Laserfiche WebLink
�� , . . <br /> - , - ,�: , .. ._ : . � <br /> : ����� . �. - � -, __� ..- <br />�- <br />'{ <br />�� . . , <br /> _ _ , _ � <br /> 93-lo4�r� <br /> i Haard o: Fmperly imurome. Rorrower shail keep thc impmverncnls now cxis�ing on c�reaflcr erectN on thc - <br /> � Pioq�n .- rc;l a�avut loss by fvc, haznNs i�iuded wi�hin the mrm "cxiaxlyd mversge" a� any qthev haiartis, i�luding <br /> �lnMs or O�raling, for which LenLer requires insuranm. 7hic insurznce sbaii be nainuiced in fhe amounts md Por ohc periods <br /> !6a; Lcnder requires. The insuacoe carrier prcviJing rhe insumMe shall be chosen by Bortvmer wbject m LeMer's approral <br /> wh:ch .hail nat M umcasonably wi�hheld. If Borrower fails ro mamlain mveage described ehove, I<nder may, et Lnndds <br /> opii�n,obtain coveage m pro�ett Lrndeds righ�iv�he Pmperty in attoNance with pazag�aph 7. <br /> All in nnce policies and rer.ewals s6all Ae accey:able m Lc�Mer a�M ahall irclud<a swMard rtwngage clac :Mlcr <br /> sknll ha.c�I�c eigh�to hold the pnlicies xnd rcnewals. (f LnMcr rerryirts.Borrower shall promptlY���T�o Lender all rewipts o( <br /> iG premiums and rrnewal not res. :n the event of loss, Borruwer shall grve prompt no�ico to[he insurance wrtier arM LeMer. <br /> LcWCr mcv m�i:e prfmf of�bss if not made promptiy Sy Hortower. <br /> Lnlcu L,nder and Eertower orisruise agrce in wdting, insuance proceeds shali be applied m msmretwn or repai^of thc <br /> Pmpenc da r�g±d i(�he reslontion oo repair is economicully kasibleand :.endePs security is�ut le.can�. If the resmretiov ur <br /> rcpeir '. �t •conamlcally texsibie or 4nder s security would be lasened, the insu2rwe proteeds shail be epplied�o ihe s ms <br /> � . �reA bv �hl Secvnty Inswment. whether or no[ then due, with any excws paid �o Borrower. If Bortower aba�ont !he <br /> �cc <br /> Property, o�does not answer wilhin ?7 dnys a notim from Lendcr Iha[�he insumna carrier has afCerui m renle a claim, thon <br /> Lcr,dcr may collu� �ne inmrarice praeNs. Lender may uu tLc procecds to repair or rcstort ihe Propcny or m pay sums <br /> secu:ed by�his Security inshvment, whether or not thrn Aue.The 36day pened wili begin whrn the notim i.a given. <br /> �Ness Lendcr nnd 6orzower o;herwise agrcr in wri[ing, ar.y appiicatior, of peoceeds �n principal shali not extend nr <br /> posiponc thc due dnm o(thc monthly paymen6 rekrred ro in paragnphs 1 aM 2 or ehan¢e the amount o( 1he piymenls. I( <br /> under psrzeraph 2i �he Pmferty is aquired by Lenbee Bortvwer's dght m any insurn�e policies and procecdx resulting lrom <br /> damage ro the Property pviov ro the a<quisition shall p cx ro 4�Ma ro iLe esten�n�:�e sums secuml by thb Eecvvly Inamn�..nt <br /> i .imcd'etel} pnor m!�e acquisi�inn. � <br /> r (. Occupancy. Pra��ation, �taintenance xnd Pro[nlian o[IM1e Propert., IIomrwer's Loan Applicvtion; I,easeholtlt. ' <br /> florro�.er xhall oca p}', esablish, and use the Propeny a 3ortower's prireipal rcsidenee wi�hin sixy days afte��he executiou oF <br /> iiiis 9eeurin� Ins'mment and shxll:onerve ro occupy ihe Prope-ty az Bortower's pnncio� ���dence for a� !eaz[one year a(ter <br />� tliz dme o(aceupanc� unless LenJec otherwise agrces in wnting, which m�sw�shxll r•¢he unreasonably witAheld, w unless <br /> I extenuatme arcumstaxus exist which a�e beyend Bormwer's comroi. Borro��_— :Fall not desuoy, damage or in�pair the <br /> Propeny, allow thc Pmperty ro uvennnte, or commit wasr_ on the Pmpert7�. Borroxer xhall be in defnull if any forfeiwre <br /> ac�ion or pmceedlne, ��4tther civil or a:minni, is beenn tha� in Lender's goM faii"judgmem muld re ult in lorfeimre of�he <br /> Ropenv nr oihenv<c natenell. mpair(he lien creamJ hy this Securirv lnnrumum m LeeMer's sttunty mterest. 