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' . . ..�._..—.._.. .. l _. .�..�._ .� . . . , " . . ,� . .. ...— . .. . <br /> � .. � - .� . . .. . - ���'. <br /> ' �, ' . • ' .. . .. . _ " .... -. <br />. � ' _ <br /> f <br /> �L.wr.a...�. . . . - .. ..'""...�-_._.. � . <br /> � .. �� <br /> � � <br /> � ��.�104216 � <br /> ' 0. Condam�alldn.Tha pracunds p1 nny mvnrd nr citjim lur dnmc�tias,dfrocf or c�nsuquanUiai. In�on�oction wilh pny � <br />: condomnAtlon or othar takinA af Ihp F'roporty,a�pmt thorool,or fpr convaynnca In iieu ol condomnal�an,nro horqbyosfllp�otl � <br /> . . �nd�I�nll ba pnf�l lo Lan�lar. t. . <br /> � in tho avont of a totnl tnkinp ot tho Propc�riy,!ho prucaeds sholl bo npplicrd to iho aums securod by thi�peod ot Trusl,with -- — -- --- <br /> tho oxcoss,U nny,pnfd ta t!i�nvonl ol a pc+ni�t taklnp nl th�Propnity,unless Qorro�ver and 4onder othor��iso � _ __ � _ <br /> . �""°"'°� - aflree�n tvnhn{�,thereehali t�nn(►phna to Ih�awns aecurod by th�s Uoed ui i rusi such prupanian oi thoprocaodspa isau�n�iu ; �.. <br /> thfltproportionwhlchlhpnmounlofthosumsaecuredbythlnpuadol7rustimm�sdintolyprlorto�hodnta�ltakinpb�A�otothe � <br /> fafr mnrkot vnh�o nl lho propo�y Immedlatoly prior to tl�o d�te M tnkin,q,wtth tho bnlcanco ol the proceods pntd to Borrower. i <br /> If Ih�Propprty ia c�bf�ndnnad!�y f3arrowt�r,nr It,atter natlao by I.ender t�Aorrower thnl Iha conQomnor oftprs to mAko an � <br /> n�vard or�eltl�n nlnim fa►damnflos,G�orrowor Inlls to rospond t�I.ondnr wfthin 30 days nitor tho dot�such notico la mGitod, . <br />' londer la Autharixad to oollect nnd npply Iho procoeds,at Lendr�r's optlon,aithor ta rostorAtlon ar repAi►ol tha Propa►ty or to � . <br /> the eume snour�d by thle�ned nl Tnint. : <br /> Unlesa l.endorend E�arrowar nfliarwis�apree In�vriting,nny nppllcAtiqn ai p�oCOeds to princlpUl3hall no9@xtR�dOr � <br /> postpono thE�dua data ol Iha m�nthly Inst�llmunts refor�od tn In pnrapraphs 1 and 2 h��rr3a1 ar changR the umovnt�!�uch � <br /> lnstnllmanta. ' �` . <br /> 10. Qanawar Nal Relensod,Cxt�naum of tha timo Inr pnyment or modillr.ution Af amartir.atian oi the suma s�curewJ�y 4+��s �. <br /> poad a}Truet�rantod t�y 4Andar to nny Aur,nc�nn�r In Intaroat a1 Horrowar nhnll nut opnrata to roleace,in�ny manner,4fle i <br /> , Ilnbllity o11he on{�fnal I3orrowor and Barrawnr'n nunceseore InlAraqt•l.�ndar aimll nat be roquirod to cor»mc�co proceedi�ga ,• <br />_ opalnat auah auccassor or reluea to extend Uma for�aymRnl���therwinn modlly amorlizaUon ot tho c�un�s socured by lhla i• , <br /> Qaod al T�usl Uy ra�son ol any dumand mado by tha�ri{�Ini�l{3nrr�wer nnrl fi�rrowor's auCCOSSO►s fn�n90res1. <br /> 11, Forbea�nnne by Lender Not a Walvar.Any lorbanr��nr:a i�y t.can�t�r ii�exercising any rlflht or rern�dy horeundor,or � <br /> ollierwlae Aftorded by apphcabla law.shall not be a wnlvnr o1 or prer.ludt� Ine vxerGse of any auch nght or remoC�y. Tho <br />' p��c►�rflmonl af insurnnceotlho paymontof taxas or otherllons ar chargeaby 4endr�r shnll no1 bea walverof L�3ndor'sr�ghtto <br /> ac�olarNte the mxturlry al the Indebtedness securod by thia R�od ot'frust. <br />` • 12. Flomediaa GunlulaUvo All►omodl�s providnd In this pned ot Trtist are distincl and cwn�Uative tv any other rlght or , <br /> remedy undvr thiR noErd o1 Trust or attorded by IAw or aqutty. and may be axorcisod concurrently, independAMly or <br />_ sUCGOaslvely. , <br />- 13. 