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� �� _ . , ` r C P � __ <br /> � i�� .. •�4c., t" ..L £''... �G C=' <br /> c C " `t . . cC� Y . .. . . ' �. . '�` � �. �� `� � � � ' � . .. � <br /> c n:. . <br /> _'_-��'. .` S � ... .'. . . � . � . ._ _ ` � ' . <br /> .'...!.. ` � c.. �. ._ (. � �t a <br /> �r�a_.�Yl�."_ ' ' < . ' t ' . . � - '. . _. . ".. � . . . _.. _ .. . . ... <br /> _- � _ a ' [ . - 6 � C t l . . � � ' ���� ' <br /> � _ _ <br /> � <br /> � . . � . � . c - . 4 . :, � . <br /> _ n � " " <br /> < . � A�Y��Y m , , s�t`the optioa.of f.�pr,if m�gt`ins°�ao�a°v�Sa C�n fha�,aM for ti�per�od <br /> . ' dp�t L�ode� �eq�}�ovided 1+Y ao•��x�p�pt�sved i►9 I.ender sg�n 6�eevmGS s�i��le ao�is obtained.Borcnwer sh�tl pal► . . <br /> �he p�d�s aequm�tp mair�ain mortgpga iaso�aoe m e�ect.or w grovide a ioss nserve,u�the nquinaztag for mortgaae ' <br /> � - iapuanoe eads in aceordaooe with auy written agcxa�eat beiwoeri Hormwer"�nd�I.endeF or applicable law. < < < � . <<. <br /> l.Iaspeltion.�I,eader oc its ageat mayanal�e:reasoaable e�rirs�tpon and i�spections of'tt�e Fmpert'y.Le�er shait grve ' • <br /> Bortuwa notic+e�t tLe time of or prio;to an incpoetion spocJying neasonable cause for the in.spxtio� � •- . <br /> •- li.Cond�oo. iTb�Pro�'(zds af a�►avaand or claim.for o�a�, �oonnearos v�it�aay <br /> . eoi�aainn�ion or otha tala"a8��Y�P�tl�e Propaty.6r for conveyianoe iu riea of'�ai�;art"i�erdsy�iBRad md . <br /> , slsall be paid w L.duder. • � � . . • <br /> . . tn ihe eveat of a wtal taTting of tJx Piupo�ty.ti�`pinoa8s s6a11 be apptied�o the�ums seaued t�y this 9�urity�a�eot. <br /> wMtia�or mt tl�doe,vYith aay exeess paid to Bormwe�In tl�ee evearc of a�P�ti�l takin8 of the Property in wh'sch the fair <br /> imrYet•v�[oe of t�e Prnpet4y immediate�j►be�ore the qking is eq�ai w or gceater tt�aa tt�e amovni aY the sums securat tsy this <br /> . Sxurity Idstrua�aa idmtqi�atetY bffare tbe t�ing.antess Borrower a�xt i�otlmr�vise agn�in vvritipg,ttse snms sxared by - <br /> tli�s Sau�itg I�nent sfnit be reduce�by tix amoaot oY the procceds amltipliod.�b3r the following fragaon: (a)the wral <br /> ` . amoa�rt of t1�e su�s sea�red immediateiy 6efore�the tati�sg:d"rvidad by(b)the fair markd vaiue of the Prbperty inunodiately ` r <br /> . be.frnt tl�e tal�ing.!!nY balanoe s6a11 bc paid to Botrower. Ia_the eve�at of�a partial taking of the Fcvpecty in which ebc fair � <br /> market vatne of the Piaperty ut�modiauly kefore tve talQag is less dtart the amount of the sutn�.saureQ immodiately befaie the <br /> s ,taidng,untess'8orrowa und I�endet od�aise agr+ee in`writing or unless app�icabte taw other9vise pmvides,the pmceeds stn11 <br /> _ �. ,be appliod to tbe swns seeured by this SaaQlty I�nt wlkttxr or t�the suaa are theri doe. ' � . . <br /> � .If We Propecty is a6aadone�by Barmvba:or ifx aRer natice by I.ender to 8orrower ttiat the oonde�n�or offers ta make an . <br /> �awatd or settle a claim for dm�agks,Borrower