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t . r�� " r .��ai���=� ,� - _ <br /> . i �` , . . ._ .. ,..,.._�.- � _ - <br /> � • r`:,' - -- --_._. __�� ._� . " �� ._ - _._ _ ___� ___�. ' ti. _._-.�_:..�_ -- - -� :_,��:�� <br /> . � ����._ <br /> . ��_r; -.;�J;: _ 9�� �0�4�g �"" <br /> _���:Y-��:r�' — _ <br /> . - "` ' �_,_—__ ..__._.: ._�_,.-. <br /> ,i-'-. „s' <br /> -�=.� �� T(lt7k;1'Htiti WIl'N��p thv i�i►pruvemcut� nnw�n•hercnitrr rrected un U�e prupciiy�111I1I I�II l'Ayl'i11�IlIN.�►pputtcn�uues, _ �----- <br /> ��`�^:..._ --�+ ��nd fixlures n��w��n c�rcid'tcr n�+n►1�f'1hu pn�pcny. All roplt�rcinenly o�ul nddiUuny ahull ul�i�ITC cuvc`cd hy Ihis 5ccuri�y �- -- -__ <br /> �.�+ .. � In�trumrnl. All uf thc faroguing ia nfcrn:�w in thix Sacuiity ln+trument�.ti thu"F'rapcny." = _ <br /> -• BORROWHtt t'OV�NANTS th�u Nurruwcr is inwfull hc{scQ uf tBc c.r•t�nc liun:h 4c�r�vic ed und hi��Uie rl h�ta �tam r�i"`�--=°�_ <br /> �, : Y ' Y ' Y R b' �--u- <br /> ��:= �. �, nnd cnnvoy tho 1'ropony nnd thm tho Hroperty is�men��tnnM�rcd,oxcopt Iiir m►cunihranecti nl'mr�ml. Normwar�vnrrn�t�and �' <br /> • ��r ��iii det'end�eneri►Ily the dNe ta Ihr Prc+pe�ly��ninst all cluims und demnnds,subJecl ta any^ncumbri�nces of rec�rd � F=„� = f. <br /> .. °". - 77iJS SIICURITY INS'fRUMaN'i' cuml�ittes ur�ifi�rn� 4avatxutts fiw �tutl�Ht�l uw atuf ttuirut�ifun�t covc�tu��tti with �` - <br /> �' . = ° y. lind�ed viid�nlanw by Jurlsdielion ta eanwtltutc•e unifunn securlty Insifunx��t eovering e�al pt�u{xrty. � ' <br /> � °" l�NIF�1�M CC�V�NANTS. Brrn�wcr nnd lcndcr rovcnant nnd u�rcc uv faUaws: - �'�`� �� ` <br /> �_. <br /> . : -:.. .:_..... . .-r ._ _: ._.. . .. . �..___.__ <br /> • � l. ('ayment of P�Incipi�i und intcrest;Prepnynicnt und l.ntc Churg�w. Hurruwrr shuil prumpUy puy whun duc iho "'''°��;°�'`' <br /> `,, � ;r principal af'und i�tercat an the debt evidenred hy th�Nnte imd imy prepuyment nnd late churge.r•duc undcr the Nnte. - -.��.- - <br /> •• ' ' � 2. FLndy far 7bxev imd Inwurunce. SubJect tn upplicaihle luw a�tu ii wrluen wc�iver hy l.endur,Burruwer shnll pny tu . � <br /> . �� , Lendcr�un the dny ntunthly puymeats a►rc ciue undcr thr N��tc, until thc Nuto in p;iid in full.i►sun�("FUndY")far: (ii)ycnrly ' •�, ` ' <br /> . _ � tuxey iind usseasmenta which mi�y i►tti�in prinrltY iwer this Securlty lnsaument nx ii lien an the Prapeny; (h)ycurly Icu�chuld ' '': <br /> � ::.._.�.�..:.._ <br /> • -- �"` - �+ayment� �r gr�Und renls ae thr A�og;,•rty, it uny: tc) yciirly ha�a�.i or arop��iy i�i.uu►�a� Nw�uiumy: (d) Yciuiy it�wd -- _... �� <br /> f� insuranco prcmiums, if uny; (c) yci►rly maribiig� in+urimrc premiums, it' imy; imd (!)uny sums puyublu hy Horn�wcr tu ' ' ' � <br /> ,� • . L.ender. in acc�rdi�nce with Ihe pnwi+ii,ns i�F puriig�aph N, in Ncu uf the puyment uY man�i�ge insurnnce premiumy. 7'here � � <br /> ,� itomw c�ru cnlled"h.:rcraw Item.r•." l.ender mny,ut uny thne,cnilect und hnid hlmdr in im a�mi�unt�ot ta exrecd thu muxin�um � . <br /> ° t►mou�t t� Icndcr f�r n fcdcridly rolutcd martga►gc l��nn muy rcquiro far Burruwcrk esc�aw ��ccount under 1hc fedcrid Rcul . , <br /> 8suuu Sutticment Pr��redures Art uf iN74 us umended f'rnm timc t��timc,1'�U.S.0 p 2h01 rtsr�t.