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'5�ATfN4K�M �"� � `b � � _ � <br /> �� C � � 1. �7 �,� � � __ ._.,v._. <br /> f -_m__. �. • Q/� � N« — — <br /> ��1_�. �' T C!! � �,��.�_----- <br /> {'' � _�„ (9paCO AOOVO Thlo Uno For 8ocorG�nn DntnJ a',�- -- _-� ------�• <br /> ���. '.-- <br /> • F: . ., , • °-- - -° <br /> /• � .. ���rs`;��.r„°=-=-== <br /> ;; *p' ���_��s.� - --__ <br /> . ..�, _ - �F:'�'� ,R <br /> .. DEED O� TRUST �'�� __: -� <br /> ` THI9 O�E�OF'IHU9T('Soourity tnotrumant') 18 mado on�lu�@ 1Rt . �9�� .Tho trusta ts � �° <br /> '� � PAM�4�.Fis..kl���Q�taFARY AN UNARQ1Rg1�Q P�H80N � ,��'_ <br /> ;� � <br /> (`Bortowor').Tho truateo i� � , <br /> • ' ,, � FIRSTI 8A 1 ' @ f' A FIEQ�RAI, &AV N S B NRS,1180�W�ST CBN_T_�A RO�D �MAHA.,�.F,�,BpA�..� �,, ��, .` <br /> � �i144 ,_ __,. . ('T�ustoo').The benaflciary Is <br /> �RSTI�� BAVlNQS �NK F&B whloh le organl�od and =- . _-- <br /> oxlsting undar tho lavm o1 U�,IT�Q¢SA;�S Q�AM�RIGA ,and whoso addrosa le u Q8 8 W�&T C�MT�R =- <br />� ' R�AD nMAHA, NF�$�£_,�,.�144 ('Landor'). 6oROwar owoa Lendor tho pdnotpal num af � <br /> • • , �,��y,Q�,�'hounand and OOd100 QO�� � • � • �� <br /> (U.B.S�Q,OQ.AQ 1. This dobt Is uvidoncad by 9onowor'a noto datod !he same dato ns this Sacudty Inetrumonl ('Noto•), whlah . <br /> providos tor monthy paymonts,with Iho fuli d�bt il not Waid andlor,dua and payabio on�{kly�,,,,?OQa . Thlo Sucudty .�- -��`' <br /> .r�-- <br /> Instrumont aocurva to Londer: (a) tho �opaymont ot tho dabt evidonaod by tho Noto, with Intarast, and all �onowals, oxtar�olons nnd ; - • � <br /> � modiflcAtlon9 ot tho Note; (b) the paymont ot all othor aum�, wlth Interast, edvanced under ppmgraph � to protoct the eecudty o1 Ihla a: .. r,� �-"� <br /> �� <br /> • 9ocurity tnatrument; end (o) the podormunco 01 Bortowar'o oovonunta and agraomanto. for ihis purposo, BoROwor Irtovocaby aranta end . � �,� <br /> —s- -----. - - � <br /> �y.�y�tn Ttun�,o,tn pust,wtth pownr ot outa.lho tollowina doscdbod proporty IocAtod in HAI,I. _ Couny,Nobmeka .�` - <br /> I.OT FOATY SEVEN (47), OF WEST HEIQHTS ADDITION TO THk' CITY OF �RAND 18LAND� HA6L COUNTY. � �� _ <br /> NBBRASKA. ��� _ <br /> i i. .---- ---_-� :_ <br /> � � <br /> whlah hos tho uddross o1�2,0 (d. &H�RIDAN AVENU�. �,.��,9�.I,Q ISIAND ' � <br /> s�root �'�' <br /> • Nobraska 88803 ("P�oporty Addrasa"); I <br /> ' . Y.ip CoGo <br /> TO�ETHER WITH all ImprovomoMa naw or hatoufter oroctod on thc� proporty, and AII onaamonto, Appurtenanaes, and flxturos now o� <br /> heroaher a parl oi�ho proporty. A�I ropincomanto and Addltlone sheli be covorod t�y ihia Socurity inetnimunt. All 01 ihe loropaing Ia rotortea I <br /> . � <br /> to In thle 8nautily Instniment aA tho"P�a�arty." � <br /> 80iiROWER COV�NANTS that BoROwer Is IAwluily ooi�ed o1 tho estalo horaby convoyod and huo tho rlght to grant ond convey ll�e � <br /> Property und that iho PropeAy Is unoncumborod, oxcapt for ancumbtnncas oi ►acord. Bortowar wercante and wlll detend ganarally tho title tc ; <br /> the P►oporry A4ainst all clatme and demands,aubJaot to Any aneurnbrAncos ol rocord. � <br /> . THIB SECURITY iNSTRUMENT cambinas uniform covonante fo� nntWnol uao �nd non•unilorm covonnnta wlth �imltod variatlo�s b� ; <br /> Jurladlctlon to oonstituto A uniform security inotrumont aovoring reai propeAy. : <br /> ' • UNIFORM COVENANT9. BoROwar nnd Londor covanant and ogree aa lollowa: � <br /> � . . <br /> - - -��- - -- -- 1. Payment ot p�inoipai a�d Inte�oat; Prepayment and Le�te Chargae. 8�«�Wdr �har promptty pay wnen �ue �n� � � <br /> ,. � pdncipa) ot and Into�eat on tho dabt evidenaed by tho Note and any propaymenl and�ato charges duo under the Note, <br /> 2. Funde tar Texea and Insurance. 3ubJoct to Appllcablo IAw or to a writton woivor by Londor, 8arrawor ahnll pay to Lond� - <br /> ��� � . on tho dt►y monlhly pnymonta ara duo under tho Noto, untll tho Note 13 pald in tull, n oum ('Funda') tor: (e) yeariy taxas and oosesamant: ; <br /> � whloh rrwy atlaln ptlodty ovor thin 8ecudly Instrument A8 a Ilon on tho Property; (b) yaarly loasohold paymonts or ground ronto on th� <br /> , Proporty, N any; (o) yoerly heznrd or property Inourance promiuma; (d) yeAry Oood Inouronce pramlums, H any; (e) yeary mortgage Ineuranc� <br /> I ` promluma,11 any;und(Q nny oumo poyablo by Bonowor to 4endor,in accadAnco wlth tho provislona ot peraprnph 8, In Ilou ol tho pAymon : <br /> 01 mortflaflo Inauranco promlums. Thvso Itomo arv cnllod'Eacrov� Itoms." Londor may, at any tlmv, oolloot ond hotd Funds In an e,moun <br /> �r, <br /> � NEOqA3Kl4•91np10 Pamuy�Fannlo Mno/F�odtli0 Mae UN�FOAM IN9TRUMENT Paqc+ 1 of! Fomi 3028 9I90 <br /> � • . ' F1029.LMQ(4�fi3) ' <br /> � � . <br /> � /� i <br /> a,�„ l �� I I <br /> � �, -- <br /> : _ .. _ _ __ --------- -... --- ---- -- ------------ ---- ----— — 1 <br />