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l f� <br /> - , ,. . f <br /> � . . . :r <br /> - ; . � . , . � . . ...^' �..�.. y'.... f.�-,•_ .. <br /> . � <br /> v�� ����� ' . . <br /> �. ` • <br /> � . . . <br /> UNIhUNh1 Ct�VENAN�S,Borro�vai and Lc�nd�r cuv�iia��t n+id a��oa na tcallawo� - - ------- <br /> 1, pAynt�fet o}P�Inalpal end(n4�tatit. Borrawor ohall promptly pay �vhon duo Iho prinalpnl ol and �ntoro3t on Iho � <br /> Indebtedn�aa�vldencodbylhoNota,propuymantc�r►dlatocliarpvsaapravtdndlnthoNota,andthoprinc�na�olnndlntnrnolan <br /> , any Futuro Acivanaos eocur�by Iho pood et Trust. <br /> 2. Fuatl�taiT�xaaandinsuranae,SubI001tOGppIICQbIQIp1Y9flOCitYtllfQflIYAIVO►by1.ORd0�.BOffOW�P8he11pflybl.Aflf�At F � <br /> _.___—_____— onthedaymontNlylnelaileienteotprinatpalsnd{ntereatarepAyableuntiartheNote,un111lhoNatalap�Idfnlutl Aaum(heroln (• . . <br /> "funde")oqual to ono•twoiNh ol tt�ta yeprly laxes and eeeeeemenle whiah may attain priorltv ovar thts�aat�et Truo1 and . <br /> • proundrenteanthoPraporiy,itany,pivauna•twaltthoty6ariypromiumMstadimontntorhatardinnuranea,ptuavne-hYel�fhot � <br /> ypa�ly Qremlum Inetelhnante tor mottfla o InBUrnnao,i1 any,o�l�o�aeso�ttbly oatimuted InNIc�l1y pncl l�om t►mo to tima by � • , . <br /> i.ondor an t�e baels oi asaassmente an�bllie and reaeonnbip oetimntoa t�oraot. <br /> Tho Fu� a ehal�txihotd tn an Inatltutlon tho daposits or aaoauntt►of whieh aro Inaured argua�Anteed,by u Fodo►AI or etato <br /> nganay(inoluding Londor If Londo�Is suoh an Inetlfution).lender ehAll apply thA tunde to Aay s�id tnxo3,aeaoanmanto, <br /> Insuranco promlume and ground rente,l.endAr may notoha►gotor eo hotding and applying tho Fundo,nnalytlnp eald account . <br /> � or veritying and oomplllnfl aald esaesamontennd bf�ls unioso Londor pa!►e Harrpwor Interost on tho Funda And appitcablo law • <br /> pormltelondertomukoauoMoahar{�e.Elorrowerand�.endormayaprooli�writln�atthoHmeotoxenutlonolthie0oodolT►uot I <br /> thnl Intereat on the Funde ehatl be ppid ta Borrower,and u�leas suah c►g�aompn118 mAda ar appIloAlbo Inw�o�ulrc�s suah J <br /> Intaroat to bo pald,lender ehnll not be►equlted tgo pay 8orrowor nny Interesl or earninga on tho Funds.Londor ehall plvo to <br /> Borrowe�,withoulahnrgo,nn c�nnunl nacauntin o�tho Funde ahawlnQ aradlta and dabils tn th�Funda and tho purpase tor <br /> whtoh vaah dobitto thoFundo wae made.The Fundsare pladgad os nddlllanal soauriq for tho auma:�eaured by thlo Dood ot <br /> Truat. <br /> � If tho nmounf of the funds held by I.endo�,topether wlth Iho luturo monthly tnotaitmonta ot Funda payAb��prior to the duo <br /> dntoa of tAxea esaeasmenta,inauranco premtuma And ground ronts,ehall exaeed the amaunt requtrad to pt�y ec�td toxos, <br /> ana000monta,�nnuronce premluma and{�round rente as they telt due,auah Axaeos ahatl ba,�t 8orrower's optinn,olther I <br /> promptly�upald to Borrower or aroditad to 9or�ower on manthly Instellmo�ta ot Funda.if the amount of tho Funda held by I <br /> � lendorehall�otbasufllafenttopoytaxos,asaosamenta.insurancapremiumac�nd graunW�entaASlhoytAllduo.8orrcwershnll I <br /> � puy to Londa�a�fr umount necess�nry to mako up fho deNalonny withfn 90 daya fram the dt�to notice la mniied by Lender to <br /> eorrower requoating paymant thoreot. <br /> Upon paym�ntln lull o}All Rums seaured by thia Qeed o1 T:ust,Londar ehall promptly re►und to Qorrowor Any Fund�held by � <br /> Lender,lf undar paragraph 18 hereoi the P�oparN is sotd or the P�oporri ta atherwisa acqulrad by Lender,Londo�ohall npply ° <br /> no later than immadiately prior to tha aale ot the Proporty o►itsuc uiait�on by Lender,and Fundo held by Londflr r�t tho time o� • <br /> applloation us a oredit aflsinst the sums secu►ed by this D�ed ot�rust. <br /> 9. Applioation ot Psffment�.Unlesa oppilcable law provides athe�wlae,olt paymento recelved