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<br /> � �w =__, rundrmni�ll�w��r olhrc li�lin�!��t:u�y�5wt:d�Ih�(h��p���ly,ur t'ur cun�•e�nnrc {u U.0 ul r�,n�l�•nln:�Non,urc hc•irl��•u.�l�:u���l and =_ --
<br /> ehnll hq��:dd to l.�'iulrr. �,-
<br /> - In Ihr rvrtq ��1' n lulul lul+fn�; ul the Piy���r1t}'. Ihc piu��'e�lr +hnll 1+�` iq�pllyd lu Ihr �um+ �riure�l i�y IIU� 1cc'urll}' E..___ti-_-�.
<br /> - Imlci�mr�H��•hrlhrr ar i�ut tUcn �lur.��i1h ;�uy r�c�r.ti �,al�l 1u (�ucru��.►•. In Il�e���.nt ut ;i p;nlinl lul�iott ul Ihr i'ra��.�ity in ��,__.._`� _
<br /> '9"""^ »"-_� 1Y{1�4'I)Iltc Inir�ni�r1��1�:�lue ui 11tc�l'ruperty iumu��llnicly hcliu•�Ihv Inl.i�itt �•�������1����'� !!�•'��tvi Ih,iu tl►.iiniutml i�11h�ti�nnr __ __: .----
<br /> - .'� �4�111�tI��Y IIIIti SCCUfIIY �11�11Ullitllt Illllll�`��11IlCI}' I�1'I��e.ihc inkin�.tmtrvti li„+ra�ter HtHI LC{kltl'U1IlC[1S'I`+C ULICI' 111 Wf{IIII�t, =T =-_
<br /> _� �. ..-_:� IL� .twi� ,��tlR::t h�tE:!��••'�'���•i�y I�utru�ncttt.rl�ull he I��luc�•tt h\' Ih� ;ut�u►uil nf�Iti ��i�u'��d� ipullf�tlie►1 It�' thi lidl���v1�1�t �:t �
<br /> �-�-- --�... �fll4llll1l: (lll��IC��1Id�iHiliRiil�tl��jtil'`.tt2ti>>CCllf�t�EIIIIlu_tij:ll�`�V�fClliR'illl'lll}�Itl►;.t�l\I��C���1} �:1�I�S:�;l�t'!tll!!L..�vnlur nl�1�H� ..= -_- .-._. .
<br /> _-_ � Iht►�i�r�y immcdlut��lv Nrli�r�Il�c �+�hin�t. Any h:d;inrr .ball ��c p;►id tu i9urru��•�r, lu li�c rvrm ��f;► ��:ulmi �i�l�in�; ui iiic E - . _
<br /> - � � I'ru��eit)� in���hicl�tt�r i'idr iuurl��t valuc uY�hu Pruprcty i�umrdfatrly I�.fure th�•�u1�inE i. I�•. �hun �h� u�nuu�U ul'�hr tiuu►, c'_ �� —=
<br /> �- ' .�rured intutedlntul� 1��(ur� lh� la�,fn�h unl�;+� N�nn���ei' i�nil I.�:nd�1' ulit�r��•i,r atin�' i�i �u•itiu� IIP 111II4ti� upplicuhiv lu�v �,�
<br /> _.s-. n-_-� -
<br /> utl�c�'wl��pruvldc..U��pra«<d�tihull ha apphcd tu�hr�um�.cc�uu�l bv il�i,src�n�iiy lu�uum�nl�ahelhci��tt nul Ih��unt�uit , c, �� ,� � -_
<br /> ;i��... I�1GI1 4�11�. ' �"'°�'*°�'Y=
<br /> � II'Ilt�`Nrupci�}• i�i�b;m�l�mu.l hy�i�,cruwci�,ur ii',id��er nutic�:hv L�nilrr tu Harru��rr Ihal Ihe c�milc���uur.�licr�t��mul�� .��-,rr���,�__.
