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� � + ��� � • '/ • � y� �' -� , h�" <br /> t + L <br /> `__ J—--.... . .. ...._.+..,.. __:._tt.n._.f'____.._.__ . . l_ •.�L..._ ....._.._.. ._...........,_ . ...,._ ..� � ..-_ _ r �. <br /> — � .., `�����e.,�� .�._�—�___�_�_ <br /> " � ,...-.•.� .. .: 7. Nrot�otlote o!L.�nd��'t� Rlphh In tit� ptR,�ettt�/. If Oorrative��n tn pedomj the cova���nte�nd ayrasnionte contrine�l6-� <br /> _ Ca,. ,� <br /> - ; " - , th(� Q�CU�k y tn�0uni�nt, ur Iha�e ts� le�l proceed{n e Ihr��ray o�qi�lflcentfy p�ect lender'a�4qhte L-� Ihe Pro,�e�ry (�uch t�n proc��A� <br /> . .. �., . <br /> --- <br /> . �z�-:f - •. - <br /> : - .. � �anwvplUy,pjai�ut�,tu;card�_:►-�n or tatf�lttttfl or to enierC3 t.+.we or�e�utu►nn�),I Nm an �nay a� pay ar► �tr�r;,� i r�a�was}r <br /> '.�•'...--.-�� • � •-.` to�rat���th� v�{uo 01 the Fi�perty and laiderb �tphta G�the �'raperty. Lender'e ecifona n�Ay Inctuda pey6ip eny eum�eecurad by�+�Y� � ----- �- <br /> .r... ...._. . . - - <br /> � ,�«_.. whioh hu p�fadty ovet thte 8ec�idry(naUUment, �,tpea�inp 6i aourt. payf��g reao�►�wGla etta�ey's tees and H►teifip oc�the Pr�perty to rtulks =-- � <br /> -- ` � ' -°-��•-°- r:�+,^.:^�. �Lkhauph t.crfsl�r may ta.4a esllcr�under ih49�c*�rnJ►!�1,t.endor daa�not have to do ao. <br /> ;�„ ' " . . , r My amounte dtat�uraed by 4u�der under Iltli p�rayr�ph 1 ehaU baQOme addittonal cieht ol porrower eec:ured b thia ��curt tnntiumenl. � - - <br /> u y �y --. ------ <br /> .'' . •' Untus Oortawa rutd La�d�t aaros fo othaf tem�e ot P+�Ymmf,theaa�mourit� �h�ll bw Intta�t hom th�dal�af dla6ur�Nr►NU�1 U��Not� - <br /> - � r�to a�d ahaA b0�Yat►ta,witb tn�eteal,upon notica hom lender to 8otrpwer requealfnp paymont. ¢ ` -'_- <br /> .,� � »_ _ � 1�. NAOttgta0 fnturuto0. tt Lendar roqubod mortaape Inauranco no � condidon af �aldnp iho toan eecured by tfit� 6ecudry - __ <br /> Inat�umerit,Botro►va aheA p�y the prcmiuma requirod to melntain Ihu mottpnpo�naumnao In atta�t fi, tor any reaeo�,trio r�19rt�fl�tneur.�n�a <br /> . -: :.. . : . . : eovc�ago tat{ufraci Hy i.eac#�ls�s�3 at- neaeas to b6 in bii�t, Bcuros�er ehaU psy the Fuemltma r€���Ire�! fo optain oovaraek, suhatenUauy � _ <br /> � ' " equP��lant to tAe mo�tsage Ineunnae pravlouery In eflaat, et a aoat aubat�ntialty equNalont to iho ooat to 8orrowor ot Iho moRgaQo Ineureneo - ______--�- � <br /> ' prevlouoy In eitom,hon� an attamato martgago Insuro� approvad by Londw. 8 eubatAntlalry oquNAtant mortgapa tr�auranco cAVeraQe !�not ,'� -= === <br /> � .. . svallabte, Bortawcr ahetl pey to 4andm Qaoh moMh a aum oqual to onahvoitth of tho yoarly mo►tpado Insutanae premium betnp pald by . :`,-�,,,.�,�;��___. <br /> . FfoROwer when tho�nuu�anco covomflo I�pand ar onaoud to bo In ottoat. Londor �vill aaaopt, ueo and �otain ihooa paymenta �e • loae �'-.