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_ , . <br /> . � �-..4.. <br /> . w <br />_ ���-�„-�-^° � .. � , .. . � ,_';�a, <br /> 93-�o��rr� <br /> p.�.ymems mz� no longer be reyuimi, a�the option of tender, if mottgage insumntt cwenge(in the artwunt arid for�he perieM <br /> that L^nACr rcquires) provided by an insurer approv� bc Le�Mer again becroma a�ailable a;M is obminM. Hortowa�hall pay <br /> O�e premiums r.GuirM w nuinmin mortgage insuance in eifect.or to provide a loss reurve,umil �he rcquircment for rcangagc <br /> inmrance erds in acmrAan<e with any wri�tev ag:eenr_nt between Bortower a�W Lenderor applicable law. <br /> 9. 4nspection. I<nder or ils agen[ rtay make reasot�ble emrita upon and inspections of!he Property. Lerder shall give <br /> 6ortnuer notis at the time ot or prior m an inspection specifying ieawwble raum for the inspection. <br /> I0. Condemnalivn. The pmcmis o(any award or claim for dama�es. dirmt or conseGUen�ial, in conntttion with any <br /> co�demnation or other�akmg c(any par� of the Pmpeny, er for mmeyance in lieu of corvJtm�ution, art hertby atsigned and <br /> shall bc p.fd w Lenc:r. <br /> In �hc c e t f i ro;:i takine of�he Propeny, the procet�SS shall Le appliM m tAe sums ucurM by Ihis Secvriry Instrumcnt, <br /> •.chaiher or not then due. with any ezcess paid w Bormwa. In 1he evrnt of a pnrtial VJcing of Qie Pmpeiiy in which the leir <br /> mnrket velne of�he Property immecliattly betorc the [aking is equal ro m grea[cr Ihan �he emount of[he sums suured Ay ths <br /> Srcuriro Imwmem immedia[cly bc(ore ihe mking, unles,v Rortower ar�d Lender o�herwise agrce in wnting, the sums�ecureJ hy <br /> tl�ic Seei�ity Instrument �ail be rzduced by the amount of �he proceMs muitipliCl by the following fmction'. (a) the tolal <br /> �m�am cf�I;swns securetl immedintely be(oce tl;e Inking, dicided by (b) thc (nir market valuc of the Property immedialely <br /> .cforc !c mkine. Any bolance shall be pnid ro Borrower. In the evrnt cF a pnrtial [aking of the Peoperty in which the fuir <br /> arke� �r:u o;�h��Propeny immWiately befort thc taking is lus Hinn .he amount of the sums secured immetlietely beCore the <br /> t.k�q; mJe,s eorrmcer aed Lender otherwise agree in wmting o�unlus applicuble lew mherwise provides, the proceeds ahail <br /> he upplied m tlicsums secured by!his Securi!y Instrvment whether ot not the sums are�hen due. <br /> If�he Praperty is aba�Monetl by Bo,�rower,or if, ake�notice by Lende��o Bonowu lhat the candemnor olfers to make an <br /> xward o. senk n claim for dam�ges, Bortower t:iils to respond �o Lender within 30 days alter �he dme lhe notice is givrn, <br /> Lender is nmhonzui lo:oliect and apply the proceeds,at i[s option, eilher to restotation or repair of lhe Property ot m the sums <br /> xcured bv this Securim Inslmment, uhether or no[then due. . <br /> Unle�s !.cnder and Bortowcr otherwixe agree in wrilinq, any apPlica�ion of pra:eeds to principa� shsll not exmnd ur <br /> postp,nc the ioe dale o(the mon[hiy peymeme reCerrW to in paragraphs I and 2 or c6ange the anaun[oFsuch paymems. <br /> !!. 