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<br /> THiS D�EU 8�'�Rt1SY{s made thia da et___..
<br /> ` `�y T ' 141.�._�� ._,nmon�th8 Tru�tar, A°�n U� Qeborno��ind Eothar ��n�rna. hu�bnnd �nd wifu. - --� - ,,;-
<br /> . - - : ___ __,__. r (horaln"Barrowor"1,�ir�11Qr BAnlc,(V�ttlonnl Assaolntlon, � ..
<br /> �. . GmaNfl,N�Urt�ak�,(heroln"Truatoa"�,And Banoflai�ry,Fireller BAnk,Nt�tlonnl Aosaclntlon,Om�ha,NobrAak�,� , �
<br /> _.=_ � �• ca�parAtlon orqenlEed And axlt�tlnp undor tho lawa of The Unitod Str�tos ot Am�r1�n,whoae f�ddrooa la 17(10
<br /> .' � Fnrnc�m Straet,Omahc�,Nobr�ekc�,68102-2103(h�raln°I.encJer"). ,
<br /> ' " 80AROWER,In Consido�Atlon af tha Indebto�noss hereln raclt�d t�nd th��ru$����:E���Q���.Irr�vCTct►bly ���
<br /> -�'� ' ,• � fl�pnt9A11dC011v0ystOT�UBtOQ,irtcr•�lar uvlthpo�verotsale,thefOlIOWIRQd89Cri(�rx��r,�J�J:�yIQG%�r�41i1�PtOG�tJi'►ty . '.
<br /> • ot _ Hull. �_�_ _._._., ,State of Nobrnaka: • ��
<br /> • r-
<br /> � . . , L,4� ��x�� (9?. �tcr�[c 1�fl�;P.ic (8)� in WeaG YS�r.�r Addition Ca ti�� �:
<br />. City af Gr�nd Sq?tarnc�, �lall CounRy. NeL�s��:iu�. '
<br /> � r � . • .
<br /> ,t i'`�,,;;� . '
<br /> :��!'�::�, � .,•;'
<br /> • y t,�
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<br /> , ;�.
<br /> �� ' .ti.
<br /> �� „
<br /> .... . � ' '.,'�{i:.
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<br /> .. •,;, j
<br /> l``
<br /> � , .l
<br />. .'�:1'�, I .
<br /> ..':;.
<br /> � which hos the addreas at �Qg 1�- _Koward Sr.�usLSel�d
<br /> Nebraeka 68803 iS1iQ0'� iary,
<br /> � Fhrr_res��"PrQ;se�:�adress"); .
<br /> ISata nna Uo CoEal -
<br /> - TOQETMER with all the imr�rove�ner�c�e4�.v Or h,�-�;�rtor erecled an the properry,and aU��sementa,righta, �
<br /> appurtenances,rents(sutri�ce rrowever to�he rights a�^��authonties grven herein to lender��a collect and apply
<br /> aucCo vents),royaltles,mirt��•,:��.�,-�rl and gas riphis and Rr�:':�as.wator,water rlghts.and water Stook,and all flxtures
<br /> ��'','�� now or here:fte��tLach�d C�the property,all at wh��hr,�r�Yluding replacement�wrtd A�d:t}.��s thereto,shall be ,
<br /> `�1-- -- ---- _-:. dE�ms�:a!���;��t�r=:*�a3n a pan ot the�+rnn��y cr�n�e��a Cr4 ti2is Ctc�uc�a4 Trusq:and��alt ct�T�t���goin9,togothor ; ,
<br /> �:��;:,�"�,�;`��' ' wi4h said proAe��y(or the teasehold estate if this Qe�ci���rust�s vn a leashoic!)4r�h�erc,���T roterred to as the �
<br /> , ` 5;, � "l�POpetty�,� i
<br /> ' �,��. '
<br /> • TO SECURE to LENDEI�(a)tMo re�ay�r�ent o1 the Indebtednesa evldenced by 8orrowe�'s note dated '
<br /> I�ina �6� 1�1 (herein"NOt9"),In the principal sum o1 T�nt��-twn Thoiieand_Fa va �
<br /> Ht�nrlrwrl r�a n,o/�cln---------------Dollara,wlth interest 4hereon,provlding for monthly Installments ;
<br /> ot principal and intereat,with the balance ot tha indebtedness,if not sooner pald,dua and payable on
<br /> ��.,�Lg.c�, :the payment of all other sums,wlth interest thereon,advanced
<br /> In accordanoe herewlth to protect the securlty o1 thle Deed of Truat;and the performance o1 the covenants and
<br /> atireements ot Borrower herein contalnod;and all renewals,extenaions and modilicatlons thereot;and(b)tho
<br /> repayment o1 any tuture advances,with interest in thereon,made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to pa�agraph 21
<br />' horeol(hereln"Future Advancos").
<br /> BOHROWER aovenants that Bormwer Is lawfully seized o1 the estate hereby conveyed and has tha rlght to
<br /> grant end convey the Proporty,that the Property ls unencumbered,and that Borrowe�will warrant and detend
<br /> generally the title to the Property agalnst nll claima And demands,aubJeot to any declAratlone,easements or
<br /> rastrlctions liatod In a schedule a1 exceptions to coveraqe in any title insurance policy insuring Lender's interest �
<br /> . in the Property.
<br /> �
<br />