a ' ` ... �o. .. � � .,c, � . ' . {� � `, . <br /> �y .- . - . < � _�p 6 ' ' " . . �`�G�Ot t1�E�'l�'��,���,�����"� �Ol'ItiE�. <br /> . ��. _ ��� � , <br /> �t iamder teqia�ra)�t�vidp�_!9?wt a�ner�Pi'nrad bY L�a��`��ic a�+�.� !!4 � <br /> tLe pemipmc ra�fiee�10 airtsm�ort�e:+a�at�we iQa t�ac��a to prrnide a;�s�ve•°m'1 tbe�eq�a��� , ` <br /> ins�trat���ta�eed�e�ic+�i�an!'��ae�c��sv��d�a�a�p1�1�!�. ' - -� - ` <br /> . �!.I�e�r.[�eades ar its�eac m�j►m�te'�a�rntcies apan�utl mspeotia�s uf'd�e�v�e�t7.1.x,aAe,s s6�D,�a� ' ` <br /> Hosco�er mcica�sttbe fiaAe otot p�to ae impeaion�ecifying�ta�oNbie caix for dre ir�speaioa- . ' `, ' <br /> - �- .;N,�-�e�ebooeas s��ssg��:ctam�or ei�es.�;ac.mnseqo� co�.��Y_.. .. _ <br /> � �tx dlki i�ki�of aay�wt ot tbe Pna� far oamreya�oe in�ien of�d�r�dn,ane��fiy sss+b�a� <br /> � , skat!bep�ta i�eada. '. . ' .` <br /> ' ' � tn tht evr�af a ta�al tiang of t6t�copecty:tbe p�noceds�sbaf�6a.apptied to#he�s secasod t�r dris�ty idstr�o�t:. <br /> , �I�er ot�nt t�dt�`w�i�h atty as+�ss�aad�tio�crn�:Ie�Lc tveht�'.s�ti�rl tat+in�of tht Praipat�!���6e fa : �- <br /> ` �- mac�et tiailue of d�4�9�Y bo�ae YUe tal�Og#�1�1��E��o tlie a�rta af ttie��'d� ` <br /> �prigr I�t a�aaied�y beia�e�he tskin�.��onir�er sQd itnder od�a�rise sgroe iu w�riomg.�he sam�secorad bY <br /> ° t'his�ity inmament s1nU b¢redoc�ad by the amoait c�'th piotxaeds�iod tl,Y��O� �°: t�)fhe yaal- � � . <br /> • ' m�t of tbe st�s sel�red i�o�s�dY befare @ia f�cing;t6v-iQe�d by fb)the faic mnlcd v�i of the�toQes'ty inmed'�telY ' <br /> bcfn�e die�tci�g.Any trat�nae t�i�sii 1�Prdd to Boc�ra in tbe evmt of a Fara�i tsking crf tbe Pm�ty in�the fair �� , <br /> ' ma�cet value of�Pc�p�rty imt�3i�tetY�efnre tbe tating�s lesf than,t�ie�ano�t d We s�ts seoutnd immodistoZY,befone the <br /> ntrir�;n,dess 8�xrnwer sna I.ender adra�vise�+e in writi�or�spplicable ta�►atherw+u�paovidcs,the p�oeeds s�il <br /> be�ppTied to 1Le smr�s�sec�red by ihis Sa�+�`�Y dnsaummi vvh�txxar�nt the su�s�t tban d�- - ` � <br /> � if the Pmperty ic�dot�od hY�a�mwei�,br i�.�Rfta noticx by�.ct�der to Bo�sower 8nt the ooidan�ot affas�a�e sn. . <br /> awraod or`seale�t.cZaim fa�dacmge.s,Boirra�vct fu7s w sespo�to I�let v�ithisi 30 dags�er thc d�te d�e mtice is�ivan: : <br /> - L�rdn'fis auQ�oriud to co(tect and spplg�hc pioaoocisf at its aption,�tber Ya re�tocstian or re�air of the Prapaty ac to fhe�tds <br /> soCucnd by d�is Sdsrtiry��vhetLer or t�t tl�ea du�. ` , <br /> -- iJrdess l.a�cler atd BrnrPwer othervvise agroe in writing, tmy sg�Plication of ptuoeeds Yo prinapat�#,�3 exteM�ot ' <br /> _ _ — postpcx�e she dae due of the moruhly payments referrod to in�r�plLC t anc12 or change the amonnt of s�idi paymeots. <br />- tt.�a Nat�'i�btbdim�no�89 lxsdee�iet i Waiver_.