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If 1�end�er extmisesthis option,Leider,s6aU give Bormwer rAtioe of aax[ei�tion.'R�e notiee slrall Provi�a period af not <br /> _ less dian 3Q days fmm t6e d�e t6e aatice is delive�+ed or ma�ad witbaa`vvhich Borrowar most pay all sums s�ocured bx tisis <br /> _ — Sxtvi�Y�stru�:ff HomP�fait's�pay Ehese sums prios w tbe eapiretion of ilus period,Le�nder may invofce�y�+eaaedies . <br /> - --_._�: pecautf�d ti�tbis�a�city fist�a�wiiEkout futdter a4tiee ocd�d oa Bortawet - _ - -`� • <br /> - - • 18. BorroWs��Ri�t to Rd�tafe. If Bomower moas cenain cond'uionc, Born�wer s6all have the"ri�tht w ha�re ,, <br /> �: �cnforameru of tkis Securiry Inst�ument disQOnti�reed at aoay'time prior to the eacl'ier of (a)5 days(or sucb other per�ad� �. <br /> - applicable laar ErraY spacifY for tdnstataaent) before sale of the�Pruperty,pi►�ant W'ar!3►Power of sale contaiabd in this, <br /> �- - Socanty Iasnuman;�or(b)enby of a jndgroe�en�o�ing this SecpritY Iastnuna►t-Tlio.c�aonditions ar�that Horrower:(a)j�aYs . <br /> - ,I.ender a}l s�sms w6ich t�ten wauld be dut unde�this Security.�n�tumeataad the Note as if aQ acoet+erariun had acatmed:N) � < <br /> g_ ' ru�e`s anY ddgWt of�my od�er cavetiants ar a�nts:fc)PaYs`all expeRSes inauied'us enforcing this Secarity I�: . . <br /> iuel�dmg,b�aot Gmitad to,�asa�ble attomeys�fas.and(d)takes socb aaron�s Iender may re�sonably�qui�r to assume � <br /> ` that the�cea oflthis Sxarity�nsaument.Ixnder's nghts in dte Propeity arid Bornower's obiigation ta pay the s,ums secvred by, _ <br /> -t- this Sewrity t shall oomimu.undianged.'Upon reinstatemenf b�r Bomower. this S�curity Ia�t►un�ent aM the , <br /> - . ebligations s�x��l�ereby shalt reroain fn11y effecave as if n�aooeleraaon had axamed.However.this right ta reinstate shaU ` <br /> �.: . ` mt app1Y in the case of acceleration uuder paragaph 17. , <br />_-- I9. Sale of Not� Change of t.aan Se�vimr. The Note or a part'ral imerest ia the l�tote (ta8ether with d+is Secusity - • <br />- _ - lnsquntera)may be sold one or more times witi�out prior mtice to Bormwer.A�ale tnay result in a change in the`entity(known <br /> " _ . as dx"t.oat�Setvicer'?that aoiteas momhty payme�us due onderthe Note aad this Securrty la�.Tl�a�so map�be oue , _ <br /> ' , or mone d�anges of tbe Loan Seivicer unrelate�to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of ttte i.oan Semcer,Hairower wi1�be <br />_- givea writton noticae af she cha�ge in a000rdanoe with p�ag�aph 14 above and applicable law.The notiue w�ll state the name and ' - - <br /> - address of the aew Loat►Sem�r and the address ta which payme�ts sho�W be made.7he notioe witl aiso cornain arry other <br /> = u�farmatioatequirai by applirable taw. - , � <br /> 2Q. Hmrdo�Su6stanoe8. Borrower shall not cwise or permft the presence, ase. d'uposal,sto�age.or rel�tse of amy <br /> Hazardaus Substances on or ia the Property. Earrower slrall not do, nor allow aayaae else to do, anyd»ng afferting the ���:_ <br />= Property that violation of any Environmental Law.The preced'uig two sentenves shall nat apply to t�e prtsence.ose. or �,=�= <br /> - - - .��=ai►:. - storage on ihe Ptop�rty of smat!qt�tities of Haza�dous Sabstanoes that arc�enerally�ecognized to be apprapriate to norcr�al �°- - <br /> _•;., �:=,�._� <br /> � Y;: residential uses and to mainteaance of the Propercy. �=°�" <br /> • `�'�-'' Botcower shall promptly give Lender wntten notioe of any iavestigation,claim.demand, iawsuit or other adion by any ----�_� <br /> �r. <br /> , ,,, ^'�_'� govemmental or regutatoryagency or•prn ate party involvjng the Pcoperty and any Ha7ardoos Sabstance or Environa�ental ��` <br /> - � < _.'"-���x;'�"'.