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''- - 4,..��_--� r�` . ... . �_..+1�� <br /> � �, -` ,- '' _ ` __-_ , . . . . . . ` . ._ _i. . -. <br /> - _�_ --;;,.:�,t t � ����� � , �=- <br /> . � . <br /> :� - - -- . _ ,. . . . . _ ��. ^.�= 1� _� _ . �� _ � �. s � . <br /> , , ;.`p��,��e�!«lP�+cpe�'ty�y�r.��� .a�.���P�e unpcov�naa�n°'r ei�"K°c traee�d��rrt�a�e��ed yort . � <br /> � ' � �.a��7^��r l�1����vi�s��JORY��a��Q��III��COY�'� �,�'�JYR.s�a+�► ` '. <br /> imelu��tloods ot ftoo�c�for w�icD I.eadet requi�s iae�uranoa Tti,s irattanue aMi�be maihtaimd i�3ha atnqints <br /> � b,d fa the�eriods tl�St t�reqniie�`t'6e i�anot wma Pcavi�tha atnll ba c�s�bY�oesvwa . , . <br /> ' ` s�bqect 10��mdet's apQei�vsl wli�ahalt a�t ba iunt�aeoatbiy�ritl�dd:It Bbrm��to:a�iab�ia qovaa�a 8eretFbet! <br /> . abo�I�eader Leader's optim,obbia caveta�s ta pra�oe�x IJmde�s ri�hta in tb Pe+apaKy ia s000e�ooe witb — <br /> ?. < . : � . <br /> — -- -� . �,�a�surao�poticars a�d.e+�wala a�,be{aoo�ctv Ite�ader�sDil!u�a�m�dz� - - -- <br /> I�ndet�bsii 1uc�a tbe ri�to bold tl�poiicias tnd e+eaewal�ti��eadec reg�ere�►Bott+owa stiail pampNY tive to' . <br /> — - ----- - -_-:-�-��-pidP�aiu�aiasadta�nino�ioe�Iatbeavratatla�hey es'�allpv�Peoenpt�otioetotlre� <br /> ' ,iriatnnoe e��id I�eader:Larda'msp ts�aloa ptodat laes i[�t neade Pcmn�Borm�r . . � <br /> - � i-3nie�e�I�md�aa�Hort�er�wise�e�a m u�S�i�n�va pe�qneeds ahtit 6e s�plied to:+eeo�kstiaa aFrepir• . � <br /> - d tbe ptpp�at�d�ms�ecl.if ti►e resooradoaor npir is�oaepmiaUy f�'bbsaa I�ader's security is naR k+aeaie��ttbe <br /> -- .i- is�otatio�ar��ia aot a�oo�uiallY fauble°f I'°°aK''��°eu°ty wa�W be temeoe�t'be iawranoe�rooeeds�1�' . <br /> _=�� . spp&ed 1u tla s�ts sectxed�i�►tLis Saa�eitY Ia�n►eas.w1�s ac mt tha d�*ish�AY���P�'ta�ot�o�ra N `. . <br /> =���r � Bq�owec sbmdoos t�I�4operty,ot daa aot u�ewer withia 3d da7s s nntiae fr�om I�ea�der tt�tt�a i�saaa�cas�e�er t�s , <br /> �`'� ' �faed tu settte s cbi�n,tbm Is.oder msp optlect tbe ine�uaaaa pe+nceed�I.snder miy�s�a tbe pe�oceeds to aep�it o� <br /> n, <br /> `' � .ets�ora tbe`Ympvty or to pp s�u�ns sx'tx+ed by thia Se�urity Instrwneat.�rhetber or not tben doe.Tbe 3Q'dap.period w�l <br /> ��` . ��rben tbe notice ia pvm. ` . . _ ' � . <br /> -�� � : IInleas L+e�ida a�d Borm�ra othenvise s�roa ia�rrititr�.aa9 appliwdon ot���ds to ptmcipl sh�nat e=Oesid ut� <br /> .�. - - . theduydateoftiiemanttilypsymartsrderndwinprra�pbsl_aad�arch�a�sthean�our�toitLispaymeat� . . - <br /> _ ���.-? _ �p�21 t8e Pmpats is i�eqtnred bY La�de�.H�m�ata ti�►t m any ins�uance polide�a snd pea.�eed4t � -- <br /> ` ' re�iinjf:vnt d�ma�to tha Pi+uperty Prear w ffie soquiaision absit psa io i.ender w tba�e�coent oi t3ie sums sec+�ed by• <br /> �', ss�-� tbis Sa.rori1y I�rutneAt immediatd9 prioerto tLe�cq�i�ition. _ <br /> _ -_�" - ' 6;O�ecsp�ey.Pfoeservstia�.Msiate�seoe aad Protectioo oi th�Pt�opertS,Borro�rds Laat Appliatiee: ° _ <br /> ' `; Lqseholds,Boreo�ra s�i11 oa�py,�tabliah.and uee the P�operty as$orro�'s Pris�ciPd sraidenve tvitbia sirty dnys =, -- <br /> - C" �� •�::.;:= e� ' a i t e c t b e e�a u�i o n o f t b i s S e c u c i t q I t�Q n u n d t t a t d s h a l l o o a�d a u e t o o o C U p y the P t u p e t t Y as Bomnwet's pritrcipal �,�-: <br /> ., .... _ <br /> ' .