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� ' . -.,�� ..._....f'....._..� ��.__"_�_"�..�.��.`Si�'�M_ n.._�.__-.__. "�^�'�.`^3'i:i'v'��'�'��. • . w...a....�..���.��+r•.. .._.�-.__ -� —_. <br /> li � ,p �_ � <br /> `-'-�'`!�-°_._�y� r ��`�9� —� <br /> - _----_ �� � <br /> _._ � <br /> - �andcmnatian ar�►Iher t«k{n;g of nnyµvrt of�hc P���►��cny,o��ti►r c�}»veymice in Nr.n of rnndr.mnntliu►,ure Itereby nvylgne�ttrd <br /> - •,.� <br /> _ e���dl da paid tu Len�icr. ' <br /> �°�-��� In tho ov.nt of a wtiil t�kin�t of the Propeny. the p��cceds dhull In. npplle�i tu tho sums 4er.ur�ci Gy tids Sccw3ty — -- ---- - <br /> -. ;,� �ti,., lnstrumcnl,whethcr or nnt �hcn duo,wNh uny oxrchs pnid In[i��RUwar. I��thc uvent of a�unial tnking uf�h@�'+'nperry in _ <br /> N:. - .t��Yw evhich tho fnir mnrkct vnluc�►i tho I'mperty immrdi�uely bofi►ro thc luking in cyue�l tii ur IIi�entrr�hun tho iunount af tho eiuns <br /> - - '""� ,i�,�° secumA by thia Security Instrument innneJi�uoly beforo tho tuking,unle:►s Qnrrawer urd Lender atherwlyo a�co in�vrtfin�, _ <br /> Y �' lI1C RUIIIS�CCt11tiCtI Ily IIII9 SCCitYlly I119ifl1111C111 xhnll he icdurrd hy �hc nmuum af tho pnuceciw multipited by thc 1'ullowh�a c_ - <br /> ��.���r _ <br /> -����� fretction: (a)thcs tc►tal amnunt of the sum.r•ye�:urcd immediate{y t�elitiro thc tukin�.Jividcd by(b)th+:fi�lr mnrket vnluu of thn --._-_--- <br /> � �Y� P�opc+rty imntediately t�f�r�tha taking. Any 6alanco shall bo pnid to BaRawur, in tho ovenl of o purtiai inkinf3�f tho - - -- <br /> ��� R_�� ,��' Properly in which tho fulr mnrkct vnluc��f the F'ropcny immcdic�tcly t+efc�rc the u�kinK Is lews than tho c�muw�t uf tho eur�i� - - <br /> ...---.__....�_.�__:" 1ZVqt�tl{hititZtl{til�IY �I�t)Yd ��t� �ttl��ils� itilll�79 RRii�lV/2t'Nittl LZit(�2f OtIiBriVI5l' A(;rC Iii Wf'jiIOS OP u{11@99 [i(!�?IIC1hI!+I(4W <br /> ��:y�r...,.,�yr.,r,r.�.�, � �- <br /> ----------- <br /> ' '� �}� • athe�iso provldes,the prncceds xhi�ll bc�upplied ta thn aums secured by thir►Sccuri�y Inetrumcnt whethar ar nut U�v hums uro - - <br /> - - •- �,. t thon duo. -- .. -- ----- <br /> �' . � � If the Prapetiy ia i�bnndaned by Aorru�ver,or if.cdlcr nrnice by Lendor ta Rorrower thnt tho c�mdemnor nffcr:�ta�nuko �__ __ _ _�_- _. <br /> --- - � " , --- aiti a�.�ud u�nrUtu u cluim fnr duma�;e�,Borrowcr to�ly a�r�spand tu Lcndcr within 3p duyc+nftcr thu dute thu aattcu I�biven, ��°'�_ <br /> ' � T���S:�.:����. . L,ender is nuthorized ta callect und npply ihe procecdv,nt itY opUan,eith�r to re�torutiun ur repui�of thu Propeny ��ta tho -�=---_=•�_°-- <br /> sums secured by thia Securlty Intitrument,���hether or nat then dua - <br /> ,� �� T � + � Unlcas Lender nnd porrower uthenvl,;e ugree in �vritin�;,iu�y upplicutiun af pmceedw w princip�� 4hull nat oxtcnd ar {�,�;-��--___-___ <br /> - � ` � postpano thu duo dnto of thc monihly pnymenta referred tn in paru�u�pha 1 nnd 2 nr rhnngc tho untuunt��t tiueh pc�yments. '�'�- '-`- --- <br /> ' � � � 11. Borrawcr Nat RcicuFedt Fbrbenrnnce By Lendcr Nat a Waivcr. Rxtcnyion af' the Um� tirr puymunt ur �;�=� w <br /> u <br /> ' muciif7cudon of�mortizntian of the hums secured by tldr�Securiry In.trument gri�nted hy l.endcr t��uny hucccssor in interc�t ..r;,-�`�� <br /> � af Bnrmwer�hnli not aperate tn relei�se the linhilily af th� Bi�rmwer or Bnrru�ver� yucce.r•sar, in interest. Lendae •.