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<br /> ���:._:..-� --._..
<br /> ,�•...•.•.>�.�`.. perlad.tl►iu I.cndcr it��ui�rs. 'I'h�In•unm�:�:r:urir�•�,r�n•idia�;thc im:urau�cc shall Ih�h�►tirn hy HmTUwrr�ul�ject tu l.rndcr` �„ __ __---
<br /> �"'�4 � uppruvad a•1►I�h shull nut t�e unr�i�wnahly withh�:l�l. It'Rlurru«•rr fnils tu muinlnin ruveri+*�ilcy�ribid uhuve.I.rnilrr n�u ,nt
<br /> ��^"'_ '
<br /> �„�„ - L.�nd�r�upUun,��hla�ln ruvcn�F;o t�r prut4ct l.rnd�r:•�.tit,l�iz in�hr I'ru h�ly In nrrtn�dt�nce�11h parii�;�uph 7. y ��� �
<br /> - _ All ip,uruncc pollctca and r���c�vulr�hnll l�;+�rcc���ab1�lu l.��n��l'I'i101I Sllilll IIICIUIII'a stundnrd ntu�•I�ngc cl�wtic. l.rndr�• � ..-
<br /> "-� , t+IN1II I1tlYC IIIC fl�;Ill l�!IltlllJ llt��1l1IIl'IC�llllti 1'Pn.�Y�►Jy. It'I..cudcr iLyu ii�,,H�u�'ut�er�hi�l l pr��mp t ly�!i v�t„I.r n i lc r n l l r�r c i��i ti t - _
<br /> _ _.. Y __. ..'
<br /> ��t�pnid�►rewlu�u,nnd renawi�t n��liccv. (�1 ihr 4�'�A1��f Inss,fic�rrm�•rr vhnll �;ivr��r�m��•1 inHiru t+�It�in,m•:utro rarri4r iuid �� —
<br /> , _� �NiL1P!' �1`Ill��_'P 1118�I 1111l�:1•��f1N��������wv{� ihN IH11�t�s��i'.�mPt1Y hv ItutTa�tir. — _ - �.
<br /> _ ,'.,� !'•nlr•.s l.c�s:t�r;s�tet Hacruwer inhrnvi5e:!erer ln «'riti��4!, in,u�:►�icr ir�xcrdr,I�idl hc�y�pUcd tu r�+tor:�Uo�i ur rvpuir of' i = _-
<br /> � i Iltc H�uwrty d+�nu�g�d, ii�Ihc m�turiuiun ur r�p�or 1� «<��iamicnlly f�itr�hl.' un�l l.endrr� sccurity ix m,� Ir���ncd. IF Uic :• _. -
<br /> ,� ` i�yturut�un or �ap+�ir iti itut ccun��ailudly 1'eti�ibl, ur l.enarrl s�ctu•Uy ��roulA hr le+.cncd, ttie in,�n�nncc prucct`dti sh�dl br. � ( � '�` �-'_
<br /> '�=-�. uppli�d ta ihc sumti sccur4d hy [hi.r• ticrurily In�ltunt�nt, whclhcr ur nut Ihen duo, wilh m�y rx«+s pidd tu Bo►7uwer. IF : � - x - -
<br /> - � Ila�ro��•cr uh+uidu�►ti thc Prupeny. or dues nut illl!i\1l'i' �1�ithin �I)dny� a nuNcc i'rum Lctidrr �hnt �hc inwrunrr riirricr h;is I .
