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C, . . <br /> ` .�V�fR �� . . � , . . <br /> ' st tt�`ap�im a[Y,e�dv.� fnep�raabe cQ�era�e (fa �Le�noent and.far tbe pllittOd 31�1t I�te�t�Oit+e81 . <br /> -- , ,' �'O��i�Y.+�Q��PProvr�id�spis��becomee ava�a�le a�d is obaiaed.Ro�nOxer s�ll�!t�e pcemiu�s. ` <br /> - � reqt�t�e¢tQ mt�ataia m�e�ia�ect,at t�pcovEde s loes rrserv�u�'1 tl�eeqnimneat for�}►o�rt�e <br /> -- - ms�xaace e�s ia�caer��any�rritten s�e�tmeatbe�8o�m�e�aadla�ar ap�ic�Dte Le = , <br /> � --— ` ' . 9 Iuapeetio�.Laidx or i�s a�}1�may�naica rasonable�tries upon and�epectians of tlfe Ptope�tg.L�nder ahsll ' <br /> _ - `. gide�Btireo�rer notioe at th�e tia'�e oi orprioc to�n inspecti�spxifFin��r,aeonable auee fortbe iffipectiou. <br /> _- -- ' : .z 10:f,owaemestiaa.7�ie pcaoeeds�i��►�o�daim fas dama�pc�d'irect�c ooeeaqua�t�ia oonaect�on w�h . , .�___---- <br /> �� � say coAdetat�tian ot otha t�idn�.of mq P����P�Y.ot for�oonve�ance in liw ot co»demt�tion,ate t�Ereby- , <br /> =;� � assi�ned sad sWlt be P�i�ttr�e�fdec � ` �` <br /> Y _ � lrt the evmR of a total�ot tbe�Pfropert�.'tb�poceeas shtD be apptied to ihe sums sxurod by t�s Secutity <br /> - Iusttumai��►he�eror aotthea d�e.xithsap euxas pidto Bamv�rT Iatheevt�tsofa patti�[tainn�ottls�ePl�qpettp id <br /> . _ ` � .phich tbe[air maticet v�lue of t6e Pt+ng�etty imtne�stdy beTot+e the tJcitt�is aquat m or geatRt tt�tt�e�►amt af't1�e <br /> _�_.K..��, s�rrns alecorod by flus iasoro�na�im�tdY be[bse tbe s�feia�;unie�s Batrox�et and I�endet othenr?se_a�[�ee <br />-�'�=�" . . sa�ritia�„tl�e sums�this Secu�itS'I�a�np�nt a�Il be s+eduoed by tLe amount bt the proceeds mWtiplied b9 • -- <br /> i:.t��� _, . � `�.th�fotto�rin�'fraet�ioa:(a)'t6e totil amd�mt oi the�a�x�u�ed imma�atel�6n[one the talaa�,8ivided try W)the i�ir _ <br /> �"�a� z'"''�'-'; � � mu1r�valrx of the P:»pert9 immodiiody bdore the takin�.Atgt b�1�lnoe sWri be pdd to 8orto�rea la tbe��eat oi a � '-- <br />, F_ �.;:��- <br /> - �` -..��c�' P��n8 ot tbe Pfropet't�i�s�r#uch the tair rnatket value o[tbe Ptoparty inuumedtstely bdore the t�ng ia iess thm r t <br />�--i'i� ..;i.,�f'aSF._�:.....i . <br />,yjj � -�-::-�`r � t11C i�011�t Of t11C Bttt118 dOCUlEQ�!!!!1lE�jt.�d10 t���,1tQ1068 BOfI'O�iEf�Y.CII�CI'Otik.TRf9Clg[QC il!�lUA$' � <br /> �� ''.`"��_'°,-��� or spplicsble iaw other�ise pruvidee. tt�e Pmoeeds eh�ll�be applied tt� tfja sums aecurod by thiss 5ecurity <br /> _ . ._'�`-'_`��.�-. s . <br /> .� �.:.;-_�--= - :o; - �� Iastsua�eatwbetherar�otthas�masatieth�dvG. � ` _— _-_- <br /> . .�.,:'.:�:-.°: � ��l� If t6e Pfroper.t9 is abq�doae$bY:BomaRer.or if:aRet fatitx by Lender m Bornairer thtt tbe coademiwr oHas to, ------ <br />- .z .�� : _ . �z. <br /> • " �'- ' � ��' mslce an a�srd'or eettle s chi�a for dam�a,Borro�+er isile to nmspond to l�asd4r�rittun�'0 drys ahar tbc dase tbe _ <br /> `.��;�: ----- <br /> �'�?�?�.:=�x,K: ..