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. .. `. �_ _ __ _ <br /> ,. �'� . - t . � . • _ ; _ =F • _- <br /> �; � 1- � . � i •54` � ' ' , . ��` �� ' -�ti� ' � . — <br /> M - - ._._ -�2 r. .. - �r��"� 4v�, • �_' t .... _ C .. V . L..4'.\ C -__ <br /> . t r �� _ ���I'�1. C . .. - .t v„ --- <br /> , t`(r` _. _ . ` ` � ; C. C�� ` = ar ` `��� , � • , <.� ,�` _ C _-,.�. <br /> , .. . , Y<M1 �. � . . . _ . <br /> ____�� .��. y � . . aE.r�c�t� �� `14�5 �� � .� 9�' 1t�1'� .` �..�_., <br /> � • • .: `ib.��aro�er'=CoPY eortrn.ersWUbe�mre oopy t6exute:ndoEet�s:curi ytr,�rcwlna��. �. ., <br /> _ - — . 1�Tra�ster of t3e oe�a Be�sl Yaterest�ia 8arro'we�,Ii d�or u�pK cft t�Pr�p�rry ar any <br /> � i�in it is sold or�or.if a bare�ia�t inter�eec,in$otto�ret�s�atd ot trsndared at�! re is n�t a <br /> _ � n�uai pecaon}M►itbu�c I�de�a�nor�itteacoaeeat:I�endet mty,.st its ovtsvri.reqtdra�mn�ata ps�►e�nt in tvl!at ` . <br /> a!1�ums seaured'by tbi�Seaurity Iaetrsttna►t Ha�revet.`t�hia opaon ehali mt be esenciseb by l.ender N ererciu i� , ° <br /> -�:= .. <br /> �: pedu'bitdd bY toderalla�v as oi t�edate c�f thiaSecudty Iastrimnent .. ' � <br /> =-- ` - r.ti I�e�eder.-e�ieea t6i�s 'on.I�dec�11 ti�re Boan�rpr_mga o[aooeleration.11�e twtice et�lf_pwvi �rt � . <br /> _ q� �� _._ <br /> - - o!!�leas thm 3ad�ye fto�t t�e dtte tDe�oe is dd�verod or tn�e'kd t�itbit�wLic��drt+baret mu�t p�y.d!twtn�i s�i�ed ; � - - -- <br /> j . bp tmsSdcurity Irn�ra�mmt tf Bctrower[dIs to psy tlieeesu�tsp nbt ta ti�e�tlott ot tlds paiod,t.a{Wre�tusY in��tc <br /> ;7: : ausyremed'us�eermitte� tlus syl�trumeatwitba�tiarthettiotIcea° s»doaBor�Met, � � <br /> rm <br /> 18�BO[roRC�s i�i�1t tD iasf�t�I�BOYtolVet fYit�OlM�iA cDitditiotl�.BOr1+aMEf eMll 11tive�ti�ht W Ai�'t � <br /> -�:� . `eatoroemattof t�as'sectx��►Iostnasseat�saon�ued stan ti�ne�cia o�ti�airtia o�iay i drys tur wt�fi gtherp�rio� � -- <br /> � a's iwbUa lsrr msg specify[or rei�ste�l��bdoos�ot 4he y�ur$twat ta any. of�te c(xitain�d ih . <br /> _ � . •tbis ' Iat�uraa�or �b)a►v�r ot`a�,�n ent entorcint th�imtY lastna�ent,. a��ottditi+nrot sr}e t�Art <br /> _;��.:�f,. Hormr�sf P+Ys I.Cnder s1�a�una�rLic1�sbai wwild bis due•nn�tet tt�$ea�rity t_trttur�fenatitnd tt�e N�ec��i� ' _`- <br /> ' ;- " s�oelastioa bad aoc�a*e��;(b)cw+ea aay ddauls oi any ottrer crneaants or�t+eement�.`t )P�Y� -- <br /> t EF <br /> : � -.: eafoncin�ttns Secutity Iastrum�includin�bui not litnited to�tr,aeonsMe�ttn�tie�u�!(d)ta �tch�at t� �=`- <br /> _, �' .Lender�yy ra�nab�y t+4qwre to aed�ue�t tlrs liet►at�this Sec�dty InsuuraeM, 's sithts in tfiMe i't+nperty�id . ------ <br /> _ , � , :_��"'�-. Harr�xer'sobl'i�tc"oa�opa tLcsumssecuredb tbisSacaritylnetrnmentalalfcontinuewfch�n�ed.Upwttd�ratrrnent --- <br /> ,;;; �r _ ==_._ <br /> f' .��`.,�- yy Rotra�tec�th�sSocinity It�mentsnd tlise o�tiaus sec�rad bereby shs11 t+emain tidiy eitactiveas it na aaekrstioe� -,-_-� <br /> �'�•� �.`.�'_ sti�twreinsq,tesbsilmt yint�ec�eeafavod+e�tion4nder , --_ <br /> . �'-:�?:,:, �:-� �daoc�u:nd.Hoi�r�,t1ri P�InP�►� ���'T <br /> .� 1ri <br /> " . .�-.�'.�ti.- • . � t9:Sak o!Note;C6sase at Lais Seniicet.The�oroaor a p�r6a1 intare�t in the l�ate Ito�ther Mith thi�s 5ecurity. „�`.,�; <br /> �. .. . . .. : _._ <br /> . ��,:��u: - t�._- Ir�rumentl n�s be aotd oqe or more tianrs xithout prior�otioe to NorroNef.A sate tns�tsault�a s chan je ia iAeentity • - <br /> �y �� ��� . - <br /> _ � ,��,...;,��;r.