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� ;�.� •• =,-k�.�=�-�_r._" i <br /> , ' � ' ._� • . . , _ _. ' • � � ,�• � ; ' <br /> ' ��: - <br /> _ � ' ... , ___�. _ . . . . . <br /> .,., _ � - .� .�.. _� e _ <br /> S ._._. . ... <br /> �,Y:,.�...�.r..,�;• „ . ' � : • <br /> _ __ _.__.�.._ .. _.. ...__. .. �� I _ r s <br /> . _. ...���� . <br /> ��° ���`�� ����....m.. <br /> Y • � � 1�. HOti�1M1p0�'� Rlpht iA ��If1dt�Q6� il ponotver maals ccrtatn aoncitlona, parrown�ohs8 here the ripM to hev�t�tarcemeni ����-�� <br /> `' , dl�co�dnucd at�ny ttmo p�1ot to 1hQ c�tltr ot: (e) 9 dss�s (or eu�h ather pedadl n9 eppllcebta Inw o►�y e�erdfy tor►etneust�urn�b�iora aale �� =- <br /> - �=` a}fh� Praperty gurea�nl to Any �nwv of nale cnnle��isd (n th19 Becudiy InotmmenC �r (b� entry at a �udpmerl an(orc�nn Mt� BecurNy x°��•� `A�,..,,,.- <br /> �..� ,���r. �_.,._ <br /> � � _ fneRUment.Thnse conNBona aro that Bona�ver. (q paya Lender a!I eum�whiah tl�en wa�dd he due undor Ihta 8eo��riry Inel+un�Mt �nd t18 .-�---�-'-,•�----�- <br /> � ��_;,� � Nora�e il no accatcattan had oceaned; Ib) curoa e�y �etnu�t ot any othcr covonanl or eprocmanlo: (o) paye aU axpanaea Ina��od M ` �{�°:.. ""';� <br /> � � cnto►uh�y I6t� �:,aurtty Inrt�umant, Mcwd!np, �ul nef ��t«i te• �a�aonablo ettomoye' tooa: and (d) tahes ouah actlon ae la�d�r may r� <br /> .. �.__,,;_-•;_-'°.. <br /> � �� . . raaeonnDly►raqutro to �eeuro that Iho Iten ut thla Seourity leatrumonl, Londo►'a dphta In Iho Propariy und DnROwar'Q obrignUan to pay tho -- � <br /> - _ .- <br /> - - -- �-_ - ouma aecured �y thla 6acudF,t Inat►vment ehall cantlnuo unohanpnd. Upan roinotetomonl by �anawcr, thla eeaudty Ine�ument utd tho -- <br /> obpgatlaie aeaured hereby ehall r�i (Ulty ottaclNa eo If no accela�atian had 000unod. Noweret, thla rlphl to retneteto eheq not eypty in __ _ <br /> � . . _ . , � tho caeo at�acelaretton under pu«graph 17. � . .. ' . . <br /> • . � 18. 8aio c�f Noto; @{1filt�Q ofr Laan 6ervlaeP. 'Iho Nota or a parttal tntcrast fn tho Noto (toQaii�rn tvitit IfiE� Sei;uiity �� -� � <br /> � ' inotrumcnq may be eald ane ar mare timva without pdar notico to Bortowar. A a�to mey roaull In e oh�nge In the enttry (known �e the � ' � <br /> • �� •Lonn 8aNlow'► that noqaale monthty paymonto duo undo�Iho Noto and thlo Snout�y Inetrumant. Tharo atso m�y bo ono ar more oh�npea � ' <br /> ` of tho l.onn Barv7oar unrol�ted to a selo ot tho Noto. 11 iharo lo a ahanpo ai tha Loan Senioer, 8onowo�wlll bo gNan w�itton noUae o1 tho � ' <br /> ohanpo In uccordanco wPlh paraproph 14 pbovo ond apQllaab�o Inw. Tho natica witl atnto tfio numa and addraae a1 iho nov� loun 6arvlcor . <br /> • � and Iho nddroee to whloh paymanto ahoutd bo mado. Tho nollco wlll aYSO aontatn any othor Inlormntlan roqulrod by appucc►blo IAw. . � <br /> , r''' 20. N�Ardous Substancoe. Bonowar ahall �ot caueo or pom�lt tho prosanco, uao, dlapoaol, otnra�o, or �ctc�ao ol ony . ' <br /> Hemrdoue Subatenaos on ot Ia tho P►oparry. 