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rs� ` �� , - _ - .� � c�.fi�, (& e�'- _-- <br /> — " v�'.' -_ � � �"• .41.`, - ..,—•T` ! � � - <br /> _ , o.f r ..' ' _ ' ' �'` <br /> . t �' . _._e. _ - . <br /> . . <br /> . . — -�-- <br /> - - � . . . . . . � _ <br /> .. _..- -. r. ,_ � - . . . • . ` � �=- . • <br />..-`- _.,.-....��i,_"� _ ��-- —. t --=- ( - �-_�. _-;—=`—'r; � � � - - -' '� `/.- . ��....__; .� .�. � -=.. �...`.� .^ Y .� . . . =[ . _� '�: ...�c <br /> � `. . � ' '. .. . " ` , < . � ' . ` ` _ . _. 2 ... ,. ' � ��� � c `. c . <br /> CO�d110�011 Cf�ti�O��y�O�`fhG�OpEIt�.tlf�f WQYC�t�OiC�fl�ldt C�OOfldd�.��fC�►�Rfl�� �` , <br /> ` �ILbC�lDjrEO� � � < � ;, . , <br /> �--- _ ' • � TR��YCi�_Q�a'F���-�-�0�,t�IG� E��fG_II�f8-I�.'��fitlSgc-5lCUL!'S��1JF=�4� --.'--='=c= <br /> . Ji1�11�OL.�Y�IQ Of DOt tZlRE�IIC�`Wltb iilx C�IXS� �Qifa LO�'�Cf. `�t�iC EYplt'OE�pttti�ti�Clfl$Of 1bC�Y M�. ` <br /> < �f�fG�IT�Y7�IIG Of 1bC F[�OjfGlly td�11�E�ji��OIC 1�1E 1i�%E!$IS C91ii�f�Qf�Ci�t t�f tbC f�IOIIIK O�1bC�ti1� . <br /> � 3esaaed bY!fos 5e�icY Lu�t�at i�1y befot�tbc t�lCina;unless BoAVwer aiW i:ea�et�ise agset i�wzit�, . ` <br /> - � t�e s�oRS,s�ue�by t�3s�+�ity�atiatf 6t iecioc�ed#sy ihe�pount of ih�procped�R�ii��3hc� -_ , ° <br /> °� (s)�e 6uCi1 sruaW�t of�be smns secu�sd i�edisoely be�far+e t6e tat�ng,d�vMed 1ry(b)ibe�ic value of the • . <br /> � �tY�ly��ta��be#da°B=-�►7i�aaee�e'�-usBo,r�ow�er.Zni ti�c eva�€oi-u�t s�a��'-,--_- <br /> . Ptvpaty m w6ich the fair inackst v�e of the�toQerty i�wt�iately 6daie't6e�g is less th�n tbe area+mt of the sa�ns �. <br /> , :��Y bet'�e$�e ai�,nnkss Bonnwa aad 1.epdes�wise�n w�o6 a�ku�PP�ic+i�b�v <br /> �pRrvide�the prooaecl�s sha}1 be appCjed totb�s�s se�`by`this Security�Onanent wfietTier or eot tlie s�s a� <br /> d�m�. ..- .. : � . ' . . : � : < < `� • ,. `' <br /> — If�d�e�PtaQert�r is abaManpQ bY Ha�mwer•uc i�aRet notice hY i,endac[o•Bcatuwa tl�R 1he oandempot qE�eis to�m�lo¢ � .; <br /> an awatd o�seaie�cL"nn fo,r dam�es.Bocmwer fa�s to nspad w E�ender v�thet�30 days a�r the ddre the adice is prm. . <br /> - � :. l.ender is Oud�ori��ed ta eotiect 9ad s�ppty the pnaoeals,at its op�wn,eit6er to c�storation ar zr,pair of d�e!'[opaty�r w dye , <br /> ` si�s s�mod 6yr tbis5ati�rity trt�ad�t;wLeA�er or noe tden dae. . '. • - - <br /> _ - � llnlss Lrendor md BoR�da�a athe�wise a�nx`.in writing,�►y of ptuaeo�s to p�ineipat s1pU mt ex�ead ar. . <br /> ppetpon�tbe due d�te af the nwotblY P�Y��fe�rtd to in paiagta t and Z or chauge 8�e a�m�mc of su�h paymp�ts. <br /> � 1L �NaR� �� � t�der Not s W�ivea Ez�ensiar of tbe ti►ne fa p�ymait a • <br /> . ' • mo�'if"ication of mno�atioa�t6e sums satiaed by t�SarotitY I�a+t 8�hud 6Y un¢er to any suc�ssa�n� � <br />_ --- -- of 8ottuanx s6aU uot ope�ace to t�etease die IiabtTity of ibe arigima�Boaowek o�Borrower�soe�essoi�ia it�.l.eader _ <br /> alall nor-tie�qqaind w�oommence