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�� ��� . -.t� x,._�,.�.:�: �'-c "'t""^�.i hr i3,� ,-S�Ra,��x��'i5ia'+iY�'����ld� . . .. _.��.� ,�..� . . . .y,... .. ., I . , .. .. . - <br /> . <br /> .. <br /> , <br /> • <br /> „<x� .., � � - .�� <br /> I, . . �� . .. . .- .. . . � a i�. .,�.,. <br /> �=; , <br /> �.�° <br /> 15; � . <br /> �qiz y�-_. '� ' <br /> i� <br /> L:!� . <br /> �a _ <br /> ,�.' <br /> !Y� <br /> �/`. <br /> �+^ , <br /> �R' <br /> ��:, �3.. �o4'��s <br /> �,�: :crti{�,_r;in�!ion a: o!�:.:r ta,;i���cf an� �,:+n of che F'roperty,oi for conveyance in�ieu of condemnauon,are hereh�assigned aiid <br /> �hall��nai;;.to Lerder. <br /> � ln �tt;� eve,i: o` a t��tai taking o:` the Pmperty, the pnx:ee�9s shall t�, applied to ttie sums secured by this Sec�rity <br /> ;� ;ristru�r.�nt. �vhetl�cr or rct th�n due. ��:ith any excess naid to Borrower. i,z the event of a paRial taking of the P�c;perty in <br /> ''� v.hi;'� �.ne fai-market •:al�1e ef the Yr�^�sty immediately befc•i�the takinF:s equaf to or greater than the amount of the sunls <br /> s� <br /> ' <ccured by t}fis S�cu�r'v [nstrume.nt in ;nediately beforc the .akinb. unle;s BorraHer flnd Ler.der otherwise agree in writi�tg, <br /> �t , •, �u,l;s �ec�:md by Ciis Securit� Ir.srn:rttent shal? �° redsced by the a::;+ount of thr. prece.�3s multi�lied by die foltoaing <br /> i'� fr�;c?inn: �r+; che totai c�.maun!of tne s�,ms secured immedi.�el; h°_fcr,r t?�e _al:ing.di��i!�ed hv lb)the fair marke:vatue of che <br /> �';� t'r en; immediately before the taking. r\ny t)3Ifl*�CC sn::1 be pai+� ro •D.nszcae:r. In the ���ent of a partial taking of tht <br /> �'.°Y t-;� t�cn} it� :�hich the `a�r:nzrke� va!ue �f th� °*opei3y im�Ti=�d�ate'.y treCore the takmg i� less than ihe amount�i the sur.:�. <br /> �� ;�°�ured imi�icdia:�lv bef�re the taking, unless B1�rower :rti�` Lender o:her�ise agree in w�riting c�r unless applicaole la�-� <br /> �� othen�ise nrovide;.the pror_eec�s shall he app�i^d'o ihe ;�ims �ecured by t;�is Security Inst:ument wh�ther or not the sums zse <br /> y�v� ihcr,c1ue. <br /> '��,A; If the Pr��erty is abandoned by Ba�TOwei,or if. aF�.er t:c;i�•e h}•L°_r:der eo B-anower that the condemnor offers to make <br /> �K ;:n i��.yard:�r se�;ie a claim for dam�ges, ?3orro�vcr fails t�:espc,nd to� 30 da)•s aiter the datP the notice is given, <br /> �'}'` i,ender is :iu�horized to co![ect and apply *he �rocec-ds. at irs opticn,ei�`�er to restoration or repair of the PropeYy or to the <br /> •,r� <br /> � cu:�ic�e:ured h�:this Security Ins[rument,whether cr r,��t ther.due. <br /> ;�;� Li�les, Lender :.�ad Borr�w�er oihenvise agree ir .vrirng, a�y applicatirm of proceeds to principai shall not extend or <br /> � �^onc thc�duc�1a,e<;f thc monthly Ta}ments rcf.rr���,tu in paragraph: i an3 2 or change the amount of�uch oa��ments. <br /> "'Y' ii. l;urro«er tiot ��eleased; F�orbearance Es ►,eri�er Not a SVai�•er. Extension of the tirne for paymen! or <br /> '_-.:'% n«:iircar.on of amnrtizatio� of the sums secured by �hi,: Security?nsmzment granted by Le�der ro ar,y successor in i�;terest <br /> '�, ;s` 8or.