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�� /o` �.�lC u'i� , .i��``y.G. _c � c t -L L . . r ��-� _ <br /> , _ <br /> .�.. . � . ' : -,. . ' <br /> __'—�. .._: � _..�'�[a:�.�._._....." . �. i ."' """ �� _ . _. - <br /> . � . �.ii , i� C ' �' � - -�_ . � . � �� • . . �. .. , c� ." __ � . --� . _ . k ' `' C ` ' . <br /> _ .' - - _ ". _ . ; c ` _...— ` �` � ��- . _";" . '` _ (_ ` __. ` '_ f�( - -— _'___ . ___�r '-C. ___ _ <br /> �I'.rllli'A�i�l�t�Y�����IWIG���`����� . �`i ` � _ <br /> , , i�_FIRIO{!.S AOW��i Af[t P�[�:pinQalY. �Q tC�i0Cfl1l�L4�7�IQad4_S��SO bC OOV![!i1�t3115 5EC1!lity . <br /> ' �OSUilRlpp: /�O�lbGfOOG$OIOg 1S t�LO lfl t1115�OWR���iS i�C�. ` , <br /> • BORkOWFR COVF.�IANTS t�at Bortnwer�is iawfbliy seisad of the esqte 1kreDy o�deyed and has t6e rigM'to,grant. . <br /> � and convey tbe Ft+�ty atd diat the Pcoperiy is tmeflcumbettd:exoept fu�eneambrana�of reoord Barower warr�s and <br /> ' w�ilt�ttend�aKSaliy sbe tule en 1�e P�ty s$�iu�st ap cl�ums aod dennatd.s,sab�ct to any`er�cumb[aa�es uf t�ecad. ` <br /> ' TtIIS S�CURf['Y INS'[RU1�NT eamDio.e�nnifu�et,00vea�nts for n�tiaisl use,aM i�'tfornt coraqnts v�ritA . . — <br /> limitod vaciatiaas bypuisdaran W coaca4�te a unifam sxurity�t co`ering'cral piaperty. . <br /> � U1�i�DRM.�UUV�ANTS. &�ovrer and Let�det aA�aod agre�as fotlows: ` <br /> ` l. NIJ��TritiMM sM�h�l����C� Baaavrer s�ni!�ampdY PaY whaa.dve tbe <br /> : ° • pr�cipal af ae�itmerest on�debt e�*ukfwad hY ttre Note qnd wy Pn�tYmrnt ard i�te d�arges d�e w�da Su Nat� � <br /> � `l��■N��fiK'731xes sui.I�riac�Snbject to applicabte taw orto a vPnttm wsdver by��.epdtr,Ba�mv�er shalFpa�y�u ' <br /> i.en�er on t6e da�n►mthlq WYmeot;�+e due untter th l�Ta[�aotil the Nae is pud xi fu11,a.sam tT'a�ds"�,for:tia�Y�Y . <br /> � t�es snd u.u�ants.which tary attam piiofrity'over this SecuritY tast�ument as a rea aa the Pto�ertY;(b)Y�Y� <br /> paymtats or gmund mas oi�tt�Prope�ty.d aoy, (c)Y'�Y �a'P�'p�Y icmuarax•prtmttnns: (d?Y�7 � <br /> , . • iosnr�x pmri�tns.if any:(ej 3ar�'�o�tSage iau�r�ce�nemiums•if�aay: and(fl anY�P�3"+�bY Bamw�r ta . <br /> � sceatdmoe�wi�tbe pmvis�on.s of p�agraph 8;in lieu of:hC.PaY�+►t af mat8�8��P��ms. 77xse <br /> ` �items a�e caUea"Esaaw Itenos." Lmd�ermay.�rany ame.coneec�na j�ora rw�ds in an�t,wnt not co�eea a�e mvennum , � _ <br />--- ..�aunt a iende�for a f�der�tly itil�ted naitgage loan may raryire ta BaaowFr's es�m�rf a�cuuM vndcr the fede�al Real' <br /> � � Fst�ta S�ement P�nce�fiaes Act of,1974 xs att�ended f[om time totu�13 US.0�Zb(!1 rt seq:("RFSPA'7.antess ufod�a - <br /> ' Iaw dat�ies to the fi�Ms s�cs a Te�ser titwmf�.:if sa.l.ender any time,collax and hold�in aa arnount aot to <br /> - excad the lesser anomK:. lxnder may estimam rb�amo�t of!"vnds�e on tbe b�.sis of c�st+ait data aod�,we�sbk <br /> - estm�tes of expetl�nuts of foWnc Esecow Iuiiss or a�l�wise 6i ar�ca[danoe with appiicable law. . <br /> - ' The�s shai!6e AeM ia an institutian vrhose�tepusits arc i�rod by a feckial age��rummtality,or entitY <br /> �h�ti'mg l.ender,ii t.ender is such aa insti�ion)ar m a�r Fede�al Home La�t�Bank. i.ender sl�a!!agply t5e Fuads to pry , - <br /> ibe Escrow Items._La�der may mt charge Bormwer tbr botding and a�plytng 1he..Fwids.annoally�atyzing the escrow� <br /> " 9oc�uot.or,rerifYing-tt�e Esc,naw Items.unless I.en�er Pays Bo�rower mte�est on the FuMs aad applicabte law pesmiu <br /> Y:Yx �. I.e��der to maice suc�h a charge. lfowever.L.ender may t�eq�it�e svmawer m pay a�time cbuge I"ar an independent real ' <br /> . .:.._espte.quc nporting servioe used by Itiroder in connaction with this laan,unless apQlicabk law provides a1�er�vise. Unless an <br /> ; agroeme[it is made or applicable law requites intetest to he paid.l.cnder sltatl not be mquir+ad to pay Barower apy intcrest or <br /> prnings on the Fimds. Bortower and I.ender may agrer in wtiting,lsowever,d�at i�aerest shaU be paid on theFunds. l.eitder <br /> = staU give to Borcower,withoui annual accamting of the Fund.s.sfiawin8 credits and debits w ibe Funds and the __ � <br /> - - piupose for whid�eacli de.