by Lender under tho Noto <br /> � and parag�apha 1 and 2 hAreui ahail�e applled by Lender tiret in paymont o1 Amounts peyable to Londor by Harrowac under , <br /> parapreph 2hereo},then to intei est payAbie on the Note,thon to ihe prl�olpnl ot the Nota,and then to interoot And principflt on <br /> any Future Advanoes. <br /> 4. ChArpss=Lien or�owera ohail pay ell taxes,assesements end oth�r ohnrgos,Itneaend ImpoaNlonanftributnbluto the <br /> P►pperty wfiloh may Ina.prlortN ovor ihio Oeet9 of Truet,and leasehold paymenta or flround rents,ft any.In tha manner <br /> � pravlcled under para �horpol or,lf not pald In auah mannar,by 8o►rower muking paymont,when due,direatly to the <br /> payoe lhereof,Borro g�li promptly turnish to Lsndor call noticae of Amounta duo under thln pArag►aph,and In the avant <br /> Borrower ehall mak a n1 dlreally,8orrower ehall promptly furniah ta Lender receipto evidonaing euoh pa rtiente. <br /> Bor�ower ehall prom harge any tlen whlah has prlo�ity over thls Deed o1 Truat;provided,lhAf 8orruwar ahal�nat be � <br /> requtred to disaharg a �h Iten so long us 8orrower ehall egree In writing tothe payment ot the obtlgation eoaured by suoh <br /> lien In a mannor accepla tat{+lender,or shall in good falth contest euah ilon by,or dotend ontoraomnnt ot auch Ilen in,1o{�al � <br /> procoodings whtoh opfltaw�o prevent the entorcoment o1 tho Ilen or fo►IeiturA of tho Property or any pnrt ther�at. <br /> . 8. Masatd I��ur�a0q�.�Q rowar ehall keep the improvements now exlating or heroatter ereritod an th�Properry maured <br /> � agatnet tosa by tire,heiarda fnoludad within ti�e term"euiendeci coverage`�,and euch oiher hA=arda Aa Lericidr ritdy iAquife , <br /> And(n SuCh amount3 and tor euah perloda as Lender may�equlre�pravidctd,that Lender shnl�nat toqulro that tho amount of <br /> � suoh aovorage oxcaed that amount of coverage requlred ta pay t�e sume sacured by thla Deed ot Trust. <br /> Thia i�suranceoarrlorprovlding tho inourance aF�ali 6o ahoson b�r Ourrowar subJecttoApproval by l.vnder;pravlded,that <br /> � °.tsCh 8ppi0"s!3hA!!114t L�p!t!!!N3ann@hiy withhald.All premluma on naurunce poticlea ahall bo oald in thp manner provided <br /> undor pnrn�raph 2 hereof or,If nof patd in suQh manna�,dy Bo►rown�mnklnfl p�yment,whAn�iue,da�ctly to tho irieumnco <br /> carrler. <br /> All insurAnCe pollolas end ronewal8 thereol ahall bo fn lorm nccoplAbi�to L�nder and ahall fncluav�stnndnrd murtflngo � <br /> clause in favor aland In form acceptabie to l.endar.Landor ahalt I�evo tho rtght to hold the aliaioannd ronownit+thorvot,And <br /> Borrowor shaii prompIly turniah to Londer nll�enawa�noticosend nIi recalpts o1 patd premPums.Irs th��av�nt ol ip�s.8arrowi�r � <br /> sha�lfllvoprompinpllCetotheln0uran0eaarrlo�andLender.LendormaymAkpproo1o11asa1fnotmndaprumptlybyHarrowor. <br /> Uniesa Landerand8orrower olhorwlea agree In wrltln�,�naurance proc�odg ahall bo appl�od to rastnrutlon or ropAir of tho <br /> , � Proporfy dsmaged provlded euch restaratlon or repnlr Is economlcAlly foaaibio and tho securlty ol thls pe�d ot Truat ls not <br /> ihereby imp�lrod.l�auah rasto►Ativn or ropalr is nat acanamically teaefble ar I1 tho aecurfy of thls Quod of T�ust would bo <br /> � impalred,the InaurAnce proceods shal�be pppllod to tho aumo�ocurod by this Daod ot Trust,Wllh iht!U7tOflRB,il any,pald to <br /> � Bor►owar.If th�Property is abandonod by Horrpwer,or H Borrowor faile to reapand to I.unclor wllhln 30 days trom the date <br /> notica ta malled by Londer to Borrower thAt tha Inaurance oarrlor oNere to eotile a claim for Inaurc�nap banetlte,Londor Is <br /> authpri:ed to colieat and app�y tha insurance proceeds at l.ender's aptlon vithe�ta r�atoratian a�repA�r ot tho Proporty or to <br /> the sums aeoured by this Deed o1 Trust. <br /> Uniess LendorandQorrower othetwlsoagree In writing,any