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k . . � _ . .. . . <br /> _ ".+y � � �� ` ./' <br /> 1 1 . " _�_ -- .lt ..r� __-_-. <br /> L� .___.... ... .. .. . .. .. ._ .. . . . .. . <br /> Q� '�=�s <br /> ` � �9SJ� ���e���� ' _. . " " -•��-�=� <br /> 1 ! <br /> _ „ : +a.::.:: <br /> ...__. ` . .�. ... ..._' _' "_'".... _.:...,...___{���'�. <br /> .. . . . �V� ��� .�.va�. <br /> � . -' � �rTMn^���-• <br /> - g, �adatn+�allan.5'ho procanda o!any atvA�d or nipli��tor•dnninpoa,dlraal pr Gan&t�qut�ntlnl,ln cnnnc�etlnn►vllh nny <br /> � aandan�nntlono�othort�kingolthdproparty,flrpn�ith0raof,erfaraonvoynnc�initau�fcuncl�nma1lor►,ur�ho�obyuesl�nod _ �_ __- - <br /> . ".:�.��: <br /> :. :,�,_� <br /> _ nnd si�ali Oa pnld to Londor. • � �' <br /> In tha evenl of e total taklnp ol thn Proporty,th0 praacads ehpll bn a�,pHod tv tiin nu�nn en�u�ud Gy Ihfa Daa�ot Tru��wlth •�� • • � . �-;� <br /> Iho oxco� II any,ppid to 8arrowor.In tho ovont af a pnrllnl tnkinA ot tho PraRerN.unl�as eorrowor and l.andnr othorwlBO , <br /> . agroolnwrldng,tttoroshollbaAp �ktdtothoeu�a88vouradbylht9[JeadolTruuteu�hp�apa�ilanolthaprocoodot�nlAOqusltu � . . <br /> p d <br /> � thafp�opartlonwhlohtheamounlofthoeumosoourodbythioOQOdofTruotimmodtatplyprlartathadatoaftaklnpbuaretathe <br /> " � � Inlr market vpluo ol lbta prope�ty immedtatetd Nrlor to tho dnto af tnhin ,with tho Dnfnnco of tho�rocauda pnid to qurro�vor. • -- <br /> �-- 11 thu 1'r 19[��andaned by li�after ngtiae by��n�t�r�Borruwor thul lhe Qotittonmp�oftere t�meke en � � <br /> -- — <br /> ea►�rd o�ee le a atsim f�r dam�Qas,8or�ower talte to�espanA to Londor within 30 tloys uftar tho dato such notico lo maite�i, r - <br /> ' � lendor le authorixod to aolloot and t►pply tho proaoedo,al4endor'o optlon,allhor to rootorntion or ropnir of tho Pro�oriy nr lo P �" `---- � -�- <br /> thn sa�ma:�urtx3 hy tNt�D�d�t 7rust. � .--.--.... _ <br /> � Unlpoal.ondorandBorrawurotfie��vieoagrooinwriting any suohapplloAtlonofpr0000datoprinclpalehnll�o9oxtanda� • <br /> poatponu lho duo tinto of tho monthly Inatnlimonte retorraa to ln paruprapha 1 and 2 horoot o►ohnnpo tho amount of�uah <br /> Inetalimonte. � � <br /> 10. Bonow�rNotR�leettd.Extanelonofthotimotor paymonlormoditicalionofumorlixatlanoithosumosacuredby�hia � <br /> Dead of Trust grantod by Londor to any suaaooeor in Interest of�orrower ehatl�ol operate to reloese,in any mAnner,lho <br /> Ilablllty of thu orlginal 8orrawer end Bor�ower's euaaessore interaaf.4ando►shAll nat be requlred to aommenne pr000adinpa • <br /> agpinaf auah eucaeasor�r�etuap ta�xtend tima tor poymant or othorwlso modlty amoAlzAtion o1 tho ouma seaured by thln �• <br /> Qec3d of Truat by roason o1 any damn�d made by tho orlglnAl Borrowor and Horrowor's succesaora�n i�torcr�t. . <br /> �� � 11. Fotb�tr+�na�by L�ad�r Not s Wah�r.Any fprbearence by Lendor In oxerols{�p any�ipht or rpmady heraunder,or � . <br /> �i � othetwlso ottordod by eppllr.oblo It�w,ahnli not bo n wulvar of ar proaiuda Ihe exeroise of Any such rfght or remedy.The , <br /> praauroment of Inauranae