8onowa ohnll not do, �or allow anyann olso to do, anything eltaoting tho Property thet le In <br /> � ' violatlon ot any Environmental l.caw, tho procodlnfl two ao�tanco� ohoii not appty to tho proa,�nao, uao. or eta►atio on tho Prapo�ty a1 smnll � <br /> � ' quantltloa ot Hwtardous Substan000 thut aro gancraly rocagnliod to bo oppraprlata to normal rosldontlal ueo� qnd to u�atntonenao of tho <br /> Piopedy. � <br /> BoROwar ahail promptiy gNe landor wtlltoo notioo ol any invoatigatlon, clnim, dcmand,lAwault o► othor aotlon by any govommentat or � <br /> rapulutory ugonay or prNato paeiy InvoNinp tho Property ond any Ntunrdoua 8ubstnnco or Environmantal Law of whintf Bartowor hae eatuat " <br /> ' knowlodpo. If Bortowor loamo, or le rtotUlod by any govommontal or rogulntory authorlty, thet any ramoval or othor romoQatlon ol any - <br /> Hotardou� Subatanao atteoting the Propc�rty to noceseury, Bortowar ahpN prompty takp oll no�ossery romedlnl antlono In nccordanoo with <br /> EnWronmantallnw. ' _ <br /> ' Ae used In thls pampraph 20, 'Htuordous 9ubstunaos' aro th000 oubstnncos doflnad as toxlo or haznrdauc� substuaaos by , • <br /> Envtronmontal law and tho (oliowing subatanoea: tiaeoline, karosano, othor ftammobto or toxio potraloum produats, toxla pasticidoa and <br /> � • hurbicldon, volat(lo aohonts, matodnls conlalni�p AeboaToa or tormafdehyde, And radloactivo motarluls. Aa usod in lhls parugraph 20. , ' '?'�_ <br /> 'Environmontul 4.uw' monno todoral lawa and lawa of tho Juil�dlotion whoro the Proparty Is tocatod thot raluto to hoatth, satoty or � � --• <br /> ) ay. <br /> anvironmontal protootlon, I ►'_- <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonowor und landor turthor cavanant a�d aflroo ns lopows: � <br /> 21. Aoaotdratlor�; Remadlea. Lender ehall giva notioe ta Borrowpr p�lar to oaceleratio� is�liowing � ' � <br /> Bo�rowa�'a breaoh oi any covenant or c�graomont In thle Saourity instrument (but not p�lor to atsoelorallon � r <br /> undo� paragraph 17 unlesa applioabla law providee othenivlse). The �olloe shuli spealfy: (a) th0 detault; � . <br /> (b� the aatlo� �equl�ed ta oure the dotau�t; (a) a date, not leae thAn :i0 days f�om the dato the notlae la i <br /> ___ _. __.__. �Iven to Borrower. by whioh the default must be cured; and (d) ihat failu�o to oura the detault on o� � . <br /> bofora the deto spealfled i� !ho nolloe may result In acoeteratlon of the eumo 000urod by thls Seou�ity � --� <br /> Inatrument and salo 01 the Proqarty. Tha n�tioe shal) tu�tho� Info►m Borrowor of the �lght to �elnatate aiter : <br /> aaaele�etlon and the right to bring a court �otton to asse�t the non-existence of e detault or any otho� ' <br /> . �---"—- c�el��t�a pt�ar�awar to aoce�eratton and oete. i1 ti�e defauit is not au�ea on ar �aiore ii�e data apociiied ;-------— -- <br /> In tha �olloe� Lender at Its opllon may roqul�e Immedlata payment 1� tull of all aums eooured by lhis � <br /> Seourity Inst�ument wlthout tu�the� demand and may invoke the power of aole and any othe� remediea � , <br /> pormit�od by �ppllaable law. Londor nhmit be enlltled to oolloot all oxponaeo Inour�ed In pu�suing tho ' <br /> � �omo�ilos p�avided In lhle paragreph 21� Inoluding. but not Ilmitod to, �OAOOIIQbI9 UH0/116y8'ieea and costs . <br /> of tlllo evido�oe. <br /> N the powe� of enlo Is invoked, Truatee aha11 �eao►d u nottae of default in each oou�ty in