<br />'-�=�-= �- ottcrcd Iu•culc u claim. �hun Lr�idcr mny rullri�l tlrc In�ut:iocc prnc�cils. Lun�lcr nmy u.r Ihr prurrcds t��rcpi�ir ur rrstorr �
<br />.�ie���- �R: �
<br /> .�,. . lhc Prapurty ur to pny sumti ticcurcd by thi�Sri_urit��I�»I�ulllcnt.wht`lli�r ur nut thcn due. '1'I�e�0•duy prriud will hrgin�vhcn �
<br /> �-_' lhc nolicr is�IVCn. � ,
<br /> _s;� � .. Unlrss l.�ndcr nnd Nun•aw�r��Ih��r�vi�a a��ii•in wri�iip;. nny npplirutinn ui��racrcdx 1�� pilncipul sliull not cxtcnd rr �
<br /> ;:._� , . puvtpane thc duu dutc�,i�thc mrnthly piiymcnts Acic�r�d lu in ��lira►�raphx { und 2 i�e rhungc thr uatuunt ot'thc pnynnnl�. !1� �
<br /> -- • uude►' pm•u�ri�ph?1 lhc I'rupcity iti a�qui�'��d hy I.cnder, l�urn�wcr� ri�ht tu iury imuruncu puli�ics mtd prur�rd� r«uUing i
<br /> .���' ' 1'rntn dantuNc tu thc I'rup�rty prit►r Iu tlle :�c�p!i�i�ioo�h�ill �tacs tu Lrndcr tu Il�v rxtcnt ut'Ihc sum��c�'ured hy thi.5ccuritY t
<br /> . . In,Irumcnt immcdiutrly prior tu thc uc�uitiiUc�+t. ' i
<br /> , • 6. l)ccupimcy, Preservutiun, �tuin�t;lUU��:c und PrutccUon oP Ihc Property; Hurru�vcr's Loi�n Applia�llon; ' ; ':�`�
<br /> .��" ' l.en�ehuld�. Harruwrr shaU occupy.�stui�li�l�..m�i n��:the N��peny us tinrr��werk principul residencr within.rixry diiyti aifter !
<br /> �j._ ' ..—,E-.A.:..
<br /> lhc�xccution uf'this S�curily Intilrum�nt :tnd �ha�l Gontiatic tu urrupy t hr 1'rt�per ry ti+ Burra«•c r`p r i n c i p�d r u s i d c n c c t iu;�l "�''
<br /> '�';, •. , Ici�tit �mr ycur ;dicr thu dutc uf uccupunc��, unlcs� Lcndor uthcr���iu u�;rrrx in ��•ritin�:, which cun�rnt �hull nut bc � - �=-
<br /> -. :. unrcusunubly wilhhcld,ur unlc�s cxtcuuuun►��'ircum�s;�����c�ist�vhirh arr txyund Hurro�e�r',cuntral. Ilorruwcr shi�ll nut I ; ,_,,-;
<br /> r;':. dcslruy,damu�c or itnpuir Ihc I'rupci•�y,a►11«�v �hr I'fu}K�iy tu�1cl�riurutc.�,r cummit wutitc un Ihc 1'rupuny. Hr�roa•rr�h;dl �__=
<br /> , hc In�lut'i�ul!it�uny fortcitiu��ncti�m ur pruc�:�:�liu�;,whcthrrrivil i�r criminul,iti hcgun lhau in l.cndcrz�;uu�l li�ith_judtznunt � m'�`:_
<br /> . '-'' ' crndil result in 1'�►rfcittn�c i�f �hc I'roprrry ur athrrwise miuc�•iadly impiiir thr li�n crciUcd hy �his ticcuriry Instnnnent rr i �,-
<br /> � Lendrr�ticcuri�y intcrc+t. Bu�ruwcr mav cun�,urh a�tri;�up und ivinti�utc,i�ti providrd in piir;��:i•uph 18,hy ri�utiing thc artirn I !��
<br /> � . v� p�u�rc�lln�;tu hc dismitised�eith n rulin.r,ih:it.in l.endrr',�;uod tuith drlenninntion,preclu�lo�fi�rl'ritu�v uf thr Harr����rr'. _ `�:`:
<br /> intcr�st in thr Pruperty ur uther matcria�l�impain�icnt ul� �he li�n �mntcd hy this Sccuriry Instrument ur Lrndc��ti ,erurit� `� -
<br /> . ' intcrrsl. l�i�r�'o���cr .hull ah�� hr in dci'aull it Hurru�srr. Jurin�. III� luun ;�pplici�tii�n praccti,. �;irvr muteriull�• fnl,c rr . � f
<br /> 1111►L'CUI'I11C Illll)1't111I1�011 ltl'tit;�temcnt.u►l.rnd�r(�n•f�dlcJ tu pr�►vid�l.ender�vith:my mutrrial infornu�tiunl in ruunrrtion«•ith ; �
<br /> � � �he luan cvidrnccJ hy the Nntc, includiai�t, but nnt limited to, rrprctirn�aitiun� runcerning i�iur��wer� nccup,mcy �,t' ih� �. j.