�,°_ . i�otia is�iven,T.eAder is `authoza�ed to eollect md apply tha proceed�,st i�s option,eitUer to nsLoration or npiir of tbe - —_ — <br /> F � .���s �... , . , ptOpEtty Ol t0 t�1G Sq�1880C0[L��ji�pS.SOC1lfityl�11tnE(1Ls R11EttlEf Ot 110t 11fQ1 dtlC. < • o - <br /> - - �'_'' UniesB I.enber aad BocnO�et Otherlrlse sgloe iII�riltiA�;sAy appliCat'to!!oT pcoca0�9 to pfillCiptl ehall tIOL e=tEtld or ��- <br /> u . � <br /> . ` ' ° ` ` .. postpone the dt�e dsu of the mo�lY PsY�ents rderrod to in p�n�raphs 1 aad 2 or change.the asnovnt oi s�rch � _ <br /> > : . -: . PsYments. • - . ., x <br /> � . _� 11.Borraser Nat Relesse$F o r b a a r i aca By L a►d e r Noi s W i tver.�t e n s ioa o�t i y e tirae for psy m e m or ` � : <br /> - - , modiCuation oi amortization oi ffie,sums secumed by thia Security Iflstrurneat�ted by Lend�'to aay s��oesaor in . � , -` <br /> ; .�. • iaterest oi$odco�var s1�1! uut opeata w relea�a the liabUity oi tbe origina�i Horrnwer or Borrotrec's suaxseors ia � ::� <br /> .,' . inheres��der ahaU not be reqwred to oom3nenoe n�fsgeinst auy s��ooeseor ia in�errst o'r retuqe to exund ` . : ,_ <br /> p�c�e� u9 <br /> -- � : . - tirae for psymeat or otherWiae inodiiq amortization oir t'he suma sec�med by this Socurity Instrument by rason oi any . � .•°. _ <br /> � � dennsad made bq•the origiml Borro�ver or BomoWer's�eocs ia interesk,Any iarbe�a�soe by I.eader in e:ercisin� ;,,'�:��:'`.` <br /> �.� � anq,right or remedy shall Aot ba a Naiver ot or prxlude the ereeciae ot any right ot remedy. ��";';A` <br /> ' , � . 12 S000essats sad Assi=as 8ouad;.Jol�t#ud Several Lisbility;Co-ai�ners.The aover�ts and agrxments .;...„; .,._ <br /> ' ' - �. • of ehis Saurity Instrumant sh�ll bind srtd bc�nert tha strec�ars and a�i�ns of I.endet�ad BormMer,subjoct to the -�''° ��,. <br /> � t�..- <br /> __..__ � .� . .. _. _._._._ provisions of P�+SF+Ph 17.Borroxe�s covensnts and agroetneats shatl be piat�ad several.4elny Bonoxer wtto co-gigaa . . <br />' . ttis Security Instrumeat but das aot eucute the Nota (a)is arsig�ing th�s Security Instrirmeat only to mortg,�ge. . <br /> ' - �.� grarct sud coavey tbat Borrower's interrst ia the•Propersy under the ternfs af,this Sectrcity Instrumen�(b� is not � ' . <br /> per�onsily obli�,ated ta psy the sun�s�ecirre�by this Security Instrument;and(c)sgroes that Lender and any other �.: <br /> y.::: .c,: ' -. . Bornuwer msq sgr+ce to extead.modiiy.fotbear or m a k e aay aa:omm o d ations ai t h r e g A r d to t h e tetma o f t h i s S e e u r ity t: � . <br /> � .. � � Inswmentortl�Not�withoutthstBorroaer'sooasent, �� - � <br /> � . ` . 