fa3'ls W respond tp L�der within 30 dhy5 after tLe datt tbe aoti�is given, <br /> •knder is atttborizeE}to coliect and appiy pie prooeads.a�.,its aption,eitbec to rcgWtation or repsir of ttre Property or.ta tHt surna ' . <br /> 'saairoA by this SawritY Insatnu�t.wlxthcr ot not dun dae. ' , <br /> • Ualess 1•render and.Bormwer eNhera�ise agne in writing, an3+ �pplic�tion of'prci¢eedg w pat�pal shat! not exteid ot , <br /> postpore the due clate of the monUily pay�s refernd w in paragwphs T ard 2 or c�ange th'e a�trarru of such pay�uenu. <br /> � - Il.�orno�rer Not,Rd�asedi Furbe�nce_BY I�der Not s Waiva:Extension of tfie time for paymc.nt or modificarian. - <br />- of amarti7ation of die sums seaured by thia Seearity Instmment granted by Lender to aaq sucoessot in interest of Bormwer shal! <br /> _¢ . not ope�ate to tetease the liability of t1�e Qrigim�!Borrower or BorrawePs successors in iaterest.l,ender shatt ttot 6e cnquired to <br /> onmrstence proee�.iings agains�t�ay successor in interest oT nfuse to�ctend time fos ptryment or aitherrvise modify amorti7ation' <br />- of the sums secered 6y this Se�urity lnsuumem by reasah of any demand macte by the oi4gi�!BorrQwer or Borrower's — <br /> ' saoaessots in i�uerest. My forbeatanae by l�ender in eaercising any right ar remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclade the =-- <br />_- esercise of any right or r�mody. u � :� . <br /> 12.Suoce�ors rud Assigns Bow�d:.loint suid Serernl Liability; Co3tSners. The covenartts m�d agrcemeats of this - <br /> r� � Se�urity Insuument shall bind aql benefn ihe successors sud as.gigns nf Lendei and Borrower,subject to the ptovisiong of <br /> paragraph 17. Horrower's covenants and agr�nts shall be jaini and several. Any Borrower who cq-signs this Serurity <br />`�_�---- � instrument but does not execute the Nofe:(a)is ca-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage.�rart and Convey t�t <br /> , <br /> " ' Bornower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security lnsuument:(b)is not petsonally`abligatcd to pay the sums -- <br /> :���'•�,L;, secured by this Secutity'ln.�trument:and(c)agrecs that Ixnder and any other Borrower may asree to extenct.madify.forhear or ------- <br /> ���= make any aceomrr�oAations with r�egard to tl�e tcrn�of this Setudty lnsttument nr the Note without that Borrower's rnnsent. � <br /> :�.;�:� :� ,s,�,n:�.. <br /> - 13.I.oan Ct�aeges.If the laan secured bK this Security Imuument is subject to a law which seu maximum toan charges. � _ - <br /> and that law is finally irrcerpretrQ so t'ha�the inter�t m other loan sharges collected ar ta be'collecteQ iri conne�rtion with tbe �`�� �== <br /> laan exceed the �ned limits,then: (a)an tiuch loan cha e shall be reduced b the amount neces to redNce the cha e `�"�° <br /> = Perrti Y• B Y � TS .:_�.-�..�-. <br /> _ ;�� .- to the permittod limit;and(b)any sums already coUertea from Botrower which exceeded permittod limits will be refuoded w �"''�-- <br /> , ; �,..