of tho pnyment ot texea or othor Ifona or ohArfloo by Londor ohnil not be c�wAlvc�r ot Lando�'s rlflht to <br /> aecelorntu ttto mAturlry Af the indebtednosa aeourod by this O�od ot T�usl. I <br /> � 1�. R�m�dlss Cunculativs Ali ramedloa proNlded In thie Deed oi Trust flre dlstinat�nd aumulativo to any athor rl�ht ar � , <br /> remedy under t��is Deed ot T�uat ar ANorded by law or equity, nnd may be oxeroised conaur�aMly, tndepondently or , : <br /> auccosaivoiy. • <br /> 19. Suaaeuon and Aa�iqns Bouadt Joln1 and Sevatal Liabliityi Captlo�f. The covenante�nd c�proemants herein •� <br /> � aontnined ahall bind and tho trghte horeunder ohAli Inure to,tho reapealive auccessoro and analgna ot Londer and 8orrower, � , <br /> � aub oct to the provle�ona of pnra�raph 17 hereof.Ail oovenunte and agreemente of Oorrower ahalt be iol�t and aoveral.The � . <br /> aa��lone And headinga of tho pa�apraphs ol thla Daad at Truat are for�onvenlonce anly and Are nat to 6e used to Intorp�et or <br /> detina th�pravlslons heroof. !' � <br /> . 14. Noflae,Exceptfor Any notioa requlred under applicable law to be givon in another manner,(a)eny natice to Borrowor � �• <br /> provided for In thia Qeed ot Truet ehatt be givon by malllng such notice by cortifiod mall addrpsaed to Horrower at the Property i <br /> Addresa or at suoh other addresa ae dorrower may deflfgnate by�otlao to l.ender as provided herein,and(b�any notice ta <br /> lender ohall begiven by cenitied mall,return►eoelp!�equeeted,to Lender's eddroas stated hereln or to euah other addro�a Aa , <br /> 4ondor mny deaignate by notlaeto Borrower as provided hereln.Any notice provided tor In ihla peed al Truat shall bodeomed . •� <br /> to hava been given to 8orrower or Lender when glvan in the manner desiflnnted herein. <br /> 18. Unflomf D�ad ot Truffi Qovernl��Lxw;Sevare611lty.The torm ot daed of truet combinea unifarm oovonanta tor <br /> national uso And�o�•uNfarm aavs�anta with Iimited varintlona hy jurlediotlon to conatlluto t�unitorm aeou�ity instrument � <br /> covnring roAl praparty.Thia paed o1 Truat ohalt be governed by the�nw o1 the Jurledlctlon In whlch the Praperty Ia tocated.In <br /> the event thaf any provislon or olsuae at thls Deed ot T�ue!or tho Noto oontllats with�ppIlcabta law,such cantllct ahAll not <br /> aHaat other provislonsat thle Deed ot Truat or tne Note whtoh cnn be flivon oHoat without tha contllatfng provlslana,and to thla <br /> end tho provlslone ot the Deed ot Trust and Ihe Ncte are dealared to be eoverable. <br /> 18� Bo►rower't Copy.Borrowe�shall be turnished A conformad copy o1 tha Natp nnd of this peed at Trust nt!ha tfine o1 <br /> �xscutlon ar�Ns:r�sla!!an he:eol. - .. -- --_ <br /> '� 17. T�ansfer o11he P�oporty;Aoaumptlan.H all or Any part of tho proporty or an intorast theroin Is oold or transtorred by <br /> 8arrowerwithoutLender'sprinrwrlttonaonsanl,exoludlng{o�oraAtlonptnNenorencumbranceaubord►nAtotathtaOnc�d <br /> ', ofTruat,(b)theareatlonofapurchasemonayteCUrl U4te1�6sT10�N0U�8h01(1Applinnces,(0)At�fl�4181bydflVIRH�108C�1110lby <br /> _ ' n�,►w�g�in��f�gyv���nnthw�fwatholglolM _nnMOt{d�Aat�hlri4KfMnyleaseho�dfnteroatotlhreeveoraorless�otcoMainl�gAn _ <br /> opllon to purchsse,Lender mey,et Len�i!p.opttol�.dda181'8�l�M14��4ttns BeourH[1 hy thita U�Hd p1 T►usl to ho Immedintoty duEt <br /> And paynble.l.e�der ahatl have walved euotwpitan to acaeterate 1f,prlor to tha enlo or transter,Lendor flnd tha person to <br /> whom tho P�opaAy lo to ba sotd ar tranatarrod reaah agreement In w�iting Ihat the oredlt ot such peroan ia satisfactory to <br /> Lpnder ond that the Interest payable on Ihe aume seoured by thla Deod o1 Truat ahat�bfl nt auch rate as Lendor ahall requeat.ll <br /> I.ender has walved the option to aacolerato provided In this p�rAgrAph 1 t, nnd it Harrowor'o ouccos�or in Intarost has <br /> f . oxeautad a wrltten nosumptlon Agraement aacepted In writ�np by l.ondor,I,ondar Ahc�ll reieaao 8arrawer Iram all obligallona <br /> under thla Deed a1 Truat and the Noto. <br /> 11 Lender exerolaea suah option ta saaelerate,Londer shall m�11 So►rowAr np11Ce ot acceleratlon m aacordanCO wlih <br /> pu�apraph 14 hareof.Suah notice shall provide A perlpd ot nat�esa thAn 30 daya Irom ihe date the notice ia mallad withln wh►ch <br /> 8orrowor may pay the sums doalpred duo.ll Borrower fafle to pay euch aume prlar tu tha explratian ot such porlod,Lender <br /> may,wtlhout turther notice or domnnd on Bor�ower,Invoke any remedles pormltted by paragraph 18 horaol. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COYBNANTB.Borrowar and Lender tu�lhor eovenaM and agroo Ae totlowo: <br /> 18. Acaal�rstlont Remadies.Exaept na pro�ided In pataflrAph 17 herc�ol, upan parrawer's breach o1 any covenAnt or � <br /> agreemonl o18or�ower tn this�eed o1 Truat,Inoiuding the covenpnte to pey whon duo nny sums flocured by thls 0ec�d o1 Trus1, <br /> Lendor priar tosaaaleration ehall mt�lt noticeto Borraweras provlded In peragraph 14 horeaf specl1yIng:(1)tho broach;(2)tho <br /> aattonrequlredtoou►esuohbreaoh;(�)AdA19,f1p1168flIhAt130dAy81f0(IIIhOdAlAlh0t1011GOlalnFliladto8arrower,bywhich <br /> euch bresah mual be ourE�d;Hnd(A�ihpi 1pllurO to Cure such bre�Gh on or beloro 1hE+dntW KpooiHad In tht�notico mny resutt In <br /> �, aCCetaratlon oltheeume eaoured by thla Dood otTruntAnd salp ot ihe Praperty.The notloe ahalt turthor fniorm Harrawer af ih� <br /> _ rlght to relnetAte after Aocoleratlon And the rfght ta brin�a caurt actta�to asaert the nan-exiatonco ol A detAUit or any ather <br /> detoneo ol8orrower toanuAitlrntlun anJ 6ata.if ih�braa�h i�nut c:wud pn or bQforfl the t1�te spa�citl�t!In tho natice.Landet at <br /> Lender'9 optlon may deol�!re al�o11he eume seaured by 11da Deed o1 Truat to bo immediatety due and pay�bte wlthout turthor <br /> demand and may Invoke the power ot sale and any other remodtea permitted by AppHcable law.i.ender ahall be entltled to <br /> aollectall�easonablecosts And expenaea Inourred in purau�nfl thv romadloaprovlded In tho paragrnph 1 a,�noluding,but not <br /> Ilmited to,teasonable attornoy's fuaa. <br /> N the power of