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=��- �`l,-.��' `-a"' - _ _ :z�. , < < " � 't _- <br /> --- -. :i-� .-�'_°_ _ � _. `=— ---- --— <br /> . - _'_ -- - — ;.t. - <br /> _ , .... " •.(e' � ' ' ' :;�;,_ .__ .' _' _ '__"_ _ . <br /> _ � .�. �i _ `k C l, , ` _ . . ` k ` . .� C ' _ . . . <br /> '� \ -- �. ]-^ ' � ` ' ` _. __ ` -`C-._�..--� --. -- '�. � ` �.:t�� � ` ' ' ` ' �Q___— _ .. ,.. —. _ _ .— <br /> _ `� <br /> - �. ` , ` � - - - � � , ` , s , ` ` . � ``' � : . �� _,Q� 1a�9[832 �. . . ��` <br /> -� �� ` �,�, �y�e c�iet`pmpi�t6e�o�e�11 be+d�by Ha�ie�r a�6�ect b.t.ealier`q. ' ` . , <br /> •_ �fp�ovai wfi�sh�tl rioE b��ma,saabt9 w�bheW�`It B°�°wer fa�s m noPin�nin oon�ag�describod abo��.eadrt�maY,�t ,_ - - <br /> ---_� -•-—•- �:.,......�.� �P�B�'�•'' - � z - - <br /> -- �w iacuranae poticies re4�wals ba aop�ble�o�er an s - a smndad mo�c1w,�e. La�dqr . <br /> ' �a116ave die r�gM t�a 6ul�tbe poticks aod eeaew�LA If Leider c�eq�tue�,$,ormwer sMII�ro�t1Y��o Lardcr ait iaaei�ts � <br /> ����r�wai t�otioes. I�►t h e ev�t o f�s,B a t o�r a s b a II 8 i w e F[�o�t�l i o e t o�fi e m s u��e a a r n e t a o d . <br /> :�� i,er�der (�eader may m�ioe prot�f vf toss�f�made ptna�ptly�Sy BoitonveF: : s s6aII 6e�I'i o d W�stot�tioo or • of ° <br /> .Un3ess F.'endeo aod.Botn�ve�r ade�se agme ia w n i��R�� <br /> � � .�p�g�tY�ed,if t6�tes6oe�ar np�ir�s ecoeoRneallj'�m�e�nd I�mder�s ses�uity u aut�od.�die , <br /> � ��taatla�ar�epair is not eooa�euRalfY fals4ble�r Larkre secnrity arauW be ksstned.d�e�p�o�eds s�aII 6e` . . <br /> .applie&to the su�stc�aa hy this Sea��r Ia�anmt.�.9�not 14e�do�w+ph aup a�p�id ta�4tr�w�+:. tf ` . <br /> gamw�r�D�ndons.tbeY�opedy,ar dxs not aaswe�'whhm 3p drys s nafix�fcoai Lender t1nE tbe�as�aoe c�ia h�s` - <br />= drdea w�:a�.Leader msy 6nnect t6e i�uraooe p�ooeod� :t��Y+��P�'��0�«ratone <br /> �he pto�atjx a�to pay su�sa�ed bgr tbis SoauitY�mna�+arlre�a ac not t6m iaue.1'6e�y penod�ll be��a'1�a <br /> the muce�.s g�vm. � • . . <br /> -- Unless ta�da and Bonower be�vvise sgnx in�wridng,aay applica�n�p�v�oods ro p�ioapal slnu�na e�cena a � <br /> - post�one d�e due d�t+e af tbe maid�ty paiymeata�efferned�►in P�1 and Z or c�tba uaomnt of tme psyn�nts..If <br /> --- undee�21 the 9t�ope�ty is scquired by I.endQ.Boaowerk ttg6t�w auy m.w�oe puhcxs an6 pi000eds ksnitmB <br /> ��g�m�he ptope�ty prio�tci @q acq�dsmo�t s1�U p�ss to Lrnde`r m tbe extent of tbe snms seca�ed iry�is Sxuriry <br /> _ Insenur�t im�ediatety��-� �d P�tofectio� d�tMe Prupa't!; �otea�a's 1�w �+ <br /> -�etio�Bomaw�-s6�i1 ascu$y.establish.uM���Y�Socrower3a peiocipal taldaafe witl�in sixt!►d�►S+s a�r - . <br /> tl�e execution of fiis Soc�ui►��ln�t and sl�ali oo�nue to axupy t1�e Prupe�t�ss Bu�mwer�s pm�ciptl�sidaioe far at <br /> � Ieast•one yeu after.the d�te af oocapa�ocy, �mkss Leode► atUerwise agroes m w�itin& which caasaa s�al! not be <br />- — .wur�,wonaMy writhhtld,or unkss e�ua�oadmg cmcm�noes w�isi which m be�rand Borravra�oantiql- Bamww�err s1nA net <br /> , des�oy.damage or.