13.Loan CAu�ea.If tha loan seeiu+ed by this Security Instn�mem ia svbjoct to a laN which sats muimum•lan " ' � <br /> .F:� � : . chsrgea.and t1�st taw �s fin�lly int�erpt+eted so thst the interest or other loan char@es collected or to be vollected in �: � ;; <br /> t . � . ronnectcan xitli the loan esoeed the permittod limita,then:(a?any such toan char$e shall be reduoed by the aAtouat ' �. _. <br /> ;,_y . _ - - . . .._. . s�ry ta e+eduoe the charge to the perenitted liinit; and (b) any sums already collected irom Aorrower which �'.. �, �:; <br /> ' � exoeeded permitted limits will be retunded to Borro�er. Lender may choose to maice this rafund by reducing the f � . . <br /> � � � �"�`- " principsl owod under the Note ot bq ri�aking a 0irect payment w Borrower.If a refund reduoes principrt,the reducdon G, : .-� _ <br /> ! ., ' `- � . • � a�11 be terated aa s partiai prep�eyment wishout anY pr�epaYment charge undet the Note. . . ', • <br /> ,. 14.Notices.Any notice to Horrower providod fot in this Sect�rity lnsttument shall be given by deliveting it � . • <br /> ' . mu'1iAg it by fitst cl�ss snail unle�appticsble law nquirp�se of another method.The notiae shall be d'itected to the - ' <br /> -. . . - Property Addnss ot my other address Borr+dwer designates by rwtI�to Lenckr.Any notice to Lender shdl ba given by �� ,. � �. ' �r <br /> .. . _: :� ttat eta�mail to L�ttde�s address statad hereia ot any othet address Lender�esigastes by r�tioo to Btirrawot. Arty ; _ _ <br /> , .. . : notive provided for in thia Security lnswmdit shsll bo ckemed w havo been g�ven ta Borrower or Lender whan given ! . � � <br /> ' •� � � , as provlded in this P�S�P� � ' �� • . - <br /> � 1S.Oovernias Law;Sevetabittty.Thia Security Instrument shall be governed by faderal law and the laa ot the !• ' <br />�t=',� ' . � � � , juriad9ct�on tn which the Property is locsted.ln the event thst any provision or clause of this Secudty lnstrument or the . • . <br /> "r,� `_;�� � � � • -� � Note conflicts with applicaDle law.such conflict sha11 not aftect other provisions of this Secucity Insttument or the Note � <br /> _ , � . - Which can be given effect witAout the contlicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security I�trument md ' ' • <br /> , . �.; . ' �, the Note aro declared to be geverable. , ' , <br /> _ � � � ... . -' . . . � . . <br /> -- .. �,:�--_-•-��- :=- � • ' . iw��lt� !/!0 <br /> � • � ; . ' ' . �-!Nl�7�s�os}et � ►a..«s � �nteta�x . , <br /> � �. . � � . y . , <br /> . <br /> . . • <br /> ��,,; • � • . . • . .. . .- --------- ----- ._. „ _ . .. . <br /> ._._�._..,,: .�..,__.. .�........ <br /> �� _ :� �. . .._. . -- --'�- - - ,. •_.. . _. _ . _ _ - .. _. - .- - -- : - ' --- -- )--- .. _ ._ ._... ..._. .- -- <br /> ,.• <br /> , . ....:�..._.. _ • • � . � • . ' ' , .. � 't • ,f��il,. , . . <br /> " � 4t� <br /> ';�.-�., _ , _ .��., . .. _. - . - - , - ��,- .. . � .. - - - - . - � -. C}�. t'-.. .� <br /> �� . , <br /> .. � ----- -:-- - . --- . . , � ' . . . <br /> �..�,��i . .. . , . �. . .. • . " . ' . ', ' ' , ' . • . ' . ' <br /> - , . ,�� , . . ; ' , . <br /> y. .�1 i " � . 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