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1 ' . <br /> k �._...� ., . i`` ., .. _ . . , . ,...�� ,. �_ . ' ����`�E."�. • .�'�',,��. . � 9�!'R'+� .. .,.. :.. . <br /> �'�. . . . �.. . . .. .. . . . _ . . .��..:.. . , �.. ,�._... . . __. . �..... .� <br /> 93-so4�� <br /> TOGBI'H6R WITFI ali Rie impmvemencs rrow or M;reaf�er ttttt�on the property,z+id ill ee�ements, aPPunenences. and <br /> . f:uums no.+� on c�rea(cer a part of the pmpertp. AIl mpleccmants i:nd zddi�iuns shell elso be rovered by Suvrity <br /> Insvu�nt. ,\II nCthe f gou:s is refund io iv tnis Seczrity fnsvumevt u the'Propmty.' <br /> BORROR'ER COVENP"dl'S iha�Bortawer is Iawfully xised o(ihc num hertby rnmeyal and has tM1e right�o grnt and <br /> comep tYc Property and tl�ut tfie Fropr+[y is u�nci�mber�, ex¢pt for w�vmbaMes of rtevrd. Bo'row¢ wartams and will <br /> dzCend �eneral!y thc tiile te the Propctty agaiast ali ciaims aM dema�xis,subjat to any eMVmbanccs of retord. <br /> TIIIS SECI�RP,'Y[NSTRUMEN?cnmbines uni(om� covenants for�utiorui uu and nonvnifortn covenanB with !iaitW <br /> �a�iilbns by ju�sdictien to constiN¢e uniform seeuritry ins[rumene covenng rwl pmpcny. <br /> C\IFORM COVENANTS.Bonower and i:.nder mvenant and agme as foliows:� <br /> 1. Papmen' of Prioc(pai and !nlerrst; PmpaymenS and :ate CM1a ves. Borro'A'er shall promptly pay when dne the <br /> prir.cipal uf and interest on the debt e�drncal by the No�e ard any prepayment arM Iatz charga dae under the Note. <br /> 2. F'unds fnr Texes and insurx.^.ce. Svbjec[ m appliab:e i2w or to a wrinen waiver SY Le^der, Born+acr shall pay �o <br /> �endcr en the da��monthiy paymen!s are due uMer the Nete,uniil �he Nnm is paid in PoII,a sum("FU�Wi)(or. �a)ycariy lases <br /> � and .nx::ramrnts which may atmin priority orer tl�is Security lr.swinent as a.lien on the Property, (b)yady I'asehold paymemx <br /> oc�m��nd rents on�he Property. i(any:(c)yearly hva'd or pmpeny insumnce prcmiems; (d)yeady Oood insuance premmms, <br /> if a.rv; ic7 yenriy mone.Ec insvrance premiums, i(any: aM(� any sums�ayable by Bormwa m Lerxle�, in accordance wilh <br /> ths pro�isions of peraeraph S, i:lieu o(�he paymrn�of inertgage insurznce premiums. These�mms arc called 'Eurow Items.' <br /> Lrder �ay at any Irne. =ollect a�d hold FurMs in an amonnt mt to e�ceed tF.e maximum amount e lender ier a federaliy <br /> relmed mor��aee loan ria� require for Bortower's escmw aixount under the fedenl Real Fs�ate SeWement Pmcedures Act of <br /> 19M as �menCed fmm[ime to timc, 12 U.S.C. Section 260i er srg. ('RESPA'). unicss anolha law that appiies to�he Fmds <br /> rets a laser anounL If so. Lender may, s any time. coliect and hold Funds in an artroun[ mt to exttd ihe lesser amoum. <br /> Lender may atimate[he amccnt of Funds Cue on eF.e buie o'c'�nent data and mavouble estimeta oF<xpendimres of fvmre � <br /> Escro�v it-r�s or otherwise m ncco�du�ce wM apphrable lau. . <br /> ihe Punds shal` oe hcld r. . mttirt��on aheu de�sits are inmred by a federal agency, insuumentaliro, or entay <br /> (Ive i d' � Lender.IC Lxnder rs such z mst Ntion:or n aq Fedemi Hoeve Lvan Bank. LerMer shall appiy the Funds to pw thc <br /> Ese�. � Ilems. Lender may not charge&� lor holdmg md apniring�he Funds,annualiy analyzing�he escrou acrnunt or <br /> ;.ri(vine the Escrow!tenss, uNess Lender pays Ber*ouer:nterest on tAe Fur�ds and apF���ble law pemiits Lender to make sueh <br /> a chame. However, lenAer may reqvire Bormau m pa) a one.