-� � <br /> � � •� reeeroe in tleu o} mortgrge Ineur�nao. Lose roservo peymanta moy no �anQer bo requlrad, el the option ol landm, II maApape Inaurance � '= '�� _ <br /> aovcrapa (In ihe amount and tor tho pfldod thnt landnr roquhos)providod by nn Inouror epprovod by Lendor apaln bocomes pvallabto and la , '' �,. <br /> � � obtatnad. 8artawer she�l pey !hA pramluma roqulrod to mnlntain mortflAgo Inaumneo 1� oilocl, or to provido a loas ro�ervo, untU Iho . -�,,. .�� ���'�z°_ <br /> � , • roqutromont tor moMgaQe Ineumnae enda in accordunco with any wdtton agraomant botwoon 8ortowor and Gandor or appllcAbtn law. ":��„xr�-��.�,�,�_; <br /> _ • 9. Innpoollon. Landcr or itn egant mny mnko roaoanabto ontdo� upon and Inapaatione of the PropeNy, Londor shatl pNe 8onowor � '' '�" �:T�. = <br /> • • notico al tha ttmo ol or pdor ta an Inepootlon spocitying reno�nablo cuueo tor tho Inspocllon. �'�e`�'��;- <br /> 70. CondemnetltlD. Tho proceods ol any uwerd or clalm tor domngau, diroat or conaaquenpat, In aonnoaUn.n wlth nny � • ;_:a�`�� <br /> , condamnapon or othar laklnp oi any po►t ot tha Proparry, or tor oanvoyanoo in Ilou ot condomnatlon, �ro huroby uoslgnod and ehali bo paid ,�`,h,_��.,,;�';y`� <br /> to londor. '�� <br /> In tho ovent n1 a total takinp oi tho Proporty,tho procoodn ehnll bo uppiiod ta tha sums,�oaurad by this 8ucurlty Inatrumcnt,whother ar ,� <br /> • not ihon dua, with any oxaoao pald to 8ortawor. in tho ovoM of a puAtal takin of tho Pro u in whloh tho tair mn�kot vatuo of the Pro orry �_ <br /> Immodinto bototo tho takin Is o uul to or rentor thAn tho amaunt ot tho a ma eacurod by tAla 3ocudty Instrumont Immadlntaty baforo tho � ,`���`=�� <br /> N 0 4 0 ��`.-" <br /> , taking, uNoas BoROwor And 4ondor othorwtoo oflroo In w�iting, tho oums socurod by this Socudly Motn�mont ahell bo raducad by the amauM r r� <br /> . 01 tho pr000eds mutllpllod by tho totlowing fmotton: (a�tho total amount of the sums seourod immodiutoty boforo tho takinp,dNldod by(b)tha ' f� <br /> ' ' talr market vatue ot the Proporry Immodlatoly betoro tho taking. My bok►nce shau ho pnld to OoROwer. In tho wont ot a purtlal taking ot tha • t;� <br /> � Properly tn whioh tho talr markot vatuo ot tho Propuriy immediatory belore the taking Is tese than tho amount ot tho aumo oacurod immadlatoty , ' <br /> . dotora tho taklnp, unlo�s Botrowar ond Londor othorwlao aprao In wrftlnp or unloon Applicablo la�v othorwlea proddus, tho proceods shall ba •� � . - <br /> ' upp�lod to tho oumo eaaurod by thlo Soeudry Inotrumont whothor or�ot tho numn aro then duo. <br /> N tho P�oporry�s abttndoned by Bortowor,or N,after notlae by Lendar to Bonownr that tho condomnor ottars to muko an oward or aorilo " ` � , <br /> . u ctalm tor damagos,Hot�owor tnlls to►oapand to l.andor within 30 days attor th6 date tho�atlao Ia flivan,Londar ia