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i�-4"`^,`er _�,. , ' r,._ L � � ``t <br /> .� � �". �. �i. fy' `� . 4 _"_ <br /> ' ' _lC'"�' _ "_ _ '_ . ___ .'_. k. <br /> . . - � °c . _.. ..__ .. . � __ __,� _ �Tc._T_T.'_ <br /> _" _3'�_�'�L• _ • " ' .� ` . . "' � - . . - � �' ,p t. _ �` ,p' ' .� •F C�``'` c .* ��y, ��S. 4- �L� . .�_- . <br /> v_ <br /> . . _ . . . _ . _ . .�cc'. `_ _ . . `. ,_ .. 7.' �. Y . ..<a. - ���j�� ` ` � ��� � <br /> - .�-A7���`� �' �IIdW� .� � ��m�lfc o.a'w�.�b E1��. , <br /> , p[+O�Rty��T063 bJ(�IE,�S tI�L��IfIt�UII 3�L't�tm�C�RIdOd�YEl7gG i��O���s� <br /> = < floods or ffoadiog,fot which.I�eeder rapin.s ms�rarK'c-This ias�ei�x�all be maintained'm�amnums and t'or the periods, �. <br /> - tMt�.dndx�.TI��oe�r pmviding the ins�uanoe shal!be cLoSen by Boa+av��a sub1eF�t ta�.Sndes's apProv�i . . <br /> wbicd sl�li uot 6e annasanaiily,witLhetd. �t'Borcuwer fa7s oo m�ntaia caverag�d�cribal above.L�idtr may,at I:arda's � <br /> , `uption.ob[ain coyer,�ge to groteet T��der's ri�ht�in thc Prvperty m xootdancc whB paragrapb 7. � <br /> �<' - - - AI��u'�nee golicies aa�re�wals slnl!bFac�epEabk ict L�d!ec and shall indu�+ea�,molt�g,e_cl�nse'i.�+da_ <br /> sbatl l�ave ti�iightF+o hotd tlie�poliaes and•i�axwals:,�f I�endec te4�ir�s=Boirovru shalt proa�ptly give to I.eoder aU�receipts of � .• <br /> . . P�P�ums au�r�eneNral�eYera of�oss:Bo��ha118ive ptanpE iwttce to the ins,ur�noe�and Ieoder. ' , <br /> , LeMer maq t�ate proof of tass if not atide pmmptiy by Bormwer. . ' ' ' <br /> . �Td�ss Li�der a�d Borrew�.ot6a�w�§a a�in wri�g,i�oe pcooerdc siqit 6e appTiad to�ion or rep�ir of the <br /> Prope�ty dama�ed.�f tbe�or�pair is�ononoically feu�'We aad I,aider's seatriiy is not I�.,rf tbe nstoration ot � <br /> .. �epir is dot a�ity fc�as�k or t�oder's saauity would bt lesge�bd,t14F�+��p��be applied to the� <br /> `' secutrd tiy t6is Savrity tnstn�nt,K�fiether or not thea due,with atry.daass paid tu Baemwer.ff Botrower abaadons tbC <br /> Pcopaty.4�r does not answer within 30'days a notioe_fmm I.ender that the insuranoe carrier has offe�ad to satla�elaim,thai , <br /> i�ender may caoliax tbc rosuranaG,ptuceeds. I.erder may nse the prooads�to npair or x+estdnc the P�ty or ta pay"suri�= . <br /> sa�by tlris Seaitity Insuumdu,whdbe:or mt tbm due.Tda 3Q�day peRio�aill begin when tlie notioe is giren.._ , - <br /> Udess La�der`and Boirower o�twise aBroe in writing.anY spplicaGon of prooads to priacipal shall not extend�r • : <br /> _- postpone tbc�due-daie of tl�p atondily payma�ts r+�fanod to In paiagtaphs 1 and 2 or changs t�e amount of the.P1Yma�ts-If <br /> _ �mder�21'ihe Prop�tty is aoqalr+ed by I�ender,Bomnvireer's rig6t to aoy ins�rranoa policles aad�0000ds res�ilting from • <br /> - daroage w tl�e Fcoperty giior w tbe xqui�ition shati pasc w Lender w tbe eiRemt o�the s�s s�ted bq Wis Sa.urhy I�uma�t <br /> immediatdy prios w tbe acquisition. , < <br /> �.Obcop�ecy,Ptesarvatioa,Msintmuooe and Protactbn ot t6e Pt+q�a�ty:Bormwa's Loan Appliention;I,ease6oWs. . <br /> = Bomov�rer st�atl axupy.�stablis6,and ase the Propaty as Ba�rrower's princjpal�ssideaoe within sixtY days��f'ter tTie raceaition of <br /> -- this Security Insuumem and shatl co�uiaue w oxupy the PrnpeRy as Borrower's princicipal'iestciEnce for at least one year after <br /> _ _ t�date pf aaatpancy,untess l.ender odterwise agrasiu writeng.whidt soraent shsH trot b�unreasor�ably withhetd.or ualess • - <br />'•:<`� eaaaivating �exist which are beyoad Borrower's oomrol. Borrower�sMafl rat destmy, damage or impair the <br /> Property,allow the Propetty to dcteriorate,or comanit waste on the Pmpeity. Borrower shall be in defattlt if,amr forfehare <br /> action or proceeding,whether civil or crimi�l,is begun that in Leaider's gaod faith jndga�em couid result in forfeiwtc of the -- <br /> = Pmpeity or otl�erwise materially impair the lien created by t�s Security lnspnuuatt or t.ender's security lnterest.Borrower may� <br /> - cutie such a default aRd provided in pacagraph causing the�ction or prnceeding to be dismissed with a ruting . <br /> that,•fi Lender's goaf-faith determitmtion. precludes forfeimre of the Borrower's intet�est in the Pcoperty or ather tnaterial <br /> . impaimuat of tbe lien create� by this Security Instrument or I.eader's serurity inter�st. Bormwer sGail aiso be in defanit if <br /> Borrower.during thc loan application process.gave materialiy false or i�cvrate information or staf�nenu to Leader(or faited- <br /> to parv�dg Lender witb aay ma�ial iafomration)in oonnoction with the loan evideneed hy the Note.including,but not timited ' - -- <br /> • ta.representatirnu conccming Borrower's oocupancy of the Property�s a principal residence. If this Securiry Insirument is on a �_— <br /> ' leasehotd. Barrower shail c�omply witb all the provisions of the lease. If Borrowes acquires�fee title w the Piroperty. the �- <br /> ; �!