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: . . � �' <br /> . _ � �,�a <br /> : . � y��� <br /> . ��, <br /> ,� . . . :..: > Y �+w q.�;na;;.e� �y�� <br /> , <br /> . <br /> . <br /> }_ .�Zrv� '�+'�'M-"��Y <br /> - .... > — -. . - .*�::w:? fi.'.4:.7+��}f`.^t_i�:����s ... F>> _ .. _ . . . . , . . .. .�-. � .- . " . -� , a'� <br /> .' <br /> ��.: ���'��5 <br /> TOGE"i"H�R `.�'ITH a!I the improvcmenu naw or h°reafter er-ect�sd on the propc:rt.. and aG easements,appurt�enances, <br /> ;:rd fix:ure� now or here.^�ter a part of the propeny. �il r�placeme�,ts ond additions shall alw b:. cove:ed by this Secur.ty <br /> `� .41',of t�e fc�rcgoing is referred to in this Secvrity Instn=ment as tice"Pro�rty." <br /> ��'sKKi);'�E[? COVEti��iTS ihat Borower i� lawful[y sei;e�of she estate hereby cot�veyed and has the right to grant <br /> :�r,d �_��rr::v thc i'roper�} and that the Pm�rt}� is unencumberer:,e!ccept for encurribsance�af record. E�orrower warranis and <br /> v;ii; de(e�.d€cr�cra!ly thc ti!le to the t'roprrty against all claim:,and derrands,subject t��.ny encumbrani:es c�f record. <br /> T}SiS S�CliPITY ?NSTRL'35ENT ca:�bines unif�rrtt co�•e:n;usts For natianaf use and non-uniform covenants with <br /> �;;.;•.!��•r? •;,;;;a(jn^,q�7�')UTitd?CI1Ctl!O COIIS�:tJi�fl L'!1tfCt'ftl s�.:ca�-icy instrume�t covering real pmaei'[Y. <br /> . • <br /> t'ti;FOi'•.�f COVEti�VTS. Borrower an�i Lende: co��enzn!,ind a�ree as follows: <br /> �. �'<.��r�?�nt�f Princi�ai a�td :nterest; Pr�p-�yment and Late Charges. Borrow�cr shail promptl�pap when due the <br /> ��ir�ica!a':�r�;;interest or.che c+�be evidenced b,t�,e tiote an%�am/pregayment o^d late charges due u�der the Note. <br /> � �. F��nc+.s rrlr Tas��and Insurance. Subj�.ct to a�:pl:cable taw or to a vrritten waivez bf Lender,Borro�ver shall pay to <br /> ;.crder �n tF:e �'a�� montht� pa}�ments are duc r:nder the *1otc, until the�ote is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") for. (a) year{y <br /> �;.�c, .:�:d a�s;�s����nts Ftihich rt5av :,uair prior,r.•over this Secu��ty Instrument as a lien en the f'roperty; (b;yearly leaseh�ld <br /> �;r;�;;;cr;rs o; �-ound re;�t� on ;h� F'rcpert��. if any: (c; yeart�• hazard or prope;ty insurance �re:niums: (d) yearly floai <br /> . ;ll*:?K'Y �iC^:�;J^!5. 1� 3flt; [�1 �'f'3C�V ir,OCIE�P_C Il�J1'37iC2 pCeiRllliT15. II 371Y: and (� an}� •urns payab�C 6�' �OITOW�f t0 <br /> l_::cder, in :�ccc�;dance �,;ith thr provi:ic�ns of para��raph 8, in lieu of the ¢ayment af mortgage insuranc� premiums. These <br /> ;t::�-,� :re ::;;1r:;i °E��c;oµ itc�is.' L�r,<,er ma��,a!a��}� time,coile�t and hotd Funds in an amount not tc e�ceed the mazimnm <br /> �; r- �r.�: :� icnder for a iedera?I,: re!z�ed mortga�e loan may require for Borrower's escrow �ccount under the federal Real <br /> F_�ta,; �:°ttlement Pmcedures Act o� 1974 a�arn�nded from time to time, 12 U.S.C. & 26Cf er seq.('�RESPA"),unless ur.other <br /> i��, tt::c�=.rmi_�to thc r=unds se,s a;esser amount. If so,Lender may,at anv time,colle�t and hold Funds in an amount not to <br /> c�.ceed chc !ess_� amour.t. Le.nder r.�ay estima;e tt;z amo�lnt of Fu�ds due on �h� tasis of current data a�d reaso:able <br /> F�tim�,tes ef ex�;end+_tures of t"nture Fscrow{tems�r atherwise in accordance with applicabie iaw•. • <br /> ';?;c F��t;d; cha':l t he3d in an ilstitutior� ahoce depesi:; are insured �y a federal aeency. instrumentality, or entitv • <br /> �ir;ciu�lin� Lender, if Lcnder is such an in�titutii�n)er in an��T'e-tleral Nome Loan Bank. Le�der shaii aoply the Funds ro pay <br /> i;:� Fticm•,. itcii��. Le^�fer n;av n��t charge Boro�.tier �or heiding and appi��i�� the Fundt, annua?ly analyzing the escrow <br /> .zc�nun.. o; vcri}ying tr� E'saew lter,�c. unie,s Lcnder pa;s Bor,ou�er interest on the Furds arid applicable law permits <br /> Lende; to ma};e sach a charee. Fjoweve;, Lender ma}� require Borro«cr to pay a one-time ch..r¢e fo: an inde�ndent rea� <br /> ���;at�ta�: reportia�>:�rvice utieci by Lerder i�t conr.ection with this loa�,unless applicable la•.v provicie�otnerw•ice. [iniess an <br /> a��r�rni•rt i� rnade or �pplicanle lau requires interesi to be p,�id,Lxnder shail not be required to pay Borrowcr an}� inrerest or <br /> c::�ins_ti••�?h� F:+rds. Borrower ar,d `_ender mzv a�ree in wri!ing,hvw°ver.that interest sha!1 be paid on the F�nds. Lcr.d�r <br /> �h:;1 ��i�c ti �;, «ithout�hartc. an �{ zccountin�of t�ie Fartds,shosvine credits ard debits to the Funds anci thc <br /> j,nr;�c�.e fnr v:nicn each debit to thc F=�n;i� w�as m�de. The Funds �.re nledged as additior,al securi:y for all surr.s sec�red by <br /> ;i�i:,Sccurit} Ir��,rvment. <br /> ;f t!:.