p�oc�diags agaiast anp�succss.cor in intaest ar cefiue w exta�d time tbr psyn�ent ar ` . <br /> � oq�ise modffy�dinott�on of tbe sams aocvSod by this Sxuriry Ia�t by reaaon of any deta�nd mada by�beorigin�l <br /> Sotmwer a aartowe�s�.m ima�s� My foibearanee bY Lender in e�cercising a�ry rigl�ar nmedy stwdl�a be� <br />=_ --- waiver of or pt�cLude tl�e exeaci.4e of any riEht or remedy _ . ' <br />- lt Srooe�ors asd As�as BuepJ;�oiet�lad Sevsraf Lisbility:Co�oe�a The covet�ants a�nd agroements of dus , <br />-= - Sepaitq ta�ttqeut sh�Il bi�l and bentfit the�and assigns of Ixnder and Bo�rower,'subjoct ta tUe provisiaas of - <br />-_ � pa�ph l7.Bonower's co`cenancs aod ag�eemeats sl�aU be joim artd several:Any Botrower who co-sigas tbis Soc�aity <br /> _ �mtatt but daes not exec�te tbe Note: (a)is co-signin8 tlds SecuritY I�t�ar�t�only to mortgage,gcgnt and convey that <br /> -' " Bact�werS�intnest in tbe Pnop�erty uMtr the tem�s of this Set�nity Ingnw�n� (b)is aot pecaonatly obtigated to pay d�e sams <br /> socar+ed!pr this Sec�trity Instrumen�aM(c).ag�8s tt►at L�ender and aay other Boniowec may ag�ee to extend,rn�fy;forbear <br /> - -- or malce any aaaommvdeuions with regard w the tem�s of this Se�uriry Instrument or the Note without t6at Honowerk <br /> -- �13��. LoN�CMr�s. If ttte loan securcd by titis Securlry tnstrument is snbjxt w a'taw•whicb sets maximum loaa ' <br /> . , cbarges,and that lawis furally interpated so ttrat the inferest or o�er loan charges collecoed or ta be colla�ted in conncaoh <br /> Mitb tbe Wms exoeedthe permitted limits.tde�t: �a)any such loan cdatge shall be r�educed by tbe amount noc�ssuy w toduoe <br /> tbe c w tbe permiued limifi and(b)any sums alr+eady coAected fram Borrower wh�ch exc+eeded permiued Gmits wiii be <br /> to Barrower. �.endev maY cl�o�se w.mak�e this refund by reducing t1�e prir�cipal owed uader the Nate or by maicing a <br />-- - :� d'mect payment to Bo�rawer. If a zefund reduces principal,the mduction will be a+euted as a partial pcegayment without any <br />- prepayment charge under the Note. _ <br /> ..}s� .:,r 10. Noti�es. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shatl be given by deliveriag�or by <br /> -. .•l�r•�.':�-;:�- •' mailing it 6y fust olass mail unlass appiicable law requites use of another mcthad.The notice shall be dirocted ta tlie Pmpeny <br />� � �� , Addrcs.4 or any other addrrss Borrawer designates by notice to Lender. Any oatice to I.ender sha11 be given by first class <br />. - •. mai)m 1.etWer's address stated herein or any wher address Lender desip�ates by nodce to Bormwer. Any noticc provldod fot <br />` f�� � in this Seaiiriry Insuument shap be deemed to have been giren to Boaower or Lender when given as provided in this <br /> -:'�:t..,� � ` �1S Governing 4aws Severability. This Security Insuumertt shall be govemrd by federal law,at�d the 1aw of the <br />� � "��`£='""'•' jurisd'�ction in which the Property is located. In the event�h:,t any provicion or etauce af thi.c Securiry lnstrument oY the Note <br /> =�.;:_;.::':�: ` wnfhcts with applicabte taw.cuch contiict shuq not affecl other proviaioa4 af thia Securiry Instrument or tite Note which can <br /> =~^��'-�= • ��9�-- be given effect without the ronflicting provision. To this end the pmvisions of this Security lnsuument and the Note are <br /> ,�"-`y:, declat+ed to 6e scvetable. <br /> _ �....r .. . <br /> .;..=:�V`•.- - 16�. Borrarrer's Cap� Borrower wh�ll be given onr conformed copy of the Note and af thi.g Secaflty Instrument. ` <br /> �•_ -r.' 17. 7Mlnder d the Property or a Benetkial lnterest in Borrower. If alt or uny part af the Property or any inucest in <br /> �.,.,;;':_ �, ,.�: it is sold or uansferred(m if a henef[cia!intcrcct in Bdrmwer iti wld or trsnsferred and Borrower�c not u natural person) <br /> '�'J=': ' without L�,mdet's prior writteo consent.Lender may.ut jn aptian.rcyuire immediate paymem in full of all sumc securcd by <br /> -'.'+'' � `" '` tltls 5eourity Instrument. However,this option whal!not be exercised by Lcnder if exetrise is prohibited by federal law as of . <br /> � st;�,� ' ' the date of this Security Instrutttent ' <br /> �f�� � •� '� • •If Lender exercises tt+is option.l.e�det'shall gioe eorrower notice of accelFratian. TUe notice shall provide a period of <br /> � •• not less►hun 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within whirh 8orrower muzt pay afl sums�ecured by this <br /> • '�;�:_;: •-. �• 5ecurity Inswment. lf Borrower faitv to�pay these wrtts priar to the expirntion of this periad.Lertder may invoke any <br /> � -��r � '� temedies pemdtted by ihia Security lnstrumcnt withaut further notire ar demand on Borrowcr. <br /> . :'�,- ='. ' 18. $arro�rer's RiRI►t to Reinstate�. If 8ortower mee��ecv�:iin cnnditi�ut�, $otmtves tihall hav$!he �3ght t�bave <br /> . �;:�'�� - <br /> � - .+,� � �� enforcement of this Secudty Instrument discantinued at any time prior to the carlier of: (a)S days!or such ather period av <br /> ..T4Q, � <br />--- •�-=;:`;;-`-' . su,Skiuittly�ianrtieitaeli�eddi.lKscU:�lFOliiti;�.tii'iit�!1i�r"i'--uaiformroveon,b 9fsa rvnx�•i,�Y,.rvRra+ ' <br /> � lRt;x^�. _�.s,. � sk . • <br /> ._ *�-.:.i.• � - � <br /> �4',j d�f' ' (J � . . ` . a <br />' ' <br />� "��[, � <br /> • � ���,s--;—:------—:—-.. ... . ,. . : . -L s:� - - - ",.L,::.--��=u::c;:-- <br /> .; .. �: -.rir-rt:�.....""•'"' . . . . . � �-.�.'n:lR -_ - '' - -- <br /> . <br /> �� _, _ . ... , .. , .' ' . . .��►`'_-.7.�r-s.. - <br /> . '�!•..t. ':r 4 'a <br /> - �-�n:'Y. .. �. . . ' ' .. ' ' � .. � .. .. . . . '. .t: . . <br /> S�":'.�i,�,;' ' ...i.�_-_—_---_.-.._. •. .- . . • .��-- .. . ' _._.�-._+:_;�aw;..:�- .. '.. :.«....-.1_�-.l.-_:..�s�... , . . ...�.t_..�. <br /> � Y 4_ . . 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