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.._ .�—. ' "-.�-,_�vi� ���'— ._ . . _� . .. «-.. .... ._ . .. .-- ^--�_._._-�_._.._...., . _. ., ` -- <br /> . � ' <br /> -_�...__ ti�'��� ' ..._ — <br /> _=-��� <br /> 9�s �u��� <br /> -- —°_�I e w ��E� � cii' fnr m►nstnt�m�ntl twfiun snln uf thu 1*�n iiy porsuiuri ta nny puwcr of enlo roiitaincd ln this `_ f <br /> - , . a y��+4 i r a b l !a � Y I x' Y � <br /> �:------�� Sccurlty Instrument;ar tb)cntr�+of n Juditmcnt cnSurcG�g�hle Sc.�:urity Iuauuuunt. Thaso ran,:tldons arc t hnt f iom�tver; (n) <br /> _ I ----�==- - - paya Lcedcr all sun�.v tvhich then wc�uld ba duo widcr Ihls +r-curi�y tnstrumcnt und tiw Nn�o i�s If no ar.c�tcradon ha�l -- <br /> �i urcurred;(h)curev nny defnntt of any othce cnvcn�u�ts ar ag�ement�;�c)puye ull cxpenses incu�ce d In c�i furc ing e h ie Sccurily <br /> � � � instn►mert,incl�uling.but n��1 Ihnitctl to,rensonablo nttarncys'Ccus: Ctltll(tI) l4IiC9 6llCll (lCiltlfl A9 I-Ci1L�C�Il1A;► 11'•ASUI1aHIy <br /> � ra�uire ta assu��u th�t the Nen uF Ihls Secudty instrument,LetiQe�k�ights in 1ho t�mperty and llarro�very abllgntin�i to p�y the _ <br /> - � g��n�w r,ccur�d by �h1x Secarity tnstrument ahall canHnue unchnn�ed, Upan reinstatement by Borrower, thia Securlly __ _ <br /> -- � I Instnjment and tho alsligntiuris sccwrd horeby shnll remaiu fuily effc�Uvv us if nu accelemt�on hnd c+ccuned. Ha�vaver�thle <br /> _� " "' right ta rcinstato shall not apply In tho cnse af accelera�ian under paras�aph 17. <br /> �`,�����: !9, Salc of Nute;ChA�ge ot l.oan 14ere+lcer. 7fio Nnio or n rtini intcrcst in thc Nuw([ogettte�with chia Sccurity ---- <br /> ,' � Itl5lriliil@il[)iiiBY f1L`SBIt�C►iiG 8i iAisii+{;ii1C8�:'Illipli{�iYIOP IinIIC@ !O�or�a�er. A �te muy result i��s�chnn�n irt tha en�;ty <br /> ,-�,�- <br /> . �� ,'.-' r} '�+ .;fi�. (known us the"Lonn Scrvircr")th,�t collecta monihly pnymentq duo undcr tho Nate nnd thir►Sccurlty in�ttument. I�IICPC[Q50 <br /> � .�:s.�-�:, mny bo�no nr mnm�•t�nn�e�uf the Lonn Servker tmrei�ted tn n K�ilc nf'thn Nato. If therc ix n r.hnn���f 1hc l.nnn Servircr, r-�-----=�- <br /> ; � °` '��`•� '{�• 8arrowor�vill be�iven written natice af tho chnngu in neea��mco with pt►rng�uph l4 above nnd lippiicablo lanv. Thc nutleo _--__� <br /> :' ,��r • � will stnt�tho ni►mo and nddrutis aF tho ttew LoAn Scrvircr and tho address to which pnyments yl�auld bc�mudc. Thc n�dce�vlll ,_-�—___--__-- <br /> }:�: . _ �. .. ulso cantaln uny othcr infurmution requircd by c�pplirnbio taw, °��'�`=---- <br /> / ,. , 20, Har.�rdous Substnnces. 