+mPair the P�opertY►allow tbe Ptope�ty to deterio�ate.or`rammit w�ste on tUe P�eity. Hi�irovr�r slttll <br /> , be in defwtt if ymy fo�feidae aaran ur proeeeding.whetlxt civ�or crnn� begun t6at in l.ender's gaod faitb.p�dBment <br /> ' caeM�esnle in forfs�ars o�tbe gsapect�ae ' matr.aatly�mp�x tbF lien�aud bY this Sa�uitY-In�u�t°� <br /> �'� - l�ender�s secoTity inu�est B�mvrer may cuc�e such a defauIt aad nei� Qrovided in pa�ag�raph 18.bY�sing the acoion <br /> i ' ' oR pcnoeeding m be distnissod with a ruting dwt,�q L.eMer's goal faitt►dete�minatia�,PcecWdes facfeiwce of tbe Bamwer� <br /> ' ia tbe Ptnpetty or att�tt material impai�matt of tLe tieo cteate�bp this Sectuity Insuume�K��'s securitY <br /> �nterest. Bomuwe�sAa11 also 6e in defaalt if I3orrower.duriag tLe loan applicaaon prncess. Save A�at�riatlY fatse ot <br /> ' inaocnrau infonnaciaa or�to i.e�der tar failed w pmvide l.�nder with any materiat imfonnuian)in caar�tion wuh <br /> * . . •pis ' Basowerk oact�pancy of Aie • <br /> -_ _� __sh��cv�da� tlic Nate�including,_but not W�uted to► � ��8 - -- <br /> -r`:_ _ ' - , . � -- p�op�ty as a priiicipal iesidenoe:if tins Securitp Tnstnanentis on a k�sehold,Barto c�mP -- P��� <br /> of the k�se. If Boaower aaryi�es fa aQe w the Propeny.the kaseMW and tha fa ade shall no[merge untess I.ender ag�es <br />..- to tbe a�ergu in writing. � ' • <br /> w. 1.., . ' 7. P�+aRection d I.ende�'s Riabts in tbe Propetty. It.Boirower fa�7s to pertonn tbe cavenaots a�d'agreements <br /> Y , contait�ed in this Security instnime�tr.or dKre is a kgal pmcadi�g that map siSn+fi�ntlY effect l.andert�rights ia the . - <br /> _ . -` .;:r,�,�-;�;� �P�Y(such ac a 4rro�eeQing iu banlwptcy.Pnob3te•for conde�nmtion or forfeiuue ot to enfone taws or regulaflons).then -- <br /> �r.,;: I.ender may da and pa}t fa whauvec is�eoessary te protect the value of the P►vpe�ty and Lender'�righu in the Roperty. ----- <br /> , . '. �.y�.Q:.�. i' S':c.3 �_—..� <br /> ;��,�y"•. .�RY�'••� l.ender s actions may include 1�3�8�Y��dY a lien wldch has piioriry qver tltis Securiry I�n�aPP��B <br /> ,�.�a <br /> . ro''i�. . ♦ . ' <br /> _ ' '.f,.'=:��,� '�� in coun.Pa5'�nS teasonable attocneys fees and ctirtering.ot�the Rape�ty to.make t�epans.Aldwugb Lender may take action �= <br /> _ �':K��� <br /> .z ,F �, under tlris�?.1xtMer daes cwt have to do so. �,,.�: <br /> ., s*--:� Any arnounts disbar�sed by l.e�der nnder this�acagraph 7 shall bero�additional debt af Bo��Ower s�ur�by.this �__r.�,,.•- <br /> _ ���', _�', ,�.- , -- <br /> - ?: ""..�.,"�., Sec�riry lnstnumnt� Unless Barower and I.ender agroe w other terms of paymea�these amounu shall bear intenst from tlte ��_- <br /> - ,'�' date of disbmsement at the Note rate m�d sha116e payable..with inte�st.upon notice fmm l.ender to Bomower requestiag � <br /> • ����'r-�%: . - -_ <br /> .. _�:�.�..�. �y�►,. = <br /> �.»�. : . g, (Vlartga�e Insnranca If Ixndcr requircd mortga�e insurance as a condition of making thc loan senrced hy this '..