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<br /> -�*..,�' * � nPpli�nblo li��v mi�y �Ex'cli'y f��r roinstutemenll hefi�ru sale of�ha Peapeny pursuant to�u�y��uwcr ot'�ide a�:htalnc�l In this � _ - ___
<br /> �`f-�� = Sccurity InsUUU�c�U;ur lb)cntry of i�Jud��ntcnt c��furciuF�d►is Sccurity Instrumcnt. '1'hosc cun�lftions im�tluu I�urrcnvcr: (nl ���.��;a.v�
<br /> �R =''�� I -- pays Lender iill tiums �vhlih then wuuld Ix; duu under �his Security (n��truntent nnd ihe Nate +�s iF nu ncceler,idon hnd yz-, ��,��
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<br /> = uccui7t;d:lU)curc�uny defmd�uf nny uthcr cuvcnu�tts��r i�gcc:cntrnts:(cl pays all�x�x��scs inc�m�d U�cidurcht�t thiti Srcuri►y �.�. _
<br /> - _— I��stncnunt, incladfn�, hut n�t Umitrd t�i,�'cnsunitNla uttun�cys' t'cc�: iu►d (d)tnhc� such ucticsn os l.endrr muy rei�+unE�biy -_
<br /> - '-�� �c�N��o�«����endfhvp��ht,�h5ecuritrtlnstrunt�tt shait+�contt��e�icl an��}d(�l�pa��crcin t�tnn nt t yYH IfU y+l`t'�'�IIII9`til'tUfllx �� = - -
<br /> _ ,_� t.� . �
<br /> Im.:teu��ent und tite ob11�::!licros secured hercby sttall r�mmn iuifY u(i��liv�.�;�F tta;t�:clr:atl,��s hatl a:rurr.��l IA►w�wor. tbi� t.:�
<br /> �,�t,'_�� right ta rcintitn�o shc+ll not npply In thc rutic uf nccelcriuion undcr pari�grnph 17. ° =-� r�+ ._:
<br /> _ - �"�= 19. SAIe af Note;l'hun};Q oP I.otto Se�vlcer. The Nuto or i� pnrtia�l intcresl in Ih�N��tc (tagether wl�h Ud� Sccurity '�' :_ +���_
<br />_�„�.� LL " Instnimcnt)m+�y bu yold ono i�r morc times without prior nuUcc tn lin�ru�vcr, A snic muy result in n chiingc in ihc cntity , - , - .,; �
<br /> - • �k�na�vn iiy tho"I,oun 5crvlccr"3 thiu�ollccts mumhly pi�ymcnis duc undcr thc N��tu+�nd this 5ccurity Inslrument. 7'i�rre ulsa ,
<br /> �' ,.- � may lw anc ar n►orc�hanFes af thc l.oan Srrviccr unrelnted to n salc of the Nuto. If thcro i� .�chnngo oF thc Luan Scrviccr. . . ..
<br />_:��,'; �� BUITOWCT WIII UO �`IV411 Wrylll•Il IIOIICR nf lI1C CllAtlga i�uccordnnrc with pt�ra�&rnph lA nbavc and nppliciihlc la�v. 'I'hc nuUco , 1 .
<br /> -g�=� • will xtatp Ihc itamc:und addruss��f thc nc�v l.o��n Scrvtcrr and tha i�dd��ass w whlch p�►ymcnts shauld hc mudc. '1'hi�no�irc will ,
<br /> �-j ' ��Iso contnin iiny othc�inl'onmuion��:quircd by��ppNciiblG la�v. ` ,
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