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. _ <br /> . . . . �,. ::, .�..».<_... .: .:-N �:asv x:ukk x.'t�+.,�r,w�avz��oa�. . •• . . ' _ ��. <br /> . � . <br /> .. ,,... . .. .� ..<. ,.,. <br /> . . . � a!n,.-:.� 1'"�' . .. .. .. . . . <br /> � .. . �a � � �J���.9.LF���� . <br /> ' x <br /> 'e "^' "'T` n t_�� �. chr.t!�,ove t'iA vption 'sn iEa sofa �nnd ebso�ule discrotion, to eppti� aq evch Procee�e, efter dod�ctinp therefrem <br /> " r' ''� rs ' �ses .�currod by �; m connection with such Roceede, upon rsny indebtndnoee eecurod i�areby end 'ui a�ch orde� ee <br /> ' c? rr ine, �r tc a�n'y nll euch Procerde, nfter e.rh doductiona, to tfro �estoro;ion o( !he Prcperty upon euch cond�!ione ns <br /> . '�'�"' - �� ,'_� �rn�^e. Am� app!;cs!ion cf Proceeda to i�deF t:r7ness ehe!1 not extend or poetpone the dua dete of eny paymentn undei <br /> � � t�^: : cr c' 'n ur;y c'e.`o•.dt the�eu»der p:p��reundor.Arey�.��epplie�9 f�rde shn!I be peid to Trve:or. <br /> �•fr:mr�r.� �>y L�ndrr. (ipon ;hn acc�rrence o/ xn =ver,t of 4.•.(auit her�under, or i( ony ect ie InY,en or Inpel procoodinp <br /> �^ ^? F' � -�� mater�,d'� a�Fcctc LenuPr'n inte�e�t in the P�operty :3nder may in ita own diecretion,but without obliptvlion to do no, <br /> = � rE -'�' r' ,^ or d�tnr,nd uDCn Tr�stm and w�,l�o+� r;•.as• *r <br /> `' ' ^p ustor from eny �fpation, do eny ect whir,h Truotcr nan epread <br /> ' ( c-. mn; niso do any o!hor act it de^.me necaesnr tc ,,�atect t�o srr;ri. / <br /> Y s�vo .Trvr.tor ehnll, immcdia!ely upon dcmand <br /> �,•^ , 'P��!^r, pn}• t^ Lcndor e!,' cos!a snd ex , <br /> penee� incu„e�. -,n,! c�1mn exp�sni�n ry i_enAer in connectio� with t'�e �xerciee by <br /> s�r o' t',o kre�cinp r'rdhts, tcaether with interost thoreon et tli� .icfo��t rat� arcvided in the Note, which aheil be eddcd to the <br /> ��-» c.r..s9 n cu�eti i nlEfiy. �@n:at L.ita;!.'lc!..^.^L',•�^�I�.i�f11r hwra�qr t�} • <br /> . ,� �� Y - !����� -���t i. �•y d!+or nmit to do he�c�rsdcr, <br /> Frn n�rt.r. ^�7ntarinls.Trt,stor shall keep tho Proper(y in ccmpher�. t ,1;�� ', ,�n���� ,b!e�e�vs, ordi�oncee and�t �`a!�onr.�elolinp !o <br /> �::r z r i � > >r Cr,��irGtlt-ICn(ti{ �fJlrCfi0�7 (co11r�(ivaly roierred to hcrein cs Envir�nmerr,nl Lews'). T�uSIOr . i _ Fho Fro <br /> . � -. � <,.n pe;;}� <br /> rs dee�mcd !o bo ha7e�oous or toxic und�r or�.y Environmental i c:is (collectivelv rpfe�:ou i. �-c•��n oe "'ieza�do�.:s <br /> ..� r� c F.rre��y r�,��rz��te orJ rer.res�ntn to Lendcr thn� !hnre ara no Herr�rdcu� RA.r�.�.i .. • Jndor Inc Propmry. Truator <br /> `�'✓ � ° t �''. ?����v n�? hola !�srm!