quch appHcalion at proceada to prinaipel ahall nat oxtond or <br /> Postpana the due date o1 the manthly Inatallments relerred to In pnragrApha 1 and 2 hereol or chnn e ihe Amount ot auch <br /> nstallments.H under paragraph 18 hereol the Property la ocquired by l.onder,nll rlght,tltlo and Intoro3�a1 Horrowor in and to <br /> anytnaurancepollaleae�dlnAndt�th�prao8adsfherealresultingiromdam�getolhePropertyprlortothosaleorNCqulsitlon <br /> sl�all pasa to l.ender to tho vxtont ot tha�uma socurod by thls Daod ol Trust immedl�taly pnor t�such AnIA�r aaquisltlan. <br /> 6. Presarvatlon And Malotenanoe o1 P�oportyt Loaaeholde;Condominluma;Pinnned Unll Dovolopment�.Hor�ower shall <br /> keep the Property in g0od rdpplr bn�ui�ali��ui cuud��it wdate or pormtt impairmunt u}duturluraHun ui lht>Pioperty And 8ha11 �_ <br /> compty witb the provtalans o1 Any leaoo it thls Oeed ot Truet is on a laaaehu�d.II th�a Dood of Trunt Is on a unit In a Condomtnlum <br /> or a pfanned unN development,Borrower shail portorm nll 01 Borrawor't�obltgUtlona undc�r!ho doclarAtlon or covenanl» <br /> �, areating or governing the condominlum or planned unit dovelopmont,tha by�lnwe and reguiatlona of tho condaminlum ar <br /> plannod unit development,and constltuent daaumentn.II a condomsnium or plt�nned unit davelopment ndor la oxcuted by <br /> Borrawer And rooarded together with thls Deed ot Trust,tho cavonnnls nnd,�greoments ot suan rlder shnil be incarparatod <br /> Into and ehall amend flnd eupplemHnt the aovonanis And Agrec�mc�nts ot this Dead a1 Trust�s�I the rtd�r weru a port heroaf <br /> 7. Protocllon ot I.ender'o Borrower tailo ta purfprm thw cav�n,ints And ngreomants contained In thia Deod ot <br /> Truet,or{f any aotlon or proceeding is commenoed with materlally attects l.ender's interest in the Proporty,including but not <br /> Ifmited to,omtnontdomaln,insolvency,code enforaement,or arrangem�nts or proceedings involving a bankrupt ot docedent. <br /> then Lender at Lender's aption upon notice to Borrower,may make auch eppearences,diaburae such aums and take suoh <br /> aotlanaslsneceaearytoprotec�4ender'slnterestlnoluding butnotlimitodto,dlebursementotreasonableattocney'afeasand <br /> entry upan the Proporty to mnko�opairs►.II�ander requlred mortyage inaurance es a conditlon ot making the loan secured by <br /> ihe Dee�ci ot Truat,F3orrower shatl pay fhe premtum&raquisar!ta matntata suclti insuranca te otloet un!!!aueh llmu us tho - <br /> ' requlramont for auah Inaurance terminatea In acoordance wlth Borrower's and L�nder's written agreoment or appIlcalbe law. <br /> Bor�awe�ahall pay the amount o1 all mongage Insurance pormlume In the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereaf. <br /> Any amounte diaburaed by Londer pu►auan! ta thia parapraph 7, with �nteroat thereon, ahall become addltional <br /> i�debtedneas ol�orrower eooured by thie Daed ot Trust.Unleas Borrower and Londor apree to othnr terma ol payment,auch <br /> amounte shall he payable upon notice 1�om l.ender to 9orrower roquesting payment hereot,and shall boar intoresl lrom tho <br /> dateof dioburaementat the�Ate payAbio irom time to tlme on outotandinp pr�ncfpal under the Note unlesa peyment ot internst <br /> at suoh rate would be cont�Ary to applicabie law,In whlah ovant such Amounts ahail bear intorost at fhe hlqhest rato <br /> '� permlasible u�derapp►►cable law.Nothing contalned In Ihla peraqrAph 7 shall requlro Londet to inaur any expenao ot take t�ny <br /> �' � action hareunder. <br /> 8. I�Ypeotlon,Lendar mey mt►ke ot Gau89 fo bp mado ron5�nnbl�ontrles upon and inspactions ul the Propor1y Providc�d <br /> that Londor ahallglveBorrower notice prior to any such InapocUon spucilyin�ro�nonnblp cAUav ther�lorp relaled to LendAr's <br /> Interest In the F��operry. <br /> t <br /> .' ♦ , <br /> � ' � <br /> � ., , <br /> : <br />