�_ <br /> r�=��-°:'.,� � Bamawer. L.ender may choose to make this refurxi by ralucitrg the principal awed under the Nate or by making a dtrect �;.�..,;� <br /> �"'�`".'.'''.,• Paymc�rt to �omowcr. if a rcfund reduces principal, �ht reductian wip he treuted a� a partiu! PrepaYm�mt without amr , , _ -• <br /> - . _;����,i��� :.':.,�: <br />__ ���;r:;-,�* Prepayment charge under the Nate. • �•�,;.;."_�' <br /> �:3���.= `:`�'� !4.Nlotloeg.An noticr w Borrowcr ravulai tor in this Scxurit lnstrument shall bc ►vcn b dcliverin it or b mlili "�` <br /> Y P Y S Y S Y R8. •.=,-:���� <br /> -, '�',,"°`;�"`: it by lint clsnv mvl unles.�applicable law reyuires use of an�ther method.Thr rx�tice�huU be directed to thc Property Addr�ss ,.,f:==v <br /> �'�`�`�`�'� or any other aitdreg.ti Bonawer designatey by notice to l.ender. Any notice to Lcnder chall bc givct�by fir�t_class'mail w ' �'�'�' <br /> -�y�.r, <br /> .. �.;:r,.�.. • .ro�•—_ <br /> �_�'._.,�.- - ' LRndcr's address_�tated hctcin ar any ather:ddres.�Lendcr detiignates by nntice to&�rrawer.Any nodcc provldod (or ia this �-=;z_-=. <br /> , . , :;-�-_ <br /> � •,::��� . 5ecurity lnstrument shall be deemed ta havc been given ta Borrawcr ar l.cnder whcn given�s provided in this paragraph. , '":s_�: <br /> ":�i',< . . :..,..r�,. <br /> 15.Govemiag Law; 5evreability. Thi� Secarity In.+trument shall be governect by fodcral law and'�the law of the <br /> ?�''�� � ' juri.cdietion in which the Property iti l�eated. l�the event that uny prov►�ion or clause nf thi!�Security Instrument or the Note �� � � <br /> ,,,•°::� . <br /> ,.-.��,;: canflicts with applicuble law.such conflict shaU not pffect other provisians aP this Sccurity In�trument ar the Note which can be � <br /> -1��-; � -. given effect without the conflicting pmvisiun..To this end the provisions of this 5ecurity lnstrument and the Nate are declared '. . <br /> :',�� to be scvcrabtc. � <br /> �!Rr '?;T:i, . ' <br /> , •,:$�;;,:u. -��.:; 16.Bonowe�'s Copy.Borrower shap be siven bne conformed copy of thc Nate tt�af th1�5ccurity l�trument. , <br /> y'::r°__ . � Fam 3dZ8 9l80 <br /> •' •�a.-;:•:i` vago n c�s � <br /> : �-•,. <br />.. � ,-. -...._ <br /> ` � � <br /> . <br /> t,. . <br /> .. � - �-' - ' . • --.-,.. _ - -- • � <br /> . y . . �r.���� �����.�++., ,t <br /> _ _ '- . �. � - ' _ <br /> �...-r.. .-. ..... , .-.. _.r ,.. <br /> _ _ S�s^ a'J:. 3_.2�l4- '��"'i�' J�r <br /> , -- -. . . . ._ _. . . � �. . . . � ♦ . . <br /> � _ <br /> ---� �Y . - t . y• . <br /> .�.• <br /> � <br /> .�^'Li � .A t. - . . , . , - . . . ' <br /> . <br /> � �� <br /> �.� _ _�1. ' � ,, I _ _ - . ' i�Y� • <br /> 1•,'. •' . " _... �...<-L�. .,. .. ` � . . . . ' �.r --+�-rT. �. ...L�'w.n ...�... _A,..� _ _ '. _ ... <br /> __" __a���•�---- _" n.. . . ._ � . . . .�_..� . . . . ' �_ � v. _ . � .. .. , . .. _ _ � . "" � _ <br /> - :..' •:�rt... -�..�. 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