-eme cha�ge tor an i�cpCMen[real utale taz reponing service <br /> used bv f.=naer in m.�ec�ion witS �his Ioan, unless applicable law providcs o�herwise. Unless an agreemem i� made or <br /> appl'cabie Inw requira inrerctt m be paid.Le�er sM1all not be required�o pay Borrower any inmresl oe rarmnP on the Pundt. <br /> 6mmwer anA Lendcr�,nay egree �n writing, however. that inmmst shall be paid on�he Funds. Lender shsll Srve to Horrower. <br /> �.�idiout charge. an annaal acwunting of the Fonds, sAow�ng credits xnd debits �o the Funds a�d ehe puTo:e fnr which ^ach <br /> de:i�m tLe F�rd aas mxle.The Funds are plcdged at additional seccrity (or ail sums securcd by this Secvnty Insm�ment. <br /> IF the Funds hcid by lsnder exceed�he amounts arminM�o be hdd by applicable law, Lender shall account m Aor.ewer <br /> fnr�hc ^xiess Punds in acmrdance with thr requirzments of appiicable�xw. It the amoun[of ihc }bnd�helJ by l,end:r a� any <br /> 6nic ,v not su(fmcnt�o pay the F,scrom Rems when dua Cender may m no.i(y Bortower in wnting, eml. io such rzce Bortower <br /> shull pav ro Lcnder the amount necessary to mnke up the deficiency. Bortower shall make up the defcicncy in en more than <br /> iwJ�e non�hh paYmems, e� Lcnder's sole discmtion. <br /> Upan p�ymcm in fuli of all sums sccureA by thi.c Sccuriry Inswmcm, I.endcr shall prompily refund �o &mnwcr any <br /> Funda�cld by Lenc?er If, m�der paragmph 21, LenUer shnil acquirc or�.;eli:he Pmpeny. I._nUcr, prioi to tlm ncqwxilion or snlc <br /> M the Pmperty, shail apply any Punds hdd by Lender at�he time of acquisilion o!sal¢az a crcdit against�he sums securul hy <br /> th. Sevr'm In,�bvmenl. <br /> l, Applaatim�of Pn�ments.Unless nprylicaFle law providc.o�herwise,ali paymem+mcrived by L�nder under pamyraphs <br /> I and 2 sha0 Fc npplicd� frsL �o am prc0aymcnt charges duc ueuler the Note: secor�L. to nm�;ar�s p� 'vPk under paragiaph 2 <br /> th rd w mmres�due, founh,m princ pa!duc,and I¢ a��la�e chnrges due uider�he No¢. <br /> J. Charpes: I.icns. Bnrtowu shall poy all m�a, aesessmems, chv�g.� fnes and �mpositlee�s am. ����ahle ro the Propeny <br /> ��ti c �ay attain priority m'er rhis Seur tv Inshumenq and leaaehold paymrnes or g wnd rem., d: y Brarowa shall pay <br /> these nbliFations in�he minner pmvided m pamgaph 2,or if�w:paid in that manner, Borto er s!�a6 pey .�=m on�ime dirscrly <br /> m�he perwn owed paymenL Rortower shall pmmpJy Pom�sh ro Ltnder all m[icec oI zmounts to be pa�d under this paagrsph. <br /> If 9ornwer mzkes Ihese paymrnts Airr�iy, Berrower shail promptly fumish ro Lender receipts evideecing�he paymentt. <br /> Runowc shnll promp�ly diuharqe any lien wSich has priomy over this Security Inswment unless Bonower (al agre:s in <br /> wminc m the paymev[of�he obiigation secured by tM1e lien in a mxncer acceptaM1ie m Lender, (b)con�ests m ¢oal fmth Ihc licn <br /> by, or AcfcvAs ngains� en(� of thc lieo iv. legal p*weeding< which in the Lender'E opinicn o7erme �o prevent the <br /> enk��-mnem u!thc lien: or(cJ securas Gom the holde�of�he Iien an ngreement satisfac�ory lo Lender mM1nrdinnung�he lien ro <br /> tt'. S urity Incm�ment. if Isnder detemiincs tha[ avy part o(�he Property is subiw� m a lien which a:y allain pnority over <br /> Ih': Socodry Insvumen4 Ixnticr may give Bormwer a m":c idmufyim . lien. Borrower shall sati:f� li qlien or mke ono or <br /> morc nRhe actio�[fonh above within 10 days o(Ihe giving of notia. <br /> Form 3018 9I90 <br /> viq x e�e <br /> 4 <br /> I = <br /> J <br />