<br /> =�*: ' ' nn ow�u��l ar ticnlc c��:luim t�ur dnntng���,1Nuceu��rr(uil.tu rr`punJ t��Lrndrr��•itl�in iU�Iny+uf't�r Ihr d;uc the nulirc i,glarn. , • �'
<br /> --— '- - LCI1tIL'�Iti 11111I1UC�l4��tt9 l'OIICI'! iN1l)i1��11Y lht(�IY�I'Citl�,ttl ik upliun,�ilh�r tu it�tur�Uiun ur r�p�iir�N Ih� Prup.rty ur lu lhc . � ;•' _._;
<br /> - - tiun��a�:cut�:d by this Securiry 1c�.u�umGpt,�vhethrr nr nui�hen dur. � � -
<br /> Unla.ti l.cnd�:� un�l Iluiro���eC Wh+:rwiti�u�:r�u in writin�,amy nppliruUuu uf p��acr�d.t��pruicipal .linll nut a�trnd ur ` � '� .
<br /> �-" p�►stpupa thc}iuc tilatu ul'�h�niunthll'paym�.nl+�4fcrred tu in piu•agruph� I und?ur rhung��hr:imuwu ul'.uch paymcnt,. ��.�;2 ,:
<br /> . , 11. r{u�•����vrr I�u1 ltelcusec�: wurbei�runce Ny l.endci� Nut i► W��i�•cr. tixtcn,iun ul' Ihr timc fur p;q�m�nl ur �F�� ,
<br /> ' ntu�lifiri►lion,ni t�nte��tlrq�lun i�P tl�r�uins.ccurcd by this Sccurity In,u umcnt�;ra�ntcd hy l.�n�lvr ta amy �ucre„ur in intcrr,t �.;i��,.:
<br /> '-�` ,� ` ot'Horruwcl'�{lul�,q1�t t7��C1'illv Iu rul�t►tiC �hr IiaNiUty ��f thc uri�;iniil Hurru�scr ur 13uri�owcr` yu�cutitiur+ lil intr�v�l. l.��ulcr :���:,_,
<br /> �'� , • .hidl nut hu fCNUII'tir�,��l s�,�»�»��,« r���,-«a��,�:. a�tuinsl uny .ucccstiur in intrrc,l ur Rt'u�c tu c�ctrnd timr Pur paymcnt ur � , =�g;'_,
<br /> ��
<br /> - ��thcrwltia m��dit)�amortunti�m ul'Ihc sum+,c�urcd by�hi�tircurity In,�rumrnt hy rca,un u1 nny d��mund niiidr hy thr url�;iaal ��,,:.�_
<br /> , . Borrowrr ur Hurn��vcr's huccctitiur.in intcr�s�. riny 1'onc�uranrr hy I..cnitrr in r�crri.ing iiny ritiht or rrm�dy�hall i�u�h�a ; �:.L_=r_
<br /> � wi�ivcr uf ur prccludc thc cxcrci�u ut'uny riEh�or r�medy. � t,«'�
<br /> '�+��;. . ' 12. tiuccessory nntl AsslFny liuund:Julnt und tievcrid I.it�blUty:('��•y1R����•�• '1'hc c��vcnun��nn�l n�;rc¢m�nt,�,I'Il�i.
