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,�n+.. <br /> .. . : �,. .,, s 45:. � ,.,��s�`i��"`�"a�'"'�'{i�'f���.�n'`��Ca�,� tr�+r,��'°��a�'�;'a,,.� <br /> _ , .. . . _ �.:��'�.�n�: '' "�' _ -� '� <br /> ; <br /> ��e �.�l�ri'7��. <br /> ` . - . ., . .�...�:c�.... . o�,,..�:>na <br /> ....-P�.Ae'f .xnd. � ..��?•.^. ur •.`�e t:—�{or paF•rnen, or mo.!jtCAi�on cf .ha euma socu+ed by tnia Oced af Yruat granted <br /> - . _. ., ,. . .�__ .._. . . .�Y:�'.,. :f E?o:rov.c; cna��ro; opors;�r ta re4caso, 'n eny mannor, the lieb:iiiy of tho oripina! �otrowor <br /> _ ,.. . _, _ ._ l:,o�a .�i i^.:er a:!. Lendcr echr'i not be vequiced in r.ort,mr�ce proceedinps ega���st euch eucco�sor or refu�e to <br /> c ._ :: +cne :e s ,in.en; � ,.� ,erwis^ mc3i(v a�,e!r:ateon of tna suma eecurtd �y thie Deed of Truet by ronaon of e�y domenda <br /> .. _.c.:c�Y ?.�� . .�'��3�„ov.t•�!ll�F:O!7'�WO'�6 6UCC�,S'JrB In intc:est. <br /> " � _i Le-,de.-a♦°cvr�ere.1^i�L`ou!,:1(ecling±F-a „ah�;ity o!a�iy o:her p^_:son�inul� fo�?I?•:psyment of any ob;ipati.n heroin mantioned, <br /> . . ,. _.. _ ._ , the !c� o� cn.vgc of ��: rJccd o! Trvcc up�n o�y p�- :n oi .hs Propc�ty not then or thcretotoro roleeaed ae <br /> � .�.:..:nr, .�r '1'.^ ,(•�rncu��.t �.:`, a" �n�aid obli�m•i_ �s, lenuer mAV, frnn. +?!+-.r_ •� •.�.^.^ ��� ::ithcu` nMice !:} rebeca any paroc; ec <br /> ..,_ , _.. _.-.. h�. ...�c:�r�,;y �r cl',cr any oi t�.�. t:n���o( eny euch ob!igatione, I''�1 0���ri other indulpancoz, Gv}rolecse or roconvoy, <br /> .� . ,_.. .. .,., . . , .,. ccc�veyca aY any;im�r• i_ad^r's option any parcol, p:uiicn or efl oi the Propery, lv, teka ot rolcsea eny <br /> _. c��i :y,;r,r :^y e!,liq�tion herrn man;ioned, or ivi) mn4c cc�nposi'ions or othar err�npement� with debtors in <br /> ^ i . _�r.-��n 6y L^�i�:r�;09, a LYeivPr. Any fcrsara-e�•ce by Lender ir c;r,r�isir� am� ��pht or remedy hcrounder, or ntherw��e <br /> , � , �, ,� ;, ! nct ro a a:avcr of or prs^ludo 'hn er.e�c�so of any eucrt �ight o� remedy. The procuroment of <br /> -... �- _. . � ,-��r-,�r,'. cf i,xoc tr a:t:��`I:ers QfhCFI@lQC9 by Landar chs° ^.., b� a weiver o} Lender'r ri�nt to ncce!erete Ehe <br /> . _ - s . __.,..:1^ce.e re_.....d,by;h:e Jced oF Ttust. <br /> � ._. .;.._.r.r.���r; r_:ici :lesig�is Eo+tnd;J�i::: �::c? Severe:LlrEi�ty; f:nprions. The covenante and e�roamoMe horoin cont=+ned sna' <br /> ei:_ . „i�is . �rc�.in i�r r>!�n? r,uro to, tl�e rospoctivo succocsors and ossi�ne of Londcr end Tru�ior. Atl cc�•onantu an! <br /> _ ,.. ,.,.stor shaG be jcin: a�d ,everAL The ceptions end hoadin�e of tha pnroQ!npha of thie Ceod o! TruKt are fc� <br /> . .. .. . . .!y :..! cr._•�c::c Se usou'o ir.?er�rat or defir�e Ihn pro�s�ons 7ereo(. <br /> . „ „ _, ux' ;or �toticos. T!