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�•_ �` . <br /> t � , ' <br /> 4 <br /> ACKi1�UVJL�DGEI�9EPJ7' C!F DE�D OF TRUaT U��� �0$�S� <br /> ��?�i�'��Z R���D 'iHiS BErORE SiGNING: <br /> Y-,w',:-� Tn:,±e•ur.dorstendo tha; the documenx thet Trvator is ebact to execute ie a Dded o►Yruet and not e mortpepe end thet the power <br /> ���-� - . . ...` sai�? ���cv�dcd fcr �•i ihe Ocod ol Trust pror�dc�oubrtentially Ai!ferent rinht9 ond obl�petiona to Ttu�tor then e rriortpepe in thn ovent o' <br /> e�. �a:R ,r breac!, e!cbli��tion under;hn Daed ot Truct,includinp,but not limited to,the Lender'��iQht to heve!he Proparty wld by the <br /> i ru ca :�!hou c�y jud�s�cl procmod'r.�p.Tiusror represe:ita and warrants thnt thie ecknowledpement wqi executed by T�ustor before tho <br /> c� u�� �n cf tF Urnd of Tn�et. • „ �� /' /�� <br /> `' i �' �,�i �.�/ <br /> / 1 -r <br /> � . "`�"�'/'L;�~C� 1�•,/�•"!:'%� / - <br /> i <br /> '� Bradley G� Hanse�TRUSTO:i <br /> '` n n / <br /> . . . � �. �� 1� 11�� <br /> Helen J. Hane TRUSTOR <br /> ;�� � �lEED OF TR�lST W6T� Fi7TURE ADVAIIlCES <br /> � . <br /> �tilS�cED Q�TftUS i,ie made os oi tha ��` day of June �g�93 by end amonp <br /> � — <br /> ,�,t�.,5��:, Braciic� G. Hansen and F�elen J. liattsen, Husband and Wife _ <br /> ,.�.;su meiL•r.q addrnae in Z 17 47FSC 1$th St. , Grand ISland, NE 68801. ;heroin 'Tru�tor,'whethor one or morel, <br /> ,.,o T,;;���.�. _ Arend R. naack, AtCorney At Law _ _ <br /> v:t-.o8��no:!�n;a:fdraa�is ?G4 iderth 41t�ealer, Grand ISla[id� Ni: fi$A�i . <br /> (herein "Truetee"), and <br /> tl�o�e^c'iciaiy, irlr O'JERY,ADTn NAT:GNAL BAI`IK OF GP.AND ISI.AND i--' <br /> .. ... ...<,m�;!ir.g �ddress ie P_b. BOX 1698 GRA2�'D ISI,AND, ??° 68802 ,herein 'Lende�"!. <br /> :?'�,'P.LUA5LE CCt:SIUERATION,includin9 i.ender's exten�icn of credti ideniifiod her�sin t� Brad�ey ri. and Helen J. <br /> ti,�ns�r,> :iusoand and Wif� <br /> ----____— -- — (nerom "8orrowar", whethe;one or morcl nno t!�e trust herein croo;ed, :he <br /> .c^pt c! v:P,I:h ic h�r�by ecknowled,ed,lrueto�horeby irrevocably prente,tronsfere,conveys end nsaipne to Trustee, IN TRUST,W:TF2 <br /> P��'::'�R GP SkCE, fu tho benatit and eecu;ity cf Lendor, undsr end svbjoct to thr� termu and ecnditione h�roinafter sat forth, N�n reel <br /> �pc;tY, cea�ribed ca icllewe: <br /> LOT FIFT�EPI (15) ?N Bi.00K OidE (i) IN MORALS AI)DI1'ION TO THr CITY OF <br /> G�NJ ISLAND, N1'iLL COUtiTY, NEBRAShA. <br /> T�;,e;her wi:h o'1 buildi:i6a, improvemon;s, fixtu:os, stroate, e�ieye, paasa4�aweye, eaeemente, riflhte, privilepee and eppurtonnncoe <br /> icce[e� :i�e�ccn os in any�r.ise perteinin9 theroto, ond the rente, iaaue�and prolit^.rovaraion� end rem�i�dere thereof,and wch persona! <br /> pr;r,c-t� that ia attechcd to thc improvemr,ntn eo as to conafiWte e fixtu�e, includinp, but not limited to, hoetir�p nnd coclinq equipmont; <br /> a�<i :n,�e;`�cr wi,h ti,e homestoad or murital interonts, it eny, w,i�ch inYerosts e a heroby rdeaeed end weivad; all of which, incfudinp <br /> o:;;nc,r.