�,._ (frno�+n as t6e'L�n Servic�r"I t1�t rnitects monthiy p�cmeaut�due�afder tbe Nota ad this Sbeurity lmtruiren�'ITierr . �. -_- <br /> - . :�`!�� y;�,..° alsa mzp be o�or more cbur�es oi tLe Loaa Semvatunrdated w�s�l�of th�Note.If thae�is�cb�n�e d the I.n�n' �- -�- _ <br /> ;� ,� �, _ _ Servieer.Bona�rer�rill be�ivea�titten rwrioa of the m s000rdsnae Mith 1#above aa8�pp1icaMe[aw - <br /> = �r �e� � <br /> . ; -. 'fhe notice�n'tl aate tbe mme snd sddrees oi tbe�r���ervicet aad the adde+ee���ch pymeats etau�te 6e mide., - <br /> � .. 'fLc notix Mill slso uuntsia ury other iaiotmationnequind by sppliwbta 1sM. � � - : - <br /> _�....�__..:...�._,. _ �Q.Haaardu�Snb�taa�.�iorro�ver s�U t�se orpete��c the pe�a+enoe.u�e�dispos�l, celwe op � . .� '� <br /> ,--- �- -. - - sny�iszsrclou�s Substan�s on or ia the Pmperty.�er shatl not do.rror a11ow auyone efse to do,ueythin�alfactin�� <br /> � , - � the P f r opettq t h st is ia vio t suoa o t sny E avimnmea t a l 1.��►.T h e p r a�e d i A c a o s e n t e n o e s s h a T l n o t�pp1y t a t h c p r e e e t►c e., . � . � � . ' <br /> a edi r► <br /> � . � u a e„ o r s o o r s�au tlee of smail qusntities ot HszardQUS Su� thst ue �nenliy rr�coYniud to be . �. � . <br /> u <br /> . . a t o a o t m s l r a i c k n' u s e s s a d t o m a i a t e n e i n o e o f t h e F,ro p e r t y. . �, . .. �- ,. <br /> • � _ . ���xer st�sit P�P�Y�e I.ender�rritten nouoa of my investiption.clai:n,deenaad,lakauit or other ac�ian by �� <br /> .. . . . ... � apy�overnmeatal qr �tory s�ency or private prty involvia� the.Ptnperty snd an Hs�rdoua 3ubstanc�e ar , <br />. � � � . �vimnmentst UM o��rluch Bon�o�er t�s�c�l Ynoxled�e.u Borro�res la�,q ta noti�ed by u►y�vernmmut a ��:a::, <br /> �1au�ty iu�ity. that aaq nmoval or other rem�iatiM ot any Ha�t��5ubstance dfectih�tAe PmpMy is� �_ , . ' ' <br /> . neuea�ry.Borroxer sh#11 pmm p t l taice all r i e c�ry nnsadi�l acdons�a accordance�ith Eavi:bametttsl i.aW. . <br /> . . <br /> � " . : A a u e e d in t t ns p�r s g r s p h�D.�H s z a r d o t s S u b s t a n o r s"a r e t h a e e s u b s t s n v a s�a o d a s t o s i c A r h s z s r d o v a aubsis�ttxa �;. -. <br /> , . _ . ._ _._.-...-� _--- by Haviromn�t�nd the followi�substenor,��o?inw gerosene,other fla�nmsble or toYic petmleum praducts. t . � __ . <br /> . � • ta�ic pesti e i d e s�u t d h e r b i c i d e s, vo l ati le so lven i s. mu a r i a ts eon t a i r�i ng a s b e s w s o c t o n n a l d e h c k. s n d n d t rn e t i v e <br /> . . instenals.As used in this ppuagcaph 20,"Environ�nemil Lw"means iederal taws and lsws at the�urirdiction where tAe � <br /> - Prop�ty is laxiod thst relate w healtb,s a tety or env�r o nmentsl pr+otection. , •,. <br /> . , .