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: .R. _ - , . , ' � . :: . " , <br /> '� . ,_ <br /> UR=104`7'7'7 <br /> I Z Transfer a!tfie Propert��or s Beneficiai Interest in Aorrower. Ii al l or any part of the Propeny or ony imerczt in it <br /> znW nr vam�crml (m if a beneficial intcros� in Barmwer is wld or�nnsfmdl and LLnrower is not a naluml person)withnut <br /> . Le + z prior ariacn rnn,wm, Lender mar, at its option, requirc immediate pu)'mem in full o( ell mmv securcJ by this <br /> icr.uri�v invrument. Howeve..this nption sSall no�be uercisd by Le�aer if exertiu is pmhibilM by fMeral law a of the Jam <br /> o.'this Secunry Inswment. <br /> I�Levdv emcrcises ihis option. Lender shall give&+rrower no�ice of acceien[ion. The rro�ice shall provide a period o(no� <br /> Ic <br /> ss than 30 dzys from the da�e Ihe no�itt is d<IiverM or mailed wilhin which &rtrower mun pay all sums securW by ihis <br /> Secnnty Insr,vment If Fbnower foils to pny�hao suma ptior to the expim�ion of�his period. Is�Mu may imoke a�y remedics <br /> �krm-ucd by�his Sewriry Innrumem wilbout(urther notice or demand on Bortvwer. <br /> IR. Bnm�eer's ftight lo Reinslale. if &rnower mceB ccrtain �ronditions. Dortoxer shall have �hc right m havc <br /> cn�orcemrn� o[ this Secv�ip� Instrumrnt tliscominunl e� any dme prior m the enrliu oC (v) 5 dnys (or such othcr period a: <br /> uppfc�b!e law may s�cify (or reire�alemenp be(ort sale of .he Property pursuant �o any q�wer of xale <omaineJ in this <br /> Sen�riry I�uwmrnL or(b)wtry nf a judgment enforcing�his$ecurity In�wment. Those mrMitions are Iha:Horrower �al pays <br /> Lender alI snms which then would be Aue unJer this Sttmity Inswmem a�d the Note a< i(`w accelemtion haJ ixcurrcd; �61 <br /> cure. any de6ult n;xny olher mvenan:s or agreemems; (c) pays all ezpenses incurtM in rnforcing this Secnrity Ins�rvment, <br /> . im;luding. Fut wi Iiin�tM io. rcasorable attnmevs' fees�. �and (d) take� such action av Lender mny rcv onably reyuirc eo assurc <br /> Ihn �he lien of tMz$ecoriry (nshumenL Lender's rights in the Pmperty and Bormwer's obligation to pay �he sums secureJ Ay <br /> �hi� Sccurity In=rcumrnt shali mntinue +ierch:nged. Upon reinsmtement by Borrowcq �his Sxurity Inslrumene and �he <br /> ��tr�lga�i.�ns vecurcd herebp shall remaiq lully e!(caive as if rro xttlaz!ion had occurrtd. Nowevec !his righ:to reinsmie shall <br /> net aepl� in the cum of acceleration under pnagmph 17. <br /> �19. Sale oP tinte; ChanFe of Loan Servimr. The Note or a partial interesl in ihc No¢ (together with this Security <br /> I�iswmrnt)nua be aolJ one m more times wiihuut prior nmice w&vmwer. A vle may resuit in a chm�ge�v the eotity I�:nown <br /> z< the "Loun Strviccr')that collects monthly paymentt due under the Nore and chic Secun�y iesvumem. There else may he onc <br /> �r more changcs o(Iha Loan Servicer uvrelamd ro a sale o(the Nom. If thue is e ehangc of the Loan Scrv�mr, 13nrrower will hc <br /> c�rvcn wrirten notice ot�he chan�e in accordanre with naagaph 14 above and applicabie taw. The notice will smte�he nane and <br /> add. 's or i��e nev. Is�on Scrvicer and the adureas ro which puyments shoWd be made.The no�iee will also eonmin uny olher <br /> infumie(an requircd bv applicablc Imv. <br /> :0. Hezardnus tiubstances. Bort�r.ver shall r.oi cause �)r permil the presence. use, dispoml, srorn�e, or rden,sc o(eny <br /> 11: ;� �ms Subslances on or in �he Property. Bormwer shell not do, ao: nllow nnyone elm to do, any�hing uffeming �hu <br /> Pm�crry �bnt Is in violation of any F.nvironmentnl I.nw. Tho pmeeding two semenees shull not apply Io the presrnec, uu. or <br /> smm�c en the Prop�ny of small quanli�icv of Haaardous Substances thvt arc general[y recognized ro be appmpnale m nornml <br /> residential use.ard m maintena�ce oC;h<Pmper.'y. <br /> Borrracr shull pvomptly grve Lcrxler written notice of ony invesfiga�ion, ciaim, demuad, lowsuit nr olher aclion bv any <br /> �rnum�crl:d or mgu!alary agency or priv�te pany involring the Propcny and any Haz�raous Substanre or Enviromncnul La..