°:r�: <br /> _ ^_._, '--' _' Secarity insttart�ent.8om�wer siradi pay the prRniurm�cyune�i ta r»aiatain the mortgage insur.u�oe in effect I�fos aay ----, <br /> �''_''`` `�'�'i .. reawn. the mongage iasurance coverage rcquircd by t.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bvnower shall pay the. ' . <br /> '-";;.;,;r . ±����.� premiums[equired to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mnrtgage insuranCe pr�wiansty In eNec�at a cost • �� . <br /> ���-. '. <br /> „�•_.,:_.�' '. _ substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage imurance prcviously in effect.frnm an altemate ma�tgage '.,:�:� <br /> �- •�_;.� � ���• incuter approQed by l.ender. If subctantially equivalent mottgage insurance coverage�.s na1 available.Borrower shall pay to -�--< <br /> .'�=�-:`. l.e�tder each month a sum equal to one-tweifth of the yearly martgage iacatance p�+emium being paid by Bortower when the <br /> � inwrar�ce coverage ta�ed ar ceased to be in effect. t.ender will aceep�use and retain these paymenu a�a a luFS teserve in lieu <br /> � •� �' af mortgage insura�ce. Loss mc�e p�ynren�a may no�tonger be the option of ixnder,it mortgage insurance ., • <br />: ' �� � � coreragc(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insumr approved by l,er�again becirmes <br /> , ���,,,� �. •� -• � availablc and is oMairn�d.Borrowcr shall pay the premiums rrquit�ed to�naintain mcntgage iacurance in effec�.or to provide a <br /> ��..•'' . losv reserv�.until the requimment for mor�gage insurance ends in accords�nnce with any written Agreement betwePn Borrower <br /> . =�*����' .,fi � ,• and Le,nder ot applicabie law. <br /> 9 [nspectbn. I.cnder ar its agent may makc reasonablc enhies upon and inspectians of the Property. Lcnder shall <br /> ' '` • :�'�':� .. , ' ' give Bomawcr noticc at the Nme of or priar to an inspection specifying reasc+nAblc cauxe for the inspection. � , <br />- ,' � ' 10 Catdemndion. The proceed.4 of any aw�rd or c�aim for or connection with any . <br /> - -�... ' ' '� ' � ��� <br /> « <br /> • • • `SingkF�mity,.ram�kMsdFreddielltscLYlrOilHP.�iSTitUMF.�T--UnitotmCavrnants 91l� rpage3n�bptrRMl -- --. <br /> , � ��•.rr'� � • Tode�t►C�19016f1�l3�0�0 Ax61LT914f3f ---�--°�-- <br /> �-�-�k.'... . . <br />, *�#.a._ ",a� � ' ' . , � . <br /> _ �at:°,.�r'�3•4 � , <br /> �.. .. : <br />_.� ' _. •:: :. ' "' '_"""_._i <br /> . � . <br /> ti. . � . . — ._" ' <br /> ' t '_ '_ '�"__ . . . . ... ....'__'_' . ^�wr�."_i—r._�u�riEw��'•• '. . ' . ' � <br /> . ' *w: - a�_••—�.:.�o� ' �� r.,F� - , , �.•3. . A <br /> .':/' -�.�1�r4-ti!�i�T.�uti�' . . .. .. •- . .' . '.—. .' - .- . � .:w� . . .. . : .. . _.. _ .__ . <br /> z�� � t,Y`j�� .. . „ ' u , . .. .__, " ' . . - '_ " � �_ ._ •_ • " . . .'. _ . • <br /> -�S � L^�'.p ! . _ ' . . • . i _ .. ' � _ _. _ � . _.�-._ . . . _ ._ ... �{� . ,. . " _ ' " _ _ " <br /> _ •� . �� . � , . . <br /> — . ... �.aa •:`•� • • <br />..��1� - .M.F. ` w.,..�� -__ _ _ f _ r � � . 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