�;a L,:nder, i(�s ddre^tor�, cttice-s, e�p!r,yees end ap»nte, and any zuccestore to lender's <br /> ''. .' o id b�-'ot :���y e��d all cla�i��s, domagcr, Icesnv :�nd Catii4ti�� r.risin, 'n conncction with (ho prosonc�, uee, •�iFpoanl or <br /> `' � °", ua P�''e-^�s on. .�^:er, !�c;n or a�:o.:? ''-e f'ropr,rty. ?'{E F'J�tEGUItJG WARRlaNTiES ANp F;E°RES[�J7AT!OtSS, <br /> -� �-•�P ° �•E;SfGAT,'CJiJS F"Jr SUA';,- �p�,�{c Fi�f;�GrJ;NG i�!QEt,�N!;Y, Skql_L Si�P.VNE RECOPIVEYANCE OF TNIS pEED OF <br /> � --� �;s: ..; ef Rrn,c.7�u �.. h�reby s<s,;i,, t�:,.n�?cr the rcn;e, iss��es n.nd prolt;s of the Prop�rty;provided ihsl Tiv�tor ehail <br /> � . .. .. . �f ,,.� F.�„�,, i .-'��,�!t hc �,.a. h�vr !}in•i^ht to rofi� . , . <br /> ' �J � v c; enc r�to�n s�ch rontA, ioeu�v ond ;rofita 69!hey <br /> e . . ^ occ_ r_n_n of � E�..•,. pclr..�!, !ender mav, e�tht: �n n•non or <br /> .�.;, .,�,. „ � P 5y egent, with �r without Erinp;nq eny <br /> . �-, a� ,,, .,, t,v e r_^�r�n �� � a;d to tha ,. <br /> ' FP^ �� _. �uit and wi,hout rc� ^;o�!:ecy of it� �ecurit� e <br /> . .. .- ��. o` . pi��� � �. ntor upon nn0 tn�.- <br /> Y �-nv po;t !h=recf, i �wr. nesmr or in ihe nnme r,f ,h� Trus2ee, end do :�ny <br /> '''•�r ?:ry t^ � .vc ! e vo'ue, me�.:�t r octe which it deern3 <br /> . . .. , ,n r��, , -':tY cr rantnbih'y o! ttio F�!cp._rlv. er any pa!t the�eof er i�:creat therein, inereese <br /> " �' c � . � �,e-ur �t crf �� , �vith or witho�_; iskin� po,sessior! o( tho Prope�ty. sue fcr or otherwiae colla�t <br /> �.. ' .. ,�^ nnd crn! i . .Po1 �ncluri�np r . <br /> thoce ».,..�,���ynd unpnid, ard apP.y th.r.BB•.:����ss coate end expcnc,c / <br /> � � �.d � +c� t,.,� � e o ope��tian and <br /> i _�� ,. v r��,,;!er,ness qocured heraby, oil i� such c:der es Lender mey dotermine.Thn anterinp i�pon <br /> . � - � �� � �' t _ i ro�er y ihr II ..iwn nf auci� +�n(c, icsvcrs �nd �ref�te ond Lio epplication thereof as eforeseiJ, sholl not <br /> � ..;y do r�., t cr netic. ot oc;eu�r !�r�cunler nr%r�voG•+eir or.y Act done in roaponse to auch�'eleuf! er ureucr <br /> r �,: � �lh-,ard na th c�nt re�anco in �e�cc.scicn o`tne F're ert or tne co:'!ectien,�rcei t and a^ licetion Q(�,,,,��c�notico <br /> � � ��ru. e�d Lc�ide, rf;nil 5e er,tiU-3U to excrc 5� P Y P rP i_.iss�es c� <br /> �. e�.�cry right ^rovid2d for in any of ,he Loan Instrumenta or by law upon <br /> _ of ry � vr.-�; o.' Defnu!:,;idmg ,� !�,�ut i�m'tctio❑ th� r��hi ;o exerciae thc posver o( eale. Pu�thr.r, <br /> �.^^ �J•idr.r !his pa•��;epFti ehsL bo r_�mu,at�vo witt�, r_nd in no way o limi[a!io� cn, Lender's righte end rer^edice unde� eny <br /> � - •�ner t f �aa es �nd rento racr,dod casin3: iha p;operty. Lendn_r, Tructee and the raceivar sholl be liabie to account only for thoee <br /> �r, r _ . .cd, <br /> �. �vea's o!C,•.;r,,;lt. 1"hn!�;i��yi.�� �f�ail con�ti?ufc r.n Ev��;.of i7efaui!una,ar thia Dn.