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,. <br /> � , . .. ;�s.�, <br /> ',i�_......._... _. _ ...._' .__..__.T.._�._.Y ... .� � . . ..n�,,...... � . ... . . _ __ _ _ _ _ -"'�x�„d„-� _— <br /> � ., <br /> , ���i ��F��� =�'�-_- <br /> � --- <br /> ��'.�,... �• I1Q� (U U1lLL�.�J�rlti 1�'t•aii��WTn �.Mtltltll !1 �:tld°! �41 A �i�Aa�Afly fCfH1Q[� Ci1011[�8(�� �OSII�iC8V ECiltlitA �Qt �Ofi4�1YC+��B E9Ci(11V aQCOItRs !lAdO/ (�lE __-___ - <br /> ���'�� A�teral RMt E�t�t�flattlanteat Pracedur�a Act al Ib74 Re�tniandod hc►m Unse ln 11mo, 1a U.B.@. 28Dt e/ooq. �'R�;1PE�•),u�te�a anather G�w `� <br /> �. .- ,. -, � • that appll�n m tho Fus►d� aeto e to3ee► entuunl, 11 00,Lendet►��ay, �1 any l6�io, aollccl�nd Aotd Funda tn in nnaunl nol to exceeA Ih� <br /> � :� , _ Iseeer emount, lendar n�y ealtnala Iha�i��ou��l ot fund3 ch►o on tho bsato of eu�rr.n1 d91a end reasannblA eatlnu�lea o1 expenc�tcuns ut � _ . <br /> ' ' Ntura[ecraw Item�o�othcnviso i�nccordanca with eppllcnbla 1�►v. ►- _ __ <br /> -�,-������ � u b a tadarnl e ena , Innt�umonla�iry,w entlry pncludlnQ 4andcr, 11 =_y= ____ � <br /> � Tha Pu�1ds eh:sB ba hetd tn �n tnatltWlon whose depoatle �re Ina �ud y p Y <br /> `� �� — <br /> landor Is eucA 1►n�naqtutlon)ar tn eny�odorel Homo Loen BRnk. lendor ehatl eppy Ihe FunAa t�pay tho Encrnv� {ic�na. �c�dcr m�y no1 <br /> r ahnrpo OorPOwc► tor hnlclnQ nnd eippryinp!he Fundn, ennuQiry enaytinfl ihe escrow aoaounL or vcrlry(ng the Eacrow Iiema, unto�e lender � � '��_ _- <br /> � . _ ptyo 8orrowar Interaat an Ihe Funda end appitcxb�o !aw pem�tta Lcndar to ma�o auch o CherQo. Hmrever, leneia�mny�uae Oonawnr W �• ���� _ <br /> -- - - - pey a o�attmo ohargo for on tndepeodsrtt reaf estate 4�x�Ik+9 ee�vtae used tiy l�r(n aonnoation wilh ihL� toan,unt�s��PPttc�bla I�w e — <br /> � ' - �-• pravldea othervutso. Untass en apraamoni ts �flndo ot apptioabta law �equtrea inlerest to ba pskl, Lendcr oheq nol � raquVad �a PaY � �� --� <br /> -• . - . 8orrroi+raf s�iy iritaiast a earnMpa vn tho Fands. 9drrar:e�nnc!Lender m�y eprc�+In wdW+g,hwvever,thet fnte�e�l shell bo tu�ld on ihe Funda. ! .: <br /> Lendar ahell pNo to Bottawor,wNhout aharpv, an annual ncaaunlinp af tho Funde, ahowinp uadlto and dcbtto to tho Funda and the purposo . .• - <br /> tor whloh aaoh debil to tha Funds was tnado. 7Ao Punda ere pladpod ae udditfonnl ooeurlty tor All aums eecurod by lhlo tloc.urlry lnaGumaN. • , <br /> '' If tho Funda hutd ay Landor oxcond tho nmounto �ortnlqod lo bo ho�d by ap�Iicebto law, landor nhaA account to 9ortowcr tor tha , <br /> " oxco�a Fund�In accordRnoa wUh tho roqulramo�to al applio�►bio lo�v. 11 tho amount of!ho Fundo hatd by Lcndor at any tlme I9 aot autticicnt � �: <br /> .; ,• lo pay tho Eecrow ItomA whan duo, I.ondcr may no notity porro�vcr In wdlinp, and, In auoh cnse Bo�rower ehall pay lo lendar tho umaunt . <br /> noaasnsry to mnko up tho doticlonay. Bor►owar ehall mako up tho doflcienoy In �o maro thnn lwotvo monti�y pnymonte, M 4�ndcr'o oolo <br /> dlacrotlon. <br /> , Upon paymQnt In n�B o1 a(1 sums aocurad by this 3acudry inslrumont, 4ondor ahnll promptry �aiund to 9000wcr any Fundo hatd by , �� <br /> } londa�. II, undar paragmph 21, Lender ehal�uaqulro or eoli tho Propv�ly, Londar, 1'dor to tho ncqulsltion or e��e al tho Proporty,ehall apply . <br /> any Fundo ho�d by Londor at tho Umo ot noqulsitlon or aaio 0o a c�odlt oflatnat tho aums eocurad by thlfl Sccudty tnatrumcnt. , <br /> 9. Apptieatlon of Paymente. Untose appticablo law provides othorwiso, oll paymonts rocallod by lander undar pnragmphe t and , .