6orrower !irt Released; Forbeannce Ry Lender Not a Wairer. Eztension of the time tor paymem or modifica�ion <br /> af amonimtior nf tf:e sun�s sttcred by U;i�Security Inswment grantrA by Lender ia any successor'n interes�o(6ortower shail <br /> not ope�a[e to re!cu.e�hc IiaSility of Ihe original Bormwer or RormwePs suvmssors in in�eresL LenJer shall not be required lo <br /> comm,ace pr _eeLln�'aguinst any s'utte�sor in interctt o� rcPosc�o extend timc (nr pvymen[or o�herwis= modify amortiza�ion <br /> oC the sums s:cumd by thi= Suurily Inswment by reoson of any demand madc br Ihc eriginal Bo�rower or Eionnwei s <br /> smmswrs in inm:esL Am forbesrence by Lenjer fn uercising any nghe or rcme-0y shall mt he a waiver of or preclmde ihc <br /> excmise o(�n} right or remedy. <br /> 12. Snccecso� :md AsaFas UuunZ; Ioinl x7d Severnl Liabiiity; Co-Agmrs. The covennn�a and ugreemems nf ihis <br /> Sccunu� Instnmcro shall bind and Peue!it Ihe xuccessors and avsigns uf Lcnder and Bortower, subject tu ;he pro�isions of <br /> pomgraph IZ Horrower's cov^vana und egrumen's shall be join[ and mveral. Any Borrower who cosiga [his Securiry <br /> Ins�mment bnt does not execute the Note (a) is co-signing iSis Security lnswment oniy m mortguge, g:aN anA mnvey �hal <br /> 6ortov:er's ir.�c:est in ihe Pwpetty under Ihe tertns of�hix Securiry Inslrument; (b) is not personally obligated m pay �hc wms <br /> securcd by�hic Srn�.uriry Inshumenq and (e)ag¢ea that Lender antl nny o�tnr Bonawer may agrce to exicnd, moJify, forbear n: <br /> make uny emommodarnns w:th regnrd m tia fe�ms o(this Secu�ity Insttvment ur the Note withou[that Bo�rowei s mnsenl. <br /> I3. I.ron Chargrs. I[�he loan securW Sy this Se'unry Inlrument is subiee[ to o law �chieh sets martimum lonn chargu, <br /> ind thet low�s fniWly imerpreted m that the interest or o�her loan chargcs collected or lo bz coliec4d im m�ueclion wilh the <br /> loan execed the permiued IimiLS. them (a) any.mch lonn ehnrge shall be rcduced by Ihc nmoum necessnry m �edr.ce�he thurge <br /> to the pe�mi�ted IimiL and (67 ony sums alrend� mlleclei fmm Bo�rower which oxccedul pe�mi«:J limits will bc re(undnl �o <br /> �urrower. l.enACr inay choosc m mnke �his rcfurid Ay rei,ucing the principel owW under the Nmi or by making a direct <br /> paymcnr m Aorrower. If a �eCund reduccs princip�l. tF.e rtdu<tion will be treuled as a pnrtini prepaymenl wi�hom any <br /> prepacmevt ch�rge undei:`cYo�e. - <br /> ti. Notices. ,\ny noiice m Borrawer provided for in this Security Instrumen� shnll bc Fiven by dclivering it or hy mniling <br /> it by 6nt cl :� mvil unlec anplicnMo (nw requires use of nn�Aher mcthal. The nolice shull bc dirc:�tti m�hc Pmpcey AJdrc,c� <br /> or any olhcr aAore« Borrower dzsignates hy noticc �n LenAe�. Any notiec to Levtler shall hc givrn M1y fir.t ciaa m�il to <br /> Lender'x adJrec <<xlal herein m any olher atl�rcps LenUcr Jesignales by nolicc lo Borrower. A�.�y notice prnvidnl for In Ihis <br /> Sccurity In,crcu ncnt shel� be dccmcA to have Lw.en givcn l0 6ormwe�or Lender when given a.�prwideJ in tl�is pa�agmpn <br /> I5. Gocernin�; Severability, lLis Security Instrvmene shall Fe governrd by federal Ix�v and tht Iaw o(the <br /> junzdic�ion irt whi;h the Pmpeny ic locacd. In the event that any provision or clauso of�his $ec�irily Inslrumem or Ihe Note <br /> conflicu uifs npplieuble law, sueh conllict shall nol efCecl other provieians of this Secu�ity Irtmrwnem or Ihe Note whieh can�e <br /> given ef(at wilhout tlm conlliaing provisian.To thls end t6e provisions nf thit' Securily InsW menl and Ihe Note are dedorMl <br /> m bc uvcrublc. <br /> Ib. Rorrnaer's Cnpy. Fiarrower sbnil be pivcn one cnnfonncA copy � �the No�e vnJ of�his Securiry Inslrumevt. <br /> Porm]038 3I90 <br />