-_ .. . ... . -I�ION iJNIFORMCOVENANIS.Horrowerand 1�►deriwthercovenuatandagroeasioilows� <br /> ' 21. Acceleration; Reniedies. Lender shsli =ive notice to Borrowet prior to accetarstioa foltaRin= � . <br /> ` : � • � Borrowe�s breach of�ay covenaat or apreement in lbie Secnrity lnstsainent(but not prior ta accelentioe ; • <br /> : � • � uader pusgsph 17 ualess sppliable Isw pravide�otherwise).Tl�e natice ahalt apecity:(s�ihe dei�uti;(b)t6e �„ <br /> ,_. • . ; • sctton r�gn�red to cne+e the detsult: (c)a dste. not leas than 30 dsys itom the dste�he notice is=iven to , <br /> ,� Borrower,by whicb the defsutt mvat be eund;aa d (d)t b st fs l iore to cnre t he d e fsu tt on�r b e fore t b e d s t e <br /> ;, � . . . �tied in the notioe�naq resn1t in a�xkntion of tlte sums aecured by t6is 8ecurlty lustwnn�t aad ale of , _. • <br /> : , , , "' . t6e!'roperty.Tho aotice shsll fnrther inform Horrower oi tbe ri�ht to reiaatste siter sccelerstion and the � � . ; <br /> �% .. , . , . d=h t t o b r ias s conrt actioa to sasert the aoa�Yistence of s dclault ora�pother dafenre of 8orrower to � <br /> � � . aecelaratton sad aate U the default ia not cvtad on or beforo the dste speciiied in the its :� <br /> ' ;on,msyreguire i�nmediste yment ia full ot all sums aecored by this Secudty lnstrume� witbdut ',� <br /> . ' t�urt6er dedaud md msy invoke the poxar of s�le and anq other remedies parmitted by sppticable isw. . . <br /> . ' � . Lender shst!be ent�tled to coltect afl e:pensea incuesed�a porsnia=the semedies provided in tbia�ra=npb . . .. <br /> � . "� � � � . � 21,iaetadin:,but aot llrnited t�teaaona6te attoraeys'fces and costs of tiUe evidenee. � • <br /> - If tlte power of ssle is iavoked.Trnatee ahatl rccord s notice of defautt in esc6 cou�aty in which aay part o! • <br /> • ' � '.� tbe Property is locsted md shaU msil copies ot sncb nattoe ia the mmner bed by spplicabte law ta � � <br /> � Honower snd w the othar peraons�bcd by spplicsbte taw.After the t me requind bq appltca6le tsw. � <br /> ... - . -. . Traatee sball=ive public notice ot sa al to theperaoas and in the manner preacribed by applicsbla lsw.Trustee. �• <br /> ,, ,; ,, withovt demand oa Horrower,shsil ae11 tbe Property at�publiC svctloa to the bi�lteat bidder at t6e tinte snd : <br /> - - place aad vnder tbe terms deal=nated ia the notioe of ssle ia one or more psrcels snd in sny ordar Trwtee � <br /> '' ' determise�Trustee msy pastpoae sate ot alt or�ay pstcef of the Property by public aaaouacameiit at the � <br /> � � �. timq aad place of say pteviousty scbedoled as1e.Lender or ita desi�ee may purcbaae tbe Prapetty st say <br /> : •��� s�le , , ' , � <br /> i : � • . . <br /> - _ . _ ,.� _. . . . <br /> _- , � . ' � � . fw��01� !/N . <br /> �'"i - . • • ��ff106►Ot ��M b N! r (niti/b: . <br /> %�-* , . , r ' . <br /> ,. fi - . . , . <br /> ':� . � � - <br /> {�;,-• :- " , , � . .-�-,----�--�--------- , ,-._. . _ _. , . .. .. , _ _. ... . . . .. . <br /> =_,. ...,._. ..,_ . . . . . . � . � • . <br /> . '. � . - - - ;. .. . � . .. _� - - ' ,. - - - - . : , - ' � <br /> ,� <br /> . <br /> -. ., , . . . . . . <br /> -;.- ----�. - -_ - � -. . . . ' . . . . . _ <br /> j � , y _ .. � '� , , ' , � ' . ,. ', ' . . . ' , . . <br /> # ; =,, .. . : ' .. ' � • ' : ' � • . , � <br /> .. <br /> . . . <br /> D� _ _ i.:�.:_ �,.e. � _.: r.. ': . . . <br /> . _� . . . —' '"_" __" _ _ _ _ <br /> —" _ -- —_ .—" –_ _ — __..._"_ _ _ _ . ..-.� -.e�. ��- '- �1_ <br /> ' _ .�. . � . � . ' . . ..• .. ' , I ' . ,. , , . . . . . � ' ' ; ' . . , . . . , . . , .. . <br /> i.-' , . Q •. �., ; . . �.' � . , '. , � , , . ,,_ . ' , • .� ,. . • _ <br />- _ . ._,�. .+� : , ..". � . ".. '.. . � - - • ' . '� • ' � t� . , i ' <br /> �. <br />