eaie is tnvoked,Trustae ahelt record A nottoo ot de}ouit in anch county In wnich tho Property or some part <br /> thereot is looated and ahall m�il coples of auch notico In tho mnnnpr pre�crlbed by appllaabte law to Borrower and to the other <br /> persons prcasatibod by appHcable IAw.AR�r tho lapno of such t�me as may be requtred by Appl�cpble law.Trustee shail givc� <br /> publlc�otice o1 sale to the poraone and In the mt�nner p�eacrlbed by applloable law.Truatee,wtthout demand on 8arrawer, <br /> � eha�l eell the Property at public auction to the hlghest bldder at the time and place and under the terms dasignAted in the noticu <br /> I ot eale In one ar mote paroele And In suoh order as Trustea may determine.Trustee may postpone sate ot ali or any parcet ot <br /> � ihe Praporty by pubitc�nnouncomont nt tho tlmo t�nd pinco at nny prev�ously schadulnd s�ie.Lendor or Lender's designee <br /> may�purotiase litn?r�pnrfy t�t�rty ea�b. <br /> i Uponrecelptotpeymentollhepricebld,TruateeahalldeUvertothopurchuserTructoo'adaedconveylng fhoProparlysold. <br /> � ThareoitAlslntheTrustee'adeedehallbeprimefacieevidenceotthetrutholthestatementemadethorotn.7�uatooahallAppty <br /> I iheproGeedaoithesalelnthe(a�lowingorder:(a)toallreaeonebiecostsandexpensesolthesale,including,butnatllmitodto, <br /> Truatee'sfeeaotnolmorethen___. gbolthegrosssaleprloa,rvaeannbivAttarnoy�8}888A11dCOA18011111pOy�fifi(1C9: <br /> I (b)to all aumo secured by thla Deed ot Truet;�nd(a)the excess,il any,to the person or persona IegAliy ontitled thereto. <br /> . 14. Bo��owa'�Rtqht to Relnstate.NotwlthatAnding Lendor's accoleratlon ot tho suma aeourod by this Ooed of Trust. <br /> Borrowerehalihavethorlphttohoveany proceedlnfl8beflunby4ondertaenlorcethepeedplTrustdleconUnuedA9anytima <br /> � prlor to the eorller to ocaur ot(1)tho fiflh dAy bt�fore tho uale a1 the property pureuAnt to tho power ot 6alo contalned In the Deod <br /> �' I ol Truat(II)enlry o1 a Judqment onforoing thla Dood al Trust N:(A>Bar�ower pays Lendor all auma whlch would bo then duo <br /> under thla Deed of Trust,the Nato and notea soourinq Future Advances,if any,had no acceleration occurod:(b)8orrowor <br /> oures all breaches o}any othor covenants or apreements pf 8orrower contalned in thls peed at Trust:(c)Borrowor pnys ail <br /> , � reasonablaexpeneeainourredbyLonderandTruateean4orcinplhecovenantsandapreem�ntsol8orroworcontalnedinthis <br /> , DoedofT�ustandlnenforolnpLender'sandTrustde'eremedlesasprovldodinparepraphl8hereot.includfng,bulnotiimited <br /> to,�eaeonableattarnoy'steea;and(d)8orrowertAkesauchactlonasLondermayroaeon�blyraqulretoassurothatthelianof <br /> : ' thio Deed o1 Trust,Londer'e interesi In tho Property nnd Borrowor'o obll4adon fa p�y the sums aecurod by thls Ueed ot Tiust <br /> . ahall oontinue unlmpai�od.Upon euah�ayment and curo by Borrower,thia Doed ol Tru$t end tho obligetiona flecurad hereby <br /> ahall remain In tull to►ce and eHeot as If no acceleretlnn hAd ocaurred� � <br /> , ��a '� ,���� ' <br /> ,� . <br /> � ! . <br /> ,' � <br /> S, . <br />