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i� t`- �`__,__��'4 --_-..,��; s _ . ,_ . <br /> — � J� - • - - - . . <br /> - � �v �,.,. -- ' c ` � ` � � � �s � = - <br /> . _,� ._.. ...- - - •�t •Q�==� '�� � ---- -- -- - - - _ <br /> # . . -y `•:` . :---� � ., �- - -. -`' -- s <br /> _�i` 't_' '� ^'�' ` . ` " • ' ' . � . ' • ` , - . " ' ' t . '._ '�� _�� . ; . .=4 <br /> ..-_�!.f__ - e.rl�. � ` .. ,- � ._ �' , . . ._ . ' . <br /> � .. � �'1��1'tH.�t1BG tII1�PQYfI0E0(S nQW��`!.[lCGOd OR f11G�iOpEtly�a0�ill�,,#pp11[tE�OCS.� < <br /> ,�c�es now or 6� a part of.the pmpeity:'M teplaoea�a� ad�titions sbill �o be cuvesed� tlus Se�urit3► . <br /> ` �All of t6e fo�+egoing is reSeRed�to m dus Savrity In�tme�u as tLe'Pr�npercy.' � ` < . � <br /> =. BORttowm c7ovErrpit+rt's th�Eas�uwer is lawfuAy seised of u�e es�IKad,y coavejrea aaa<ha�tbe right w gisnc ana ` - <br /> convey the Pcopaty a��tthat tl�a Pnoperty is�,��for eu�umb�of t�aoot+d.Bomdwer warraats mud'viiUt ` <br /> defe�d��at1Y t6e c6e Prvpaty agaiaci ali claims,and demaads.�uDjecc to any enc�abranoes bf reoosd. � . . <br /> --- T�fS S6G�TR€fY�3S'fitiJMENT��4c�r�areasnts for tmac�use and ac�-n�faun cov�ts.wit6 timited <br /> __ _ -- -. — .: .._ <br /> w�i�by Auisdiaron to o�stiaue a nniforni socarity inst�uma�t ca�varin8�P�P�Y- <br /> - , �I�VENANTS.Bormwa au�L�der mvmam.and agnoe-as foilows: ' � _ � <br /> - 1, pl�ymait.ot Prindpd and Inters� Prep�y�nmt and I.att Cb�ar�es. Bocmwer shal!Pmmpt[9 paY�rhen due tbe <br /> - - ` �al o€a�i�terc�t o�e#�tlaist�videaoe�ii�r_ .. . ar���ander ifiti+Tate. :,- -=-.-�, - - <br />-- � 2.F�s for'1'�xes sad I�noe.Sobje�to applicable Iaw or to a written waiver bp lender. Botmwea sin1l Qay Lu <br /> � I�eadtr os tbe daY�Y WY��aie due under the Notc.wuil�die Note is paid'm fWlt a sum("Funds")far:(a)Y?eariY tues � t: <br /> ` aad asses�me�ts whicb may auain priority over this Socurity Insd�an�ent ss a liea on tbe Pcoperty;(b)Yeariy leasehold p�ymaxs � <br /> _ ` or g�utmd rents cn tite Pnq�etty.if arty:(c}yearly 6amcd or prnperty i�premiaas:(d)Y�IY flood insur�nc�e pnemiums. , <br /> if tary;te)YeariY mortga�e msivanoe premiums,if anY:arld tfl�Y�I�Y��Y Bormuves to Imnder,�scwrdanoe wid� ' <br /> � the pravisions of paragrepA' lieu of che paymeat of mortgage msvra�oe premeu�.These item�are called"Esci+a�w Ioems." - <br />= Isnder may,at any time,coltect aad twld Funds in an amoum not to exc�eod the�irnum amount a lender for a fe�e�a11Y <br /> H �od�e loacs.may reqt�irt for Botrower's escrow aoonunt wdec the federal Real Fstate Seulemer�t Pmoedures Act pf <br />_• ` . 