9uacs�sore and Aeelgne 8ound; Jofnt And S�vor�� l.lnbllity; Capllone. The covenants and apredmonts he�eln <br /> conl�ined ahall bind,and tha ri{�hts hereundar shell Inura to,Ihe rospeclwA Succoasors and Asslgns ol Londar and Borrower, <br /> suh]ect to the provisions o}para{�rapli 17 h�r�ol.A�I wJenams and ag�uamorns ul Ciorrowor ehall be joinl�nd sev�ral.The <br />- ca�tians and hoadings o11ho purt�grnphs ol thi,y qead at Trust aro lar canvernence anly flndarv not ia Z�e uaed to Interpretor • ' <br />� detinp tha provislons horoof. <br /> 14. Notloo.Exaept for any notico raqulred undar appllcabl�law tu be glven in,�nathur mannor,�ala+�y noticeto eorrowe� <br /> piavided fpr m thia Deed of Truat ah411 be given by mAiling suGh notice by cert�l�eq me�l add�esaetl ta Borrawer atthe Property <br /> Addres8 at pt such other atldress as Borrowor may dos��nAto by natica to Lendar As pr�vided Nerein,and(b)any notlCe to <br /> IondarahAllbo Ivonby cerllfiedmall,returnrecelptrpqupated,toLendar'saddressstfltedheralnArtosuchotheraddre9sas <br /> , � Lender may des�gnate by notica lo sorrower as provlded har�in.Any notice p�ovided tor�n thia Dead of Truat shall b�daemed <br /> , ta hevo bQen givon to Borrp�vor or l,end�r whon givon in tho manner designated horo�i� <br /> 16. U�Itarm Oaed o1 Yruel;Qove�nlnp Lew;9sverabllfty. The fo�m of deed ot trust combines unitorm covonants fo� <br /> - nqtlnnnl use and non-unilorm covenants wlth Itrnited verleNuns by lurladiction to cnnat�tute a unifarm soCUrlty lnatrument __ <br /> � cavering roal praperty.Thls Daad a1 Trust ahall ba govAmed by thH law ol the Jurlsdlction in wnich the Property ls IocatBC.�n � <br /> - Ih�evant that eny provleion�r clauea ai this Qoed o11'rual ar the Note conflicls with applicab�o law,guch confllCt 5h��lt npt •� <br /> � aNpot olhor pravlsiona of thla Deed of Trust or the Note whlch can ba qlven eHact withoutlhe con111cting provlsipns,and tV this . <br /> � and the provlelona a1 the peod�I Ttus!etnd tho Noto ere dealared to be spvernbl� <br /> 18. eor�owsr'e Capy.Borrowor ahall pe iurnlatleo a contormaa copy of ine ivoio ano oi ii,io ueao vi T�usi ai ii�n iir�io oi ; -- <br /> °j oxecutlon or after recordntlon hereot ' <br /> - 17. Traostor ot tho Propehy;Aaaumption.11 all or any pr�rt al tnu propu�ty ur an�Murusl tnurein is sold or transferred by <br /> 1 6orrower without l.ondtr's priur wi�lie,��.ansent,u�eclud�ng(E�)the c.ra��t�un ul e,uc,r���i�ncurot�ran�e subordmato tothis l�eed <br /> olTrusL(b)IhecreationotppurChesumuneysoCUritymteie�tforhousnhold:�pV��nnceti,�clatrunsferpy devisedescantorby <br /> pperatlOn o11aw upon Ihe doAth o1 ti�oint tenant or(d)Ihe yiant al any laa�ohald intQrost o1 