� <br /> r>i uhmh Borrovc- has acm:d knowlNge. If&�rrnwer leams, or is noti5ed b� any gwemmemai or rcgulatory amhorii�. �hat <br /> any rcmnval oro�her remedia�ion o(any HaurJOUS Subslantt af@cting the Pmperty is neewsary, Borrower shall pmmp�ly wke <br /> all neree+arv remcAiul aclions in acmrdance with Emironmental Law. <br /> .1s uceJ in this paragruph ?Q "Hnznhlous Subslonces` are �hose su6smnccs dc�nN nv msic or haznrUnus snFqantt� hr <br /> Cuai«�nnicnml Law and �he following subsmnccs: guoline. kertucne, other tlammable or �oxic petrolcum prcnlucis, toxic <br /> pcaiciJes anJ herhicides. volalile solvents, ma�erials containing asbesms or formaidehyde,and mJioaclive ina�erzals. Aa uvr�.t in <br /> ih!. par:igraph 20. "Em�imnnicnlal Law' means f;�eral laws and laws of the jurisdiction where thc Property is I�xahd Ihat <br /> relme w i�eul�h, sa4rv or rnvironmen�al proicetion. <br /> NOR-L'NIFORA1 COVENANTS. Borrowcr and IsnAer(urthcr mr:nant and agrtt as foliow:: <br /> 21. Acedera�iun; RemMlet Lender shall qive notice to Borrawer priar to ecceleration follawing Rortawer's brrach <br /> nf am� mvrnant or n�reement in [his Securilv Irtstrumen[ (but nof prior �n attclemtinn unAer paregroph 1'7 unlect <br /> a0�������le Imc pru�ides otherxise). The notice shall specify: (a) ihe defanit (h) ihe aclion raquireri 1n cum Ihe defanlL <br /> (tl a dah, nnt less Ihan 30 days Gnm the dale lhe nMice is given to Bnmower, Ay which the defnull mucl Ix curM; nnA <br /> IA� Ihat foilure to cnrc the dclauil an m hetore Ihe dale specified in the mtire may result in aa[elerolion of tfie sumc <br /> secured h� this Securit}' Instrumenl and z�le of the Prupertp. The notice shall furiher inPorm Rarmxer of the righl m <br /> rei:u�,tc after accAeration ertd the right ro bdng a rnurl action m xssert tbe non-esisrenm of a tlefault nr um nlher <br /> dcfrnsc of In accelemtion and sale. If the defanit is no[ cureJ on or befnre tl�e dnte specitled in �he nmice, <br /> I.ender, af its option, mav require imm�vliale paymen[ in fnll ot nll sums murM by �MS &rurily Inslrumenl wilhoul <br /> funher Aemand und may�imoke Ihc pnwer uf snle nnd any other rcmrJie permliletl hy npplirnble lew. I,ender sbail hr <br /> entitled to cnllect all espenses incurreA in pursuing thc remediev provided In this psregrepL 21,Including,bnt nM IimiteA <br /> to, reasnnaAlc attorncys' fees und cosls n(tille evidence. <br /> If Ihe power of mle is inwM,i. Tmriee shell record a notice of Uefeul[ in eech rnumv in which ony pxrl of Ihe <br /> f4nperty is IocatM and shal! mxil copics of such notice In Ihe manner prescriMd hy applicnhle Im�' la Itomm�er end In <br /> the nlher �xrsons prrscdbed by vpplirnhle lex'. ARer the time rcyuircd bv upplieeble Ina,1'rustm thail give public nutice <br /> uf svlr tn tl�e per:ons end in 1he mvmer prescribM by nppltcnble Inw. 7'rusttt, wilhout demend nn Bormxer, vhnll sell <br /> ihn Proprer at pnblic anclion to lhe highesl biAder nt ihe Iime nnQ plam nnA nnAm the lerms daxi�nutnl h� Ihe notlre af <br /> cJe m i ne nr mnrc pxrmis and in any nrder Trustir delertnincs. Truxhe mvy p�etpnae vlc of oll nr eny pnrccl of ihe <br /> Prnpei t� Ly pnM1lic annonncement nl Ihe Ifine imd Plnce of any previously +chedalM uie. LenACr or i1v Ae�ignie mu� <br /> purclm�e Ove 1'rnperty al nny snie. <br /> Porm 1028 9I90 <br /> t <br /> ` J <br />
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