•�•±:=` ____._�___ <br /> � ' shall nnt be mqulrcd ta cammencc prurecdingn uguiqxt imy succehsor in interetit nr rcfusc t�extcnd�1mc for pi�yment c�r '',�-^'�� <br /> othenvi�c modi fy amartir.iUian of Ihc r ums xecureJ by thiti 5ecurity Inxtrument by reuxan�P any demund mudo by thc originnl .� '�' '�,�:,.�__. <br /> ' Horrawcr or parrowcrk xuccess��rv ln Intercst. Any furbeurunce by I.undur in exenir:in�i►ny rl�ht or remedy shnli nat bc u r'� `` �-�-� — <br /> � wulvc�uf ar prccludc ihc cxercisc nf�my ri�ht o�rcmedy. � ��� <br /> a�P _..�.__.. <br /> � 12, iu�essore and A�I�o�R��und4 Jatnt ond SeverAl Liubiiityt�p-nlRaerH. The covcnunty nnd ug�:ementa of thir+ � ,. _.�,-- <br /> • Security In�trument shnll bf�id imd henetit the succes�ury und atiti��nti��f I.ender und Bor�uwrr.subJcct to thu provisionw af „ <br /> t� ` purugmph 17. tiorrawcry cavcnams nnd i►grcements shull he Jaint und soverul. Any Burmwer wha ca•�i�ns thi� Sccurlty `'`���� <br /> , ,�. ;;��._u,•--- _ <br /> ' Instrumcnt but docs nnt exccute the Notc: (u)is co-tii�ning thi.r•Security Instrumc:nt only to marigngc,gri�nt iind canvcy thi�t �� • T,.-�--�--�° <br /> � �orrowcr�intcrest in thc Prapuny undcr thc termti af this accurfty Insaumcnt; lb)is n�t pcmc�nully obligr.tcd ta pay�ho xums r•��, ��,�-=- <br /> � • secured by thiy Security Instrumenh und(c)u�r�ex thut l.ender und imy i�ther I�ur�viwcr muy ngrco tu extcr��l,mcxlify.forhetir � .;��:� <br /> • , • ar mukc any nccammalutlanr• with rcgurd t�� thc trrnis ��f thiti Sccurity 1n.u�u�ucut ��r tlw Nuto wlthuut that Bon•owcr� . „�� _ <br /> � � c�msent. .:._.���- <br /> � ' � 13, l.oAn Ghnr�eq. If the laun xecured by thiy Security Instrumvnt i+ suh�ect t�� i� 1►►w which tots moximum laan , `` •'.�.'"� .� <br /> chnrges,nnd thui la�v i�finully interpreted s��thut the interest or��ther luun chivRe.r•collec�ed nr to bc collected i�i connection .�:-.��� <br /> wlth the laim exceed Ihe p�rn�iucd Umit.r•,thrn: (u)imy�urh loan ch+�r�;c.hali be rcduccd hy thr omaunt aecessarv ta reduco .�•„ • z °_ <br /> • '• tho churgc�ta tho pcm�iucd limit:und(M)imy sum�ulrc�iidy�:uUccted frum H�n�rowe��vhich exceeded permiucd Ilmit,will bu .�_ .''� �`;�.r � <br /> . ref�nded t�Bar�awcr. Lander n�uy cha�xc tu mukc thix�tii'und by rcdaring the principid uwed under thc Nutc ur by muking i� . . _;�;"_ <br /> dircct paymcnt t�Qarrc�wcr. !f u iuPuud reducc+p�l�uipul,tiic ir�luaiu�► will tx� trciued us i�p:�niui prepi►ymcnt without imy <br /> _ � , � � - <br /> �—; -:-- :- �- prcpi►yment chi�r�;c undcr thu Nat�. , dclivcrin� it ar b - . � _� <br /> ' 14, NuUeev. Any nuticc t��H��rrower pr��vidcd ti�r in thi. Securlty Instrument shutl ix: giv�n by Y , ti <br /> • muiHng it by�rst clny�muU unless upplicublc luw rcquiro.u.