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<br /> UNIFORM�qVF:NAN�'9 Haaowo�nnd Londa►cavc�r�unl n��d c�grc�o ns fo��t�wa' � ;
<br /> ----. .. .._ � 1. PaXai�nl M P�inclpal and Interoml.parro�vor�hhq p�amplly pnY whe�n du� Uiu t►iincipnl ol and I�torrst nn N�fl i '�
<br /> { indc�btodno�aovlci�ncotiby�htlN�to,prapa monsandl�HCh,��f��astMnvttivctintt�4Nato.andthE+ptint�IpAlofondlnt8raaton s -.-- - --.
<br /> .. .. :._ � ni�y F�►�turo Ad�inCt►9 st�curGd by ths�qat Tn�s1.
<br /> � � d, r�l(�LI��OlI�Y���II�II��U1Mq40��J��VYMttaappllcab!�lawrrtnAwr�ttonwa►varbyl.onclor.ElOr(OWfltBhAllptlytc►Lv�1dOr ; . . ... -
<br /> ! on tho day manthly liietnllm��ts M princlpn�and intorest c�ro pnyubla u��der the Not�,until ths I�AiQ ts F�►d�n i�!1{.�num{ha�tlhti :
<br /> 1. "Funde")aqual tu onu-twfllNh of Iho yonrly toxos and naso9smont9 whioh mny niftll�prloriry ovot this OeRd ol Trus1,and + .
<br /> pround ronte an Iho P�opflrty,il ony,�lus one-tw�►irih a1 ye�t��ly prc�mium Inetnllmonta tar hn:nrdlnsurflnce►,plus an�-twnifll�ol
<br /> yearly promfum hiat�llm�nts to►mortfln e I�surnnco,it nny,n��cse reasonnbly ostlmatt�tl InItlE�lly And trom timo to time hY i
<br /> 4ender on Iho bnsle ai aasessmanta an�blllt+t��d�o�&annbla ostimntos thoraof. �
<br /> Th�Funda Rhnll be hold 1�nn Inetitutf�n it�c�dt�po9lt�orncc�unts al whlch�ra In�ured ar�tuntnnto�d,by n Ft►derA�ar steto �
<br /> ngency(including Landar I}Lender la such t�n inotitut�an). Lendor�ho11 t�pply tho tunda to pfly 8F1�d tflN09.asseasmpnts, i
<br /> insurWnco pramlums and praund ronte.Lvndar m�y not charpo Ipr su hpidinfl F�nd(►pp�yinfltho Funds,�nt�tyllnfl anid accounl E
<br /> ior voritylnp and compllinp enld At►so�smonts and bllis unluss l.anda�pt�Ya������vor Intorosl on lh0 Fund9�nd E�ppitceble tAw �
<br /> � permlts Lander tomnko suoh e aharflv.Borrawor and I.ondor may np��c�ln writinfl nt tho timo oloxocutlan atthls�c+ed olTrual �
<br /> thAt interest on the Funds ahnll bo pnld to Borrowor,and unlosa su�h flflmc�mont la mAdo or appIlcAlbe law requl�os auoh
<br /> intorASl ta bo pAld,Londer ehtlll nof bo r9qulrod to pAy 0ortowo�n�y�ntp�o91 ar o�rninfle on th�Funds.Lander Rhall piva to
<br /> Borrower,withaut ohnr e,an onnual sccountlnfl o11ho Funda ahowi�a n odlts flnd do[tita ta tho Fu�ds t►nd the pu�pase to� �
<br /> whiCh oACh deait ta the�unds wae made.Tho Fundsare plodp6d�s nddlt�anal pacu�lty for tho auma sc►ourod by thlo Osed ot
<br /> T�ust. � �
<br /> �� It the amoun!af tha lunde liold by Lender,togathor with tho IuturA manthly Instnllm�nts ol Funda p�y�blo prlor to the dua
<br /> datas o1 tAxo�,asaeasmonta,Insuranco premlunis nnd pround►e�ts,shE�ll axcoc�l thA amouni requirpd to.pay sAld taxos,
<br /> � �csossments,inaurAnce p�emlums and ground rents ae thoy tAU due,BUOh t1ItGR8A 8hp11 (lH,at Qarro�vor s optian,elther .
<br /> a�omptly ropaid to Barrower ar credltod 1a Borrow�r on manlhly inatallmonts a1 Funda.II tha�mounl ai tho Fu�ids held by
<br /> 1 �rnderahallnotbasufilclenitopaytexes,aasessm�nts,inaur�tncepremlumyc�nd 9roundronlsnathpylE111dua.Borroworshall
<br /> �yy to lender any amnunt necessary to make up the detialenay wlthln;i0 days from tho dc�tA natlae la malled by Lendar to ,
<br /> ��rrawer requestinp payment theraol.