<br /> " . . I'raperly us n principul residrncr. I(Ihir Srcurily ln�trunl����i,un u Icu,chuld.Bi�rruwrr�hi�ll cumply with ull thc provi�ionr � ,. {
<br /> ' . ut�lh�Ici�su. It'Bi�rr�,wer ar��uires fev tillc t�.�tlir k'�np�►ty,thu I�atichuld imd thc fuc tille•hall nut nnr�;e unlrs,Lrndrr agrce� ,
<br /> tu Ihc mrrticr in writinEt. . . _
<br /> ----- ---- — — . • . . �u •��, •�..r.•n . uc i
<br /> , �. I rntcciion �r a.endcr'y iii�,hia� in iha Frvp�.:�, IS'Yctirn���•�r t'a�l, tu ix;rli:rst► !!iL L'L.YL`tlil...4 :3.�:_�.._111�t . _ _ ��
<br /> . �untaine�l in this ticruriry InsUUnunl, nr thrre i, ;i Ic�,;�l prucceding thut nuq� +i�nil'icantly ui'I'rrt Lcndrr� richt, in thr �. j ;:
<br /> � Pn�prrly t�urh��,a pn�crrdinp in hankruptcy, p�•��h;ur,frr r��n�i�mnallun ur li�rt'cilure ur tu ent'urrr la�c.u�•nzulatiuns).Ihrn
<br /> • L�ndcr mu1•dv and p��y ti�r �vhu�evrr i, necc.•;�ry in pn.t�ri ehe�alur uf the Proper�y t�nd l.cnd�r: right� iit thc 1'��c�perly. I _��.
<br />- �.'" ; -_ _ _
<br /> Lender�uelii�ns�nt�y I�t�•lu�i4 payine any ��n„,�cur��t n��:�ti�n�.nun na�ti �t�urit ovrr tniti ic�uii�• in.i�uu�c,�c.,i�;�,ii�i�.; ..-.-�
<br /> .,;�,: . � y y F t e� I— � . -:
<br /> . �, , in cuurl. �u�ying r�a,unaMr au�,rncq�'tcc�:uul cnt�ring rn lh� H���p�i1�•io mukr repair.r. Althuugh l.rnd�r ntuy takc acliun i ,�
<br /> undcr Ihis paruF:raph 7.Lcndcrduu.nut havc tu�k����. (
<br /> Any amuunt+dishunr�l h}• l.rnJcr undrr thi�{�ara�;raph 7.hall txrumr uddili�mal dcht uf Horruwcr ,cciu•rd hy thi, .
<br /> • Sectn�ily In�trununt. t�nlcs.Hnr��u«cr au�ll.rndcr a�;���e tu iah�r terni.ul paymrni.Ihr,4 amuunl��hall hcar intrr�.l I'rum Ihc i .
