�_ � .,� .`_� •: , - " —
<br /> . . • . , q .:,�,l ti�- n .. -��i` — _
<br /> .. i ' � _v. .. .. ... ._1-_. ..___�C��~�—.�a u_1"�'��.__�—. � .. __._ ___.�--�..�_–. �- . . . . �.. _._.
<br /> __".'�_' _�• --' -.
<br /> --_---- � ' V�� ��#���
<br /> __=�-�- - --�-=--� • ��ed�hiy thut l�euiic�r��qub'�s. Ttw Gt9uaut�:e��i�►ies{►xu�tdtng ti�e[��yuranea shnii b,cl�osen by[iorawer subJctit tu Lc%u�:�� . --
<br /> -'- _ ---�"-�� oppravnl�vhich Fhnll nat ho unrasonnUly withiteld, tY Aara�vice fnils to mai�tnin covcra{�o dcsc�ib:.d abcwo,l.endee mnY�nt
<br /> - Lcndcrl+aptiun,u6tnln covcrug�ta protecl6.enderk�ighis U�tho Mu�eriy In iiccurdnnco wltll pili"J�fUpll y.
<br /> - . Ail insurunc�pulici�;s aid re�wwnlb�l�all I�o ucceptablv ta l.eicder and�l�nll includo a suuidard�uatfgU�}o eluuso. Lendee _ ___—_.
<br /> shnll hAVC tho right to hold the poitci�s a�id renowuts, If Lcndc�r�quires,t�orrower ahnil promptly givo to l,cndcr all rcce�Fi.q
<br /> of paid premiumy nnd renawnl nvttces. [i�1he event of toss,Borrowee ehi�ll�lve prampt natica w the intiuranca cnrricr wid
<br /> ;±:� -- - L.cndee. Lender may mnlco prcwf uf lnse if aot mada pmmptly hy Aotrower.
<br /> ,,�;_ - Uniess L.undor and Aor�owor othorwlsa�sreo in wdting�insurane�psoceeds shnii bo cipptied ta mstarntion or raP�ir�
<br /> 1 ,�--��°�-� tha Pmpcny dmm�ged, if thv rostorution or repnir ia ecaaamficaity feasible �nd Lencivr� hecudry is nat tccscned. if tho - - --
<br /> . . �" - -- � re.v�orutlan ar repulr is nnt econamlcn!!y f�slble or Lender�security would 6e tessened, ehe lnsurance pmse,:ds!�Fu►116e �
<br /> y;,;,�,;t,�.��x�;,'. applicd to tho auma sc�urcd by thie Sccudty instrument, whethor or nat then duo, wlth nny oxcess puid ta 8airower. It —
<br /> . ' .�= - Hanawcr ubi�ntlons tho Roperty, or docs not imswcr within 30 dnys u noNco from I.cnclor thnt thc 1n::unmco cortiec ba� -�----
<br /> �`;'°�.'-,'-��.�� �+'���. affcrcd to settte u cli�im,then l.onder mny collec�tho Inxurnnco pmceeds. Lendor muy use tho proceeda ta repnir or restoro
<br /> � � -' �� '� � ` ' .�!• tha Property or to puy sums secured by this Securlty lnstrumant,whather or not then due. Tho 30-day pedod w1U bogin when
<br /> -_,.'_. ,��..:.�•.;..�_.;_-_.LL the�sutic�is given. .�:_���=-==----_ -
<br /> `-� � Unlebs L,ondor und Aorrower odie�vfso ��grco in wridnR,any applicution of praceeda ta principiil ahull nat extond or --
<br /> /f ' ,� , ��, postpono thc due dme af tho manthly pnymentH refcrrcd tn in pnragriiphA I amd?or ch�mgo tho amounl of tho pi►yments. If -==______
<br /> ' :� �� unde�pnmgeaph 21 tho Property ia ncyuired by Lander,Barrowerl�rlght to any lnsurance poNctos and proceed9 resulting _____- ____
<br /> � , � ,' .. ° ,� - from damn�o to the Property pri01'IO lh0 RCL�U�A�l�0I1 ShA�)PA39 1p 1.C11(�CC�O IftB @RICIII pf 1f10 R111119 SCCUR'd t1y t�1�A SCCIIf�[Y -=__— ----
<br /> ' �* �� Imtrumcnt immediatcly prlor ta thp ucqui:.ltian. � `__
<br /> •`�•; " � b, Occupnncy, P�•eservutlun, Malntena�ce w�d Pratectlon uf tho Prv�perty1 Borrower's Luun AppUcution; ___ _ ___
<br /> . l.cukeholds. H0170WCt SFIQII QCCUFIy,eslnblish,t►nd uso tho Propeny ns 8orm�vork prineipul residence�vi�hin Kixty duys c�'ter ..., �-_
<br /> , � tho executian uf thix Secu�iry I�stn�ment und shnil continuo ta occupy the Prapeny us Aorr�wer4�prIncipal residonce for nt �==�:.
<br /> . � � •• Ieust uno yonr ufter the duto of occupuncy� 11f1I0Y9 Londcr athornise ngrees ln wriUn�, which cansont ehall �tat be �.'�''�--
<br /> ,, �" unrcusonubly w(thheld,or uMesti oxtenuating clrcumstc►ncos oxist which uro beyand Borr�wer'�control. Borrower Rhnll nat - _
<br /> , . destray,damngo nr impAir the Ptoperty,pllpw�he Prapeny ta detv�inrute,ar commit wuste on tho Pr�perty. Bonawor shnll - ��'A°
<br /> i �� ,,, � bi:in defuult if uny forfciture uction or pracecdfng,whethor civfl ar ar�lminnl,is bogun that in Lender�gaod fniQ�,�udgmont •;,r��-->"-
<br /> � � could �ewult in farfciture of the Propony or atherwiso muterinlly Impalr the Uon crented by this Securlty Instrumont ur :`-.=�
<br />