nuthorttad to aol�ecl anJ , �M <br /> appy tho proceodg,at it0 optlon, olthor to routomtlon or ropulr ol ino Property or to tho suma aocurod 6y thla 8ccurity Instrumanl,whothor • '. " � <br /> or not thon duo. „ • � <br /> • Unle9s lendor and Borrower otherwlso agroo In wdting. any appllontion o1 proaooda to principAl ehall not axtand o� poatpone tho duo .y <br /> __ . ___- dnto nf tho monthty paymonte raterrad to in�aragtapho 1 and 2 or ehungo tho amount ol auah pnymonte. _ __ _ _� . <br /> 11. 8orrower Nct Reteased: Forbea�anoo By Lender Not a Wolver. Extonelon o� the timo tar paymant or <br /> modlQcAtlon of emoAlzntlon ot tho suma eacurod by this Secu�lry Uotrument grantvd by 4andar to any ouoaonoor In Intoroot ot Bortowet shstl . <br /> not oporata to �otaoso tho Uabillry ot tho odpinal8onowor or Borrowor's auccossoru In Intoroat. Landor ahali not bo raquirod to oommonco � <br /> �g proaee�9nge agetnat eny suocessor In totarest or roNSe to aMOnd timv ior paymoni vr viAa►wino mo�Yy a�v:iliaiwi. ai iha suma aatur^�h� � -�----- — , <br /> thio 8caudry Inotrument by raason oi any domand mado by tho original 8ortowor or 8ortowot'o auccoaooro In Inlurost.Any torbonranao by ' <br /> ��` Landvr In oMOrcloing any�Ipht o�romody ahall not bo o wnHer ot ar practudo Iho oxorcloo of any rlpht or ramody. � <br /> �`t � 12. Suaoaesore and Asalgns 8aund; Joi�t and Several Liabllity; Co-signere. Tho oovononts and agraomente ot � <br /> ' this 8ocuriry Instrumont ehaN bind and dono0t the succossars nnd aealgn� ot Londor and Borrowor, ouhJoot to tho prnvislone ot parapraph <br /> . 17. Bortowor'a aovonantn und agroomonts ehali bo Jaint and savorat. Any dorrowor who ao•sipna lhis 8ncudty Inotrumont 6ut doos not <br /> oxocuto iho Noto: (a)Ifl ao•signinp this socudry inotrumont ony to mortaapa,g�nnt, and aonvoy ihat 8onower's Intoresl In iho Proporty undor <br /> ' tho lorma ol this 8ecurfly(netrument; (b)ia not paraanalty obtlpAtod to pay tho nums oocurad by thls 9aaurity InatrumonC and(o)apreos thot + , <br /> lander nnd any othor 8ortowar may agreo to oxtond, modHy, forboar or mako Any acaommodutlono with ropnrd ta lamo 01 thlo Sooudty i <br /> InotnimoM ot!ho Noto without thot BoROww'a aonsant. <br /> 13, 4oan Cha�gea. N tho lonn oocurod by this 8ecurlty Inet�umont la aubJoat to o taw whlah eata �naximum lon�ohprgea,and thnt <br /> luw �a Maly Intorprotod so ihat tho tnterea! or othur loan ohnrpas nolloctod or to bo aollootod in aonnoatton with tho Ioun oxcoed tho � <br /> pormttlod IImHs,thon; (a) any auoh loon ohorgon ahnq bo roducod by tho omouni noa000ury to roduco tho ahargo to tho pertnlried IImN;and <br /> (b) any suma atready colloated from Bortowor whlah vxaeodod permitted Ilmlts wlll bo rolundod to 9arrowo�. landar may ohooao to make <br />, Ihla rafund by reduclnp tho prl�cipal owed under tho