8orrowcr Nhull nat causo ar permit th��prosonrc,usc,�iisposol.etura�c,ar rcic�►tio��f noy �:'-_--- °--�,_,_,�,°_-Y <br /> ; :,. ' ,� Hn•r.arduu�S�bxtnncea an ar in thc Propeny. Harrowcr st�all m�i do,u��r ullaw anyanu elne ta do, anything uffceNng tho �=`"_""= � <br /> � Pm riy thnt iy in violutinn af un Environmentul Laiw. The mcedin two sentencey yhall nat apply tn the msence,uso,ar """""' - <br /> _ , I A� Y P R p ic�':-.�._-�_ <br /> storiigo an the Praperty af'smoil qunntitic9 of Hnanrdaus Suhstances thiU aro gcnemlly reca�ni7ed ta ho appropdnto ta nnrmal �x�__-�-__-- <br /> rosideodul uses und to miiintenanc�ot'the Praperty. . ,�r;�?'1't�^��.-- <br /> • Borrawcr 1hn11 prompUy Sivc l.ender wrftten nutire af any invetiligutlun,cla�im,demund,imvsuit ar other nclinn by nny '-_q}�+•�?;�;.�,��_� <br /> .. gavemmentnl ar reguli�tury a�gency ar privnto pa�ty invalvlog the f'ropeny imd uny Huz.�rrdaua Substunce ar�nvironmental '�!ar`'' <br /> � . Lnw of which 8orrawcr hus urtuni knmv!cdgc. If Borro�vcr lci�ms, ar is natit'led by imy gavemmcn�nl or regulutory °'°�"`� <br /> • • ' i�utharity.thnt nny remuvul or other rcmedicuinn of uny H�ui�rdaus Subtituncc ��ffecting the F'r�pcny ix ncce�sury,Bo�owur �r�v�'-;�•--��__ <br /> � shatl prnmp�ly tuko all necesxary remedinl ncdrn�s in iicrurdanca with Environment�l :•�'�4;�__ <br /> •t' �� . � As used in this parngraph 2U,"Htai►rdauti Subtituncex"ure thnsa suhytunrcy defineJ us wxic ar huznrdaus substancrs by , �,:.;,r��...�___ <br /> � � �nviranmentul l.i�w und thc folluwing substimre.r•: �i�solMc, keroscno,othcr fli�mm►thlu i�r toxic petraleum productw, tuxic -,,:, <br /> � wti�idcti imd hcrbicidc�, v��lntiic salvcnls, miuctlul�contc�inin uwGcytuy ar farmuldrh dc, amd rndiaactivc mutcriulF. Ae ` '` �����•�- <br /> •• � po. 8 Y �i• - :'A;�. <br /> � ' used in thi�purugruph 2q,"Emimnmcntul Luw"m�uns fcdcri�!Inws und luw.r•uf thc jurisdiction whoro thG Praperty lr Incntcd ����1�=.=:�-=; <br /> ' '. thut relate to henith,safety ar enviranmcntii!prouctiun. �� .,_ . <br /> NON•UNI['pl:R1 COV�NANTS. �unuwcr und l.endcr t'unhcr rovcnunt imd ugrec us follaH:v: > . •; �^=="' <br /> Zl, AccelerAttunt Remedlev. l.ender�huli �ive not�ce ta Narrnwer prlor ta uccclernUun Poltuwinp Harro�ver'x :�_ , ��. <br /> � � brcuch oY uny cavenant or aRreemeat In thi�tiecurlly Invtrument tbut not p�1ur to acceleraUan under nrA rn h 17 �= <br /> P R P <.;�;-=` <br /> unlc�.y s+pplicuble law pruvidcw athenvise). The notico shall�pe��fi'ys (ul the dePuulti 16)thc ucpun re�uired ta cure the <br /> � �� dePault;(c1 u dutc,nut tesy thun JO dave fY�om the dAte thc ni�tice is�iven tu Hurruwer,by wtdch Ihe dePuult must bo "-`��: ��=� <br /> , • curedt n�d(d)thnt Pnilure t�cure thN defuult on or bePore the dMe apeclf7eci in Ihe naUce may�esult In aecelerutlon�oP °"'�}� ��'� <br /> � � ���- . , Iho suma se�ured by thlv Secu�ity lnxt�ument und hule uP thc Pr��pe�ty. The notico shuli f'u�ther Inform 8ur�awer uf ;���C.