•.ants end ed�ii;ions ihereto, is hereby doclaro� to ba a per;of tf�e roai e¢tete necured by the lien af this Deed of Truet and el!o� <br /> :��a;;,�e;�c n��c+np ;nferred lo horein eo!he"Pra�erty". <br /> Thic Ueed:�f Truci sholl eocure(sl the pay�ont of the pr.ncipai sum ond interoet evideneod 'vy e promis�ory noto or credi; <br /> n;.,C�;�„�;�,:�,�� .1une 1 , I993 _ .hnvinp o�a��r��y data ot Decer�ber 5, 1996 , <br /> ` . � �n �hc cii;��na! principel umoun; of 6 1�,584.)�'�*#*'�*****'f***** and eny ond el! modif¢catione, extensdons end reneviale <br /> .�recf er thareto c�id nm/ond nil futwo advaneea and roodvnncoe to E3orrov�sr{or any of lhem i!mnre than one)horounder pureua�[to <br /> . .n� o� mor.,promisrory noteu or credil a�roamenta(herain called "Noia");(b)the paym�nt of o3her eume odvenced by Londcr to protect <br /> > � tt,e sco�rity of the F;ato; ,c! the performsnce o! all covenanle and aproementa o! Trustor set forth heiein; and (d) ell prosent anr! future <br /> cieF' end ohiioot;ons oi ESorrower (or any oi thom if mora t��nn ono) !o Lendor whethar diror,f, indiroct, abeolute or coriNngont <br /> nnd v,h�,;i�or erisin�oy r�oto, cuaranty,ovcrdre�f!or otiieraiisa.Thn Note,this Doad o!Trust and eny end ali other documente that socure <br /> •h� (lota or o;he�w+sa executed in connection therawith, �nc!udinp without limitntion puerentnee, eecurity agreements and aeeipnmenta <br /> r,r';a.As ard�r,ntc,.;na!!be re'errcd to hqroi�oe ne"1_oen lnatrumen!e'. <br /> ' Trvs'or c_:anerts vr.d�grees vri!h Landc•as followe: <br /> - ;.FsymonS of lndobtndno��.A!I indebtodnoee aecured t�craby shnil be�ei�wh«n duo. <br /> Titla.Tr�etor ie tFie ow�r,r o� Iha Ptoperty,f�as iha ri�h! and authority to convey the Propnrty,tnd warrante thet lhe lion crented <br /> ',cr „ s !rs? �nd prior lion on tho Propar:y, ezcept !or fiens er.d encu;n6tances eot forth by Trusto�in writinp ond deliverod to Lender <br /> bo�orn �x�cut`cn of tiiio DFed o( 'lruet, and tt�a orecv!ion and de�ivery et Inie Deod ef truet doefl not violete eny �o�troct or other <br /> � cb;' �tir,� to v�nich Truetcr ie cu6�oct. <br /> ���:, x 3. Teza�,Aesee�ment�.To pey before delinquen.ry ell taxes,special ne�e�smente er�d ell o:her cherpea npainst the Property now or <br /> �.s;f; 'i�,ryron�ler lovi�ed. <br /> " A 4. in�ivin�^_e To kuop tho Proporty inau�o�i npainet dameeo by fire, hazerde, included withu� the torm "extendcd covo:epe", and <br /> H <br /> cuch r,�hr_r ho�nrda n» !nndor may roquiro, ii� omounta nnd with ccmpenics occeptablo to Lender,neminp !ender oe an eddiiianel namod <br /> u,�urc<i, vi�th loes pnyablo to Iho Londor. tn cnoo ol lose under DUCI7 POIICIOD, the le�der ie eutlwrizod to ndjwt,collect end�ompro�nise, <br /> � � ,�'r� cLnrn; !i��,craunacr r.nd �,hc!!1:a��in thc opL•on o( npplyinp nll or pnrt of ihe incuranco procoed,. (i) to ony indebladneu uecured herd6y <br /> : <br /> .