three years or less not contalnlnp an <br /> J option to purchaaa,Lender may,al Londer's option,d�claro all tlio sum3 secured by thls p�ed o1 Trust to be immedl8tely due <br /> � and payeble.Lendor shell hAVe�vaivHd such aptlan lo accolerate iL pn�r to the salo or tranalor,Lender and the person to <br /> whom tha Property le t�bo&old or transferred reoch�graement in writlnq thnt the credit o1�uCh person is satlefaCtory to <br /> Lender and 1hAt thp interaet pAyabie on thp sums secured by lhis UeHd ot Trust snall be at such rate as Lender shall requeat.l} <br /> `'' Lender has w�wud the aptlon ta acceiorate pravi�loa in th�a parngraph 17,and �I 8orrower's successor In Intereat �as <br /> exeCUtod a wrltten aasumpUon agrAemont nccepted in wnUng by 1 r�ndar l�3ndor ahR��releaso Rprrower trom all obllgatiOn9 <br /> i under thls Deed ol Trust and the Note. <br /> � II I.ender Hxercises such optfon 1a �iccelerato, Lender ah�ll mail �orrowor not�ce a1 accelarAtion in accordanCe wlth � <br /> '-; nragrapl�14 hareot.Such notico shall provlde a porlad a1 not IaGs than�Odays Iram the d��tothe notice is malled withln whiCh <br /> � �arrower may pay tho surns daclared dua.II 8orrower fa�ls to pay such suma prior to the oxplratlo�ol8uah pgriod,Lender <br /> � mRy,wNhout furthor notice or dem�nd on Barr�wor,mvoke nny rr�nn�lies poimitted by naragraph 18 hereol. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT8.Bo►rower and Londar fudher cuvanant nnd aflree as iollawo; <br /> � 18. ACCelo�atlon;Remodlee.E xcc�pt as prowded�rt paragraph 17 horeol,upon Aprrowar's brHaCh ot any Co�6n9nt pr <br /> agfHement o1 Botrower in thls Dood ol Trust,includiny the covenanl8 to pay when dua any aum&&oCUred bylhls DeedOtTcust, <br /> � L.ender pnorta acc�lc�r�ticm��htdl mad notfco to florrowur A,i.�c�v�aoa��pa*�;araph�n nc��+atspo�ifyIng:(1)the breach,�2)the <br /> ' action required to cure such breach;(3)a date,not los9 than 30 UAys fro�n 11ia date the not�ce is mqiieci to Borrower,by which <br /> such breach muat bo curud;and(4)th�t la�iur�lo curo auch br��ch on or b�toro th�datn specd��d in the notice m�y reaultin <br /> aCCeleration ollhpaums socurod by this pQOd ol Trust and sale oi the Property Tho notic�shalllurther Infprm Borrowerollha <br /> rlght to reinstate alter eccelprntlon and thn r,ght to bnnq a r.ourt eiction to assert the non•er�ylonce o1 a delault or pny Othef <br /> �., d8f8n9e M BOrrower to ACr.elerAtlon and sAle.II the hrE»ch is nol cumd on or boloro mo tlatu;poc�tied in the notice,londerat <br /> Lender's apUon may d�clare nll ot tho suma sacurud by Ihis Dooa ul Trust to bo un�i,u��atc:iy clue�nd peyablg wilhOUllurther <br /> ��� demand and may mvoke Ihe power ol aale tinU env othdr romod�es pc�rrmttecl by apphcable law.Lender shall be entitiecf to <br /> f CoIlBCtall reaeonflble costs and expnnaAS fncurr�d in pursumfl Il�o remedios prov�dc�d in the paragrapn 18.includi�g,but not <br /> � Ilmlted t0,feaBOnAGIb attorney'a tuda. <br /> If the power at sale is invok9d,Trustea shall rocord<�not�ce o1 dolaull in c�acii county�n