«_ F��inds hc!d h•: Ler,�er exceed the ams;�nts perrnitted to be held hy a�plicable ;aw. Lender sha11 account to <br /> Bo:-ro�,er fo; tP.c excess Fur.dc �n :ecord2nce with the requirements of appiicabEe law. If the amount of the Funds held by ` <br /> Ler:d�* a; a�� timc is not sufficient to pa��� the E��fOR' Items when due, Lender may so no;ify Eorr�wer in writing, and, in <br /> suci ca�e P�-o�.e- s�?a1! pa}� to Len�er the amoun; necessan• to make up ?h? deficieney. Borrower sha11 make up the <br /> cie;i:icrcv ir no r�o�e than!wel�c monthly pa}�rnents,at Lender's sole d�scrction. <br /> �'por. p�1 n:er�: in full of all sG:ns secured bv this Security Instrument, Ler.der shall prompth• refund to Fcrr,wer any <br /> "riu�de he�d by L.erder. If, under paraera�h �1, Lender shal; ac�uire or sel{ the Property, Lender, prior to rhe acq�iasiticn or <br /> ;a!; of the Propert}', shall apnly any Funds held by L,ender st the time of ac�uisition or sale as a credit aga�nst the sums <br />� secured'oy this Security t���:rument. <br />; 3. Applic::tian �f ;'��rnents. lini�ss appiicabl� !aw provides oiiierw•ise, all payments ;ecei��ed by i_cr.der under <br />� rara�r:;�hs 1 :nd ' �ha1!be�pplied: first,;o any prepa�mr-t charE_s d�e unde;the.Nore; second,to amounts payable ur.der <br /> S paragranh�; third,to interest�i�e; fourth,to principat due; a,id iasi,to any late charges due unde:the Note. <br />� 4. Char�ey; d.iQras. fsorrowcr ch�ll pay al! taxes, atsessments, charges, fines and impositions attributahie ro the <br />� Pru��rt.:ticnich may aua�n priority o��er this Security Tnstrvme?_•,and leasehold payments or gmund rents, if anq. Borrower <br />� ;hail r�}� these obli�atiens in th� manr�cr ���ovi�±ed ii� para�ra;.� 2,cr if r.�t paid in that manner,Borrower shaii pay ihem on <br />� timc direc,iy ro the per�on o�.ced payment. 8orrower sha!i r��R?�f?y furnicli ro Lecder all notices of amount�to be paid under <br /> this p;ira�zraph. ;S i'sonower make> t'r�ese pa;�menu directly, Borrower shall promotly fumish to Lende:rece�pts evidencing <br />� tne pa,�ments. <br />� Porrou-er;i�:aii oro7�ptly d;scharee any lien which Las�rioriey e�er this Security Instrumenc._nfess Borrower:(a)agrees <br />� in�cnti;,n!o thc payrnent of tlie obii�atior.secured n.ehe lien in a manner accep:able to Lend°r;(b)cotttests in good faith the <br />?s !ic; b}•.or de;ends a�ainst en£orcemen;of the l;,legal proceedings wnirh in the Ler.der's opinion operate to prevent the <br />� er.iorcemen;ot!he Iien: or(cl secures fram ,E:e hclder of the tien an agreernen;satisfaerory to Lendzr subordinating the lien <br /> ;a �i�i�. Securitv instru�ert. If Lender d�tern�ir:es tha! any oaR of tne Fropem� is sub;ect ro a lirn whieh may aitain priority <br />�; o�cr tFi;Securi,v Instruntent,L�nder may ;ire Bor;o�er a notice identif��irg the Iicr.. Borzo��er sha_li sztisfy,he lien or take <br />°� ��ne or morc oi the acuons set forih above within f0 days of the giving�f notice. <br />`� S, Hazarci or Propert}• Ins��rance. Berower shali keep the �mprovemenes noa•existir.g or hereafier erected on the <br /> f'•����erc} in�.!;eci a�;,�in;t ic+sc h�' firc, hazaru� inclucied 4vithin the:ern"ex;erded coverage" a�d any other hazards, inciuding <br />� f',r;::� or fioc,dir.e. +er which Lender requi,-es insurance. This insurar.ce shali be maint:.ined in th� amounts and for the <br />� .. <br />�;a <br /> Form 3Q� 9�'9U (1'age 2 o,�b�v,rcl <br /><� <br />`•� <br />� <br /> r: <br />� <br />��4 <br />� � <br /> m�� <br /> i) • <br /> k;' <br /> f i"�� <br /> f';:.,. <br />