� .::. . . �;: . . ne�dqnpe laat �P�Y. � ise a�roea ''t�.Wh�ch !`_'-� <br /> :�' .° • forat aa�Y��t6ad�tea� wtle§sI,enderahber�v in�nt� oansmts'hall �-- <br /> �- • . - _, •` �not be um'�dmonsbl�wkh}�etd.or►mless es��ci�e:ist phich sre beyo�Borm�vet's ouannoL Hoirupei �::=��- <br /> _ �y,�� Pa* p�perty.aUow W d a t e r i o r s t e.or com m i t x�s t e o n t h e P e o p e r t y. . � �.r: <br /> _ - , �.. . s1uI1 not or im tbe ��'P�Y -�.:::� <br /> � -�- ' " Bonoxe��a111x in detaWt ii my fartat�ee sct�on or pioeeedn�.�rh�ther civil ot criiein�l,is be�ra that ia lsflder's� . :��*:�.... ° <br /> - . . : � • _ ��ood f�ith jud�mmt c�ld rmWt in fot[eiw�+e ot the Prnperty or othenrise materi�tly unpair d�e li e a c r e s t e d by t h i s '� ;�� : <br /> -: .._. , : . . , 3eci�rity I�a�ent or Lender''s aecnrity iatenst.Borro�rer may cune snch a deSwtt and ranstat� pe+uvided ia ,'-=::��--.'- <br /> en <br /> `+�_- <br /> . � ,`- ` � �tio4 precludes foeteiture otl�Bo�mo�irer'a ui�erest in�the�Prope tq or other�j a I�ender's �nod tsitb �;��. — <br /> im rmettt of the lid► -.-`�'�. <br /> " ' . crated by tlus Secinity Insuunaent+or Lendec's Aecurit9 iataest HormRer a�alt slso be in detiult if Aorroxer,durin� . --.— <br /> . . . - tLe lo�a appliastion pnocese��ve msterislly fdse�r iasoeurate iAfamatioa or sbtemcsnts so Lender (or fiiled tQ . �;:�:%-�_ <br /> --- . . pe�ovide�.�t�der�t say r�aaterisl itdimnation?ia,oonnection xith the loan evidanced by tlu Not�.ittclt�din�,but nort _ <br /> � limited w.represem�►tions oonarniag Borno�er's avcupsncy oi the Property as a prinapd rmideaoe U this Socurity -��r <br /> ' Inatr�sment is on s lessehold Aonower sfaU oomply�vith all tl�e prnvisio�of the te�so.U Borro�ver acquites fee title to ;' •: ;-i� <br />� � � � � � the P t o p e rt y,thale�ehold and the fea title sh�Il not merge uatess Lender agrees to the merger in ariting., . <br /> � .: . � . . �P'roteatton of I.eader's Rishts in the Property:Ii Borrower fsils to periorm the oovenants and sgcamenta <. .. " ' <br /> . � onntaimd ia tbis SecuritY Instrument,or there is a leg�l proceeding that msyt si�nificantty stioct Lznder's rights in tha , : <br /> � property (such is a pmcxeding tn bankruptcy. Pmbau, ior condemnation or forfeiture or to entoroe lsas or .. : <br /> '� .. , , , t�ulations).then Lender msp do and pay far whatever is sfecesea*!i to Protect the value of the Propertq and l�ider's . . , <br /> ' : • � - � ri�h�in the P�+opwty.Let�der's sctions may i�lude psYia�saY sums sxurod b3►a lien Mhich h�s prionty ovet tl�is , .� , <br /> ,�-t� _ , . - __� . . Seci�rit9Instrumeut.sPPe+tinY iA ootus,PaYin�.teasonable sttorneys'tas and entering oa the Paaperty w m�ke nepeira . <br /> • ' , � .,.:.,. Aithou�h�.ender msy talce action undar thia Pra�ph 9�I�ender does not lisve to do so. <br /> �". . . _,. .._. . _, Any ambu�disbursed by Lender undet this parsgaph 7 shall beoome a�dditional debt of Horro�rer secured by this �- ..... .. <br /> `r ,"s• <br /> ���� � � � 5xluity Inswmen�Unless Bon+oWet and Lender ap+ee to other tetms ot psyment.these smouats shill bar interegt . <br /> � .. . . irom the d�to o!disbureement at tha Nota r�te and ehsll be pyable,with intenst.upon natiee from 1..ender to BotroNer ; • <br /> . : � _... .. n4ue�n�P�Y�nen� ' .