` of wdich Bomower has aca�a1 knowledge. If Borrawer learns.or is nobfied by any govenunental or regutatory authority,that • <br /> 3=� ' any removal or otfier nerr�ediation of any Hamrdous Sabstance affecting the ProPertY�s neoesaary.Borrower shalt pramptly talce' �-��=_ <br /> - �L all nacessary remedial actians in acconlance with Enviroumental Law. --- <br />- �°:g�. As used in this paragraph Z0, "Hazardous 5ubstances"are thc�se substanccs defined as toxic ar hazardous substances by --- <br /> -�;��4` Environrtiattal aad the followipg substances: gasoiine. kerosene, ather f]ammable m taxic petroleum Qrodncts. wxic <br />- _. •�� p�ticides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materiai.c rontaining asbestos or fam�aldehyde.anet radioactive matenalc•As used in _ <br /> ,. ����:',:��, �T, this paragraph 20. "Environn�ertta!" mesns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wherc'the Property is located that �; <br /> ,�_ ,.,, o <br /> • � ���'.?�r .; reiate to h� or environn�ental protection.. � --- <br /> '�. �:•, �t . � . <br /> r NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further.covenant and agree as foltows: �:�—�`- <br /> �`�': .� 21.Aooelaatton;Remedies.I.ender sUa11 gire aotice to Barmwer pr[or to acueleration follawi�Borrower's bteach ,��"'-',` <br /> �.',.. <br /> � ..:rr....,,,.�.'• ,e�.�,.-.- <br />--•,. � �_'> � . ot a�ry coveaqtn ar agreemert in thls Socurity lnstrument (bat rtot r to a�oekration nnder p�e�grnph 17 nuless �•�?�=�-:•' <br /> prtu .�:j,,.,:,. <br /> • - �' ,. . aPPUcable law proWdes otl�erwise).7be notice sha0 specify: (A)tde defanit;(b)the acNon reqatred to cure the detswit; - . ,: <br /> (c)a date.not lesg tlwn 30 days from t6e date the aot�e is glren to Borrovrer,by wfikh tlie detanit must 6e cured;smd -:;�,_= <br /> e <br /> r'• �=- � (�tlwt fAitun to cure the detaWt oa or beture the date specitkd in the nat�Ce msy result in s�ocderatlon o!the soms '"a�,`.�� .; <br /> �,� _,...3. <br /> `" ,r�'.�"r";�';��,'��=� secured UY thts Securtty InStrument and safe ot the Property. The notice sdall Wrther i�orm Bornnwer ot tbe to , <br /> � ,...,�.+:'.: <br /> � -'' :��;,�,,, _��••- °.- � , (� reinstate��'cekration nad t6e rigM to brt�a rnart uction to a.�er!the non�exl.�tence oi a defaul/ar pny other ,.=,s;, <br /> � defense ot Borrower ta Aoceleeatinn and sale. it tfie Aetault i.4 not caned on or betor�the date specitied io ihe notke, ' a.°`'�` <br /> �_ � " I.cnder,at ita option, may requim immediate payment in tull ot all!wms secured by this Security I�.ctram�mt withorit, , . <br /> ,:,,�- ~ ���: ; ��`a.,,�. turlher dema?�d and may inroke the power ot sRale and'any other remedi�permitted by appiicable taw.l.ender shall l�e . <br /> . �;.-� „ � ..; mtithd to aoilect all expeR�incurred in pursuit�the remedlec prorided in thtv paragraph tI,including,but nM limited . <br />- ' :� • " to,rrasomble attorneys'te�.w and msts ot titte evidence. . <br />- - ''� ' � � � It thepawer ot ssie i.4 inroked,Trustee shall recard a natice ot detauit in eacb�unty in which any paet of the , <br /> . �-- °•�. propo�ty Lv lucated and shall mail�copie.a af such-notice in the manner prescrlbed by applicable law to Borrower and to <br /> .;�,,�< .:.r . :,. <br />_ the other pe�sona p�bed by aPplicable law.After the Nme regulred by appUcable law,Trustee shaU p,ivp public,notice :r_ <br /> - fi �'� ' ot�te ta the pensom ond in t�e manner prescribed by applicable law.Truslee.wHhout demaad on Borro�rer,�l�II seli <br /> � .tNe PropeRy at publk axction to the highe�t bldder at the time And place and under the termx d�ip,�wted In t6e ttotice of '� <br /> ' i `, .:�,• • . - <br />. ; :. s�le in one or mam parcels and in Am oMer Teuctee detern�ines.Tru�tee may posRpone sale af stll at Atry parrel af t6e , •. <br /> . �,� .` PropeKy by pnbUc�anouacement at the tirne and plaoe ot any prevlausly scheduled sale.I.ender or i��d�ignee may <br /> � purchace the Property at any sale. , .---.._ . <br /> F, t!�;'•'t' � .�' . �., . • <br /> i. �..., . <br /> 4`. �..'� - _ . <br /> � �, ' , . 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