<br /> Upon payment in tull o}all sums secured by this Qeed ol TruaL Lander sh�ll pramptly roiu�d to f�or►awer any Funda hald by
<br /> Lvnder.N under paroprnph 18 hereof the Propertv�s sald orthe Proppny Is�therwlae ncquired by Lendpr,Lender ahAll npply
<br /> • no later than Immadlntely prlor to tha sale ol the p�operty ur ita Acqu��lslt�an Gy l.endar,and Funds held by Lenderal thetlma o�
<br /> � npplicaUon ae a cradit eflalnst tha aums secuted by tlils peod of Trusl.
<br /> 3. Applltatlott o1 Pryntente.Unloss�ppllcAb�e law provides otharwiae�,All pflymonts racelvod by Lendar und�r 4ho Noto
<br /> and paraQr:irl�s��nd 2 hareol shall ba appliod by I,endor tirst�n paymPnl n1 em�unte peyablo to Londer by E3orrow�r u�c9c�c
<br /> parngrAph2hfl�e�l,thFnlolnterealpaypbloonth�Note,lhQf1101hOnf10(llpAlpithONOtO,Andihentointerostandprinc.i�,drJrr
<br /> • 2ny Futu►o AdvanCea. �
<br /> � 4. Gha�ger,41o�s.�3.�r�wers shell pAy all taxe5,Asseasments and other ahar{�on,fines and impositions attri���.:�M'^Co:M'�
<br /> F�raperty whlch mAy att:�in�4rlaf�y over thla Daed ot Truat,and leasehald pnymonto or c�round ronts,If any,in.°,'yc+R��nnpr
<br /> � provided under parapr�lpn�hPTFlpI or,N nat paid in such manner,Gy Sarrawor maki�g payment,whAn due,�iiz^cctty to the
<br /> payee ther•flof.Etorrowor sh�l1 rqm�*tly iurnish to Lender all noticos ol qmaunte duo u�dor lhis pa�agraph,and in the evu�t
<br /> � • 9orrawar s�h;��l mako paympn�CllTfli.11V, Bprrower ahall promptty lurnlah ta Londar recF�F«�vi�e�cing such poyments.
<br /> Borrower s'ha11 promptly di9charge:uij lion whlch has prlarity over thla Deed at Truat;prov�d��ti,1h218orrower shall not be
<br /> - requiredtoi!'rscr�ai�or�ny su:.l�BansolongssBorrQwereha!ln�rAelnwNtingtothoDHYmentotthoobligatlonsecuredbysuoh ,
<br /> � Ilen in a manner ecceptabl�+to Lender,or shall In good laith canteat suoh lien by,or detentl entorcomant of such iien in,iagui
<br /> � procAedlnQs which oparato to preven!tho enforcemant o1 the Ilen or lo�feiture ot the Properry ar any part theraot.
<br /> � S. Na=ard Insurance.Barrowar shall keap the improvements naw exislincJ or h���after erected on the Property Inaured
<br /> � sgs:nst!QSS��;t��e,hararclA Included withln the term°extpnded coverage";anc�su:.t�other hozards as Lender mey requlra
<br /> , and in�uch Amount9 and 14►such penods as Le�tler ma�ff1QUl�@:piOV7q8U,tndl i.n�iuv��'�n°����r�q i�lh�!!h°s!!?4URt^}
<br /> suoh oaverage exceed that amount ot cove�age requ�re ta pay tne�uma securod by ihls Osed ot T�ust.
<br /> Tnis inaur�nco Carri�r praviding the insurance ahall ba choson b�•8�rro�ver aubjact to o�p�oval by Londer;provided,that
<br /> undoapnrapr�aph 2�hor�of o�N notpa dyn such Iman�ner,by Bar ower ma In�paymenl8when due directly�to the I eurance
<br /> ca►rlor.
<br /> � All Insurance polic�as�nd rpnewalq thereot shall be In}orm accopt�ble,to Londer and shall include a standard mo rtgaga
<br /> � clauea in favor o1 and in lorm ACCepiablo to Lendpr.Londer ehall have the nqht to hold the poliCles and renewals thereol,and
<br /> Barrowershail prpmptlylurnish toLpndornll renewal notic�sand ali receipis of pald premiums.Inthe ovantplloss.Borrower
<br /> shall glve prompt notice to the In9urance carrier and Lander.Lender may mak0 prool a1 loss it not mAde promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lander and 8orrower othorwiso agrae in writing,InaurancP procoeda t+h�ll beapplit�d la restoratlon or rapalr o11he
<br /> � Property damagad,providod such rustoratlon ar repair is ecanomlcafly teasibla and tha securlty o1 thla Deed o1 Trust la not
<br /> ' thereby Impaited.H auch restoratlon or repalr is not economlcally feasible or it th�secutity o1 thls Qeed of Trust would be
<br /> Impalred,the Inaurance proceede shall bv c+pplied to tho sums aecured by this Deod o1 Trust,wlth the excesa,H any,pald to
<br /> 8orrower,It the Property Is abandonod by sorrower,or II Borrower falls to respond to Lendar within a0 days from the date
<br /> notice ia mailed by l.endar to Borrower that tlie Inauranae carrier olla►s to settle a claim 1or inauranoe benaHta,Lender lo
<br /> authorized to collect and apply the�nsuranco procoeds al Lendor's upt�an either ta resturutlon or repav ol the P�operty or to
<br /> • the sum&aeoured by thla Deed o1 Trust.