�=.� <br /> � � 2 ehall 6o uppliod;Qret, to any propaymont ahargos duo under the Note: eocond, to omouats pt►yablo undar pnmgraph 2; ih�rd to Intorost • <br /> duo; tourth,to principal duo; and lael,to any tato charpos duo undor tho Noto. „ , . ' <br /> � ' • 4. Chargos; 41ona. Bonower ohalt poy oll taxoa, aasosamenta, oharpoa, Qnos and Imposltlona nddbutapta to tho P�operty whiah <br /> mny attatn p�iodiy over thls 8ecudty Instrumont, und louoohold puyments or ground rento,It any. doROwor ehall pay ihono abtigotlone In tha <br /> ��� ' mannor provldnd in paregroph 2, or II not pald In that monnor, Borrower shall pay tham on timo dkoaty to tho poreon owed payment. '�" <br /> , Bonowot ohnN promptly lumlah to Londor ail noticos ot amounte to be pald undor thls pnra{�raph. II 8ortowor mnkos thngo paymonts _ <br /> • . direatty,Botrower ehn�l prompty fl�mish to Londer reaoipts avldancinp the paymc�nte. '='- <br /> ` BoROwor shall promptly dlsohprgo uny Ilen whlah hae pdorfy ovar thl� Soc.u�ity Inslrumonl unloss Borrowor. (o) agr�s in wdpng to tho =; <br /> ; poymont of tho obMgotlon sooured by tha Ilon In a mcmnor accoptablo to Landor, (b) aontosta In flood Iaith tho Ilon by, or Aofond�aflnlns� �� <br /> anforcamont of tho,Iogul procoodinpa whloh In tho I.anAor's opinlon oporato to prav�nt tho entorcemont ot tho Ilon; or(a� socuro�from , <br /> tho holdor of tho �on an sgtoomant aatistaotory to Landar aubordinating tho Ilon to this 9acu�ity Instrument. it Londar dotarmino9 ihnt any � �. <br /> paR af ihe Proporly Is oubJeot to o Ilen whloh may t►rinln pdodty ovor this 9ocudry Inatrument, Londor mAy gNo Borrowe►a notloo Idantityinfl , , <br /> • tho Ilon. Bortowor ahall eAtlaty the Ilon or Wko ono or moro ot the actiona eot foAh ubovo withln t0 dnys af the giving o1 notic�. � ` <br /> __ ___ 6. Hazard or Propertf� I�suranoc+. Borrowor ohslt keep tho Improvomonto now oxtatinp or horaoNar vrootod o� ihe P�operty � __ __ <br /> Inaurod agulnat loea by itro, hazarda Inciudod wUhln Iho term 'oxtondod coverc►po" and any othor hamrde, Inciudinfl 1loods or Aoodinp, for i <br /> which Londor�oquko�insuranco. Thls Inourance ahali bo tnc�intninad In the nmounte und 1or tho pododa Ihat Londor raquiroa. Tho inouranao � <br /> ' atrrior providlnp the Inoura�ao ahull bo ohoaan by Borcowor eubJeat to londor's upproval whlah ohali not 6o unroueonaby whhhoid. If � <br /> BQrtAwer talts ta mnintaln oovmnge doacdDod obovo, �onuor may. at i.000er's opiion, obtain aovmabo tv �raisai Lar.�ar'o rlghl: !r. !�e �— --,� <br /> Proporty in aacordonae with pnraflmph 7. � • ' <br /> AO Insurenao pollcloo And�onewnto ahall bo aaooptabio to landor ond ohall includo a etendard martpnflo alauoo. 4ondor aholl huvo the : <br /> . dght to hotd tho poilcloe cnd runownis. H l.ondor requiroo, Bortowor ahall prompty Qivo to Londar All roaoipto of pnid promluma ond renewai : <br /> noGCOO. In tho ovont at tosta Bonowor ahall glvo prompt notloo 10 tho Insuranco carrlor and I.ondor. Landor may mako proot ol toao 11 no1 � <br /> . mado prompty by 8ortowet. <br /> Untaso Londa and 8onawar othervvise aflrao in wdting, Inaurance proco�da ahatl bo appliod to rasturntlon or repnir ol tho Proporty ; <br /> dnnwpod, H tho �oatorption or rapalr la oconomica�ly toaaible and l.ondor's aaauriry lo not loseenod. 