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�':t: ; <br /> ��' :f <br /> K-.'.::3,,,� <br /> .�r•�.�. <br /> :'S�� <br /> .le�'� /\4 ���I�V <br /> G ' <br /> S�����; f <br /> � � V <br /> `'G�? periods that Len�ler reyuises. The in;i:rance carrier proviuine the insu:ance s ail be chesen by gorrewer subjc�ct to Lereder's <br /> ���'�� � �pproval�vhich shall not be unre�se,rably withhe{d. If Borrower faits to ma.ntain coverage described abu�e,Lender may,at <br /> � I.eq6l�er�� s�e4iOn.Pbt:xin�:ovsrag�to prc trct Lender's righcs in the Ptr�periy in accOtdance•n'ilfi pardgraph 7. <br /> � ,,, /111 insurance policieA nnd mnewads shail be sccepcat-!-to Lender and shall inctude a r:andard n•ort;gage clause. Lender <br /> "" ;d`',.� shall have the right to hotd the policies and renewals. If Lender requ:res.Borrower shali promptly gi�•e to Lender ail receipcs <br /> �``��+'-: of paid psemiums and reneµ•al netices. In rhe event of Soss.S��rtower shall give prompt notice to die irisurance carrier and <br /> �;� ; � t.endec Lender may make proof of losc if not made promptly i�y Berrower. <br /> �� l.'nfess Lender and Borro�x�er otherwise agree in wr!:ng,. insucar.ce proceeds chall be applied to mstoradon or rcpair of <br /> � � .he F'roF?eny darr�aged, if the restoratiun or repau is�miceily fzasiblz and Lender's security is not lessened. If tF.e <br /> ��;�_� , <br /> f;•'�:��; resroratian or repair is not economical:y feasible or I_erre��r's �tx��rity would M lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be <br /> ��; �nplied to !he sums secured by thi� Security Inswmert. �.��nether or not then due, wi!h any excess paid !o E3orrewec If <br /> �=� Borrowcr ahandors the Propeny. or d�°s not ans.ver ��.;:hin 3U days a notice fit�m Lender that the insurance carrier has <br /> `;��x <br /> _>:�� offerzd to settfe:i claim,then Lenc!er may collect the �nsuranre prcceeds. Lender may usr. the proceeds ro repair or resrore <br /> �``'�"'�� the Fr�nertv or t:,pa,�sums securec:by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. '?lie pe:iod wiii begin when <br /> , ,k y� <br /> thc notice is erven. <br /> linless Lender and Borcower othene•i�e agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extcnd or <br /> postpone t}�e due date of the manthiy payments referre3 to in p�ragra�hs 1 and 2 or change the amount of c.he payments. If <br /> � y under paragryph 2i the Prop�rty is acquired by Lender, SorroWer's right ro any irssurance policies a:�d procceds resulting <br /> .�}�xi� from damrzge ro the Pro�rty pric�r ta the acquisition snall pass to Len3er to the eztent of the sums sec��rcd by this Security <br /> � ` Inserumert i����ediatel}�prior to the acqaisition. <br /> �+` '�''� 6. Occupancc, Presen�ation, 'ltasntenaoee and Pratection of the Propert�: Borra«?r's Loan Appiication: <br /> �t ;,s, <br /> r'aa::;,,,,4 L�aseho{ds. Sotrower shall occup}•,establish.and use the Pro�rty as Borrow�r's principal residence within si�ty days after <br /> j�,� ti7e execution cf this Securty lnsttument �utd ,hall continue to occup�• the Property at Borrower's principal residence for at <br /> � : � �e a�t o�e vear after tne date of occup:ncv. ❑nless Lender other.:•ise agrces in writin�:, which consent shall not be <br /> � ' � �.�reasonably withheld.or un(r.s;extenuatin�c�rcumstances exict�ti�hich are beyond Barmu•er'c contml. Borrower thull not <br /> �`-���� � d�etreti,dama�c nr im�air the Propert��,afl�� ;he Property to dcteriorate,or cc�mmit was,e on the Propeny. Borrower shall <br /> ��`';'f ` h�� in dcf,iu!t if any farfcitur_ action nr prcx,�d�nc, un�:thcr cicil or crirninal. is bc�un :hat in Lendcr'c goocf fai'h judgment <br /> ,�; <; c;�i�ld result in forfeiture of the F�o�rty �r male:ially imrair the tien created b; !his Security Instrun�ent or <br /> I.ender'�securitv irterest. Borrov.'er may c�re s�ch a default and r�ir,state,a5 provided in paragraph 1R,b}�caasing the action <br /> �, °�'' ° ��:prc�c°ec'.ir;^_:o be dismissed-.:ith a r�ilin€tha!, in Lende:'��ca.i faith determination,�redudes forfeiture of the Borro��er's <br /> � ��� ;nterest i� the Froperty or c�ther material imp.:irment of the lier•. crea;ed hy this Securit�� ]nstruroent or Lender's security <br /> � 1*?i2rCSi Borro•.�er sh�ll ai�o be in det�ult if Rorrower, durin� the foar. applicatinn ptcx-ess, gave matetially false or <br /> �'' in;ccura;e inComiation or statem°nts to Lender(or failed te pro�idc Ler.der with any m:::erial information)in connection with <br /> '4. thr le�n evidenced by th� Nate. ineludine. hui �ot limited to, representa;iens concemir:g Borrower'c occupancy of the <br /> '' .' �` ?;c,pertr,�s a principa!resid�ne�. If thi�Securiiy Instrument i=on a l�asei�old,Borrow�er shal[comply with all the provisions <br /> r, of thc!c�se. !f Borrawer acyuires fre title to the Property,thc leasehold and the fe.