�� leasehold a�d the fee tittc s6a11 not mcrge wtless Lender�rees w the merger ia writing. �=`` <br /> ` �-.:':;� ' 7.Protactiorr ot Lender's Rights in the Prnperty li Borroiuer fanls to per�'arm the wvetrants and agreemcnts contaitxd'm "` <br /> 'f ., '4' <br /> �L 'r <br /> this 5ecurity Instnunent.or there is a legal proceeding diat may significant{y affect l.erider's rights in the Property(such as a �,-�.._ <br /> ���--- <br /> • pmceeding�1n bankruptcy.probate.for coademnatian ar forfeiture or to ertforce laws ar regulations).then I.erber may do and �,�__ <br />-� paY for whatever iA necessary w pratect the value of the Property a� Lender's righxs in the Propercy. I.ender's actions may. �"`a�A:. <br /> _ .�,y�� ;. include paYins auy sums se�ured by a lien �yvhtch has priority over this Security Instrument. appearing in conrt. payin8 ,. - - <br /> �. � -, "�`�:t`• reasonablc attomeys'fees and entering on the i;roperty to makc rcpain. Althaugh Lencfer may take action under this paragraph ; _ <br /> �. r-'`_� . . <br /> Wr.�;.•,,°:° ' ,. 7.Letjder does not hava to do so. ' <br /> • ' "p'`' •.-; � . Any �unauntc dlsbursed by l.encfer under this paragraph 7 shap heeome additional debt of Barrower re�urod by this• � ':.::' <br /> ,,�+,_r:_;.-3L..: <br /> -= • . Security lastrument. Qaless Borrower and l.cnder agrer to other t�rms of payment.these bmounts s1ud1 brar interest irom the � <br /> `�' ''�� r datc af disbursement at the Nate rate and �hall De payablc, with interesl, upan notice from Lender to Bnrruwer requcsting `� <br /> � -..,_,:, • ` — �t.' <br /> „� ..�`,.:'.:;; �ymCnt. ` � ".F :,-_ <br /> - `.', -'_�,.- ' &Moeq�e lr�sumnoe.!f 1.endenM�uired mortgage ir�sumnce a.�a conditian af making the loan secured by this Sec�rlry =_ <br /> -- ..,,�,,�'�� lnstrument, Borrower shall pay thc premiums rec�uired to maintain the mcnt�e imuran� irt effect. If. far arry reason, the ';,':, <br /> : r�--,r:,��,-<<°�- mottgage insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses or ceases t�be in effcct.&mower sliall pay the premiums required to -. - <br /> . �. • obtain cover�e substantially equivalent to thc mortgagc insarancc prcviausly in cfierl,at a c:c�u xubstanciatly cyuivatent to the .. • <br /> �w��: -�'. � cost to Bonower of the mott�ge insuranre previously in effcct. from an altemate murtgage insurer approvod by l.cnder. lf <br /> -��" ' substantially equivalent mottgagc insuranct cavcrage is nal avs�ilnble.&�rrower Shuti pay to Lender eacfi monib a sum eyual to . � � <br /> ' :: �;,:s� ot�c�twelfth of the yearly mnrtgage i�urance premium being p•rid by Borrawer when the insurance coverHge lapsod or oeased w � <br /> � '�±"'= be in effect.l.e�der will pay ° <br /> .x*�,:'...... accep�u.+e and n�tain thesc mcnts s� a loxs rescrvc in lieu of martgagc insurancc. Lass reserve <br /> .,-,....;,,•-. • .. <br /> `��3a7 � - fonn 3028 8190 ' . <br /> r pago�016 - <br /> "'�'!` . ' , <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> . — <br /> _. . <br /> :' . <br /> - _ __- __ ._�•.'��ia'.Y... lykf`."T' ^ ..:-. . �.{��y�� S,_ ��t��.y.�:.��y..-.}..'.... �, . <br /> _ _ . _ ..:. .y` ' "�'J�w..i:. •=f�s'T�����sai'-,•"i-'���- . <br /> - 1 r 'y . . Z.'. t' � . ' . .. . � ' ' <br /> ' • <br /> " •- .�t . • . . <br /> _ _ . <br /> � <br /> _ ,�.- .. , — � . . , .� -�. ._ _ . . •. . t ..i. ......�..T. �-i,Li�•-•- . .�.l�.c� .. . �.. _ ... <br /> . ��� ., : ._ . � � _ . . . . . • ...... . _ ' . , _._. . � �. _' . . _.� . ._' �_ . '_ '_ " ' ._ ,_1�. ... <br />;i�-�� �,,,, -Tf'fia� '#t' .. , .-- --- .. .. � . -i ---- -- � -- �- - -- ---- � --`-- • - --� <br /> — '�'� . ' ' . . • - . ' . :-Z�- .. . . . . . ' .. . . <br /> �,..;�_. . . . . . • . • , . . . o .. � . <br />�_� �y.��-_'�� ' ;� ... . . ,, � . . , , ; ,. , ._ '.. 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