8 iho rantorotion o► �opotr Is not <br /> aoonamlonlly toAOihlo or londer'o aocudty wauld bo inaoonod, tho Insuranco procoodo ohali ba appllod to iho oumo aoourad by thl� BoCU�iry <br /> Inat�umant, whothor or not thon due, wilh any oxcoeo paid to Bottowor, II 9oROwer abandono tho Proporty, or daoo nat anawor wUhln 30 ` <br /> , duya a eotlao hom Londor that tho Innuranco oartlor hue oHorcd to oottlo a cialm, Ihon Londar mny aollocl tho Inauranco pr000adn. Londoi <br /> , � may uso tho proceeda to repair or roetore iho PropoRy or to puy eums sacurod by ihis 9ocurfry Inatruman6 whothor or nol ihen duo. Tho <br /> • 9D•dny poriod wlll bagin whon tho notioo Is plv�n, <br /> Untoao Londor ond Oorrowor othorvvlso Apreo In wdting, any npplicatlon ot procoado ta prinelpat ahnll not oxtond or poatpono iho due <br /> dato ol tha monthly pnymonts ratarrod to in paraqraphs t and 2 or chanpo tho Amaunt ol iha paymnnts. ti undar pnraprnph 21 tho Proporty <br /> . Is Qaqulred by Londor,BoROwoPs dphl to any Ineuranou polinion and proaooda rosultinq lrom d.�mnpo to iho Ptoparty prlor ta iho acquloltion <br /> . ahafl paaa !a LcndcK !o the ext�nt ot thn �uma socurad by ihis&acurity Instrument immedlntaty prior to tho acqulsHlon. ' <br /> 8. Oaoupanoy, Preservatlon, MalntAnance and P�ot�ation of the P�ope�ty; 8urruwe�'s Loaa <br /> Applloatlon; 1.0888ho1d8.Bonowor ehntl occupy, esta�lish, and uso tho PropoAy as 8onowar'e princlpal rosidonco wlthin uixty daye <br /> nflar tho oxocutian o1 ihio 9ocurity Inntrumont and ahall continuo to occupy tho Proporty na Borrowar's prinalpAl �asldonco tor At louat on� <br /> • year nftar the dAte ot ocaupancy, unloss 4ondor othorwlae aflraoa In writlnfl, whioh canaont ohall not bo unraoeonnbiy withhold, nr unlase <br /> � oxtanuatinp ckcumetonoos exlot whloh are beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrowar ahall not doatroy, damaqo or Impnlr tho PropeAy, allow thi <br /> Ptopatty to dotorlornto, or oommit wasto on tho PropeAy. Borrowor ah�ll bo in do}ault il any tortalturo Qatlon or procaoding,whothoi civil o� <br /> criminal,la bepun ihat in Lender's flood faflh judgment could result In taAoitura ol the Proporty or alhorwlso mntarl�lty Impalr tho Ilan createc <br />- - =_-= - ----= - by ihis ae�urity lnstrumant ar tandcr'a secudF�Intetest. @onoMtar may�urn nuah o detauu and roinatato. as provlded In porqgraph 18, by <br /> � cnusinp the natlon or procaoding to bo d�smlased with y ruling thnt. in Londor's pood falth dotarminutlon, procludos foAalturo ol th� <br /> 9onowor's Intoroat In lho PtopoAy or �ther matetlai impnlrmont ot tho Iion croAtod by ihls 9acurlly Inatrumont ot 4ondur'8 sncuriry Intarest <br /> 9orrowar ahall also bo in dotaufl N Bortower, 6urinp tho tonn appticetlon proaosa, flavo matorinlly faloo or Inoccuroto Intormntlon or otatomont: <br /> . � to Londor (or fAllod to provido lander wllh nny mntorial In}ormatlon) In connoctlon with iho loan ovidancod by iho Noto. Inctudin�, but no <br /> � . Wmltod to, roprosontatlona ooncominfl Borrowar's occupancy oi tlio PropoAy aa a principal ro:+ldonco. tl thln Securiry Instrumont lo on � <br /> „� � leasehold, Hortowor ahall oomply with nll tha provl�lone oi tho loasn. II Borrowor acqulroo foo tttto to tho PropoRy, iho loaoehold und th� <br /> foo tftto ahap not morgo unlo3a tho landor upraos to Ihe morgor In wdtlnq. <br /> • ' �aqo 2 of 9 Form 3070 9/90 <br /> . i. , F1029.LM0(II93) <br /> , � . ,, �il <br /> . <br /> ,. <br /> .� , s,��� i • <br /> , <br />