=: <br /> .. � . 8.Mort=ste Insusanc�e.U Lender required mort�age insunnoe as s oondition vt malciA�the lom securod by this � . : <br /> `' . . ,. SecuHty I�strument.HorroMer sha�l py tlee promiums required to rr�sirtain tha mortg��e insursrnoe in effect.Ii.tocany _ �. <br /> • ,�,Y'`-�`'' ' � � ruson,the mort�ge iasuranoe coverage required b�l.ender lapses or ceasea m be in eiiect.Borrower sha11 psy the � ._. _'. <br /> r , p�;ums n q i u t e d w o b t s i a w v e e a g e s u b s t e n t i a l l y e q u i v a t e n t w t h e m o r t g,s g e i n s u r a nce p ro v ioust y in di e c t,it a aost � .. �' <br /> ,r. . <br /> � su b s t a n 6 s 1 1y equ�v s l e n t t o t h e e o s t t o B o m o w e r o f t h e m o r t g A g e i n s u r a n c�e p r e v i o u s l y i n e f f e c t, t r n m an alternate i <br /> • mortg��e �nsurer approve� by Lender. If substsntially eqwvalent mortg�ge insttrsnce coverage is aot svailable� ;�. � <br />��:� - - . . . Bonrnrer shill paY to l+ender ac h mon t h s sum equa l ta one-t ae l t t h o t t he year t y m o r t g s g e i n s u r a n o e p r�e m i u m b e in g I - <br /> � , pid by Borrorver ar1►e�the inaurancae oovenge lapsed or cased ta ba in eitecs.L,ender wiU acaegt,u�e md ntain these ;` . <br /> ` ' } -� ' P�yments as a lose reserve in lieu of rnar�ta� i�uranoe. Loes nserve psyments msy no longer be requind. ; . , <br /> :��. � �� . ,� , , <br /> . .. . , � � � <br /> _ -- -_�-;-�::,_-�.-�-= ----..._ . _ Frr�,l� !/!� r �. <br /> -_ ` • . ���IltOSiOt tiN���• . lnitlOt . , <br /> sz t . . , � . , � <br /> ., : � , <br /> . � . . .. . <br /> . . , . . _ . ... ... . ........ .. .. . <br /> �!:•�• .. ...t.....,__.__.._,.�_- --� -- . . <br /> . • <br /> �:.- ,� -. ,. . . . _ _ -- '- - ----- _. ... .____. _ . , • .. ......-- ----- . _ .__ .. ._..._.......... ....- -•. ..._. .._ . ..._. ..-- --- - -- --- <br /> �--• - � ._. ,. _`_. _ <br /> - _ .:i;;. . '. . . . , � . , . <br /> ':-. - u.:_ .. � ` . , ' , • • • . , ' <br /> r .. .- - ' - - -. - . , , <br /> —�� r'}� �L�r� _:1._ -,•_ . . . . ' L' ' • ' �. '} , , '. . ' . . :. .. . . � � ... <br /> " } ;d, ' . . • . . . . . . `' . . - ., - • ' ' . ' . , <br /> ��' �a . � . ' . . ' �' . , . ' <br /> � <br /> �� , � . ,-'., � . .. ,� . , . . . , <br /> . • .. , .. ... r . . , <br /> ' -',.�-_"' . .' .. .- . . . � . . � . , �. . . . _ . <br /> , . <br /> �. . 3. . .. • . <br /> � ._��. _'__'-- _-_'__ _.-�.�.. _ _ _ __ __--- -_ _ - _ _ -- _ <br /> . . .. . . ���� .� _ _"_.. _. . . ._� . _ —. . <br /> � . . � . , . -_ -- _. _ . . . ... .. .. . .... ._ .____"__, <br /> � : _.. , ..,.�+, ,� . , . . � ,. � . ' ls . .. .• ` . , _ r , � , . {' � .' ' ' • ' ' � � � , f+ . <br /> � •-�*`�:t� Y • ' . . .. . . �. ' . • I � . • ' • . ' . I " - � • � � <br /> . <br /> . <br /> � _ _ _ <br /> � . 3,. ' ' ' . . .1� <br /> ..•! ' _ �:4��,, . � .. . _... . .. . ... . . � � , . . .. .... . . " _" ': . . <br /> "�+'•_ i-1�• _ _ . ." . ; ' " . � . . y. , <br /> . � . . . . . : .. • , ,. ' . .. . ' . . ! <br />