�=��'� _ <br /> ,� thc right tu rclestAte af�er ucceie�atlnn und the rlp;ht to Grlu�a cuurl uclion t��a+�ert th�mm•oxistence oP u dePuult or v, .• �' <br /> � uny uther defense of ria�rmver tu accelernti�m a�nd.rule. IP tl�e dePuult I� nut cured on or before the dute specif7z�d In - �� � '� <br /> � . ' . <br /> - � �� ° <br /> -�-- the natire.i.endc�nt ito opt ion muy require immeciiAtc puymcnt in iuii ni uii nutnq secu�by ihi;�:eeuFlty in�tr-u�ni .•.�� <br /> ' � w(thaul i�riher demund und muy invukc lhe p���ver oP si�lc and uny othe� �emcdics permitted by upplicuble luw, =�� � �"''� ` <br /> l.ender r�huil he entltled tu cullrct uH expensey incurred in pur�uin� ihs.� �emedlev provided in thix parugruph Zl, " � .. � ; �;;� "_ <br /> . ___�_:. includinu.but not Ilmited to.reasonubic uUorncyw'Pce�und co�tq of title evidcnre. _ __ _�.;:�_,.:� <br /> ' � IP tiie puwer af!u�le ly ln►�►ked.'IY�uwtee shatl recnrd ii n��Nc��nP dvPuult t�euch county in which uny part of the __ 1��,.�.r�:�: <br /> Nrnperty iy Ii�Ated and sh�dl muil cupics of such noUce in the miinner p�escribed bv upplici�hle law to Iiurruwer und tu .��� <br /> " the ather pertiuns pre.r•criArd by t�ppUcuble luw, After the Ume requlred by appllruhie luw,'IY�uhtee shull �;ive put�lte • � � . <br /> , oaticc af'svulc to thc per�sans nnd in Ihe mnnner presc�ibcd hy upplicuhle lu�v, 'IYustee�without demnnd an Harr�►wer, �.. � - <br /> ; •' vhuli scll the Nr��peMy ul pubHc uucdu�tu the hi�hest blddcr ut the time und place nnd unde�the te�mv desl�onted in � <br /> the notice uf tiulo in one ar m��re purcclw und in uny order 7lrutitee clete�miney. `IYuytee muy postpune sale oP afl ar any " <br /> purcel ui'Ihe Property hv public unnuuncemrnt ut the time und plucc oP unv pre�•iausly scheduled r��le. I.ende�a�itA � . <br /> '� � desi�ncc m�►v purchAtic the Propc�ty i�t amv sule. <br /> ' •• � Upun receipt uf paymcmt oP ihe pricc hid.'Iru�tee.r•huil dclive� t��the purchi�u�7lrutitce's deed con�•evin�G the • <br /> ' Pruperty. '1'he redtulx In the'1'�u�tce'+decd�huli he primu fl�cie e��ldrnce of the t�uth uP the�ti�temrotz mude thereln, , . <br /> . 7ru�tce yhull upply thc procced4 of'th�.a+le io ihr Pidlu��in�u�dc�: lul t��uU co�ts imd c�►{xnxeti oPexcr�i�inp ihe puwcr � . <br /> ' � � , <br /> . fann N128 �l wl �p��.r��qn�,��cru <br /> � <br /> , r � <br /> �. , ; <br /> • i • <br /> ----�-- � --- — -._. _ <br /> : !' . <br /> f <br /> �' . . <br /> .1 , • <br /> •�' ' <br /> R <br /> ; <br /> L ' , <br /> , j r <br /> „ j � <br /> ' � • <br /> ) .. <br /> � <br /> , . . i • ' . • � 1 <br />