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A�nm�n1�1 flmt�l ll�pel�i�t W R�c�ha�I.e�w I�P�r�ai�u.Aw�n1dlQio�tttl a�tout{ty hCtOU�tdar,E3arro�::,� ,.-� ' "- <br /> i�e�ai�t n�ai�iy�i�Ev A���v"o�'C��6�a�ta of iha Pro arfY.Wravti'��t�e�t E+t rrorr�eiu�it,�u��r ia aacolNS4tlust unGer p�raqr�Gf�1� .. ., _ - ---,.-. ::� <br /> ' har:.sT ar a5s;rdo�tmen!p11he P�opa�iy,have�tte rFphl to collont nn�i r�tel��euct�rente ee they Gecamo due�nd pAy�kte. �� �� 4; ;�;•; <br /> ', � „ Upvn�ccsla��!IOnunderpAraperpFilBhereufurabandunm�ntufthaproparty,lendOr,inpetaon bye�oMOrbyJudlctl�tly . _, _ <br /> n 9 p e i n M d r e c s l u�e r,e n�O b e e fl H t l*c l t a e n t e�r u�n t s k e p o��e�a p�ol end m e n R fl eth�P�o pe►f yar�d�t�ao u►tthonnbofths . � �•� - <br /> ` . - prppt�rtylnqtutHrtpMasp�'aldue.A{lient�coiteo�ad l.ande�otlheraa�Ivs�ehne�ee�plteclf���ttopa�ymeMOfth�cosua! <br /> �y a . <br /> sla�eg�mc�et�tt�Rr and eol4eotlan a!�onto,Cnulu�lrtp,bu1 e�at IJmltad to��aclever'e tee'e,P emlume on�ecetver'e <br /> ,. - - . n_ = � - <br /> , ,_-_ -_ __ � <br /> bnrtdo and�aaaonabto n rneyb tt�e,end ihen to the sume egout��l by thie Used oT Truet.Lendet and tAe raa�iva�ahali� . . . <br /> "" " _ iio�td ta Reavui�t a�ity Wr thaae ras�ta aotuatty iaoehr a d. _..,._. .._. <br /> . _ . . . 81. ��!rzM!�an*-«�.l�nUnre�uealalenrro�rcr l�neer,n�Lender'eopuun�prlortotuU�aoonveya�neotthoP��eriybY . -.�._ . .. - _ <br /> � Trueteo to Borrower,mey meko Future Advanceata E�orrowar.8uoh�utur4 Advances,with lnterealthereon,el�eti be seaured • <br /> � by thi�Oeed ot Trusi whsn evldenced by promleaory notes�tetlnp th�t�std notea era�ured hereby.At na Nma ohatl tho <br /> prinalpat emounf olthe Indebtadne��aooured bythle G�asd of T�uet,�otlne�udlnp�umf advenced i�sacorda�ca herewiM to <br /> protect the eeouriry of thla Oaed of Trual,exaead the origlnet emaunt of the Note plue U9 i,...... . <br /> �. R�co�royanc�.Upanpeymentolallsumeaeaurodby thlepesdofYrueL�enderehall�equeoeTruatootoroconvoytho , . <br /> � Properry and nha0 s�crrender lhfa OAOd o1 fru�1 and all�ota4 evfdenolng Indsbtednese secured by thlg Rsed o1 Tru�t to <br /> • T�uatet+.Yrustoo ahall�econvey the ProporN wtlhout wnrrnnry and wllhoul chuiao to the peraon or paraona lognlly ontitlod <br /> '� thoreto.8uch person or paraons ehatl pay nll coate ot rocordatlon,if nny. <br /> • 4�. Bubslltut�Trutte�.Lender,alLender'soptlon,meylromtlmototlmeremoroT�usteonndappot�tasuccosaortrustQo <br /> . taanyTrustoouppolntedha►eundorbyanlnatrument�eoordodlnthocounty Inwhiah1h1s0eodAfTrustlaracorded.Wlthout . <br /> ' • con�oyAnce of Ihe Property,1Z10 BUCCOfl90f TtU8�00 aFIQ118t10C8L'd 10 t111111�11i1o,powor and dutloa conferrod upon Ihe Trusiao ; <br /> hereln and by appllaabte law. � <br /> ', �I. R�qu�N tnr NotiOt�.Bot�ower requeute that coplea ol tho�atlae ol doinult and notico ot salo ba oent to 8orro�vor'o :' <br /> addrasa whioh is th�Properiy Addr�sa. , „ . , <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,80RROWHR has exaauted this Daod o1 Trus� ' , <br /> , �4 FpiL..J��/ , <br /> �.��a.- ^ _ _�_ � <br /> 1'X'QriC 8 . aQ1l�owor—' • <br /> , , ` . ��<iG��I��AtY._"�'�— � <br /> .� � <br /> MArgaY'e�C A. Ko�r�we� �' <br /> 'rc- <br /> � 1 HAlI .� <br /> 97ATE OF NE8RA3KA, Caunry sa: • <br /> On thle .--2A�h__day at M41X ,10 9�,bolore mo,tho undorel�ned,a Notery Pubtic • `. <br /> duiy commtssioned and quaUNed tor oaid couny,pero�nelly aAmo _ _ , <br /> F`r�nr_�,�',,,, It�en{��ncLM�. Kopnp _ ,ta ma known ta bo the ' <br /> Idontloniperson(s)whoseneme(s)areaubsarlbadtotheforegoinflinatrumentandaak�owtodgadthoexooutlontho�eottobe � , <br /> their vatuntary ent and doed. ' • <br /> • --. —. --�- - - - WlMsas snyi hassd and ssalarl�!a�!s! Grand island !n s�id�e�nty.ttu� �----- _ <br /> dnte eforesald. � <br /> f�HAIMWN�1� -1 � ' <br /> . MyCommleolonexplrea: �..���� � 1 ' . •. ' � / . ' -- - <br /> � <br /> _.._ � ...�..w. ...s w.� r ��� � �;- / 1{ ./_,�t__ � �----- .' . <br /> !.. 1� <br /> Nnlery PuDirc � <br /> � <br /> REQUEBT FOR RECONVBYANGE ! <br /> TO TRUBTEE: � <br /> The underetgned ia the holder o11he noteor nolea seaured by Ihia Ooed ot Trust.Sald noto or notea,together with ail other <br /> indebtednesa aeoured by thls Oeed o}Truat,have b�en pald In futl.You aro hereby dirented to cancel satd nota or notoa And <br /> � tho Deed oi��uat,whioh are dallvo�ed hereby,and to roAOnvey,wlthout warranty,all the estate now held b� �rou under thls <br /> peed of Truat to tho porson or peraona legally antltled theroto. , <br /> ' I Oatu: �. � _ ____._. ----- - -- -- , <br /> � <br /> i _ <br /> .Y -�---'—ISO.iwPa��wTn��►meNofewMio�lo�.At�anqRaadon_,.— -- �-.-.-.--�- . ..' —'-'-•-- <br /> cr mx� a n�� 1� <br /> r <br /> � <br /> c. <br /> �� , � �'� ,�-�, � <br /> � 4�: • •�B <br />