� � ' � ar,d �.��. ;�.�-�h or!ar a�, !_ondcr mav drtorrn�r,o, (ii) to th�Tn.ictcr to k;�i�eoh for tl:e ropeir ar raatoretion of tho Pioperty or=iu) fur eny olhcr <br /> , ; ._ , �.4.;rsc� �otio(mctory io '_cndr.r ;,�ithout a(for.tin� lho licn of lt�is Doed ol T�uet for thn lull umour�t eecurod"hore�y be(oro e�ch <br /> ;,.�y r nnr �•� r , .. �:lo�:o. Any npplir.ntion of procenda to indobtodnoen sha!i not extond or poatpono ths duo dole of eny paymente w:aor <br /> . .� rs ti��±a,..r '•.iro m�y dnfcvit !hrr�undn��r i�,�rc�inr�n�. <br /> ,. ;:,c+nv�.!ln�n •.vrr.'��n -lcmnnd t,y (nnder, Yrurlor r.I�oll pm� !o Lcndo+, ii! euch menner e�, Lcndor mey dooiCnnte, ouliicient sunu <br /> � , ., „ ,._r;dr,� �, �,�i�� n� lh�y hucorr�r, d,�� ���fo c� i,;nro of thn follnv�in�; {i) nll lexen, oauoer„nonts nnd olhor cher�eo apninot lt,,, <br /> i': _ ,. , , i�,, in,r ir�,s cn il�r, pioperiy roruira-J hnrnundor, snd iiiil tho promiuma on en��+inort�o�o inaurence requirod by <br /> ' . � ,_. . .. , . , ���.,i:� .•:�:! �nn, �;�,.�re ��.;t��, !cwa_ rr,�T:.:�;r ,.h h i<. ,1�a FroE�,arl}� in p�,�o<? cend:t�on :md t��p�ir, et�ali pronr,'t�Y <br /> � . - .v�, , -.rnvr. •n! v;h�:!• rn+r� 5n dnrnn;;�d or dostroyed;reho!I not commit or permit eny waata or doteriorotion ol thn <br /> �. � �, . , , . ,,,i �,:inn�.�n, �f+.rn�.���c.i� or c�ih�a?:nticlly altcr ony ol tho im.provomente on the ('roperty; ohefl�wl cummit, euffor o� ncrmit <br /> , �o br, �,�;n�. n� r,. i���rur tho i'mporty ;r� viclntinn of nr�y lew, ordinanr,o, or rot-�Intion: and ahell pey end promplly dieha�po at <br /> � 'r��.u�.,,`fi�.����.:! ar,ri a.!,r,�r�,.r.c r,li hono. cnri�r�.f�ren�:�a rtnd cherpec lavi.�d, intpoand or ae�narod epeinu! lho Pruporty or eny parl t`�ereoi. <br /> '. ��,�;.,n,:f (in.r�..lri. 4 rr;dnr io h nrsl,y sx;iprin�l atl comp-nunUan, nwaido, dnmepee and olher peymente or ro6ef (I�eroi�ic(tei <br /> � � , ,,,..., � �n�;r,��,. c•;t��n ��iith r.on-Yunnation or othrr tnkinp ol the{'o�perty oi pert thercoi,o� lor convr,yanr.a�n licu of condemnntion. <br /> ,.. ••� �.h.;'� �.e �,ilrt����r.i ila r�;�,t,p{�, to�r�, nC� u� and�ito0nu.�ln in ite own nnr�ie nny nction or {.roceedinqe,eiid eha'�elao he <br /> � .. .. !:r rn.':;.n r.ny on•r;tcrn.c»nr nq;t{n:noti!m cnnnr.�:;tion wi:h avr,3� lnkinp ot derne�e.In lhe evnnl any poition ol lhn Properly ie no <br /> ., , _ ,. 'J'SI'.1.> .. � . ...... . 1fi,T'�7 � - <br /> V". 1,f �i�w... -1 i..r OI�_u�.,a�li.w,n.vl'��i�y�Ae�o�'e.inn.ll.w.��.��.r.Iln`�i��4• <br />