�of ilie xime�}�aytnentnt moA�tian _ <br />- of amorti7atian of the sur�u socured by'this Sectuiry tasnvmeM�ntod bY knder to a�ry�ss°r in inu�rat of 8orrower��a11 <br /> _ _ . mt aperata to teiease Ehe 1iab.itity af the ariginal&mower ur Borravrer's�oia in izuerat.Lender sluill not be ia�uired to. <br /> -- anmrnence prooeedings against any successor 3n interest or refuse to extend time for paymont as a�rwise modify amartiz�tion <br /> - af it�e 3�asns s��y this Saa�riry Insttumeat fry rrasan nf any de�and made by sbe original Horrowe�ot Bomawer's <br /> s�es.4ors in iM�erest. Arry forboac�u�ce by Lendcr in ezercisirt$azry rigf�ar rernady sh�tl tat be a aaiva of or preclode d�e <br />_-'' exeroise�of any!�einedY- • <br />':-_;,,, IZ.Snooee�aes a�d�tai�s Eoan�Joint aod Sevaal 13ab�Aity;Co�. 'm4 cavenants and agnxrt�etus of this <br />�- Soeutity tpstntment xhaii bind and fienefit the snrcessors md assigtts of��.e,nder anQ�ormwer.subjxt so ihe�mvisi�s of . <br /> �h 17k 8ori+ewer's oovemmu m�d agreemenus shal�be joim md sev�al. Arry Honower who co-sigr;s 8ris Secarity . <br /> Insd�umcm but docs not execute the Nate: (a)is�co-sigrtirtg this 5e,curity lnstniment onty,w mortgage,grurt aid a�nvey that <br />-� 8orrbwer's iircerest in the Property under the terms nf this Security lnstrument:(b)is not personaliy obtigated io pay the sums � <br /> � '-. . �ecured by this�urity Inttrume�:t:and(c)agrees.[hat Ler�der and arry other Borrower may agree to extcnd.modify.,frnbear or <br />- �'``"�`�t�� maice any accommaiarions with rcgard ta the terms aF jhis 3erurity Insttument or the Note withaut�at 8orrower's consent. <br /> r r i3.�.o�nn t�r�es. lf the loar�securod by ihis Seeuriry insuument is subject to a law whfth r,ets maximum loan charges. <br /> anSi ttmt law is Srally intcKprett��that the intere�t ar otlur loan charse�callecte�or to be coltectad in connoccion with ihe <br />_ lcmn excatF the perntitted timi�s,then:(a)any such lonn charge�11 be redurecl by the amount r�scessary'to retiace the cfiarge . <br /> " _�.� co ihe pern►ittod timi�;and(b)smy svmS alrpdy collcxtvd fmm 9arrower which czcood�d permitted lirt�its w�ll be refunded to <br /> • ._�.`�:�- Barraaer. t,ender may choo!�e ta maice this rcfund hy reduring the principal awed under tfic Natc, ar by making a diroet <br /> • •f - i payment to Bonawer. If a refund reduc� principal. the reduction a4tl be trratod as a partial prepayment withaut mry <br /> -s� - � - prepayment charge under thc Note. <br /> - l0.Ndioes.Aay notice t�Barra�ver providai for in this Security Instrument tihal!be given by delivcring it ar by nwilirtg <br /> '-�:��-;: it by class mai[`unless applicx�ble law requires u�+c af unather method.The ruytice shall bc 8irectad to tM Prop�rty Address <br /> �;��=�y other address Ac�rraw�.