-o��;er slr11 no� �perate to release th� liability o�Ehe origin:,l Berower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender <br /> :5a11 nc�± be rcy�irec3 tc� comrner:ce proceedings a�:un�., am� successo: in in�Prest or rcfuse tn e,*.tend time for payment or <br /> ;�n�:is: n:odif•;am•:rtiration of the sums secured b}•',his Security Inst�umer.t by reasan of any d<mand n�ade by t�ie originai <br /> '�::;: ,�;;ro�.ver��� �arre.�e;'s ;uccessors in interest. An� fo:bearance by Lznde,-i.n ezercising any right or remedy sha11 net be a <br /> r'-= ;��i�e-.�f or preclud�the exercise cf any right or rem=d_. <br /> � � i'_. �ucce�sors a:�� �1ssi�ns Soand;,�oir.t anc� SeF�eral Liahilih: Co-signmrs. The covenants and agreements of this <br /> ,., :� Seci.:ri;� In�i�ument �hall bi�d and bcnefit the successort and atsi�ns o�Lender and Rorrouer, subj�ct to the provisions of <br /> i :c.�n I?. B�,-o�.�cr's r•_��enants and a_reeme•.�ts chall be ioint and several. Am Borrowcc who co-si;ns this Security <br /> i;�5tru�, ent hut docs not exec�i�e the tiote: (al is ce•sir�ning this Securitv instrumenz only ro mortgage,gran[and conve}' that <br /> a �� -3��ro�,e-'s inte-est ir;!he Propem�undPr the temi:of this Securiry lnstrument; (bl i;not�ersonally oblieated to pay the sums <br /> 3::;,. <br /> ;..-;,: ;ec,:re:! b� thi;S:curit� Int;rument:ar.d(cj a�re::s;hat Lende�and any other�orrower ma�•aeree to extend,modifv,forbcar <br /> �`"'` � :�b:e a��� accommadation� �ith regard ,o the ter�ns of this S�cur.ty 3nswmeni or tYte Note wi[hout that F3orrower's <br /> ;c�:� - <br /> 1 �. .GRS:;iI(. <br /> y F� 13. �,oa;� �har�es. If the loan secured by this Security Instnis:.ent �s su5ject Eo a law �vhich sets maximum loan <br /> � `' ;'^,arge�. and th�t fa«� is fi�!a!l� inter�re:ed so that the interest or other(oan charges callecteu or to be collected in coanection <br /> '`y`�= v.ith t}�e foan exceed the}>erniitted }imits,t;ierr. {a)aa}•sr�cn?oan charge slzall'.�e reduced b.y the amount necessary to reduce <br /> tre ch::rr�to t'�e per�nit;e�'. !in?it; and (b) an; sums alreaciy collected from Borower which exceedeti p�rmi[ted limits�vill be <br /> r�_tu�;:i_�i to 8c?rrower. LenCer ma� chooce to rr;ake this r�:fund bv reducin�:he principa'owed under th��Note or by making a <br /> :r,ct n:i�„.ent ;c} Bnnn�vcr. If a refu=�d redu��es princi�:�l,the reduction v:ill be treated as a partial prcpayment without any <br /> y � �p,+�ment charLe under the t�ote. <br /> �s;.�� 1�3. tir:tices. ,��ny notice to Sorro�ti•er pru�ided fcr in thi� ;'CrL'!1[V Instrument shr,�l Ir given by uelivering it or by <br /> ` ` r.;ai!ii�: it h� tir��cla�s rnaii un!ess appiicahle law rtGe'sre•.�:se cf as:a:iier methc?c�.The notiee shall be�ireeted to the Property <br /> ���:a :�clelr�s; o; an� otf��^ addr�ss [3errower designa!e� 'uj notice to Le�der. !