("R�SPA"),unletir i�n�nhcr ' , . ."� <br /> : • I+�w thi�t applics t��thc F1ind.+ets u Icsscr i�muimt. lY tin,l.cndcr m��y,ut nny tinw,cnpect und hc►Id I�und�in un i►muunt nnt to � ���' � <br /> ', • cxcced thc Ic�scr .im�unt. Lendcr mciy estimutc thc amount of Fundy due an thc hi►sis af curn�nt dnta� imd re►�son+►hle � �'�;;�;��- <br /> '„ ' . . „ estimntes af ex��ditures o1'future Escrow Items ur othenviso in i►ccordunrc wl�h upplicubie In�v. `.�, :;: <br /> The Fl�ndx shnll t+e hrld in un lnxtitutian whosu depnsitti i�ro insured hy a fodori►1 uscncy, instrumrnu�lity, ar enNty � �' ' ,' <br /> lincluding f.ender, if Lrndcr Is tiuch im inxiftution)ar In nny Fed�ail Hnmo Lou�Himk, l.ender xhull npply the Funds to pay � _��- <br /> . thc Escraw Itemti, l.endcr mny unt rh��rgc Horrowcr fnr hnlding und iipplying thr Flmds.unnuully uniilyzin�; thc crcr<�w , '� ' <br /> . uccount, or vcrlf yin g t h v �s c n>w I t e mti, u n i ctis l.e n d c r p u yw a a rcmv c r i n t c r c.r•t �m t h u F l i n ds a n d n p p Ucii b lc luw permits � <br /> � l.ender ta make tiuch u churge. H��wever,l.under muy re�{uire Bormwer to p�iy u une-Ume ch.�rge far an independent rei+l <br /> ustato tux reporting nervlco used by l.ender In cunnectiun��lith thi.r lui►n,unlesr uppIicubla li�w provides�nhcrwisa Unless un •� ' � <br />, , c�greement is mude or uppllcable luw rcyuires interect to be puid,I.ender shtill not I�e roi�tdred to pay 8�rrower any intere�t ar �9= <br /> , cnrnings an the Flinds. Borrawer And Lendcr muy c+gree in wdting,howe��c�,tl�nt intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. l.ender . <br /> , , shnll give t��Horre�wer,withuut churge.un unnuui iircaunting al'thc Funds..r•huwin�credits imd debits to the Funds nnd tho '� � <br /> . . purpnsc for w•hich curh dchit t��iho fl�t�dti wu.r mu�lr. 'fhu hl�nd,uw Nlcclgod us ucidltiunul sccurity li�r ull�umr,«w��J by . , , <br /> • � � , thts Sccurity Instrumcpt. "' <br /> , If the Fl�nds hcld hy Lcndcr excced the nmaumti permittcd m bc held by iippiirahtc law, l.ender shaU circount ta ''�4 <br /> ' � '., Bo�rawer far Iho exer.r•ti Funds in uccurdunce with Ihc reyuirenunts uf applicublo luw. if tho untuunt ut'the Funds heid by � . �; <br /> l.end�c�at t�ny time is nat sut'ticicnt ta puy the�scr��w items when duu,l.�nder muy su notify Horrawer In wrhing,nnd,in ► <br /> " ' . _ such c�se 9orcawrr xhall pay to Lender !he umount neceti�ury to m:,ke up thu defiriency. Aorrower �ha11 make up tho ���' ' <br /> clef3c4sncy in ncs moro tha�n:wetv�mnnt��y pa:ymcnt�,as i.enderk solu dl�rr�tion. ' <br /> - - - - - � •-: --- - <br /> z: <br /> • � Upon payn�ent In full uf u11 �uui+ �cc�n�e�l t�y Ud�Sccurity Imtrumcnt,i.ender shuU pr�nnpUy rcfund tn Han�►wer uny <br /> :�nds held by L.endcr. IF,under purugriiph 21,l.endur xhuli nrqidre ur sell thu Property,l.ender,prIor