<br /> � • Unless Lender and svrrower otherwlsa apree in wrlting,any such appllcation a1 proceeda to princlpal ahall not extend or
<br /> pastpone the due date�91he monthly inatallmenis referrad to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereot or change the amounl ot such
<br /> Installments.N under paragraph 1 B hereof the Proporty is Acyuired by l_endor,flll nght,title and Intoresl at Bo�ro�ver In and to
<br /> any Inaurance pollclas And�n and to the proceeda thereat rasultmg fram damage to the Property pripi to the saleo�r acqul9itlan
<br /> shall pass to Lender to tha extent at tne suma sooured ny th�a Dead of Truat Immedlateiy prior to such sale or acqulsltlon. • •
<br /> B. Preservatlon and Malntc+nanca a�PropoNy;Leaeeholda;Condominlums;PiA�nod Un11�e�aaapments.9orrauver ahall
<br /> keep the Property In good repai�and Shall not commit waste or po�mit impairment of doterioration ot the Properry and shall
<br /> comply with the provfslans pt any leaea dthis Deed o1 Trust is on a lea9ehofd.If thls tDeed ol7rust is on a unit In a condominium .
<br /> or a pfanned unit develorment.9orrower shall pertorm all 01 Barrowei's obligot�ons undor the declaration or covenHnts
<br /> creatlng or goveminy the condomirnum or planned unit dovolapmAnt,tne by-I�ws and regulatlons ot the condominlum or
<br /> plannad unit development,�nd constituent documents.II a condaminlum or plonnpd unit development rlder is excuted by •
<br /> Borrower and recorded tagetner wnn this DeaJ�I Trust.tt�e covenant;and agroements�1 ci��h r�der shall be�nCOrpOreted
<br />� Into and anall amend and au�plement the cuvenants and agreomonts of this I3eed ot Trust As H the nder wore A part herepf.
<br /> 7. Proteolion o1 Lendmr's 9ecu�Ny.I1 Borrower falls to pe�torm the covenenta and agreements co�nt�ed in this Reed�1
<br /> ' Truat,or if any aCtlon or Q�oceeding Is commenced with materially affeats Lendor's interest�n the Pro a including bu!nct
<br /> � Ilmltod to,emfnent doma+�?.�nsolvenoy,codo enforcament,or arrangements or proc�sdings invalving a bank:u�toc�+ar.�den�,
<br /> then Lender at Lender's option,upon notico to Bo►rawer,may make sucn app4ar4ncos,visbu�se auc;�surs a:-;��a�a�u�::
<br /> actlonasianeoassarytoprotealLender'sintereat,lncludlng butnotlimltedto,disbursementofr¢a&ona6leHttomcy'Sfeesa:�.�
<br /> entry upon tho Property to make repairs.If Lendar requlred mortgege insurance as a condition of making the loan aecured fab
<br /> � the Deed o1 Ttuat,Borrower shall poy the premiums required to malnteln such insurance�n effect untll such tlme as tts�
<br /> requlrementforauchineuranceterminateafnaccordencewlth�orrower'sandLender'swrittenag�eementorappIlcalbelaev.
<br /> Sarrower shall pay the amount ot all mortgage insurance permiums in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br /> Any amaunts dlsbursed by Lender purauant to Ihis pa�ograph 7, with intarest thereon, ahall become addltional
<br /> Indebtedness of Borrower�ecured by this Deed at Trust.Unless Borrowar and Lender agree to other terma o1 poyment,such
<br />' amounts shall be payable upan notico lrom Lender to Borrower requesting payment hereal,and shall bear interest I►om the
<br /> date o1 dlsbursement at the rala paynble from time to t�me on outstandmg pnncipal under the Note unless pa ment ol interest
<br /> ae missible underlappelcable larw�Nothn�g con�a�n d in th s�parag aph 7 shall equire Lond�o incu�any axpe salo takeany
<br /> ection heraundvr.
<br /> 8. Impectlon.Lender may mal<o or cnuse to be made reasonablo ontnes upon and mspecUOns at the Property,provided
<br /> that Lender shall give Bo►rower notico pnor to any SuCh inspection specify�ng reasonable Cnusathereforerelated to l.ender's
<br /> interest In the Property.
<br /> I n t
<br /> � - -• _
<br /> — - - —. _ - -
<br />