19'14 as amd�ded finm�ime w time, i2 U.S.C. Sechoq 26A1 u seq. ('RESPA"?,ualess arrother law that appties w the Fwds <br />-_�' — � sets.a lesser arr�oan�.If so. Lender may,at�ty time.collect and hotd Fartds in an srtsount uot w a�oeed the tesser mn�cwnt. . <br /> = I�ender may estimate tde amount of FuMs due an tbe basis of current data and reasoma6te estimates of eaper�diwres of livare` <br /> :- Fscrovr Items os otherwise in accaMance with applicable lawr. <br /> - • The Ftmds'shall be hgld in aa lnstitution whose deposits are insurod by a federa�agency. inrtrumentality, or emity . <br /> . (incitd'utg l,endcr.if I,ender is stich an institutiop)oi in any Federal I�lome Loan'Bank.Leader shal!appty ihe Funds to pay tLe <br />�3,' _ - Fscraar itenas:2�der may�t charge$artawer far hotdit�g an�apply�tlic Feu�ds,aanually anatyzing the escmw scwunt,or � <br /> �� , verifying t6e Fscrow Items.unless Lender paYs Borrower interest on tt�e Funds and applIcabte law pennits I.e�ider to make such <br /> a charge.However..treader may�equire Bomnwer w pay a Pne-time charge for an itdepei�ent nal estate tax repertiag serv#ce . <br /> used by L,ender ld oonnection with this loan. unless applicable Iaw provides otheRVisc. Unless art agree�r�ent �S made or <br /> - -�� applicablc law requires int�rest to be paid.Lender shall not 6e required to pay Borrawer a�ry iraece�-t or earnings on the Funds. <br /> _ Bortawer and La�dec may agree in wridng,�at interest shall be paid on the Fwids. l.onder sball give w Barrower. <br />= without charge. an aimual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debiu w the Fnnds and the purpose for whic6 eafh <br /> �.,`F,� . <br /> debit w the Fw�ds was made.The Funds are ptedged as addiaoual security for all sums secured lry this Securiry Iastnunea� <br /> :`. F.;. li the Fur�ds held by t.ender esoeod die�permitted to be hdd by applicabfe law.l,ender ahai!ac�caint ca Borrowe� <br /> . - far the escess Ftmds_�su�r�dar�ce with the re�u�me�►cc of applicable law.If the amaunt of the Funds held by l,�nder at amr <br /> • , •... : time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,L.ender may sa notify Borrower in writing, artd,in such case Borrower. - <br /> :��;..;:���' shall pay to Lender the artaant necessary tQ make up�the deficiency. Bomower shall make up the deficiency in no more than _ <br /> , . _,:.,._--� , _� <br /> 3�t.y::-'Y•-_- twelve mamlily Lender's sole discretion. � � <br /> �• • rw:.:r. -='.;�: Upon payment in full of ali sums se�ured by this 5ecurity lnstrument. Lertder shall pt+pmptly refund to Bornowcr any �. <br /> ' �a` Funds heW by Lender.If,under paragrnph 2 t.Lertckr shail ucquire os seil the Propetty.i.ender.p{ior W the acquisition or salc =- <br /> � ° ` ` � of p�e Property,shall apptg�nny Fuads held by Lend�r ai the time of acquisition or safe as a credit against the sun�s r�eiured by = <br /> u`� - this Sact►rity lnstrumeiu. . - <br /> - � .�;�����:.,. 