to the ncyuisi�ion ar <br /> _� sulc of the Pirapeny,shali upply ciny Fund�hcid by l.cndrr iu the time nf ucqui�iti�n ar tiUlc Ar u credit iigulnst tlic sums <br /> --_-- � <br /> , ..,. .. .; ,: ,1 sccurcd by chis Securiry instrumcnt. _ . _ <br /> . ' i. Applicnti�n aP PAyme�ts. Unlers ��pplicahle luw pruvide. ath�rwi�e, i�ll p��ymentr recolvc�l by l.cnder under . <br />. purug�uphx I imd 2 tihull bo applicd: first,w an�� pmpay��cnt churgc�dua undcr thc Nutc;xor��nci,t��a►mnunt�payuhlc undcr ' , <br /> puragraph 2;ihird,tn Intcro�t duu;f��urth,ti►principul duc;nnd I.�xt,to uny liuc churgrti due undrr thr N�+w. <br /> • 4. Ch��r�e9; �.ieas. Hurrawer tihull pay uU tnxc., u�sessmenis,chi��ges, fincti and impu�iti�m. itttrlhwnhlc u� thc . <br /> Praperty which muy nu.dn prlority uvcr thix iccurUy In,trumcr►t,und Iciischuld paymcnts ur gr��un�l renis,if uny. Bi�rrowcr <br /> shnll pay thesc��bli�ntians in thc mi�nncr p���vided in puru�;ruph 2,or ii n�►t paid in thut mnnner,Bnrra�vcr shull puy thcm an � . <br /> time directly to Ihe p�r,e�n uwed puyment. Hc,rrower tihi►II promptly furni�h tn Lend��ull nutices of'um��untz tu he puid under <br /> ° this pi►rugrnph. !f'Ii��rruwer mukes thesv piiymm�ts diroctly,Rurruwer �hi�ll pr�+mpU�� i'umitih tu Lendrr reccipt.evidencing <br /> tho pAymrntti. <br /> • Barr��wer shull pr��mptly dischurgc uny licn which hus prturiry aver thir Security Imtrument unlutis Hurrawer.�u►ugreeti <br /> in wriUng to the puyment of thu obliginiun�ecured hy the lien in u rr�unnrr urccptablc tu l.endcr;(h)comrxtti in gac�d fulth thc � , <br /> licn hy,ar defends agninst enforcenunt c�l'ihc lien in.Ieg►d prucecdln�;ti whirh in thc Lcndcr'�opinic�n operate to prevem the <br /> � . • enforcement ot thc licn;a�(r)cecurrs 1'ram the huldcr i�f thc lien iin n�;reement tiiulsii�ctory tu I.endrr�uhnrdinutin£the licn <br /> ta this Security]ntitrument. If'L.rndcr dctermineti thut uny pzin ��f'the f'rapchy i+xuhJect to i�llen which muy nttuin ptiority <br /> ovcr thiti 5ecurity Instrument.l.cnder muy give Hurruwer n nutice identifying the lirn. Hurr�+wer�hnll si��isfy the lien��r ti�ke <br /> ane ar m�ro af the ucUems xet farth nbovr wUhin 1(1 dirys af the�iving uf nutice. <br /> 5. Nui.urd ar Praperty lnr+urnna+. �3i�rruwcr shuli kccp thr impr�wcmm�ts now exititing i�n c�rcuftcr orected an the <br /> Pruperty in�ured uguinst Ims by firc,hur.urdx included whhin thr tcrm"extended cuvcrugc"und imy uthcr hu�urdy,including <br /> , � f7onds ar flaoding, Pur which l.rndcr requhr�insuranca Thi. in�ua�ncc �hiill hc nu►intuincd in thc umuu�us und fur ihr <br /> � <br /> � r <br /> � f�o�InJQ2N 9/96 Ip�iqc:nfAp��_qe.�l i <br /> � ♦ <br /> , . , � � <br /> i <br /> �.. <br /> � <br /> j ' ' , <br /> r <br /> ,. ' � <br /> , . <br /> �, <br /> � , ,. <br /> . � � <br /> � , <br /> � <br /> ,� , <br /> f�• " " " <br />: � ` <br /> / , ,. , • <br /> �. f , ,. � <br /> , ' ti <br /> , <br /> ,• ,. � <br /> , • <br /> . � <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . r � <br />