���f imuthcr mcth�xf.'fhc noticc tihall hc�lirccicd tu thc Propcnv '� �;;4 ,y <br />: � Add�+ess or am other address Horrowcr desis�nutcs bv noticc to Len�lcr. Anv n��ticc tu Lender shall he�;iven hy tirst cluss � •�` ' <br /> '- - .--`, - mufl ta l.ender�udd�e�s stated herehz ur uny i�thcr iiddress l.rndcr dr�iguaws hy natire tu Bonc�wcr. Any nutice pr�vtAcq for e ...T�,; <br />" in this 5ecurity Insirumcnt �hnll hc dccmcd to havn c�rn �;ivcn tu lii�rn►wer ��r l.rndcr whrn Hiven u+ prc+vided in this „ .. a ,/ <br /> � pArnFrnph. . ...�- <br /> ' 1S. Gavcrnlna I.u�r Se�'crnbipty. Thi. S�curity In�trumcnt �hull h. ��wrmod hy FcQcral luw :md �hc !uw ��1'�hc � ��'�'�'`` <br /> jurlsdictlan in which�hc Pru�xrty iv I�xatcd. hi thc cvent that:my�,ruvl�iun ur rluu,r uf'�hi,Sccurlty lnctn�mcm ur�hc Naw ,. . , . <br /> ' conflic�s with nppllcnMc Inw.yunc�onflict.huli nat a►1'f'rrt�nhcr pr�wi.lun,u1'thi. Scrurlty lnstrumrnt ur thc Natc which cun ,. <br /> ..' bc givcn c(fcct withuut thr runlliclin� pruvi.iun. 'R► thi.�nd th�� pruvi.iun,„f Uii. Security Inrtrument und the Nate are . <br /> � declurcd t��bu sevcra►blc. ' <br /> Ib. 8ar�uwer'�(:apy. H��rra�ver,hnq he�!ivcn une cuntimnrd rupy uf thr N�►tr amd uf'thi.Srcuri�y In.trument. <br /> • i 17, 'I�ansPir of the I'rupe�ty ur i�Nene�iclal lntcrest in B���ru«•cr. IF:dI��r;my pan��t thc Yrupcny ur uny imcre�t in <br /> � � )t is tic�ld ar tran�t'crrcd lor if�i twnrticiad in�rrest in Hurru���ci•iti ,u1�i�,r trun.lcrrcd :md Hurru�vcr i�����t ����+�turul �nr+onl "� • <br /> , withoul l.endcr.l prlur wrfttrn cun�cnt,l.rnd�r muy,iu ih uptiun. re��uir.•immr�liutr puymrn� in 1'ull af�xecurrd hy . <br /> � thi�Security In�trumcnt. Nuwrvor,thiti i�ptiun.hull nut hr r�rrci�cd hy Lcn�lrr it'cxrrci,c i�pruhihitcd hy tedrral li�w�n ui' <br /> ' thc dute of thlti Sccuriry Imtrumr�tt. � <br /> ' • If LenQer excrci�rs thi.uptl�,n. l.rndrr,hi�ll�;icr Ni,rru���r nuticc uf:�rcoler:uia�►. 'Thr nutirc�.hi►II��ruvidr u periad uf <br /> not Ic�:�thun:�(�da►yti t'�<,m the dcu��the nati�c i,deli�vrrd�+r+nuilr�l a itldn��hirh Norru���.�r uui�t pa��;�II+un�ti wcur�d by thi� i <br />: Securiry Inrtrument. If'Burn��ver ti�ilti tu pay thcx �um, priur ti► thr �xpi�;�ti�+n i�f'thi, period. l.rndcr muy invoke imy � <br /> � remedicw permitted by�hi�Sccurlty In.tru�m•nt with��ut funher n�»icr ur�Irmund��n Hurru��er. � <br /> ' •� � 18. Horrowcr'r RI};ht to Rcintitutc. li' Huna��•er mrrt� crrluin run.litiun,. Nurru���rr �ha11 huvc Ihc rf�ht tu huv� f� <br /> rnPorrement c�f thi�Recurity In.teunu nt�liuuntinurd:u uny timr p�iur t�,thr rm�lirr ul: 1:►►5�luy� 1ur�urh uthrr�xriud uti � . <br /> .� timplc 1•amil� ..F�mnli��tudFrcddic�1uc l'\IFl IR�1 I\ti7'Rl'�1F.�'!� l'nunrm Cu�cn:mt, V;VO ipaee J ul��pr�4r.� ' <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> ., '' � <br /> I � <br /> I . , ' � <br /> �.4----- --... . ...-----.�. ---'----------`- , _ .... _._- -- �.... <br /> i. ' <br /> i ., i <br /> � '' r <br /> 1. , <br /> �t <br /> .. 1 f <br /> 1 <br /> � � <br /> � • . <br /> � � <br /> ; R <br /> ; , C • . <br /> � <br /> � , � <br /> . �,� � <br /> ' ' �... � . <br /> � <br /> • � i <br />