<br /> .. ,, dutc of di�hur,rntenl :il Ihr Nul� r+ur and.hall h.pa�'abl�.��ilh interc,l, upun nutirr t'rom Lrndrr w Hurru�vcr rcqursting �
<br /> ���►y�»���I. I ;
<br /> 8. Mort�;a�;c In�urr�nca If lxndrr r�-��ui���d man}:;i�;� in�urauicr a. a runilitiun �,1'mukin� �hr luan ti�cured hy thi. ;
<br /> , � ticctu•i�y Intiu'untcnt. H�,rr�,wcr.hiill pn}� �hr pn�miu�»� rrquu'rd 1�, n�aintuin thr mur��:u�c in+tn':mr� in rlfcct. li'. ti�r any �
<br /> � r�ii+rni, th� nnui�;ucr insw:�ncr co��cra�sr ir��uircd b� l.rnd4r la�•.r, ur cratir, t�� h� in ct'fcct. Hurruwcr ,hall p:ry ihr ,
<br /> , prcmium. nyuircd tu ��hli►in ri.vcri►�,c .uh�tanqall�� cqui��alcnt t�, thr nu�rtgag� intiuruncr prcciru.l�� in cf'fc�t, ia a ru.t ! .
<br /> � �U{1�1i111U:lIIy t�JlllVilll'lll 10 A1C l'Util lU {jtll'I'U1\l'1'��I III�IIIUIlI:I�I'II1�U1':IIlCO prcviutu,ly in clfrrt,fr�nn au aUrrnate tnort�:a�r I , .
<br /> . in,urcr nppravrd hy I.ender. II,uh�tunlially �•yuira��r.t muneu�c in,urancc cuvera�c i�not uvuilahlr. Harru�vr��hall pay Iv � I
<br /> � . l.cndcr ruch munth u�wn r��aal ta unr-t�vclGh ut ihr ccarly mur��;ugr imurnnrc prrmiunt h�in���aid hy Ri,�7o��er whcn Ihc �
<br /> . inyuruncc covrru�;r Inp�rd ur cca.cd I��b�: in�•ffcr�. I.�•ud�r a iU�irrupl.utic und relain Ihrzr paynunh ati a 1�,,,rru rvc in licu , ,
<br /> uf nu�rt�u�c in�ur.mcc. l.u„rr,rrvr payn��ni.ni,��� nu I�,u�.�r hr rc��uircd.at thc uptinn ut'l.cndrr. il'mortgacr in,urwicr ;
<br /> ruvcr.ig� lin the:unounl uu�l lur thv ��en��d that I.rndrr rr��uir�•�pruvi�led hy;�n in�ur�r appru��ed hy l.rnder a�:nin hrcume� �
<br /> � uvnila�hlc�md i�uhpiin���i.H�,rru���cr�hal! pa}• thr�irrt�iium,ir��uirr.t 1�,mainliiin ntu�1gu�:r m�urancc in clf�cl.ur tu pruvidc�� ,
<br />' lors r«ci'��e,until Ihe ��cNuir�mrnl ti�r murt�;acr imnranrv cnd•in arcurdancr��i1h any ��rillrn a;:reemrnt hrt��re�� Hi»•ruwcr �
<br />, � and I_cn�lrr i�r:ipplirc�hlc la��.
<br /> . �1. InspccN�►q, Lrnder ur i�+;�gcnt ma� mal�r rca.unal�lr rnlrir.upan and in,prctiun, ut'thr I'rupert�•. l.rndrr.hall �
<br />.. . givc Rurn,���rr nutic�ul Ih�titn� ��f m•priur i�►:m in.prcli�,n��,�ril�ing rra.�,�iahlr rautir t�,r Ihr iutiprclion. ; :
<br /> 10. l'���deqlnilUon. 'I'hr pnx•�:cd.• uf an) aw;u•d oi �lairn Inr J,�nricr,.�lirrct ur ri,n.r��u�ntial.in runnrrliim«ilh an� I �
<br /> _. , � ti�ucl�1.mul} ••t:�oal�:�1:IC fft'Jdic\I;u�1 VIF�tR�11\ti'1'Hl�1F:\f• l mi�mn i'„�rn.mi. 4rVD �����er<���o p,�e�.� � �
<br /> i,rr.LL la�r,ftu.inr..F�un.,Im � �
<br /> . lu u1Jrr�'.III I-111111�m71'U f N��Ib�7!141111
<br /> . _ .a
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