�D�to Me�unQrt was tnaQt:Ttie i�uaids�ar�ptedge�as addiau�ia�t s+ecatity faralt sums saurrA by <br /> �: tdis Sxarity Insuumen� . <br /> If the Furxls heid bY l.ender exceed the amoants pe�miued to 6e held by applicable taw.i,etder shall accot�n�,w • <br /> __ .Bonuwer fa the euoess Fwinds ia aoc,ocdance with the r+eeNimmenis of apQlicabic law. if the ama�ant of the Funds held by <br /> • l.ender at aay time is not sufficient to pay ihe Fscraw Items when due.Lender may so notify Boisawer in <br /> � - sae6 e�ae&Mrowec sh�A pay to I.ender s�e amonnt neeess�ry w matce ap tt�e deFiaeacy. Bo�tpwer shall make ap the ' <br /> .�,..,;,;� def�iencY in nu more than twetve monthlY PaYments,at i,ender's solc discretion. . <br /> •` _ ;*_^�.:� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this 5ecurity lnsuurnetttt,Lender shall PranPaY t�efund to BoROwer any <br /> x't,`-� � - <br /> _ .:a,�, Pumts held by I.ender. lf.ut�der pa►agrdph 21,Lendcr shatl acquire or sell the Property.L.endcr.pnot w tM acquisition or <br /> -�'��:��:�� sale of the Property.shatl appiy any Punds heW by L.ender at the time of acquisirion or sale as a credit against thc sur,�s _ <br /> securod by this Security lasdvmen�' - -- <br /> 3. Appliaition o�Pf�yteents. Qnless applicabte law provtdes otherwise,1II Q'dJ/tltl:Q�.4 fCCCIYCA I1y LCIIdCf 11lf1�l7 <br /> : W�S�P�1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to anY P�PaYment charges due under the Note:� amoams payable undet = — <br />.:=', '. • pasagraph Z;third,to interest due;fourth,w principal due:and las�to any tate chargc.w due under the Note. �__ <br /> '. _x�t� q, C�f�lg; I.�l11.9, $OROWCf SI18II QOy 8I�tBXCS.acsessmenu.charges.P�.�es and imposi6ons a�tributabk to the <br /> "''' Ptopetty wtuch may attain ptiority aver this Seeurity Instrument.artA teacehold pay�s or ground rems.ii any. Bomower � �'� <br /> . .��, �;;:-;'� <br /> . •*#':�� shail pry these obligatiats in the man�rer provided in paragraph 2.or if nat paid in that manner,Ilorrowet sfia11 pay them on ' .. _ <br /> ne <br /> ' �� �-"�• time directly tv the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of'amdum-c to be paid ut�der °` <br /> <Yi_. <br /> �'° '��' thla paragraph. If Borrowcr malces tl�se payments dircxety.Borsower shall prompl1y fumish to Lcnder seceipts ev�dencing <br /> ,.-.._; : :.; the Wyments. . �Y_... <br /> ' �-:'�_. Ao�rower shall promply discharge arry lien which t�as pdority over this Security Instrume�t uNess� �.��.=' <br /> - _ �.:'.~'-�, in wridng w the payment of the o¢tigation gecured by�he tien in a manner accepiable tol,enQer:(bl ro�esi.�in good iaith tht• ;='- <br /> _�_�� `I:��^i_�=�,�' tien by:or defrnds against enforcemeni af the licn proce�dings which in the Lender's opinion operate w prevent 8ie ';:;f <br /> ,. , ., ,,.. e�'oreeme�n of the 1ien;or�c)secures fcom the holdee of th�licn an ageement satisfactory to l.ender subordinaGng the lien :,�._, <br /> "-.-,,�;:, , to this Sacuriry insaurt�nt If l.ender determines that any part of ihe R�nperty i.q subject to a lien whkh may atta�n priority l: <br /> ' -�; .� . ovet this Security Insttument,Lender may give borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or talc� . <br /> '• � one or nwrc of the actions set fath abave within 10 days of the giving of rtotice.. - <br /> 'f- � ' , , S. �mrA or Yroperty Ingnrance. Borrower s�all ketp the improvements now existing or Ftereaf'ter erected an the • _ <br /> . ''��' � � Property insured against loss by fire.hatatds included within the tem�"eaten�ed coverage"and any other hazard's,inctuding . , <br /> '• �•�� floods a flooding,fa whicb l.ender nequires i�urance. This insurancc shail be maintained in the amoonts and for the�. <br /> � ���_, . <br /> � ��`"i . � For�3�!f� :pr�¢P 2 Mb paRnl ' , <br /> :£ ., .. <br /> •� :��_.•__ _---._..__-�,..----.�- - ..__._.__..... _ . <br /> _-'_._ _ _ ...Aw�J•. . ._ �L..`hv'~ � '���T'�' <br /> --.___.nwr- .. - . ' .' _ _. _ ' .� . �4 ] il � . . ' . . <br /> _--_"�.�;.Y'.'�. .�. . �. ' . , ... �� . . � . � . .. . � . . -'. . ^..� '� Is � - . . . <br /> �.. , <br /> .___. .. � . . •. 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