3.Appllcatbn ot•Paymdus.Unless applicablc law pcovides othenvise,ail payments roceivod by l.eiuler unde�pa�raphs - <br /> � ���'' 1 s+nd 2:shall be a Ited: un r ment char es due under the Nate: tiecund,to amaunts ablc under aragraph 2: <br /> . ,, ��;= . � PP� Y P�Y 8• f�+Y P' <br /> � ��� '� " , lhird.ta interest due;fourth,w principal due:and lart,to any late charges due ultder the Nrne. <br /> :, i� �..,.:.:•�::_- <br /> " .:;; �'" �`�� 4.Clq�rgev;Lieas: Borrawer shali pay alt��ment..chargcw. finc�anct impi+�itie►ns attributabie to the Prz�petty : <br /> ;�•.3:•• - <br /> , -• r',_,:.��-� which m1y attaln prtority aver this Security IaKuumcnt.and leaschotd paymcnt�or gaiurn! rem�. if nny. Born�wer�hall pay � <br />, `'�-t'�•:::�.it`;.',• these abt3gations in the ms►nncr providai in parograph 2.or if rnit•paid in that manncr,8nrrowcr+ha11 pay them on time diroctly � <br /> =''�":�:;L:� ,, ta 1he person awod paymcnt.8orrowNt yhall promptly furRi�h to l.cnder all notic�.��f amnun��to Ge paid under thi�c patagraph. ° <br /> � � if Bomower matces these paymcnts dincctly.&�rrnwcr tiha11 pr�mptly fumish ta Lcndcr n.*ceipts'evidencing the payments. � <br />- -���=�•"`t • 9orrower shall pramptly discltarge any lien whirh ha+.pri��rity e�ver this Security ltr.mtrument unler.r Bc�rrower.�a)�re�in - <br /> "- �-`�'�.�'•�; 'writing to the pay�n�of ihe obligation securoi!by the tien in a mam�er�rceptnble ta l.eneicr.fb)cantest!:in gcwd faith the lien �' <br /> ' -`'� " by, or defends a�aimt enfarcement of the lien in. Iegal prexecdings which ia ihe I.cndci 4 aptnian operate to preven� ihe <br /> �°• � enfarcement of the lien:or(c)sccurc�irom thc h�ddc�of ihc licn an agrccmcnt satixfart��ry to Lend�r tiubnrdinating the licn to <br /> =`�`� ``'• ' this 5ecurit lnstrument. If Lender determinc�that an tt��f the Pra n tiub'ect to a lien which utWin arit aver <br /> . . � Y Y P� P�y '. . l �Y Pn Y <br /> `•�°--:.::;'' thic Secu�ty loctmriwnt.le�uler m:�y givN�ncr.�cr�nutice identifying ihc licn. Bartower shnll�sti�fy the lien br wke ane at R. <br />� ''����� ��`•~ . more of the actiottw sct fortb abave within l0�ys�f thc giving of naticc. , <br /> �'*, .,--r�. -_. - • �' <br /> w.... .._. .� . <br /> . ;�::. .;: ._.� Fotm 3028 9/80 <br />..'� _}?��_. ' vegesme , , • <br /> �s A�4`-I•L'� . <br /> � ...�:� �� . <br /> -.xi`3k.' <br /> '.�:: <br /> = l <br /> - - �qs,:,,,:'�i5� (a.<�f1:��7�:' -.-- . - .-r^x --�--s-:-x:"T".r,--'--:$�•�".�'.-_f•.5��'��'TrI�"}�_'�_,-....`..._. .. <br /> �_ "s''�Z�� - - - . . _•. ' . � . _. ��._:._..:�.._. . . ' . <br /> ,�� <br /> , � , . " ;'— . . • .- <br /> ,.. . � - - - — , . _. • . • - . . . _ <br /> __� ���:c• • . • . • , <br /> c�_' �.�i '...,�. _ ..11 .�. _ _ _. . .� . . _. . . ... _ �_ _ . . . ... _ _.,- � . . ._ ' ._ _ ' -� _ _ " ' <br /> �.. .' . . . . . . i . . . <br /> . . ,�,W.�#�. . �� . . � . • . . . . . � <br /> _syt� ' • .•.. . .1. . _ . . ._ .. . . ._ _ .. .__ . .. .. . -- ' _. .. _ <br /> ��' ,�y.�� < � �. • 1� . ' � ' . ' � �. � .• • � • ' , :` ' , . . � � " .� . <br /> '� ��'�1�Fc: - � . . ' , � ' � ' , • . . . ' <br /> �� 1 .'A';f�.".d:7,�``t: ' � . ' � , .. . � . 'I. - . 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