which the Properry ar sam9 Rart <br /> '? thereolls located and shal!mall eopies of such no1lte�n the manner pres�nbwd by agpl�cable�aw to Borrower and tmi�eoiher <br /> ' persotte p�ee0�ibed by applicable It�w.Aflc�r thfi lapsu of such time a�rna�be required by applicable law,TruSte��hall giv0 <br /> ��: public notice o1 sale to the pereons and in the mnnnor presGribed by npp�cabin law.Trustee.wllhoul demand on Qoo�ower, <br /> 9ha11 sell the Praperty at publlc auction to tne hlghest bidder at the tmie and Alaco and under tho terms designated in the notico <br /> � ot sale In one or more parcels and in such order As Truatee may determino.Trusteo may postpone sale ot all ot any pa�cel ot <br /> � the Property by publlc announoement at the tlmo and placo ot any previously scheduled sa1e.londor or Londer's des�gnee <br /> ,! may purchase the Property al nny sale. <br /> Upon receipt ol poymentot the price bld.Trustee shall dol�vor to the purchaser Trustee's deod convoying Ihe Properly Sold. <br /> The recltals in the Trustee's deed shall bo pnma facie avidence o1 the tnith of the statemt�nts made therain.Trusteo shall apply <br /> tho proceeda o11he 9ale in the tollowing order(a)to all reasonable costs and exponsos otthe sale,includinc�,but nat limitedto, <br /> � Truatao's feos ot not morothan . .__ ._3b o1 the gross sale pnca,ronsonablp Attorney's toos and costs o1 titlo evidencp: <br /> (b)to all sums secutod by this Doed ol Trust nnd(c)Ihe excoss.�I any,io the person or persons IQ�olly entitled theteto. <br /> ; 19. Borrowor'e Rlyht!o Relntlate. Notw�thstanding lender's accoieration o1 the sums aocured by this Deed ot Trust. <br /> . Borrawer shall have the nghl to hove�ny proceedmgs begun by l ender to entorce tha Deed ot Trust d�scontmued at any timo <br /> pnor to the earller ta occur of(i)tho lifth day before the sale of the Property pursuant to the power o1 saie contained In the Deed <br /> ' o}Trust(ii)entry o1 a�udgmenl enlorcmfl th�s Doed ot Trust d.(a)8orrower pays Londer all sums which wouid be then due <br /> ' under th�s Deed at Trusl,lhe Note and notes secunng Future Advances,�1 any,nad no�cce�orntion occurod��b)Borrowor <br /> � cures all breaches o1 pny other covenants or agraem�nts ot Borrower contained�n Ih�s Doed ot Trust (cl Horrower pays all <br /> � reasonableexpensosincurred by l.enderantl Trusteo antprcmg the covenantsand agreemuntyol dorrowor contained in thi9 <br /> , Deed ot Trust and in enfarcinc�Lender's and Trustee's remedles as providad in paragraph t A here�df,�nclucflnp,but not Ilmited <br /> to,reasonable attarney's Ip�s;and(d)9orrowor takea such action�s Lender mny reasonabiy�nqiure lo�ssurc�Inf1t Ihe lipn pt <br /> th�s Deed o1 Trust,Lendar's imeroet in tha Propc�rry end Borrower's obligt�Upn to pAy the sums s�curad by�h�s paad ot T rust <br /> � shall conUnue un�mpeirad.Upon such payment and curo by E3orrowor,this Uoed ot Trusl and t►�u pbhg,�t�c�ns sc�curod heroby <br /> ' 9hell remam in hdl forco nnd eHpCt as il no accaltjrnlion hAd occurrod <br /> , i <br /> , <br /> , <br />