�of True!: <br /> �!� �p�y ^ �stnllm�nt o(prinri�±�{o,-ir�terost of ery ethn•sum s�cu!ed hcreby�n•hen�ue; <br /> - � �'-G � or aefau't und�r any p-ovisicr r,entainoti�n f�+� flo!o,thin Ccad of Ttum;,eny of the Losn fnctrumenla, or any <br /> ; .. ' or ,i_.i,,,Er �__up.�n thn��oQ�rty: <br /> ,�i �' v:r;cf er,ccu!ion or attachrnent or eny si�nilar procees 3heN b�entered epeinct fivaior whicli ehaN become e lion on the <br /> c. ;cr er�y r,crr;,n+hcr^of or in;cr.-�at;hr,rein; <br /> � � '� �' '.� �.'6^!1!^_d hy�7 a�±nnf 7ruslcr or Borro�nror an action undcr nny proeent e� future lednrnl, ctnte o�ollier stntuo,law <br /> ' -� r ' . ,r• , fa ina to bnn=rupt^ y �r eEher (or debtur�; or there ehall be a�pointod eny trus;ee, roceiver oc <br /> � ' y, iri5civenc•� r' 1 <br /> c�, c �ct 7rusior or 3orrowo;cr of n�!or cny ps��o!tne Porperty,ar tF.o rente,iaeuee cr profire lharoof,or 7ruetor or Bor.ower <br /> '!-ia� ..-I.�e ���.��r,r_r��o.^.�I.a�.�.�r.t fer;I�io�crsr,fit o�ereo�tors: <br /> - . . °I an.-�Pr lo,��c, essipnmer.t, comieyance or furtiic+r enc�mbr3nc�o(oll o• •eY Pn't o(or er,y 7ntere-,t in f`�a Prope;:':. <br /> . ^. ri!y cr in.•,lunteri;y, wi'hc��t +hc oxpres¢wriEten conaar:t of Lcnder;providnd thet Truator¢hrtii be pr,rmitSed to execute <br /> � "�^F�.,..'ri`; !.'�a:door�not 4��i��;n g� optio�i `c p�rchaea e�d!he!erm of which doae not exceed one yeer; <br /> � � � ',�% l.�^_.��crmcnE of th�F'roperty;or <br /> _ �. .. ',+ '' Tn�•;tor i:it�t e� irdrviduel, +,h°issunnco, �e!e, tr»nsfer,a9sianmeret, cenveynnco er encumbranee of more thnn n tete�l <br /> -`� ._^c•:en' o( ;'rf a ccrporation) it�i,cued ar.d outetandinp etock or 1;(e per:netehip)e totnl o► p/p <br /> �:'n r: ir�tc'aet�s d�ri�i6 tha poriod this Deed of Trvat remeina e licn on Ehe Properfy. P�rca�t of <br /> � '; 'A r� dirs;?cc�l��,ti��r,Vpon Deleuti,!n the event ot any Event of Delnult Lender may,witho�t notice excnpt ee roc!uired by iaw, <br /> ! '''^-';^Cr'^-:� Fr��red he'eby to bc duc� nnd payablo ond the snme aha!! ihere�pon become due end peyeble without ony <br /> F ?n �t :�,rnen�i, prct^c!cr noricr�of any kmd.Therea(tr.�Lender may: <br /> , "^d !.`'o!i r:iston ox�rciac thc PtiN��R OF SI\�i; y.�ntod herain, and Trust�o xheli thoreefter ceuso Truetor's intorost <br /> ;� �'� t's� r�op •ty to ba culd ond iho proceeda to be dietributed,ell in the menner provided i�ttro Nebreeke Trust Deede Act; <br /> � (h!Fx,; cir,o any .�r,d nI! riq��te providod for in on•i of fhe Lonn 1nr„rumnnt• or by law upon occinance oI any tva�± of <br /> J^tr rn;1 <br /> ^) Co�nr�cnce n;� n��;••� tc, forr.c'or,n tiiia Dond pf Truet an s mortve9o, ap�oin!e �eceiver,or apeci(ically enforce eny ot lho <br /> ...c�,n;�trs i�^.r,�l. <br /> "� � � .