<br /> �� � � Sc�urity Insuumcnt �hall bind and hrnciit tlir xucccs�u�:, imd a�sign, uf l.cndcr und liurru��rr.�uh.irct tu tlu pruvi.iun,ul' . '
<br /> ";h�. parugri►ph 17. liurruwar\ rcwcnuntx und u�r��meu�s tihi�ll hc.juint;u�d •rveraL Aiiy Hurrmvcr ��•hu cu-,i�ii+�hiy S�ruriiy . , _,
<br /> -":.Y -. .- -, In.aumcnt h►n doc,nw cx.:cutr thc N��tc: lul i.cu-.igniu�;tlii.Scrurity Imtruntcut unly tu ntur��agc.Fr:uU und c�mvcy Ihat �Y
<br /> - B��nvwur�imrrctit in thc Pruper�y undcr�h�tcrms ut'�his Sccurity Ins�rumrm: 11�1 i.nu��,cr,un;dly uhligutcd ti�p:�y�hr,�un+ �
<br /> �;;.i ..;:,:,:'-.'� � s�rurcd by thi.Scrurity In�:uumcnt:,md(c)u�;r�eti Ihiu l.�nd�r und imy uthcr Hurruwcr uu�y a�rc�lu c�t�nd,mudify.lin•hr:u• , , _
<br /> ,.'�_ , ur nr,ikc nny ucccanm�xlntium with r��ard tu Ui� t�rm. 01 thia Sccurit.• In+u�umrnt i�r U�c Nuw ��•ithuut thii� Nurruwcr\ °
<br /> � . coment. '+
<br /> 1;. I.��un l'Itar�;tw. If �hr Ioan �crured hy thi+ S�curiry Instrument i. suh,j�ri u,a I;i�v �vhirh .ch muxinuun loan
<br />, ,�it ,:.`�.}:, rhargc�,am�l thnt law iti liniilly inlcrprctcd�u th.0 thr intcre�t or uthcr Iran rhar�w cullrctcd ur h,hc eullcct�d in cunncrtiun � _:,
<br /> � •� �vith�he I�.in execed thc p�nnitced limita,th�n: lal un�•+urh Ir:m ch;u•ge�ludl be rrduce�t hy the aiuuunt uecr.rsury tv rrduce r -
<br /> •` �.. '
<br /> ,_ __ : ____= the chur�;e tu llu permineci iimit:;m�i ib)aiiy.►�in.cilr�t:lt::z!l:.tc:i!fru:n fiter:�a�4•r�••�����4h r�crrded 4�rrntiued limit.���ill ho � - :i.•.
<br /> _- -.. :
<br /> ' ret'unded tu H�,rruw�r. l.endrr nuiy choutic tu mukc ihi�rr(und hy irducing thr�,rincip;d u��rJ undrr Ihr Notc in•hy m:�l�ing a �-�`
<br /> '. • ' dircct r�iynunt tu Borru�►�cr. II a rcl'un�l redurrs prinri��;�l,ihc r�duc�iun «•ill hr�rriu�d u�a puniul prrpaymrnt �vi�huu�uny � -
<br /> . nre�nymm�t clwrec un�lcr�hc Nuto. ,,...��,� �r„r hy _ - - _
<br /> -�'; _ _ ____ - 14. 1�It11cCS. A11y ItoliCi It� Aorruwrr rru��du�t t���' ut tni� Sc�uriiy in.i�umc�ii .ii.i�� :.:r��.� !•� ::-l:._::l.� -
<br /> . � mailin�it hy fir�t rluti+mc�il�mlr,ti applici►hlr law r�Nuir�•u.e uf an��lhvr ntclhud.'I'hr nuticr,hidl hr dir�cicd�u�h�Prc�perty � f ;
<br /> A d d r e�s o r u n y o l her :�ddr�sti Hurro�v�r t14,ig�liUr+hy n„tir�tu L�ntkr. Ai1)' nuli�e lu l.�n�ler�ht�ll hu glti•�n by I�il'yt�la+�
<br /> � tn:�il l��I.ender'ti:t�1dP�,++IiU�`d hcr�ln u�'a�ty olher addre��Lcnd��dC�ign:ur,hy nuiir.ta Hi�rru��•�r. r 1n}'no t icC��f��v i d e d t i n' .
<br />, ' in thiti Securily In.u•uoienl ,hi►II hr �Icrnmd tu ha�•u hrrn �i�•en t�, li��rro��rr ur Lrn�lcr ��hen �ivrn ;i� pruvided in thi, . .
<br /> parugruph, (
<br /> • I5. l:uvcrni�g Ln��; tie��criibiUtv. "I'In, ti�rw�ity In.trumcnt .hall hc �u�•�rned hy t'rd�r:�l la��• and thr lu�v ut Ihr � .