whloh any . <br /> pa�t of!he Property Is looated and �shall mall aapiea ot suah notloe In the manne�proso�ibed by �pplloabie <br /> law to Borrower and to !he other peraona p►esaribed by applloable law. After the tlme roqul�ed by <br /> epptloable law, T�ustea ahAll give publlo notice ot eate to !he peraons pnd in the menner pruoo�lbed by <br /> apptioable law. T�uetee, without demnnd on dorrower, ahati aeil !he Property at publio auotlon to tho <br /> highest bldde� at the llmo And piace and u�d�r the terma deaignated i� tho notlae of sale In one o� more <br /> paraeta und in any ordor T�ust�o dete�mineo. T�uatea may poatpone eale of all or any paroal of tho <br /> P�operty by publio annaunaoment at the tl�ne and plaoe of any p�oviousiy soheduled eaie. l.ender or i!e <br /> designee may pu�ahase tha Prapo�ty at any sala. <br /> Upon reaelpt ot paymen! ot tho p�ioe bid, Trustee ahail deliver ta the purahasa� T�uatee's daed <br /> � oonveylog !he Property. The ►eoltais in ihe Trustee's deed ehoil be pNma faole ovidonoe at tho truth o1 . <br /> � the statemento made thereln. Trustee ahall apply !he prooeed� of the sate In tho tollowing arder: �a) to ali <br /> oosta und oxpenaos of exeroleing the power o4 a�+te, and the salo� in�lud3»g the payment ot ths Tr��atn�'s� <br /> � tees aatually Inaurred, not to exoeed 3„r00 9'0 of the principal amount of the note at the lima of!he <br /> � declaratlon o! defeull, and reasonable attorney'o fees As pa�mitted by law; (b) to all aums eaoured by thla <br /> � Seaurity Instrument; and (o) any exceas to the person or persono tagaliy entltled to it. <br /> ' I 22. Reoonveyanao. Upon payment o�all aums aocurod by ihlo Socurlty Insirumont, lendor ahnll roquoat Truatoe to reaonvey 1hE <br /> Property nnd ehAil surtandar thla 9ocurity �nelrumanl and all notes evlHoncinfl dabl eocured by thls Sacurity instrumant to Trusles. Truatac <br /> ____ _ _ 1 aha11 reaonvoy the Prnperty wlthaut wurranty nnd wHhout ahargo tn the puraon or poroona lopo�ly enliilod�o II. Suoh pproon or persona ghal <br /> • pny any roaordntion aoete. <br /> • 23. 8ubati4ute Truetee. Lendor, at Its optlon, may irom tlmo to tlma romovo Trustee and appolnl a ouccasoar iniatoa to nny <br /> ' . Tnrstao appointad horaundar by an inatrumant rocordod in ih�county in which ihls 8acurlty Insirumant la rocordod. Without oonveyance o <br /> tho Propnrty, euoa0000r Iruoloo ehalt euoaeod to ull tho tltlo, power and dutlos conlorrad upon Tnietae horoln ond by appllcnblo law. <br /> 24. Hequest tor Notioos. 9orrov�or roquasto ihAl copio�ot Iho noticea ot dufault and salv bo aont to 9onowor'a nddreae whlot <br /> . Is ihe Properly Addrosa. <br /> • I 26. Rido�e to lhis Oeau►ity Ir�etrumenl. 11 ono or moro ddore ara oxocutod by 8orrowor and roaordod togothot with ihle <br /> � � � Seourlty Inetrumont, the covenente nnd aflraomonto ol vAOh euch rldor uhaY bo Incorporatod Into and ahail amand and auppiomont th� <br /> • aovonante und ngroomonta oi lhla 9ocurity inatrument ae If tho ridor�s)woro a pnrt of this SocurNy inotrumont. <br /> Pd7o d 6�9 �o�m JU2tl 9N.0 <br /> , Ft079.LM0(OFJ3) <br /> " ' � l <br /> } � t � <br /> � <br /> � 911+1 <br /> �! � <br />