� `;" rr, �i,un o� i��rrvnd !o �T�ue��ta o� I r.rir!r,r in 'rn?nr.ded t� bc,:t.ivn o/ nny olhor rertted`; f�e�ein, in Itio (_om� <br /> '� - :r r,'/ r ,� �v�'. s �i �tirmilnd. �a.ii mhn4 h�, curnu,'�tivr„ uhn'I �an in ndd�t�on to ovnry otl��r rnmedy piven fiernundor, i�� <br /> . ' , �..�,r^�t _ ,�uv 7� h.;r_at!�r ._.. ri��;� �t {m r. �n na:r.ty nr b•o' otai�itn, and may 6� ax�-cieod cnnr,unenUy, ia�depc��denliy or <br /> .. � ,. tr .. �� .�t . . � i .: r n� }r-o ��ithoul n , n��rd 1,,. . <br /> � r .. �-I,�i ni.•� nt nry I�n�e nnr� tvithaUf c.�uen r.r�pni•�I n eui�rne•.or <br /> . ._ ;�r,� .. , ,.�" i 1.: �in:. �. � � cni :��nity, it.�.�iri�± ��nifi�u! i�•mtn!��� � <br /> .. . r,'r '� .-. .�r i i i., d e P�� in.4t .. 0 r 3.cndrr, Oo�+owa�. Tr��ator or cny �xnchneer of <br /> � .�,.. �.� ir. � �, f�,�-..�,�,,.-r .., �..� �.,.'., ,,t 7.,��r ....a irrw,,��iJ i ,n,-�.�,_I,�^ , r.n•f elin!i not bn req�lite�d fo tnMe nr•y eri�nn in <br /> S <br /> , .. � " . . . . . .. _ ur v�o u d.. �ni(ino, in vititi�i0. (or nll coatn � ....roation ot ov�anaay wi�ic:ii:na�. <br /> .. t .., . .r 1• r .� �r. ;erR ri� ,-rnrn� n �ut.1 rn,rr nt n•�•� e,nln oi the S'rn���f nr... <br /> ._. � -. . ., r. ,,.. • o u,h �f .-.. <,� nn ���r?;o�-, e,t thn . � Y Iludiq�nl o! undm !!�e nnwer nf anfn <br /> . . , 1 I�rr�ncr�y, n.� pr.,v;,�o•.i ��y f�t::�: nr na;l Ih9 {'roper+.y n+a wl�r;n, or in ec�nrn�o <br /> . .�.. , . . ,ti i .c�, �..-.n_ <br /> . . .. �r"i � a . " �^". � 1•�i•. ..:t 1f��n i •,r.r(� b �xerr•�r.e c1 �+o•.vnt of neln, Tnie�nw�I�nli f.n r,ntitlrcl !�� n � <br /> � { Y i pf`ry nny nnl.. <br /> , �.. i .. r , �� p .;r r .,� � . , <br /> . . 1 .. .. ax � i.;�G 1 ��-+rr �.,� nn!a, � .I..i 5fa�� n!I Tru�r..�•n feo�, nn,l Lci��fer'r nnd i��nton'�� <br /> �' <br /> � .�. t � 1 r 1 i�ta� }y �, 1��n�.1. la:,. 1n I!i�t �v.. , ���xto�v�� or Trttntoi nYe��i•vs nny�i�thl �rnvi�i�-1 h': <br /> � . � . , _ , (�,I 1 , �e i�+ r .. r, r� .,� � r..,�.>.rt r �rq, i r:enlor ��i) <br /> � <br /> ,�. . �,',`. � . ���.• ,•, :,. , if �,,.t .r , .,r�,�^�i ini-t^r'•. , r�,nSn .r� nx�� n.lually in�iinnJ oa n rreull ol <br /> r�� �re�e �� <br /> . . ... .i +r�t irn.� v 1^rn, tn t� r -vinnt s�r.rnitr.�,!h �•h nb�n <br /> � : � '•�, " . i'..r.v �,.a. 1 . •.t -! r,f ii .�wn. 1 -r .. . -�.. .,�,��-:ri �nnSn o-!,� ^nrJ n i . . ny�. <br /> V n{ 1 <br /> .. , !. : .i : r . nr .. ��� •r.1 lufurn n 1✓�+nrn� nr+�l rn.r�l rtn,--v t•, <br /> ,.. <br /> � � ._ rl` } . .�rn i y ,�;n [ r:.i �,' � �•� �1t r�u Ivnn I.n�i thn rrrn�y�n: <br /> wr � _ <br /> , / ,f I ,r r � <br /> . �.unp i n ��� -nA t� {i t-.. Ihn ce'i.�+:;J o( fhia Caad of 1��u�i, <br /> . ., , �„_.r�; _i.. , i�..�,lt, ,i `` -_--- J.11_kihi:t�.�ar inqi�.�..,,r. <br /> i <br /> �_�; . <br />