<br /> . jurisdicdcm in���hich Ihe Prope�ty iti linulcd. In tlu rvrnt�hat any pn�vi.iun ar rlauu nl�Ihi� ticcurily Intilnuncnt ur Ihc Nute �
<br /> cuntlicts with npplici�blc I:�w..urh runilirt tihall nut;�ifcrt��th�r pruvi,iun�ui'Ihi.ticrurit��Imlruntcnt u�•Ihr Nut��►hi�h ran I
<br /> • . he given rt'Pert a•ilhi�ul tlir ranflir�ing rr��vi.ion. 'li��hi.rnd ihu pruvi.iun+ul�hi,ticruril�� In,Irumem .�nd ih� Vutc arr �
<br /> • declnred t��be sev�r;�hle, '
<br /> 16. Hurrawrr'ti Cnpy. Hurrow�r tihall hr givon unr ci,nlurm�d rupy uf ihr Nutr;u�d ut'ihi.Sc�w•iq•In�trumcnl. �,
<br /> rY;. 17. 71�nnsPer uP the Nr��perlv or u lienef7cli�1 lnterest In Horro�ce�•. II'all ur any��ar►�,1'ihr Nrurerry ur any i�ucrr,t in � • ' ,
<br /> - it is suld ur trunsl'crrrd lur il'li hrncfi�iul inlrrc�l in Nurm��•cr i� wl�l ur nan,lrrr�d and Hi�rru���rr i, not a nntural ��cr,uiU r
<br /> „ withnut Lcndcr's prii�e wriurn r„nun�, I.cndcr nwv.at it�upliun,r���uirc intnmiliatr p:►�mcitl in t�uU ut'all �um,.rrured hy �
<br /> _ .. �his Srcurity In��rum�ni. Hu�vrver.Ihi,��ptiun�hull nut hc r�rrri,cil hy L�ndrr il r��rri,r i�prultihitc�i h�• icdrr.d l;i�� u�ui I
<br /> ° thc diuc oi�Ihis Securily In�lrtnticnt. .
<br /> It'l.�ndcr r�cni,cs Ihi,��pliun,l.rnilcr,hull givr 13urru��rr nuticc��f arrelrrUiun. 'I'hr nuticr�liall pn,vi�ta;��uriud ul
<br /> nut Ie�ti Ihan iU d:►y.t'rmn Ihc aatc Ihe nutirc i�Jcli�•�red or mailyd��ithiu��hich liurru��cr�iiutil��a) all .um,.r.•m�rd h�•Ihi� I
<br /> :'� . 5crurity In,trumcnt. II' Hurru��rr lails tu pay ihrtir �um• ��rior m the e�piruliun ��I thi. ��rriu�i. l.rn�icr ma� imrl�c any `
<br /> • ``�`i' . • , r�medies permittcd hy Ihi,Srrurily In,Ir���n��it��ilhuut lunher ni,tin�,r dvman�l un Rorru��cr.
<br /> ' , � 18. H��rrnti,•cr's ki�ht to Kcin+tutc. li Hurru«rr mrrt, rcrtain cunili�iun,. li�n•ra�vrr ,hall h;i��r the rieht w huvu (
<br /> . cnfurcrmcnl uf Ihi.ticcurily In.lrumeiu �li,cuniinuril al uny iimr priur tu�hr�arlicr�,f: la►�da}•��•r ,urh uthcr prriud u. ;
<br /> - '> � - a�y0 � � /„r n , '
<br /> ' Sm�•1�I�.wnl> P:m�dc�fiu•1•rcddie�luc l\U'1)I:\I 1\tifl:l VF:\'f l ml�,nnl'���rn.nn• 1�,rr• p�cr��
<br /> . i
<br />` r- _—_--_ -_-- �
<br /> � F
<br /> � _..1 _ _. I _. ... .. �
<br />