°title shall not merge un(ess Lender agrees <br /> , �� :o?he merre�ir.��ntis�:�. <br /> , ,,. , <br /> 7. Protec[ion oF Ler�e�Pr's Rinhts in the Propestv. If BoTO«er failt to perform :he covenants and agreements <br /> � ; contaireu in t'r�it Securih� fnstrument, or ti�ere is a Iegal proctedine that may significa�tly xffect Ler�ler's richts in the <br /> ! ; 4 Property l�uch as a�rcxeeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laus or regulations),dien <br /> ��,��r ,,; i_ender may do lrid pa�� fur whateve r is necessan• ro protect tt-�e value ot the F'roaerty and Lender's rigiits in the Prope��y. <br /> �,.,��:�� L�ndcr's actions may inciude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority�ver thic Securitv Instrument,appea�inF <br /> �#'"=•; ,�; ;❑ court, paving reasonable attamey�.'fees and entering or, the Propertr• to make repairs. Although Lender may take zction <br /> .��, ,�; unJe;:hi�paragraph 7.1_ender does��ot have ro do so. <br /> = � :�m� ai*�arn±s disbi�rsed h�� Ler,der under thi; paraeraph 7 ch.�ll beco�ne additionai debt of Qorrower secured by this <br /> K'�"`' ' '� Securitv In,trament. Uniess Borro«�r and Lender a£ree ro other term;of payment.these amou�u shall bear interest from the <br /> .���;� . <br /> ,�_.,>, `,„� d:ne nf disburseme�t �t the Note rate znd shall be payable, wich interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> t � 7 �'!7CRi. <br /> � S. �9ort��a�e insurance. lf Lender reyuired mortgaee insicrarn:e as a cor;diticm �f makin; the lo:m securcd hy thiti <br /> ' �.� i Securitv Inst:urnent, Borrowe: snal! F a}• the premiums reoui.ed to maintain the mortgage insurarce in effect. If, for any <br /> ` `- .;� re�.son, the mongage insura�ce coverage reyuired by Lender iapses or ceases to be in effect. Borcower shall pay the <br /> �, � i,rcrniumc rcyuired to obtain coverace substantiall� eyuivalent to the mortgage insur.+nce pre��iously in effect. at a cest <br /> t ;x�� ;ubstantialh r_yuivalent to tre c�;t to Borro�+•er of the mo�tgage ins��nce prcvinusly in effect, from an aitemate mortgage <br /> ��' �"°� -�o�eii ;,�� Lender. If substantiall e ui��alzn�.mort a e insurance cuvera C IS f101��'all�blC.BORGWer SI1�II a to <br /> u��.� �� in�urer ap�� � Y 9 € € € � �� <br /> �;c��;�:�rs.t Lendr.r each month a sum eyual to or.e-twelfth of thc ye;uh�mortgage i�surance oremium being paid by Borrower when tNe <br /> �J§�`;��f. insuranr_e c�vera�e lapsed or ceastd to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these paymenu a5 2 loss reserve in lieu <br /> �i��"; '"� of mortgace insurance. Loss reser�•e payments may no !on€cr�+�required. at the option of Ltnder. if mortgage incurance <br /> rr�;. .. <br /> �,��f%'��?`:t=� covera��(in th� amount and for the period that Lender reyuires)pmvided by an msurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> , ""j;�� `= a�:ai!ahle and is obtaincd.Borrowcr sha{I psy thc premiums required to maintain mortgagc i�surance in cffec,,or to provide a <br /> , ;;,:,�,.,���", <br /> ����,:., �:r; l�»s resene.until the rcyui�eiren:for mongagc in�urar.ce ends in accordance with any written agreement oetwee� Borroaer <br /> `�`T�, :'x'�'• and Lcndcr c,r a�Pli�ab�e law. <br /> �,.e�� <br /> � 9. Inspecti�en. Lcnd�r or i:s agent may r_a�anable enh-ies u�n and inspections of the }'roperty. Lender sh:�ll <br /> � 7,a'��� <br /> .�,�; ;i��e Gorrower notice�t ihe time oC or�rior to an inspection�pecifying reasonable cause fnr tne inspection. <br /> �..�'��,��";� � I�. CoRdemnatien. The proceed�of am award or claim for or consequentiai,in connection wi�.h any <br /> '�' ,��'�w`';� <br /> �.,,.;-�i Si^g!e Famih--Faunie 1SaeiFreddie�tac U\IFOR�!lti57'RU�IEVT--UniCortn Co:en�n;c 919p Ipner 3 0/6 pu�s.v1 <br /> �'j��'i�, ' Crot latr�Buatne�e Fatme.lac� <br /> .�is_ . , - To C4dv GC:1200.`..'�8399 O PAl(816791-U9I <br /> ;�; . . <br /> dh � <br /> � ���. . <br /> �•r. <br /> �,� ����� <br /> .��,t , <br /> � ;fi �_�:. <br /> �� •` jY��� . <br /> ��,id ¢' <br /> n z , <br /> 5.���'"?;,jt f,�S,� . <br /> �������` <br /> � x�� , � . <br /> rs ,.. <br /> �� ��`' • <br /> -s <br /> � <br /> � ,i� �r,y"Y . <br /> ��„ � s i. � <br /> °, z <br /> � � ��`� �r� - . 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