�r designatcy by tratice rn i�ender. Any notice ia l.endcr shall bc givcn by fin+t clas.5 mail to <br /> � •��� ' i.cnder s address stated herein or nny<�thcr uddres.ti i.cndcr detii�tes by ru�ticc to Earn�wer. Arry noticc prc�vitlod for in tfis <br /> -'.,'�:,:_ �� Se�curhy ltritrument sfiall bc decrt�cd to havc he�n givon to&+rrawer or l.ender when given as pmvided in this par�raph. <br />. .Yi. �i.�'i�- �S.�GoverninR 1.sw: Severabifity. 'i'hi5 5ec�riry in�trumcnt shall !+e g�verne�d hy fedcral law m�d the law of ihe <br /> _ ��`•` �. +�+ jnrisdiction in wfiich the Prapertx is lornted. In thc cvcnt that any provi.ion or cl�use of thiti 5ecuriry lnurtm�ent at the Nate <br /> � ` eanfliets with applieable law,sueh ecmfiict shall nat affert other provisian�of thi�Security tntitrument ar the Note which�cnn be _ <br /> . � } <br /> 'j � .,. ,, given eff�t withcwt thc ronflicting provician.To this end the pravi�ian�af thi�5erurity In4trumcnt and thc NMC am declarod <br /> _ ''�`;;;:;, to bc sevcrablc. � . • � <br /> �'���. ;6.8onawer's Copy.Borrowcr r�ha11 bc givcn anc c�nformrd rnpy nf thc N��tc uncf�f this Serurity lnstrument. <br /> _• "�'-,�: . � • . Pcrm D� sllQ <br /> .r <br /> ,t , . • Pq�4 af 6 <br /> � � <br /> G' <br /> _- � ' <br /> _ — �a.,�-_,`"�`z.. ...... --� -. ..... - s.:i- . . -x.���. ._' � -.... ....-_.�,.-__ <br /> � — rwi, r� +¢ia'atitr-,' . <br /> _" -�y�!7S't-'-' -'� ---=r•r• , . � ' . � � . , . ' " .�,_.��:,�.._. . .. . . � __.. <br /> __.�� _. . - . .. ...- . ..• _ . . " �_.� �,___.`_'_ , _. . 1. . . <br /> "5°. <br /> . a .� . . <br /> •�,♦�t�,r...... • • „ <br /> ��„ b�� 't _" __ —_ __'_.__ ___""_" _ —___" ' __....___'"__`_ ____—_'_' _ ' _ '_' _ ' _ ___ _"'__ __ ____ _ __ _' _ __" "_' <br /> � . «�-T �n:�i.....: . .. ___-... _ . . . . <br /> — ^,�v..d.ij:r�ti:.�.. . U' ' �• i - . . ' � ' � �. . . . . . ' .• . ' .. " - , <br /> `.P� .*�__1 � � • . . . .' . . , � . � , . ;� . - . � „ <br /> . _ - .--Y'�'-�����.!E�:a"G`:, . . • � � ' , ' . ' . � , .. • ..� . � ., . . <br /> � � - <br /> - �.� _•. �:::. - -{. . " . __t.. , . <br /> -� �._._.,.. -��._.a.,_ -- - -- - =— - " --- -- J -- -- �- .... ._. _. _. . ._ _ . . <br /> '_ - - - �--r r.4.� ,,'; + ...` . �. � , . . . <br /> � . .. '. ..• � . .. . <br /> � •}�•.�•� �,� � . <br /> _ __ —�.T i _..jt. _ � . _ . , � , . . � . <br /> - �Y.-Li-#r', T..� „ • • _ ' � . . . ' _ �_ ' . ,.f.. ' i • ' � � , <br /> ��] �L ��[r '1iL i •ti• • �_?��•�.f_ _ ._ ` � • . . "ft+r �. ��-4iji�.S. `. . . <br /> • —' _Y ��' �_.:'�='J.1.Z: ' ".}� • . � ] t^� l�T�+'x."� ... '� •' . . <br /> '4 ~y r�_i.�_Mt. � rj3, .:•i.;�1. `� . .. '. .. t���.� � � . <br /> -._ Y�_11.ff.Y:6�.'a•�1Jir{.4.II�f'• ! g. •v7�?� � . �'� � . <br /> .� _�.c �-,+'y i 3� , , _ . .. '�a.klL,sai- „ . . ��'d... ' . �_. . • <br />