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i ,. � . . . � . . . <br /> � .. . . _. . . . . . . . . <br /> 6. . .... . . . :.:;_ . .. _ <br /> �9:I'10(f"�'�'7 20026521 <br /> l�pan -eceipt of pa)mmt of lhe prire bid, Tru4ee ahall d I�v�er to ihe purchnur Trvstce's dred cenvryfng lM _ <br /> Roperlr. The recilal� in the TmsYee's deed shali bc prima fede evidmce of the truth oC thc sletemmb mede lherein. <br /> Tmatee shell epplr 1he praceeda of Ihe sele in tM1c fuliowing oMer:(a)to ad mts and upenvo of exerds�ng�he Puw�r of <br /> sale,and [he sale, induding the payment of the Twtee's fees aMually iceur.ed�rtot to exceed '$ <br /> of the principal amounl a(Ihe note a[ Ihe tlme of the deciaretlon of default, and reaw�ble nttorneyn' !e�as permitted <br />; (bl to all sums secured Dy ih[s Security Lu[rumenl;and(c)eny e¢ess to Ihe person or persore legolly mlifled to <br /> i1. <br /> 22. Recom'ovance. Opon payment of all sums secured by !his &curity Inslrvment. LerMer shaV requtst Tfustm ro <br /> rc.nnn? ihe Prcpetty anJ shall surtrnder this Secvriry Instruncnt and ell noeu evider�cing debt secured Oy this Security <br /> Instmment m Tmztce. Trvs�ec shall recomcy the Pmperty witncc:unnsnty vM w9thou[r,harge ro the person or persons legally <br /> cmiticd to i�. Such x���r prrsons shail pay any raaNation cosu. <br /> 23. SubsCim[e Trus[ce. Lende:, a� i¢opiion, may Gom time to�ime rcmove Tmstce aM appoin[ a succeswr vuslec to _ <br /> sm� Trustre appoin�cd hereundet by an inswment recordW in ihe munly ia which this Securiry intwmem:s mtvrded.Without <br /> ' cenveynnce o(the Propeny, thc succeswr wstee shall succeed�o all the title, power and dutia cunkrted upon Trusme herein <br /> and 65'aFplicable law. . <br /> :4. Reque.a[for tin4c¢s. Borrower requests tha[cop:es of�he rrotims oF defaull aM sale be unt to Bortoc'er's addrevs _ <br /> which s thc Yro�zrty Address. <br /> >. RideR tv this Securit} Instrument. If one or mom riders a+r exautcd by Borzowet and recorded toge�her with lhis <br /> Secvriro Ins��vmenL �ht covrnants a�agreements of each such rider sl��ll be incrorponted into end sha!I amend aM mpplemrnt <br /> thc mvenan[s aud nSrcemenLS of this Securiry Ias[rummt es if the rider(s)were a part of ihi�Smurity Inshument. <br /> (Check npplicable box(es)� <br /> �Adjusmble Ram Ridcr �Condominium Rider � I�!Family Rider <br /> I_i Graduaad Payment Ridcr [�Pianned Unit Devebpment Rider �eiweekly Paymrnt Rider <br /> []Ballmn Ridcr []Ram Improvement Rida O�nd Home Ridcr <br /> ��V.A. Aitic C�Othe�(s)(specifyJ <br /> Bt 51GFING BGLOW, 8ormwer aceepts arA aerec;to�he�erms and eSO= nent�in '� this Security Instmmrnt and <br /> in any �ider(sl execWed by Bortawe�r and rea.rded with it � <br /> WIUI�SSCSI � <br /> (Sal) <br /> DAVID G PALU� q� -w,�•�<, <br /> —_ �/ y!�% / � _(Seal) <br /> _ _ _ BETTY �ALU ---- .w.�,�,�.c, <br /> (Seap CSenp <br /> .noRaw<r -a,R�.er <br /> STATF,OFN4:RRASKA. Cumdys: HAL�_ _ <br /> The fore�oing instrocicnt was acY.nowledgal beCore me Ihis 2ND day of JUNE 1 993 , <br /> by DA\ ?D G PFLU AND BETTV L PALU . <br /> w mess my hand and noterial ual at in said County, Ihe dam elorcseid. <br /> GPAND ISLAND,�SK�i <br /> My Commissiun Lxpi�a:%�'�' y� � L ----- <br /> ry Poblic <br /> � U:ERSt NJIaAr�Sian al nmm� <br /> SNF.IL4J q�DEfl <br /> � My'omm Fzp Nav.9.IT73 <br /> v.�i e er o Form 30JB 9i90 <br /> � <br /> J <br />