�e parri�s F��ereby roGvest that r copy o` any notica oi delault hereunder and a copy o( any notico 0 <br /> .c _ ...,o.�r.ser h- m:�'e3 to ^3Ci1 PilftY :O Lfll6 Dned o� Trus! at the addrese eet forth above�n the mannm preac�ibed by applicabi< <br /> .... _<_ ..+. to�e;,y o�J�c�no��cr, rer,uircd u.^.dcr appiicnb;o�aw to be p�ven in ar.cthar menner, nny notice prcvidod for in this Deed oF <br /> _.,, _, ,�., I�a qi�•�n �.ai'ioa r,uch notico hy ccrti`ia4 mai; eddrn�wd to tha othcr parties, at the eddroos aot fcr:n ebove. Any <br /> ,, . ;rc.�:icr, tur�nv:t�s Deed of Trus: �huli be etfectivo u?en maiiinp in N�e manner desipnated hnrein. 11 Trustor is more th�n o�e <br /> � � ,.. .,: , ._.�_c s..,.: to t'r.e addresa::.t forth sb�ve cnuil be notice to efl r,uch perscr,e.. <br /> ,,. , ,;^cu,,.�L-�nder o':ay m,'r,e or cau�c !o bn �naco ronscnebio entrios i,ocr+ �nd inr,�ec`.ions of the Property, provided that <br /> ,_. � _ 7��„'a- nctiee pric- to any such inspnction ep^cifyine rr.esonabie cuuse therofor rolated :o Lendsr's i�torest in the <br /> . . .._.�-. '.`r. <br /> . !;;1 ^ec?nveyanca. l)oon p_ymenf of c11 �ums s^_cured by this De�d of Trust, Lender shal' reque�t Trustee to roeonvoy the <br /> " ,'�c;i;.�•;y e� r,' �hai; cu�re�ide+r this Daod cf 7ruc? and e!I noSes evidencinp ir.,^abtecness uacured by this Dead oi Trust !o Trustee. <br /> 'r.�;'c-� cc ;1 reconvo:; t!�a Nrcper:y wi?hout warrar.;y rnd v�ithout chur��ta ;htr �areon ar porsone lepelly er,ritled tharsto. Truator <br /> `. . . . .. , _ _....... ,.��!�an, i. er.y. <br /> � ,,.%rcperty;Srcurity Qgr�ement.A;additior7ai socu�i!y (cr tno payment of the Note,`rustoi hereby pranis Ztnder undor <br /> ._ . s l.`�,i,:^; Comrnc�ics!Ccdo s ,00i:rib�'sn;e+cst in �'�fix;uies, equ��men:, snd o:h��personal property used in conn�ction <br /> _ ., , ,r v^r�s�ta !oct�tcd ;h-��en. r.r.� not othe��.vi�e deciared e! :nemed ?o brz a port of ;ne re�l eatate secv:;,d <br /> _ , , ... ,r . : c; .� bo conrtr�.o3 nc e Socurity A�roema.^.t under r.aid Codo, and !ha Lender cSiail ;.ave c!! tno ri�hta and <br /> ,, , . .__ �,:yrty:,•.der s:+id Cod�in acd;ticn co lh� ri�;htc anci remodies cr�:stcd under and �.,cordod tha Lendar purauant <br /> „ i , > .::cJ t't��' i.en=.ief's ridh!a �nd rerr.edies under thic pnre+�rUph Fh�'i be ci�mu!ativo �.vith, and in no �n�ay a <br /> ,r - <br /> , '_;r,-: . s� , ! rn ic!':♦:,;htc an;J remedios undor any o:hcr socunty a�roerncn} �enc� 7y f3o^o•r,�er oi Trustor. <br /> ...u�� �rzi:ri T�nc:irr:brancea. 