6orrnwer may <br /> cure,wch a.ICCv,��t nnd reinstute, na pmvided ir.paragruph 18, by eausing the action or proeeeding w:�e dismissed with a rulin¢ <br /> iha:. i:� LenAer's �;nod fuiih determinalion, prttludes forfeilure o(�he 6ormwer's interest in Ihe Property or other ma�crial <br /> i 'ilri i nt if�he lien crealeA by Ihrc Securily In4rumen; or LenJer's seturiry interest. Bortower shail elso be in defauh if <br />� Bc rm��'e di nng thr loan appliqt on pvxec,geve matenali} Calso or�nxccuate informetion or qatenent.�o Lender(or(vil�d <br /> t pmv'De i ender with nn} marerml mformation)in eonnec[ion xith the loan e�idenced by the Nole, includi�g, but not Ilmited <br /> m rtpr sentatloos.onccrnin¢Borrower's occvpancy of�he Pwperty as a principal veaiden¢ 1f this Smurity Instrumrnt is on n <br />� Icas_hold 9ormwer shall mmply with all the provisions of the !mse. If Borrower acqwrca fee r{�le lo [he Propeny, nc� <br /> fleaschold vnd the fu��tic���a�l no1 merge unlas Lender ag¢u m the merge�i�writing. <br />� ] P tmtion of LenCer's Rights in the Property.If Bortower�ails�o perform�he covenants und agrecmems con'ained in <br /> th�s Se t� Insvumen�. m t iere �s a Iegal p:ocecding that may agnifcan�ly affect LeMler's r gha in the Property (such aa a <br />� proceN' 'n bonkrun�cy, probate, !or ron3emnation or for(amre or!o enPorce laws or¢gulanons), �hrn Lender may do nnd <br /> pay lo-who:mer is nece=say in pmtca the value ot the Pmperty and Lender's righls in the Property. Isndcr:a actione may <br />� ' IoJe pi � n iy su�. .eeured by a lien which ha priority over thix Smri�y InsmimenL appenring in coun. pay�ng <br /> nn.l Ic �u rne�s li•e. nd rntaing on the Propeny m make repairs. Altliuugh Isnder may take uction under Ihis par?Gmph <br /> 9 Icr 1 I x: t hvvc 1 tlo so. <br /> A�ry mnounls d xbursed hy Lender under Ihis pangmph ] shxi! becume addi�ional debt of Bonower secureJ hy Ihis <br /> Swuniy instmmen;. L'nicss Borrower arki Isnder agree !o other lerms oF payment. thece amom�s :hall bear Imerest fmm thc <br /> Late of disbursemem at Oie Nom ram and shall be payable, wdh imerest, upon rwtim fmm LeMla ro Bcrrower requesting <br /> paymrnt. ? <br /> 8. Morlgage i�Fnanca II'Len�cr rcyuived mohgage ie¢urnnce ns a mndition of�rmking thc loan secureJ by ihis Security . <br /> Invrun nL 9erm�xer shall pay Ihe premiums reqwreA �o maintain �he mongage inmance ir, cflect. I!, for am rcason, ihe <br /> moncage insuranec cnvenge requiraJ by Lender 1nOSCS or een.tts to be in ef[uq 6ortower sLsll pay �he pre^imms rcquireA m <br /> oMain co rage subsmmmlly equivalem m the monpaee insnrance prev ously in effut at a ost vubstannally equivalrnt m ihe <br /> cns� m Rmrower u�the mortgage inwrence previousiy in effen, fmm an altemate mongage insumr opproved by Lentler. IC <br /> auhzim�t �II} equivalrnt mn%ga�e 'nzuranee mverage is no1 avnilable. 13orrou�er shall pay Io Lender euch month a tum equal m <br /> ono-tw��It�h ol tlic yc�dy mortgUge i�urance preinium being paid by Hormwer when Ihe inw�ance eovernge IapsM or ceased m <br /> be in effecL Lender will uccept, u:c and�emin�hce payments as a loss reserve in lir� o( mottgage insurnnce. Loss rcserve <br /> Porm 3028 9190 <br /> i �._._ <br />