Noto or by m�►king n dlroot paymont to 8orrowar. tl u rotund raducea pdnclpat, the � <br /> rcduotlon wln bo iroAtod wu a partial prepayment wllhout eny propaymonl ahnrqo undor Ihe Note. <br /> �� 1a. NOl1oo0. Any notlao lo Borrowur provtdod tor In Ihia 4ocurlly Instrumont shall ba �Iven by delivorinp il or by mAlling It by Orot � <br /> . ctase mall untoas appllenbio Iaw roqulrae uao ot nnothar method. The notiao ehall 6u dlrootod to tho PrupoAy Addroso ot ony othor addroes � <br /> � Borrowor deal4natos by notioa to Lender. Any nottco to 4ondor ahall be glvmi �y I��et �lass malt ta l.cndcr'e ad�lrt�se etated hervin nr nn} • <br /> ;, othor nddross Lander de�iflnatoa by notice to 9ortowor. Any notlav providod for I� ihis Sacutlty Instrumont Ahall bo doomod to huvo bnor <br /> . flNon to 8arrowor or�pndor when given aa provtdod In thla pnrapraph. <br /> . , 1S. GCV6�11111g LBW; S0Y8��blllty. This Sacurlly Inatrumont ohall be govornod by toderAl IAw and tho law of the Jurladlallon Ir ; <br /> whioh tha Property la tooatad. In the ovont ihut Any provlsion ar ctAURO o1 ihis 9ocuriry Inutrument or tha Note oon01c1e wlth appllcablo Iqw <br /> suoh oonfllct ahall not aNeat othar provlslons ol thls Securiry Inatrument or ihe No10 whioh oan bo gNon oHoat wilh�ut iho oon111ot1n6 . <br /> provlsion. To lhis ond the provlsions o1 this 8ocudty Inatrument and the Note are dectared ta bo eaverabta. , <br /> --- - T-_.-- ---. --- 1�. Borro+Ner's �ogY. �onaw�r ena��be g!ven nne nnntormnd copy of tho Noto anci ot this 8ecurlty Inalrumvnt. . <br /> 1T. Transfer at the P�operty ar a 8eneftolal Intereat in 8orrawor. N aU or nny pnA of ihe PropeRy or uny tntorost Ir <br /> It le eold or trpnatonod (or It n bonoficlnl Intorasl tn 8onowor lo eold or tranalerrod and Bonowor Is no►o nntura� pernon)without Londer i <br /> prlor wdttan conoEU�L Landar may, at fla option, roqulra Immadiato payment In 1uA o1 all euma eocurod by thia Soaurity Inotrumont. Howovor <br /> , thls optlon aholl not ba oxorclaod by Londor 11 axorclso Is prohlbited by todaral I�w na of the dato ot this 9oaurlry Inatrumant � <br /> � 1! i.vndor oxorclooa ihlo optlon, Londor nhall plvo 8onower notico ol Accoleratlon. Tho notico ohnll provldo u parlod ot not lo�e than 3( <br /> `� '. , days trom iho data thu notlao in dolNorod or mnllod withln whlah the Borrowor muat pay all sums socurod by this 8oautlly Inetrument. I <br /> , � ' 8onowor IaYs to puy ihaae sums prior to ihe e�plratlon ot ihis poilod, Lendor mny invoko any ramodlos pormlqad by thla 3ocurlty Inatrumon <br /> � " ' whhout lurlho� notico or domand on Bortowur. <br /> � • <br /> i . <br />; i <br /> 1 pn6n 3 ot 9 Form 302tl�JAO <br /> � , j �I P1019.LM0I4193) l <br /> ' , . ��' I <br /> • <br /> 817t1 r <br /> � <br /> . .1 . i <br /> ,��-----�_ .�..._. —- — — - --- .__ __ — <br />