7rustor heroby worro�its o�d oprer,antc tho! '.ha�e is no dafauL' undor the provieione o! any <br /> ... , _.. .., . , �. 'e^�:r or rurchas� crnt+ec: de>crbinq al! or arn/ pnrt o( the rreperty, cr o;i:er con!r�srt, instrument or <br /> � „ ,.,� _ . �-c^`,i..i.,r�a :� or cncumbrence a�a�n,t �i! c� any part of ;no ^roperty ;collec!iva, "Liens"1, oxictinp ae o! tha dnte o( ` <br /> . , _ .,_,i ot Trccr, rsr�' t'�ia! �ny er�r aL' cxi•.tmg Licns roT+.ein �nmoditiod excapt aa uiacloac�+ to Lendm in Trustor's wri!ten <br /> _ .,.,, �, �.. ,, vnd en:urnbr��ccs nro�r,cd `un c�rnin. Trustoi sho.i timal�� par�orm ail of Tn�,tor'e ubi,��t�ann, covenants, <br /> � � , _., a'.:o•�.s rn�.' ., � ��n;!^s undnr ur�y r_nd o!i axialin� and future Lione, shvl! pro:np�tly forwerd to Lander cofias of all noNcon ot <br /> , ,..,, ...,� �r: .,c:r,nect;n �aiti� er�y en�� nG nxirr:ine or (uture I.i�ra, o�d s7bli no: without Lendar'e prior v.�rittr.n eons��t �� ur.y <br /> � .. ..�.... .,odi`y ;hn r.•a.,!slonc o`ar cL'ow nny future advarcos undzr sny axieFin�or fu:uro Liens. <br /> „ :aa;ian _�' P:rf:r.^nte. Un'�,... o+.hcrc:ioo ,�quired by law, evms paid to Londcr ha�eu�dei, inr.!udirp without limitdhon <br /> .� , ,nl �+•: in,er�at, incurnoco prceecds, condomnation pro:ee��s ar.d re:�ta ond pro(ite, shell be applied by Londar !o <br /> , . .. .:an', cr,n:, (rcrn Truator;nd borrower in cucf�ordcr oa lsnd�r in ita eole dis_ro!ion deems desireb!e. <br /> ,... ��3-�;'�'•, f ,ny nr.,vi,Ion of .,,.is Dco<f o( TnJC.t con`.licts with a�r!�cobla law x ia dec�e�ad invalid cr otherwiso <br /> _ . • . �,. ..;�_si �. i, .�.. �.r in:n' :ity :. -,'I not i;(i�•�l thn alhat urovinionu ot' tiii:� Daed oi �Tiunt ur tP�o No!e whict� ron ha plven <br /> � _.. 4 . „��[ _cnf ;Lr�p a�oi:s!cn, �fnd to :his cnd ihc provisions of ihis Uecd of Trust �nd tho Nota o�a docfared to bo <br /> �! <br /> `,; f fq Tn.rns f}�o tcrmo 'Tructor' end "E3orrower" shall inc'iida both cinfl�,er and plurol,end when !�e 7rueto�end E�orrower ere lhe <br /> � .. � �. ....,1•�_.,.n,u:�. , ...!hle Dr:rd o( T�uat r�.�i�I�.o intn�cF� ��7r,�!�Ir� <br /> � . . �. r, . ,., ...... 'h. . .. ;�1.. .r•,;�! d ..�!:�i�„ .orn<.•, r d c�.,n :r.i.�f ' . .�:ntn n! FJnbn�:4:o. <br /> .. � . . ,. .., �.,.i .. .._ <�.I ,'�r, ... ns ot '� . .�. ..��f��..�, . - � <br /> ., • <br /> ," <br /> � _) ,. � . <br /> �. . /� � � � . , . ' <br /> . � : . � . .. �� � <br /> ....___�._.—,.._._""._____"_' <br /> . . i�.l l. . ::.1i1.�f:i1"-�j.11lstOf <br /> __ �j�r 1_.!..���..�5.1� ' ---- -- — <br /> I',•' � � . .� t c i;-�� t-�---- <br /> Truwtor <br /> t. <br />