\ny notice to 'i,en�er shaC t�e given by first class <br /> �``"; rr.c�il t� Lendcr'S addrecs;tated herein ur anv other address Lender designales by notice ro Br.�rro�Her_ An� notice p:ovided for <br /> �`'`�� in thi� Scci:rit�� lnstrurncnt shail be deemed to have becn �i��en to BorroKer or Lender whcn given as Frovided in this � <br /> '��`:.``� paraera�h. <br /> ��� 15. Go�eroiin� tieverat�iiiP.ti�. T{;i� Sec��ritv Instrumen: shall be grn�em<:d by Cedera� !aw and thc law of the <br /> :� <br /> ;� ju;!�dictior� in �tf;ich th: Pro�ri}� is I�cated. in ihe event that an}' provision or cl�usc of this Seeurity Instrument or the Nore <br /> „� �cntlicts�t it;i app�icable la«,suc?i con�7sct shall not at;ect o,her pro�•isions of this Serutii.� lnscrument or the Note v.�hich can <br /> ^h" �c ����n eficc; �ithout the cvnflicting provision. To this end t1e provisions uf this Security Insirument and the Note are <br /> *�n�� ciec;arrd,o be�e•:erahle. <br /> �� IG. iiarro�'er's Copy. Borr�nti'er shail be�iven one confomiecl cop,:of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> ��� 1'. "I'ransier c��1he Propertr or a Beneticiai Int�rest in BorroR�er. If all or any part nf the Propeny cr any i�:erest in <br /> �"��r� ic i� �c-�ld c�r tran�ferred (or if a bc�eficial interest in Borro�vcr i, sold or transferred and Borrower is nut a nazural person) <br /> �.�,��:r «i!huut Lci�der's �irior writ;er� co��swnt. C,ender ma}. at its op!+on, require imm�diate payment in fui{ of a!I s��ms secured by <br /> ��"�a ;nis Security [nstnlment. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is�ro?�ioited by federzl ;aw as of <br /> - � tne d;1IC O�i{li�Sec�rity Instrument. <br /> � ff Lcnder exPrcise,c;i;s c,ptiun, �_.e^dc*shall give Borro•.re:notice of a,ceieratinn. 'i'iie notice shall provide a perioci of <br /> ='��� nvt ie�s t'���n i0 days frcm the date the notic:is delivered or mai'e�within which Borrower must pay all suyrs secured by this <br /> '�� �ccucit�• (nstrumert. lf Borrower tails ro pa�� ?hese sums pr���r to the expiration ef this period, Lender may invoke any <br /> �� rcmedic,n,rmitted by this Securitv I�«tniment n iiheut further eutEce or demand on Borrov:er. <br /> ��� ?;�. E3r�rr.n«er's Right :o ReirS�fate. If B<�rro�.�er meet� cer.ain cenditions, fiorrower shxi; hsve the righ; to ha�•e <br /> ���- �� . <br /> �. enfo*cement of this Securit}� Irctrument di.continue�3 at anv time pror to the ear(ier of: (al 5 days (or such other perioci ns <br /> � �:?� Sinr le F:mity--Fnnnie�tae;�'rrddic.'.'.r.:l'�IFJR�i 1*�tiTKL"�1�tiT--L.'nifonn Covenants 9/90, (pa,Gr 4 n�(r paFtr) <br /> �t� <br /> : °.�, <br /> �y���r - <br /> ��.'''�` <br /> ��' <br /> �- <br /> ��i � <br /> �''x � <br /> ka•! <br /> � <br /> ;�r-0.'r,:'t.�.i . <br /> �$ <br /> 1�� <br /> �� ��S • • <br /> �'p Y <br /> f' <br /> f ; <br /> f���� <br /> �s.�� <br /> �:rt;tl�'� <br /> �,����.;: <br /> �,...����:7 <br /> � . <br /> ?, '� <br /> .� <br /> _ i�:� �_ <br /> �� <br /> ���.� <br /> �x., <br />